Alpha Alexa
Chapter 36

Julian's POV

I finally made it home and went straight to my bed to sleep for a few more hours. When I woke up again, I felt better. I knew wouldn't be productive today, but I wanted to get Nicki's file and figure out what was going on with her.

Igot up and went to the shower and just let the hot water wash away my worries. I stood under the hot water for a long time thinking about last night. How did I have a wolf in my pack that didn't have a wolf, and nobody ever noticed? I needed to tal with her again. I would have to go to the bar again tonight but no drinking tonight.

Ifinally got out of the shower and got dressed and headed to my office. I was finally starting to feel better and now I needed some food but would eat in my office since I was dying to know what was in her file. I sent a mind link to Luca and told him to come up and bring food.

I went to my file cabinet and dug through each file I had for each person that wasn't born in my pack. I found one marked Nickole Right. I didn't have a Nicki and no other name that I could think of would be shortened to Nicki. I opened the file an started to go through it but there wasn’t much. Her name and date of birth and that she came from Silver Moon Pack. That was it. Usually, I would gather a lot more information. My office door opened up and Luca walked in holding two plates of food.

“Iam starving," I said as he slid a plate across my desk to me. It held two sandwiches and some potato salad.

I grabbed the file and handed it to him.

“Do you remember this girl?” I asked him.

He opened it up and looked at the file but it only took about five seconds since it didn't contain a lot of information.

“No, should I2 Why is there so much information missing?”

“The waitress from last night. I went home with her”

“WHAT? I thought you didn’t want to do anything last night?”

“We didn’t. We talked. I got really drunk but Zion couldn't detect her wolf. She also told me that her mate was Alpha Ryan and he rejected her because his father made him and that is how she ended up here."

“How have we never noticed that she doesn't have a wolf? Someone would have detected it. Maybe you were just really drunk”

“I was really drunk but I don’t know that Zion was wrong. I am going to see her again tonight.”

“Perfect, I will go back with you. Hopefully, that same girl will be there.”

Ijust rolled my eyes at him and continued to eat my food. We ate in silence until someone knocked on my door.

“Come in" I yelled, and John walked in. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Alpha we have a young lady at the gate who is asking for some help. She said she was kicked out of her old pack”

“Did she give you her name and what pack she was from?”

“Lauren and Full Moon Pack”

“Will you please put her in the conference room and wait outside the door until I get there.”

“Yes sir.” He said and left.

“What the hell?” Luca said.

“I don't know but before I talk to her, I have to call Colter." I picked up my phone and hit his number and it rang and rang before he picked up.

“What do you want?” He growled at me.

“Apparently you talked with Alexa?”

“Yes, and I don't know why you're calling me, but you have about five seconds so make it good."

“Lauren just showed up on my doorstep.’

“She made good time I just banished her yesterday."

“That's what I am calling about. hy did you banish her?”

“Because she attacked Alexa with her claws and had them dipped in silver and wolf's bane and thought she was going to be my Luna."

“That's all I need to know. Also, I am sorry about everything, but I had to be honest with her. She did nothing wrong. She was clear about her feelings for me or lack of from the beginning and it was me that wanted more. We never did anything after you showed up.”

“I know she told me everything but until she is marked, I don't want you around.”

“I understand and thanks for letting me know about Lauren.”

He hung up the phone and I took a deep breath. I hated to turn her away. I wanted to know her story before I did but I didn’ want her to cause any trouble here either.

“Should we get this started?” Luca asked.

“Yes, can you get all the paper set up? I don't know if I will accept her or not, but I will give her a chance and if she tells me the truth, I will consider it”

“I will get everything ready and meet you down there."

I'got up and left my office and walked down to the conference room, where john was standing outside the door.

“Did she say anything to you?”

“No sir she didn't”

“You get any reads on her? Anything to be concerned about?”

“She hasn't said anything but her name and where she was from.”

“Thanks, John, you can go back to your station now."

I opened the door and walked in. She was a pretty girl. Long brown hair and bright green eyes. She hadn't noticed me yet, sc I cleared my throat so I didn't scare her.

“Hello, Alpha.” She said while keeping her head down. Someone had taught her how to respect those of authority at least. “State your name what pack you are from and the reason you are on my pack lands," I said using a harsh voice. I had to let her know that I wasn't weak and that I wouldn't tolerate crap.

“Iam Lauren Wilson and I was from the Full Moon Pack” She said meekly.

“Lauren, why are you here?" She had yet to look at me.

“I was ban...” she didn't finish what she was saying because Luca had barged through the door and the second that he did she stopped talking and her head snapped up to Luca.

He stopped in the doorway and stared at her. Both of their eyes were black. Luca started to take large strides toward her. Sh stood up from her chair and he came up right in front of her and that's when it hit me they were mates.

They both uttered “mate” to each other and Luca grabbed her and kissed her like I wasn't in the room.

“I hate to interrupt you two but I need to know more about your mate here before anything can be done.”

He growled at me before quickly catching himself and shutting it down. “Sorry, sir. I couldn't stop it."

“Please sit back down,” I told them and Luca sat down and pulled her into his lap.

“Lauren please continue to tell me why you are here.”

“Iam sorry this is hard for me to say. I was banished from my old pack. I made a small mistake and my old Alpha made me leave!’

“What was your small mistake?” I asked

“Ok, maybe it was more than a small mistake and I know I screwed up but it has brought me to my mate.”

“Just tell me what you did already, I growled at her losing my patience.

“I attacked the future Luna because I thought I was in love with the Alpha but I wasn't. I just didn't want her to have him.” She was sitting in Luca's lap but as soon as she said that she had hurt the Luna, Luca pushed her off his lap.

“You hurt Alexa?” He asked her with a look of disgust on his face.

“I'm sorry. Like I said I thought I was in love with him but I really wasn't. I just thought if I can’t have him she shouldn't eithey I have been looking for my mate for a long time and so I acted foolish but it did lead me to you." She said looking at Luca.

“I have been looking for my mate for a long time as well but knowing that you purposely hurt another pack member becaus: you were jealous makes it very hard for me to accept you as my mate."

“Please don't reject me. I will do whatever I need to so that you believe you me and how much I regret what I did." She said as she started to cry.

“What did you do to hurt her exactly? Luca asked her.

“I dipped my claws in silver and wolfs bane and slashed her side with them.” She said looking ashamed.

Iwas a little appalled by what she said. She could have killed her easily and whose to say she won't do it again?

“Luca the choice is yours but if you choose to let her stay then you will need to watch her at all times or have a guard on her” I mind-linked him.

He didn’t reply and just shook his head yes at me.

“Listen under normal circumstances I wouldn't take you in but it seems you have been mated to my beta and I know how powerful a mate bond is, I will allow you to stay for now. You do however have to earn my trust first and the packs trust. You will not be without a guard unless you are with Luca and you will be expected to pick up female beta duties as time goes on If you abuse the power in any way you will be banished. Do you have any questions?”

“No sir. I will work hard and not screw this up.”

“You are only getting one chance and the only reason you are getting that is because you are mated to my Beta."

“Thank you, sir, and I won't screw it up.”

“Now get out of here you two."

Luca stood up and walked towards the door. He didn't touch her or say a word to her. I was hoping that he could get through to her before he marked her. I didn't want to lose him.

“zion, did you pick up anything on her?"

“I think she only told the truth because of Luca. I think she would have lied to you if he wasn't here."

“I got that feeling too. She was going to tell me she was banished but I think she would have lied about the reason why."

“I think you need to let Colter know about it also.”

“I will call him later. I need to do paperwork and then I want to go to the bar to see Nicki."

I cut my link with him and took off upstairs to my office. I got there and settled into my desk and got busy with my paperwor and emails. I managed to busy myself enough to get Nicki off my mind. I got a lot done and looked at the time and realized that it was late enough that she should be at work. I went down to the garage and got in my car and headed for town. It doesn't take long to get there maybe ten minutes. I pulled into the bar's parking lot and got out of my car.

I walked into the bar and there weren't a lot of people in there. I mean it was the middle of the week. I went up to the bar and took a seat scanning the place for her but I wasn't finding her.

“Hello Alpha, what can I get for you?” A waitress said to me.

“Is Nicki working tonight?” I asked her.

“No today is her day off. Is there something I can help you with?”

“No thanks,” I said as I turned and left the bar, and got back into my car.

It took me all of two minutes to get to her apartment. I was pretty sure I knew which one was hers but I was really drunk when she brought me here so it's a little bit of a guessing game. I walked to the one that I thought was hers and knocked on the door. I could hear someone get up and move around the house and come open the door. I was met with her smiling face on the other side.

“Alpha, what can I do for you?"

“Please call me Julian, and I was hoping we could talk some more."

“Sure, come on in"

She turned and headed back into the house leaving the door open for me to go in. Thats when her attire caught my eye. She was wearing a short little t-shirt that didn't even cover her enitre stomach and the shortest short I've seen in a long time. I' pretty sure that I see her a*s cheeks hanging out. They looked like pajama shorts. She looked hot. I liked this look on her, well for my eyes anyway.

“So Julian, what did you want to talk about?"

She pulled me out of my trance of staring at her and I brought my eyes up to meet hers and she smiled at me. Thats when I felt something strange with her. I could sense her wolf but just barely. It was like it was stuck in the further parts of her min and it was trapped. I had this urge to pull her wolf out of her but I don't know why or how to do it.

“Actually, I wanted to talk about you."

“What about me?”

“Well my wolf noticed last night that he couldn't feel your wolf, but I can feel it but just barely now.”

“I know, I barely feel her as well”

“Can I ask what happened? I just want to make sure that you're protected. I also want to apologize that it has taken me a fey years to realize this”

“It happened when I got rejected. Its really not that big of a deal. Nobody really bothers me and I am ok with that."

“Iam glad to hear that. Are you hungry? I am starving lets get dinner?” I asked her.

“I could eat”

“Either we can get take out or you are going to have to change”

“What I can't go out in my jammies?”

“You can but I might get myself in trouble if anyone looks at you!’

She turned bright red by my comment and turned and walked out of the room. She came back a few minutes later completely covered this time. We walked out of her place and headed for dinner.

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