All Her Secrets by Chestnut
All Her Secrets Chapter 561 by Chestnut

Chapter 561 The Esports Club

Catherine calmly rejected Marshall’s proposal without any hesitation or indication of interest. She just didn’t feel like going. She was tired from getting up early in the morning.

‘School’s over now. Why am I going to the lab?’ she thought.

Marshall felt slightly down since he didn’t expect Catherine to reject him. He could tell that Catherine was not someone who could be forced to do something.

Although he really wanted to test Catherine’s ability urgently, he didn’t dare to rush it.

“That’s cool. Just drop by whenever you have time. My lab’s doors are always wide open for you!”

Catherine politely replied, “Thanks a lot, Professor Hartley!”

As soon as the words were spoken, Catherine didn’t waste any time and left directly.

Amelia was following behind, completely absent-minded, and almost bumped into Catherine.

Catherine stopped in her tracks and looked at Amelia. With a casual tone, she asked, “Can you please pay a bit more attention while walking?”

The cold tone snapped Amelia back to reality.

She looked up with excited and admiring eyes at Catherine.

“Oh my god! Super Catherine, you actually turned down Professor Hartley’s invitation!”

After finishing speaking, she couldn’t believe what she had just personally experienced. Instinctively, she tightly covered her mouth.

Catherine watched her exaggerated movements. Amelia’s eyes were wide open like a little hamster, and she was actually kind of cute.

“Can you stop being foolish? Didn’t I say to go back to the dormitory? So why let these things interrupt us?”

‘Just because she wanted to go back to her dorm and rest early. That’s the only reason.

‘Catherine is incredibly stylish and exudes an overwhelming aura of authority. It’s truly impressive!

‘Why is an opportunity that others can’t even beg for so insignificant for her?’ thought Amelia.

It suddenly became quite lively after they came out of the botanical garden.

As they were still in the welcoming period, many clubs took advantage of the free time to onboard freshers.

Little stalls were set up with desks lining both sides of the road, and senior students were constantly trying to persuade people to join them.

When Catherine and Amelia passed by, they immediately caught many people’s attention.

Although Catherine wore a hat, her tall and straight figure, graceful physique, and excellent temperament were still the main attention-grabbers.

Amelia wasn’t bad-looking either. She was a fair and clean little girl with pretty big eyes, about the same height as Catherine, the type that stood out in a crowd.

If it weren’t for the powerful aura emanating from Catherine, people would have probably already started fighting for her along the way.

Amelia was attracted by a poster halfway through and stopped in her tracks. At the same time, she called out to Catherine.

“Hey, Super Catherine, come here quick!”

Catherine thought something big had happened, but when she looked back, she realized Amelia was drooling over the poster with a lovesick expression.

Amelia couldn’t take her eyes off the character on the poster, excitedly sharing her happiness with Catherine.

“Super Catherine, check it out. It’s Hero, my idol, like a big shot in the gaming world!”

Catherine was totally not surprised by Amelia’s idol revelations.

‘This girl is a top-level flirt.

‘Her idol’s expiration date is probably calculated by months. Maybe she even forgot who her idol was three months ago,’ said Catherine inwardly.

Seeing that a girl finally showed up and actually stopped by their booth, the recruitment senior students of the esports club hurriedly went up to her.

The esports club had plenty of new members, but they were seriously lacking in female freshmen.

It was even rare to have two girls, and they were so beautiful and elegant. Such promising talents must not be missed.

“Hey girls, you interested in joining our esports club? Besides having top-level senior players who can help you rank up, the best part is that our club spokesperson is Hero! There’s even a chance for you to meet Hero in person!”

That senior student was pushing it really hard. She practically wanted to sign up for them herself.

Catherine couldn’t care less, but Amelia was enthusiastically discussing with the senior.

Seeing that Amelia was so engrossed in the conversation, Catherine was about to leave first, but then Amelia stopped her right there.

Amelia was looking at her with a hopeful expression. “Catherine, aren’t you also playing this game? Let’s join the esports club together. It would be great to have someone to play with!”

Catherine had zero interest written all over her face. She was not interested in joining any club.

“Not interested!”

However, Amelia had already been brainwashed. Recently, she had been deeply infatuated with Hero, and just now, the senior student tempted her with the promise of seeing Hero next time. It was really a blow to her heart.

There was no need for this senior student to take action as Amelia had already used all her means to persuade Catherine.

“Super Catherine, just join in. The senior student just mentioned earlier that the esports club doesn’t have many errands going on. It’s really easy. I know you don’t like getting involved in too much trouble. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have bothered inviting you to any other clubs.

“Super Catherine, being a college student without joining a club is not complete. Come on!”

Catherine couldn’t dissuade Amelia, mainly because Amelia was too good at acting cute.

She just tossed the registration form that someone shoved into her hands to Amelia and said, “You fill it out!”

Amelia eagerly reached out and grabbed it, practically jumping with excitement.

“Super Catherine, I always knew you were the best!”

So Catherine was forced to join the esports club and became a new member. The senior student was holding two registration forms, totally thrilled.

“Hey, you two, remember to attend the orientation meeting tomorrow night at 8 PM! Don’t be late, okay?”

Amelia nodded and contentedly pulled Catherine away.

Throughout the journey, she was yakking away with Catherine, talking about how handsome her idol was.

Catherine had absolutely no reaction, not even a word in response.

Amelia secretly thought that Catherine was not just a bit cold but also didn’t understand what was a hot guy. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

‘Catherine doesn’t really care about the well-educated professor.

‘Even a handsome guy doesn’t catch her attention. What exactly is she thinking?’ said Amelia inwardly.

The two of them walked to the dormitory building, getting ready to go upstairs. Amelia suddenly spotted a handsome figure ahead, which instantly caught her attention.

She stared at it carefully momentarily, and her emotions were instantly stirred up. She excitedly grabbed Catherine’s sleeve and shook it continuously.

“Catherine, look! There’s a super handsome guy!”

Catherine looked nonchalant but couldn’t resist the enthusiasm of Amelia, so she turned her head to look.

At the moment she caught sight of the person, Catherine’s expression changed.

“Catherine, can you believe that hottie is walking toward us? What does he mean? Oh my god, my heart can’t handle this. He’s soooo hot!”

Amelia was so excited that she started stomping her feet unconsciously.

The tall man walked straight up to the two of them and paused for a moment.

But his gaze wasn’t on Amelia but was tightly fixated on Catherine standing beside Amelia. His gaze was beyond gentle.

“Kathy, why did you come back so late? Didn’t you finish class at forty?”

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