Alpha Alexa
Chapter 17

Alexa’s POV

“Alexa, come at me like you mean it this time,” Luca yelled at me.

“Ym sorry we've been out here for like two hours my energy is wavering. I need a break” I said, trying to catch my breath.

“I will give you a break when you can take me down.” He said.

I ran at him again and went to punch him, but he caught my arm and thew me to the ground. I got up again and went at him ata different angle. I was going to jump over him and try to sweep his feet out from under him, but he caught me in midair and brought me down to the ground.

“Come on and get your head in the game. These fights can last a long time. You need to fight with your head.” Luca said.

I got up and caught my breath and went at him again. This time I acted like I was going to punch him but at the last minute I slid on the ground and knocked his feet out from under him and I was quick to jump on him and get the upper hand. “That's better. Now lets finish off with some sparring and you can be done” Luca said.

I got into position and started sparring with him. We had been at it about five minutes when I caught a scent of fresh pine. I stopped mid punch and brought my head up and saw a very large very sexy man stalking towards me. Jade was going nuts ir my head. She was prancing around and howling. He came right up to me, and we both mumbled “mate” at the same time. Shit, this was bad. I didn't want another mate. I didn’t want to be tied down to anyone again. I was my own person and I preferred to keep it that. Before I could form a word, he grabbed me and brought me up to him and started to smell my nech I was trying to get away, but he had a death grip on my arm. He finally lifted his head up and that's when I saw his canines elongate. This fucker was going to mark me without my consent. Like hell I am going to let this happen.

I let my claws come out and I ran them down his face. I dug as deep as I could hoping to leave an impression on him. It was enough that he let me go and I took off running. I ran straight to my room and slammed my door locking it behind me. I wen and sat on my bed trying to wrap my brain around what had just happened.

“Lex, he is our mate. We need to at least talk to him. It could have been his wolf; he may not have had control” My wolf linked me.

“I don't care, you don’t mark someone without consent.”

“I know that, but we need to give him the benefit of the doubt. Besides did you see how sexy he was. I want to mark and mate him now."

“I will talk to him but that doesn't mean I forgive him or that I accept the bond.”

“Deal, just talk to him please.”

I cut my link with her. I needed some time to just think by myself for a while. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes wondering about the mate bond and how it would feel to accept it. I also thought about Julian. I know I told him what we were doing didn't mean anything, but somewhere in the last week and half it started to mean something to me. The countless nights talking, and the early morning training sessions and he would come and help when I was training on the field also. I don't know how long I laid there but decided I could talk with Alpha Colter and get his reasonings for doing what he did.

I walked out of my room and headed down to the training field. I was going to see if I could scent him out. I figured it would be easiest to start looking where this whole thing started. I went down to the bottom of the stairs, and I could smell him. He smelled like he was in the opposite direction of the field, so I went that way, and his smell led me to the gym.

I opened the door, and his scent was so strong it was overpowering and intoxicating, but what I saw broke me completely. H was sitting in the chairs kissing Christina. I froze on the spot. She looked up at me and smiled like she knew who he was to me and wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer. He finally broke free and turned to look at me.

I'turned around and started to run. I couldn't talk to him now. I had tears forming in my eyes and they were close to falling. I didn’t want to be this girl. I wanted to be strong not weak.

“Alexa, wait please don't go. It's not what you think." He said, trying to get me to stop.

I stopped to hear him out, but I wasn’t about to turn around and give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. So, I just stood there not moving.

“Please can we talk alone.” He asked.

I was ready to turn to tell him no when Christina started talking.

“Alpha Colter, I thought you and I were going to take this back to my room.”

That's it, I didn't need to hear anymore. I took off running and went straight to Julians office. I had to talk to someone, and was all I had right now. When I got to his door, I threw it open and found that Luca and some other guy were still in there. By this time the tears were coming down in a steady stream.

They both got up and left me alone with julian. He came over to my side and hugged me and led me over to the couch wher he pulled me down on his lap and just held me.

“What is his problem? First, he tried to buy me, then he tried to force his mark on me and when my wolf finally convinced me to talk to him, I walk into the gym to find him and Christina kissing"

“He was kissing her? Are you sure you saw that?” Julian asked me.

Isat up and looked at him instantly pissed. Did he not believe me?

“Yes, I fucking saw her kissing him and then she asked why he was leaving her because she thought that they were going to be taking it back to her room.”

“Let me tell you something about Christina. She is a horrible person and if she somehow knew who you were to him, she would try anything to ruin it"

“He was still kissing her. I felt it in my chest about the time I opened the door to the gym.”

“I am so sorry. What can I do? Want me to make him leave because I will."

I didn't say anything else. It was time to put my big girl panties on and deal with this head on. The only problem was I didn't know what to do yet. I got off Julians lap and headed for the door.

“Where are you going?” He asked me.

“To my room. I need to be alone”

I walked to my room and all I heard was Jade in my head crying about what all our mates had done to us.

“Jade I am so sorry he did this. I will make him pay for it”

Jade didn't reply back. She was to hurt to talk right now, which just made me hurt even more. I finally got to my room and grabbed my phone and turned it on. If anyone could make me feel better, it would be Sloane. I didn't even bother to text he first and make sure she was alone, at this point I didn't care. I just needed her.

“Hey Lex, everything ok? You didn't text me first” She said when she answered the phone.

I didnt even respond, I just started crying. I couldn't get the words out.

“Hey Lex, what is going on? Are you hurt?”

I finally managed to get out a “No.”

“Why are you crying?”

I took a few deep breaths to try and gain some control over my emotions. Once I felt ready, I began.

“Because he is here, and he is my mate and he tried to force his mark on me, and I ran and when my wolf convinced me to talk to him, I found him kissing another girl

“First of all, who is he?”

“Alpha Colter.”

You could hear a pin drop it was so quiet on her side.

“Sloane are you there, did you hear me?”

“Yes, sorry. What the f**k? The Alpha who tried to buy you?”

“Yes, him."

“How did he find you?"

“He is friends with my new Alpha. I knew he was going to tell him so a war didn't break out, but he came here and he's, my mate. I can't be mated to someone like him. He will destroy me?”

“Calm down. We can figure this out.”

“Tell me what do please.”

“I can't do that but I can give you your options.”

“What are they?"

“Option one you can run.”

“No, I don’t want to run forever.”

“Ok option two you get to know him and give him one chance to make it right."

“I don’t know if I can trust him. He has done a lot in a short amount of time.”

“Ok option three, reject him."

That had Jade coming to life and growling in my head but right now it seemed like the best thing.

“That might be my best option.”

“Think hard about it because I've never heard of a third chance mate and do you really want to spend your life alone. You don't know what you're missing with the mate bond."

I can't believe she is defending him. What he did was so wrong. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I have to go Sloane!” I said and hung up.

Iturned my phone off and threw it in my nightstand and crawled into bed and cried until I fell asleep. told myself that when I woke up in the morning, I wouldn't let him stop me. I would finish what I started and that's take over my dad's pack. I woke up to my alarm blaring. I was exhausted even though I had slept all night and my eyes were swollen and red. I wasn't going to miss my training, so I dragged myself out of bed and got ready and went downstairs.

I walked into the gym, and it was empty so I got started by myself figuring that juliam would be down soon.

Iwas so focused on my running that I didn't hear the door open. Julian came up behind me and said, “Good morning”

It made me jump and I stumbled on my feet and went flying off the treadmill and I landed into a wall of muscle. The second we touched each other I could feel the sparks. Colter was here and caught me from falling on my face. I jumped out of his embrace and glared at him.

“Alexa, can we please talk?” Colter asked.

“Yes, we can talk because I have something to say to you, ae"

Iturned back around and got back on the treadmill.

“I thought you said we could talk”

“We can but you're not going to interrupt my training. We can talk later”

I got back to running and Julian stepped up to the treadmill next to me and started his run. Since I was early, I got an extra two miles in. Colter just walked over and sat in the chairs. If he thought I was going to be ready to talk when I'm done here, he has another thing coming.

I had swear pouring off me by the time I was done. Apparently anger fueled a great workout.

“Great job today, Alexa. I am seeing a huge improvement.” Julian said.

“Thanks Julian. Let's go eat I am starving."

We walked to the dining hall with Colter still following behind us. I almost felt bad for him. Jade had calmed down some since he has been hanging around us.

Iignored him and fixed my plate and went to sit down in my usual spot. Colter was right behind me with a plate of food. Julian went and sat elsewhere leaving us alone. I guess it's now or never.

“Alexa what you saw yesterday was not how it seems.” Alpha Colter said.

“What do you mean, you trying to force your mark on me or kissing Christina?"

He hung his head down in shame, but I wasn't going to let any of it go. I was debating about rejecting him, but Jade had begged me not to.

“Neither. Can we have this conversation in private?” He asked me.

“Nope, this is the time I have free. If you want to talk then start talking because I have class soon.”

“My wolf took control. We waited so long for you and then we saw someone else touching you and he lost it, and I couldn't stop him. I know it's not an excuse but we're both very sorry.”

“I can understand that. Doesn't mean I trust your wolf and if he pushes forward, I will kick his a*s.”

“I give you full control to do so."

I didnt say anything else because he was the who needed to explain things, and this is far from over. I won't forgive easily if atall. The only reason I am considering it is because of Jade.

“Look about the incident in the gym, it is not what you think."

“Really I didn't see you kissing Christina and her letting me know your plans for last night”

“Yes, you did see that, but she is lying about those plans. She cleaned up my hands and face and she kissed me. I tried to break free and that's when you came in and she threw her arms around my neck.”

“She wouldn't have had to clean any wounds if you wouldn't have tried to mark me."

He was getting frustrated with me. I could see itin his face. I was pushing buttons and he didn't like it, but I was going to push everyone he had.

“Look I have class to teach soon I have to go."

I got up and left him there and headed to the field. I wondered what lie Christina would come up with today in class.

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