Alpha Alexa
Chapter 20

Colter's POV

When I got the mind link from Mac that Alexa was hurt at training and was unconscious, I took off running to her. I was going to kill him. He was the one that she was training with, and he did this. I made it to the training field in record time and founc her lying on the ground with Luca, Mac and Julian all trying to get her to wake up. I stormed over and picked her up and started walking away, not listening to what they said.

She started to stir in my arms, and I could feel the sparks from her body touching mine and the feeling was amazing. could get used to this.

“Put me down, I can walk” She said.

“No!” I growled at her.

“Put me down now. I don’t need you to carry me.”

She was nuts. She had a head injury and thought she could walk. She wasn't going to let it go until I let her try, so I put her down and she started wobbling immediately, so I scooped her back up and started walking again.

“This is why I didn’t want to put you down. Did you know that you about the most stubborn women I've ever met."

“Nope, didn't know that” She said.

We both just laughed because we knew she was lying. She guided me to her room and when we got there, I put her down so she could get her key out and as soon as the door was open, I scooped her back up and walked her to her bed and put her down.

“I will bring dinner to you tonight” I said as I walked to her door.

“No, I want to get out. I will be fine by then”

“If, you're sure.”

“lam, I will see you at six pm."

I walked out of the room to let her rest. It took everything in me not to stay with her, but I knew she wasn't ready for that. Grey was pissed that we left her, but we had to give her space and take it slow. Besides I had to get ready for tonight. I wanted to make this a special night for us.

I drove to town to get some flowers for her. Although I don't think she is the flower type, she still has to appreciate it. I also wanted to make sure the restaurant I wanted to go to would have a private space for us. I drove ten minutes to town and found the restaurant and went inside to speak with the manager. Julian said it was owned by someone in his pack and was supposed to talk to him for me.

“Hello, how many today?” the hostess asked.

“No table, I need to speak with the manager please. I told her.

“Is there a problem, that can help you with?” she asked while eyeing me up and down.

“No, just want to make sure things are taken care of for me tonight.”

She nodded her head and walked off and came back with another women who looked to be in her mid-twenties.

“You must be Alpha Colter?” Asked the new woman.

“Yes, I just wanted to make sure that the table for tonight and that it would have privacy”

“Yes sir, if you would like to follow me, I will show it to you”

She took off walking and I followed behind her. She led me around the corner and through a door that opened up into a small room that had just a few tables set up and the one in the center of the room was a table set for two with candles and single red rose in the center.

“Thank you this will be perfect”

She walked over to me and placed her hand on my arm and squeezed it and little before she said, “someone is a very lucky lady” Her eyes lit up as she said this and looked at me.

I'shook her arm off me and left the restaurant without another word to anyone else. I got in my car and drove around looking for a flower shop. finally found it and went inside.

“How can I help you today?” Said a young man behind the counter.

“I am needing some sort of flowers please”

“What is the occasion?” The man asked me.

“first date and I have screwed things up so bad beforehand I am not really sure how I even managed to get her to say yes." “Is it your fated mate?” He asked me.


“We've all been their man, let me put something together that will say I like you and I am sorry without saying I love you, because if your anything like most men you love her already and can't wait to tell her”

“Ya that pretty much sums it up.”

He laughed at me while he worked and when he was done, he presented me with the most beautiful bundle of flowers. “These are great. How much do I owe you?"

“I get the feeling that you really need these to work some magic, so today they are on the house.”

“I appreciate that"

I00k the flowers and went back to the car and drove back to Julians pack house. I took the long route there enjoying the views. His pack was in the mountains with a lot of forest surrounding the area. I had finally made it back to the pack house and went inside and headed to my room when I ran into Mac.

“Hey where have you been?” He asked me.

“I have a date tonight with Alexa and had to take care of a few things beforehand.”

“Does she know about this date or is it made up in your head?” Mac asked with a stupid smirk on his face.

“Very funny asshole, she agreed to go out with me”

“Ok, sorry. Where are you taking her?”


“Thats pretty upscale, does she know you're taking her there?”

“No, I wanted it to be a surprise. Why?"

“Because Alexa, doesn't strike me as the dress and heels type and that place isn't the jeans and boots type.”

“hit, I didn't think about that. How am I going to tell her that without insulting her”

“I got you man. I will take care of it."

“And this is the difference in growing up with sisters!” I told him.

“Ya, I know, I am good with the girlie stuff. You got time to run to town?”

“If it is fast. What do you need there?”

“Stuff for Alexa, I don't know any girls here and she is going to need a dress.” He explained.

Iturned around and went back to my car and he followed.

“How do you know what size to get?”

“Colt man, I had five sisters growing up. I can pretty much look at a girl and tell what size she is."

“OK, I am trusting you on this one.”

We got to town and found the strip mall and we found a store that had dresses and I let him go in and do his thing. I didn't want to see it, I wanted to be surprised. He came back out about fifteen minutes later.

“That was fast, girls usually take forever”

“That's because they have to try on about a thousand dresses before they can make up their damn mind."

“Thanks for doing this for me man. I really don't know what I would do without you sometimes.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I know but stop going on mushy on me. I may be able to pick out dresses and shoes, but I don't do the lovey dovey with other men.”

“Me neither, just wanted you to know that I appreciate you."

“Good, I need a raise.”

“Ya that's not going to happen.”

We had finally made it back to the pack house and we went inside, and he headed up the stairs to Alexa’s room and I went t mine. I needed a shower and to figure out what I was going to wear.

“Dude, you're sounding like a girl!” Grey mind linked me.

“What, why would you say that?"

“I have to figure out what I am going to wear? That's how girls think. We just put on whatever is clean.”

“Don’t you want to impress her? Don't you want her to think we look good?”

“She thought we looked good with only our towel on.”

This brought a big smile to my face.

“Yes, she did.”

It was then that we ran right into someone.

“Oh, I am sorry I was distracted and didn't see you.” I said as I looked down and noticed that I had bumped right into Christina.

I didn’t want to be rude and not help her, but I really didn’t want to touch her. I finally stuck my hand out and offered her help. She grabbed a hold of it, and I pulled her up. I tried to let go of her hand, but she kept a hold of it as she stepped closer to me.

“Why don't we go grab some dinner? I thought that the other night we had a nice visit, and we could get to know each other better” She said.

“No thank you” I said as I ripped my hand out of hers.

You could see that anger that passed through her face. She didn't like being told no, but that wasn't going to change my mind. I stepped around her and went to my room. Once I got in, I locked the door and headed to the bathroom.

“Alright Grey, clean shaven or the five o'clock shadow look?’

“Totally the five o'clock shadow. When you're clean shaven you look like a baby."

“Thanks man.”

“Just telling it like it is”

I cut my link with him and ran my trimmer over my face to give the look I was going for and then turned the shower on and stripped out of my clothes and got in. I let the hot water wash away the day I had and relaxed a little before my date. I had really never been on a date. I had girls that I slept with but never overnight and I had girls that would accompany me to functions, but again, never overnight and only once. To say I was nervous was an understatement. This one counted. If I wanted to continue anything with her, I had to make an impression tonight. This was my only chance since I had screwed up so badly.

I finally got out of the shower and dried off and ran a towel through my hair and then wrapped it around my waist. I grabbec my hair product and put it in my hair and styled it so it would stay out of my face for the night. I always kept it a little longer on top.

I left the bathroom and dug through my suitcase and found the jeans I wanted and a white button-up shirt. I would have to iron it, but it was my favorite since it was just a little tight on me and showed off my muscles.

I finished getting ready just in time to meet her at the bottom of the stairs.

“Grey, you have to promise me that you will keep complete control all night. If you screw this up, I will get rid of you I told my wolf.

“I understand and I promise I will keep control, but if you mate her, I can't guarantee that we won't mark her either, so this i: your warning”

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