All Her Secrets by Chestnut
All Her Secrets Chapter 486 by Chestnut

Chapter 486 The Curse

Catherine found herself in the spotlight once more due to her impressive display of skill. She had initially disagreed with the king’s request to stay at the palace. The King of Ravenloth increased the stakes once again!

Money could make almost anything happen, and seeing how generous the king was, Catherine agreed to stay until evening.

Alone in the royal garden, Catherine enjoyed a leisurely walk. Before long, a handsome young man approached her.

Judging by his attire, he was undoubtedly a member of the royal family, perhaps even a prince. His complexion was fairer than that of the ordinary royal members, and his well-defined features were captivating. However, what drew the most attention were his eyes, which held the captivating depth of the ocean, drawing anyone into a world of unspoken secrets.

Catherine could sense that he was heading straight toward her and even paused intentionally in front of her.

But for Catherine, whether he was a king or a prince, there was no point when she chose not to engage. As Catherine passed by him, she continued walking without so much as a glance in his direction.

In response to her aloof demeanor, Harry didn’t show any anger. A faint smile adorned his handsome face.

If any palace servants had witnessed this scene, they would have been astounded. The usually ice-cold Prince Harry displayed such a gentle smile, which was nothing short of astonishing. Before Catherine could get too far, Harry stopped her.

“Dr. Sugar, please wait!” he called out.

Catherine halted and turned to give him a sharp, curious look.

Harry quickly introduced himself, not wanting to delay a moment.

“Dr. Sugar, hello, I’m Harry, Prince Harry!”

Catherine didn’t care whether he was a prince or a servant, and she could not care less about his identity.

Her impatient expression might have clued Harry in, so he immediately revealed his intention.

“Dr. Sugar, I’m Henry’s cousin, and among all the siblings, Henry and I are the closest. I’m very grateful for saving Henry today, and I don’t even know how to express my gratitude!”

Catherine gave him a cold glance.

“No need. Just don’t block my way.”

There was a hint of impatience in her words, and it was clear she had no interest in this prince. However, Harry didn’t seem to have any intention of giving up. He looked at Catherine with a puzzled  expression.

“Dr. Sugar, am I going to suffer from this incurable disease soon, just like my cousin?”

Catherine heard Harry’s plea.

“Come see me when you’re sick,” she responded bluntly.

With that, she walked away without even giving Harry a chance to say another word. Harry watched Catherine’s departing figure with infatuation. No woman had ever been so indifferent in his presence, but Catherine was the first.

“Dr. Sugar is different from others!’ he thought.

He was interested in this doctor.

Catherine returned to the royal resting room where the other three were waiting. Withal reported the latest news to Catherine.

“Catherine, we’ve received word that many members of the royal family have secretly fled Ravenloth in recent days.”

The wealthier they were, the more they feared death.

These royal members, rich as Croesus, valued their lives above all else. Since Bert’s death, the royal family had been far from calm. The king had tried everything, seeking talented experts, but he still couldn’t calm other royal members down.

They believed it was a curse on the royals and that the only way to survive was to leave. Catherine sat on the sofa, her legs crossed casually, one foot raised even higher than Withal’s. She made herself comfortable.

Withal reported the situation, and Paxton also shared the information he had gathered. Catherine indulged in the snacks Branden had prepared for her, listening half-heartedly.

Meanwhile, she yawned occasionally to express her weariness.

“Tell me more about that curse from the former queen.”

Catherine interrupted Paxton’s report, showing unexpected interest in these strange phenomena. Paxton paused, surprised that Catherine was showing interest in these peculiar occurrences.

However, now that Catherine had inquired, he had a duty to explain it thoroughly. Otherwise, Mr. Duncun, who had become infatuated with his beloved wife, would probably deal with him in no time.

Now, the aging king, who had not been the ideal heir in the first place.

He had only ascended the throne because he had married a powerful and influential woman as his queen, snatching her from his brother.

The king’s love story with the queen did not live up to its romantic beginnings. After three years of rule, the king had been involved with two mistresses, including one of the queen’s maids.

This had been a direct slap in the face to the queen.

Subsequently, he continued to have more mistresses, numbering well into the double digits.

The queen had born two sons and a daughter, and the eldest son was declared the heir to the throne at the age of five.

But ever since his establishment as heir, the queen was plagued by illness, succumbing not even two years later.

As for the queen’s two sons, both had fallen victim to various accidents, never reaching adulthood.

The only princess had become mad after losing her loved ones one by one.

Rumors in Ravenloth began to spread, attributing the deaths and misfortunes to the curse cast by the former queen, a curse born from the king’s affection for his mistresses and disregard for his queen, ultimately affecting their children.

In the third year after the death of Prince Toby, the king defied popular opinion and chose Prince Levi as the heir to the throne, bypassing the order of succession.

Initially, it seemed unlikely that Prince Levi would ever ascend to the throne.

However, the king’s infatuation with Prince Levi’s mother, the new queen, Queen Lina, led him to firmly and decisively select Prince Levi as the crown prince.

The year the heir was confirmed, strange occurrences began. The unexplained cracking of the former queen’s tomb had occurred first, and a grave illness had struck the king.

Some even claimed to have seen the former queen’s ghost wandering in the palace, loudly vowing revenge.

So, news of the former queen’s curse started circulating wildly and gained firm believers among the people.

Later, at the king’s request, the most renowned psychic in the country was summoned to perform a spiritual cleansing. Following the psychic’s guidance, the king would be buried next to his former queen after his passing, finally putting this matter to rest.

The eruption of this strange illness coincided with the king’s preparation for retirement and his intent to abdicate the throne in favor of Prince Levi. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Given the timing of this mysterious outbreak, it was hardly surprising that some connected the illness to the curse of the former queen.

Many believed it was her restless spirit seeking revenge because she couldn’t accept the son of Queen Lina ascending to the throne.

It was because Queen Lina, taking advantage of the king’s favor during the reign of the former queen, had shown extreme disrespect towards the queen.

In the end, the former queen achieved what she probably desired most, which was the extinction of her successor’s lineage and the downfall of the royal family.

As a result, rumors of her curse continued to escalate, with many staunch believers.

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