From "Allies from Dust"

Karstien, Kaleth, Yurieth, and Abrieth stared unbelieving at Adamos, as Ezra laughed maniacally beside them and Davin came up with a wide smile, “Welcome to the Cretaceous.”

“Davin! Daisy! What did you do?” Karstien asked surprised then punched the laughing Ezra in the shoulder, “You suck!” Before running to hug his grandfather.

Abe followed immediately to embrace Adamos. Daisy was giggling joyfully behind them as a laughing Karstien picked her up in a hug and swung her in a circle.

“Is this real?” Yuri whispered in disbelief.

“Yes, brother,” Kaleth answered quietly as he hurried toward their father.

“It is so real!” Daisy cheered. “Look around, Yuri. Real dinosaurs! Real ocean, real forest, real beach, and your real father... it’s not an illusion! It’s really, really real!” Then she hugged him.

Hesitantly, he hugged her back.

Kaleth caught the giggling Daisy in his arms when Yuri released her. He held her tightly, looking into her shining lavender eyes before he kissed her. “Thank you, little flower.”

His amber eyes shine with a mixture of gratitude, happiness, and sadness. He knew what today was and what being here meant. She wiped the single tear that leaked from his left eye, he could feel her love for him shining like the rising sun.

“You’re so welcome,” she whispered against his lips, giving him another quick kiss before stepping back, saying to all of them, “We have until an hour before sunset. I am going with Davin and Ezra to get the DNA samples we need. You boys have fun, don’t cause too much trouble.”

Adamos laughed at her playful scolding. He gathered all his sons around him, for the first time in almost four thousand waking years that his sons are together with him, and his grandson was with them too. His little flower had given him a wonderful gift on his last day on the mortal plane. The eleven-thousand-year-old High Lord Adamos lead them toward his home, he would speak with them together, and then separately. His heart felt full for the first time in thousands of years.

“I am so glad you are here. I have never been able to see this day and now I know why,” Adamos announced. “Our little flower had hidden it from me. Come my sons, grandson. I have much to tell you together and separately.”

Daisy was shining the dinosaurs, making them docile as Ezra collected their blood and tissue. Kars and Davin were gathering eggs in the specialized containers that Davin and Daisy had brought with them.

Yuri basked in the glow of Daisy’s light. “How does she do that?” He asked Kaleth.

Kaleth shrugged. “I do not know. It is not something our father could do but Asha has been shining things since she was an infant.”

“Shining?” Yuri looked at him oddly.

“They just glow with love and things not corrupted with the Darkness become docile. Even the cursed ones in the Infernal Realm will yield. Daisy says it makes them remember what it was to feel loved.” Kaleth said almost reverently then Abe called out to Kaleth. “Do you wish to go before me?”

“No,” Yuri answered, “I think I will help. I saw the pictures of these creatures but to see them... They are magnificent.”

Kaleth smiled, “Wait until you see the dragon and phoenix flocks of the Eternal Dusk. When you remember your magic, we’ll go hunt some real big game.”

Yuri stared at him wide eyed, “Bigger than these?”

Kaleth just grinned wider and walked away as Abe walked to his older brother and looked over pastoral scene.

Abe said in a low voice, “Father restored the obscuring.”

“I told him it wouldn’t work... I... I remember I told him, I saw myself lying to her.” Yuri growled.

“And you were right, but the timeline must be maintained. Time has changed... Things are not as mother saw. Karstien had sons, not daughters,” Abrieth shuddered as he said, “And Allura still lives.”

Yuri drew a deep breath, his voice was anguished, “It is a blessing that our brother and nephew still have their sealed ones, Abrieth.”

“Yurieth, do not fight with Father, not today,” Abe insisted. “Give me your word.”

Reaching up, Yuri rubbed the spot on his forehead above his left eye where he had carried a scar since he was two hundred fifty-one. Only smooth skin met his fingertips, the familiar pucker of skin was gone.

“Yurieth, for Mother’s sake.” Abe insisted in their ancient dialect.

“For Mother.” Yuri nodded once curtly, then went to help Kars and Davin gathering eggs and DNA.

Once Kaleth was alone with Adamos, his demeanor changed into one of suppressed rage. “Silence this room.”

Adamos raised a silver eyebrow but waved his hand and glyphs appeared on the walls, floor and ceiling.

“Why did you not warn me?” Kaleth growled at his father.

“I did.” Adamos answered nonplussed.

“You told me death and life were a sword’s edge that she would dance upon, not that I would feel her die one hundred thirty-seven times in a season. Or that she would sacrifice herself to save Axeus’ great-granddaughter... Do you know what it was like?” Kaleth snarled at his father.

“No, my son, I never felt your mother die nor did she suffer my death,” Adamos admitted.

“I have felt Daisy die one hundred forty times since we were sealed!” Kaleth revealed.

Adamos sat down behind his desk. “We regret your suffering more than you know.”

“You... regret it? My sealed one, my heart that breathes is broken! She is barely holding on. She screams in her sleep every night.... Father, Damien is alive as some kind of abomination. He took her. I felt it when he violated her body as he murdered her, then I learned he wore my body to do it!” Kaleth ranted. “He forced her to carry the queen of the Darkness in her body then cut the child from her womb while I watched helpless and left her to die in my arms. I still do not know how she revived or survived being cured.”

“She seems recovered,” Adamos held his hand to the wall and the image of Daisy and Karstien smiling as they released all but two of Adamos’ Pterosaurs glowed on the wall. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“She pretends,” Kaleth declared in defeat as he sank into a chair. He watched the woman he loved with his whole soul shining creatures that dwarfed her and smiling at his brothers. “Father, I do not know how to heal her. I do not know how to heal myself. I do not know how to heal my brothers... Please, I need to teach her magic so she can protect herself.”

“No... Daisy cannot be limited and soon she will have to learn to wield the dark and the light together... without you,” Adamos announced firmly.

Kaleth stared at his father. “Speak plainly.”

Adamos sighed, he opened the desk drawer and pulled out a book and gave it to Kaleth to read.

It will cost the Guardian his heart thrice.

Once he will lose his heart that beats.

Once he will lose his heart that breathes.

Once he will choose to lose his heart of light.

So that he may gain the power needed

to help the War Oracle destroy the Heart of Darkness.

“Your Daisy will be the War Oracle.”

“And whose heart will I choose to lose because I will not sacrifice one of my daughters or my son!” Kaleth refused.

Adamos bowed his head, when he looked up his silver eyes were grieved. “You will not sacrifice anyone else to gain the power of the Celestials to defeat the Heart of Darkness. It is what you were born for and what she was made for.”

“What do you mean what she was made for?” Kaleth swallowed realizing his father just told him he was going to sacrifice himself.

“Our little flower is a very carefully cultivated bloom,” Adamos answered cryptically. “From eight very special gardens for another.”

Kaleth almost shook, staring at his clenched fists, then he said through gritted teeth, “I do not care, I love her... I will love her for all time.”

“We know... And I am glad that you and she are sealed. Be grateful for the time you are given, Kaleth. You are the son I am most proud of and will grieve the most for.” Adamos was silent watching Daisy. “It looks like she found my library. Perhaps you should go help her select some or all of the books.”

Adamos stood up, “Kaleth, your mother and I are truly sorry for your suffering, but we are glad that you know love as we did.”

“I love you, Father.”

“Please send Yurieth to me.”

With Kaleth’s encouragement, Daisy raided Adamos’ library and almost cleaned it out. She, Davin, and Ezra had gathered the samples quickly, especially with Karstien and Yuri to help them. Kaleth and Daisy sat next to Davin on the sand of the beach with Karstien, Ezra, and Abe across the fire. Kaleth’s arms were wrapped around her, their love for each other and their family was so obvious. All were laughing, but sunset was coming soon. Their time here was almost at an end.

Yuri stared at them on the projection, his words choked, “They all seem so happy, Father.”

“I know, my eldest. I am sorry to burden you with this, especially now that you are alone again,” Adamos apologized.

“Do you know when our memories will return fully?” Yuri asked angrily, “Because right now it is all a jumble, and... and Daisy read my nightmare before I could hide it.”

Adamos walked around Yuri and handed him a potion as he had done with Abrieth. Yuri drank it then Adamos drew a symbol on his forehead in enchanting oil and incanted the words of a spell. “I cannot restore your memories to their proper order, but this will keep anyone from reading them. No one knows the memory obscuring magic in this time except Odini.”

“He still lives?” Yuri asked hopefully.

“Yes, in the City of New Hope, and that is all I will tell you. Your destiny and his no longer touch,” Adamos announced firmly. “Do not seek him.” Then he muttered a final word and Yuri felt the flush of the symbol melting into his flesh like it had when his mother had performed the same spell before she died.

“Did you tell Kaleth about his son?” Yuri asked painfully about an event he learned from the Blind Oracle.

“No, my son, and neither will you.” Adamos held up his hand as Yuri started to protest. “You know the reasons, Yurieth. Time is not finite, the future is still shifting... I know you do not approve of secrets, my eldest, but it is the way of the Oracles and you will obey, as Abrieth vowed to do.”

Yuri’s cheek twitched, but he finally bowed his head and agreed almost under his breath, “Yes, Father.” His gray-steel eyes could not meet his father’s stern silver ones. He hated secrets and felt they were akin to lies. His honor lashed his heart for wanting to disobey.

Adamos placed his hand on his eldest’s shoulder, “All will be as it should be, Yurieth. Be patient. Have hope. “

“How can I have hope when I have lost love twice? When my honor threw away my own heart.” Yuri’s words dripped with bitterness and envy. His memories weren’t faded as they were supposed to be, but a jumbled confused mess.

“All things change with time and even the greatest loss can heal and bring a return to love. Look at your family! You have not lost love, it is only delayed. Let them love you. Your heart and your hope will return to you someday, Huntsman. Hope endures as long as love lives. Do not forget what the Blind Oracle told you, her love was not false, and neither was her vision,” Adamos admonished him as they walked outside. “Now go to your new family, Yurieth. Tell Daisy I wish to speak with her now.”

Adamos watched as Yuri squared his shoulders and walked toward his brothers. Adamos felt his heart ache for his eldest. A twist of fate had taken his sealed and later given her to another, and now he faced another war without the comfort and strength of love. Adamos sent out a quiet prayer for him.

Daisy bounced up to Adamos and hugged him, before sitting next to him on the steps of his home, where they had sat before dawn but centuries apart. He wrapped his arm around her small shoulders. She leaned her head against his shoulder like a doting child and he kissed the top of her hair, inhaling her scent of citrus wood and moonflowers. It had been a productive and tiring day, and soon he would go into the light and be reunited with his beloved Yllumina.

“It is almost time, my lord,” Daisy said softly.

“My dearest little flower, I cannot thank you enough for today. For taking care of Karstien and my sons.” Adamos said softly, “It grieves me that I cannot tell you the times ahead will be easy. Please, continue to be to Oracle I know you are. Stand steadfast by Karstien, share your courage with him. Love and strengthen Kaleth, he worries too much. Encourage Abrieth, he doubts himself. And comfort Yurieth, he grieves and believes he will be forever alone. Together, you and my sons will win, no matter the pain and loss, you will overcome the Darkness together.” He shifted and held out a simple book, “My beloved Yllumina wrote this, it is for you. I know you can figure out what none of us have been able to understand in all these long years. You will be able to decipher what was written from one Oracle to another.”

Daisy’s bottom lip quivered, and she bit it to keep from crying, “I promise, Adamos. I will find a way to win, I will even make us a second chance. I will not let the Hunger in the Nebulae consume all the worlds.”

Silver eyes held her lavender ones, “I know, but do not forget to love those around you while you wage war.”

Without another word, Adamos rose and led her back to the bonfire on the beach. There he shook Davin and Ezra’s hands, thanking them for aiding Karstien and Daisy, then he hugged each of his sons, Daisy, and Karstien. The sun was almost setting, the sky was painted a dozen colors. Adamos began to glow golden, as if he was turning into light itself.

“Remember my children, hope endures as long as love lives.” Adamos words echoed with an other worldly quality and faded away as the golden light shimmered into the waning rays of the sunset and vanished. The only sound was Daisy crying quietly and Kaleth murmuring softly into her hair.

Ezra cleared his throat, “Time to go, the beacon will return in a few minutes. And Karstien, now-you will be here soon, to find the letter he left you. We can’t be here when now-you comes.”

“Just let me do this.” Karstien nodded and broke several bottles of scent blocking tincture so when ‘he’ got there, he wouldn’t smell them. He was feeling weak and his headache had gotten worse by the hour.

Recognizing his expression, Daisy frowned, “It’s the being twice. I wish we could have more time, but I am afraid, I’ll kill one of you. We’ve already been here too long.”

“It was worth it.” Kars said softly.

Quietly, they took their places around the time beacon. Moments later, there is a flash and they are back in the computer room in the underground bunker between Davin and Davin’s homes.

“Double trip on the same beam worked, just like you thought.” Meara smiled wanly. Daisy nodded to her unasked question.

Silently, the two women began to dismantle the time machine as the men carry the totes of genetic material and eggs to the truck to go to Jura tonight. Davin and Ezra left to get the eggs in the incubators at the Hatchery on Jura.

The gear and books were carried to the storage room. Kaleth began to prep dinner as Kars fired up the grill. Daisy set the tableware out, while Abe filled water glasses. A while later, Daisy found Yuri kneeling next to the pond in the garden. He was taking Adamos’ death harder than any of them.

“It’s okay to let it out,” She whispered as she placed her hand on his shoulder, shining him. When he looked up at her, she gently wiped his tears. “We are here, we love you. You are not alone.”

Her voice and her eyes showed so much care and truth, that Yuri couldn’t help himself, he wrap his arms around her waist and wept bitterly.

“You are not alone, you don’t have to grieve alone any longer, Yuri. I promise. I’ll always be by your side.” She vowed as he grieved for all the painful loss in his past that he wasn’t supposed to remember and accepted all the pain he knew was coming in the next decade and for the coming century.

The Huntsman let his tears come now, because he knew there would be no time for them later.

Kaleth’s heart swelled with pride as he watched Daisy comforting his brother as an oracle should, and he quietly retreated back inside, trying not to dwell on the disturbing things his father said. He decided his father was wrong and that as soon as the evacuation was complete he would ask Shadz to start teaching Daisy. He walked out and stood with his hand on his brother’s shoulder and wished he could help him heal. One look in Daisy’s eyes and Kaleth knew she wished the same for Yuri.

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