Alpha Alexa
Chapter 64

Colter's POV

I had planned on spending the entire day taking care of Alexa. I wasn't working or going to be talking with anyone. I would have all of our meals brought to our room. I think after our shower, and I washed her hair she finally believed me that I was here for her. I needed to be. She was hurt beyond belief.

After I brushed out her hair, I laid down on the bed with her and we just lay there holding onto each other. I was brought out of my thoughts when there was a knock at the door. I got up to get it and it was our breakfast. I took the cart from the Omeg; and wheeled it over to the couch.

“Princess, breakfast is here," I told her.

I helped her out of the bed, and we went to the couch but before we could sit down, she said she was going to get some clothes on. When she came back, she was in sweatpants and one of my T-shirts. She looked amazing wearing it. I fixed her a plate and handed it to her and then fixed my plate. We both sat on the couch in silence. When we were done, I cleared our plates and went back to the couch, and pulled Alexa down on me, so she was laying in my lap. I grabbed the remote and turned the TV on.

“What would you like to watch?” I asked her.

“I don’t care.”

I found some dumb chick flick I thought she would like, and we watched it. When the movie was over, she sat up and looked at me. I could see she was holding back tears.

“Princess please don't cry. What can I do?" I told her.

“Why don't you hate me? You should hate me" She said.

She was breaking my heart. I don't know why she would think I would hate her, but I don't, and I never would.

“I would never hate you. I just want to make you feel better."

“You should hate me” She said letting the tears fall.

“Why would I hate you?" I was so confused.

“Because it's my fault I lost our pup?” She sobbed out.

“Princess, it is not your fault. It's Robert's fault. He did this to us. I love you with my whole heart, always have, and always will" I told her as I pulled her back to me.

“I love you too.” She said.

I could feel a shift after that. I knew she believed it but it was also the truth. I was going to track down Robert and we would make him pay. We continued our day in our room just lying there and watching TV and eating anything that the kitchen brought up.

Nightfall had come and we crawled into bed. Alexa rolled over to me and I started to rub her back. It didn't seem to take her long to go to sleep. I knew she was still healing and needed rest and I am so glad that she let me take care of her today. would continue to do this until she was better and when she was ready, I would happily give her another pup. She could have as many as she wanted. It took a while but sleep finally came.

When I woke up in the morning, I was alone in bed, but I heard the shower on. I rolled out of bed and went to join her. I wen into the bathroom and got in the shower with her. When she turned around, I wasn't looking at Alexa but was staring into Storm's eyes.

“Good morning, Storm,” I told her.

She smiled and me and wrapped her arms around me not saying anything. We stayed under the water for a while.

“I am so glad that you guys are back. I know Alexa missed you! I told them.

“She is hurting, I took control and will keep control until Robert is dead” She said in a deathly tone.

“OK Storm. We have to find him first” I told her.

“We start today. I want those involved with him brought here. I want to talk with them.”

“Let me see what I can do about getting them transported here."

We both washed and I could tell that their body was healing. The bruising was about gone except where it was really bad an the vampire bites were all but gone. She went to step out but before she could I grabbed her arm and spun her back to me and kissed her gently. When we pulled away from each other she had a beautiful smile on her lips.

“storm I love all three of you but can you give back control to Alexa for a while," I asked her.

“No” That was all she said and then stepped out of the shower.

I stayed in the shower for a little longer.

“Grey, can you reach Jade or Alexa?” I asked him.

“Yes, and I have been talking with Jade. Alexa is hurting too much and so Storm took control and we will have her until Robert is brought in” He said

“That can't be good. I've never seen a wolf take control for long periods of time."

“She will be fine. She is trying to let Alexa heal. They both need this. Just treat her like you would Alexa.”

I got out of the shower and found Storm on the couch dressed for the day. I went to the closet and found some clothes. Onc I was dressed, I went back out to the couch and Storm was still sitting there waiting.

“Are you ready?” She asked me.

“Where are we going?" I asked her.

“You are going to call Alpha Julian and see about getting people transferred here and I am going to start looking at maps an trying to figure out where Robert is hiding”

“Let's go," I said holding out my hand to her. She grabbed it and we went to my office.

“Mac, please take this day with your mate, because I am going to need you a lot coming up. I am having the prisoners transported here.” I mind-linked him.

“Is she doing better?” He linked back.

“No, Storm has taken control, and this is what she wants so this is what I am going to do. It's whatever she wants right now." “Thanks, man. Let me know if you need anything”

I cut our link and opened the door to my office. I walked over to my bookcase and pulled down my rolled-up maps that were on the top. I walked over to the table and laid them out for Storm.

“Thank you mate,” she said

I walked back over to my desk and pulled out my cell phone and brought up Julian's number. I hit the send button and waited for him to answer.

“Colt, everything ok?" He asked as soon as he answered. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Yes, no, I mean it will be," I answered him.

“What can I do to help?” He asked me.

“storm would like all of the prisoners transported to our pack so that she can talk with them,” I told him.

“Who is Storm?”

“That is Alexa's other wolf. She has taken control and will not give Alexa control back until Robert is found.”

“I have so many follow-up questions, but I will save that for later. I will talk with the council and see what I can do about getting them over to your pack house."

“Don't say anything about Alexa's two wolves. They aren't exactly aware of that yet”

“You guys need to tell them, especially now with her second one taking control"

“I know we will when they get here”

We hung up the phone and I walked over to where Storm was looking at maps. I walked over to see if I could help her. “Storm, what are you looking for maybe I can help?”

“I am trying to locate any abandon places where he could have more people or be hiding."

“Let's look on google maps” I told her.

“I don't know what that is but if you think it will help”

I pulled her over to my desk and onto my lap as I pulled up my laptop. I opened up google maps.

“See it's a digital map and it will show us buildings and we can look anywhere in the world.”

“This is genius. Let's take this to the table and we can start marking places on the map that we want to scout out.”

“Alpha, I am looking for Alexa. She won't answer my mind links. Is she with you?" Sloane mind linked me.

“Yes, she is but Storm has taken over so fair warning but we're in my office come up? I linked her back,

It wasn't long before there was a knock at the door.

“Come in;" I yelled.

Sloane and Liam walked in.

“Hello Alpha,” Sloane said.

“Alexa we had a doctor's appointment today and guess what,” Sloane said very excited.

Storm just lowly growled at her not looking at her yet.

“storm, can I please talk with Alexa?" Sloane asked.

“NO” Was her only reply.

“I just wanted to tell her that we found out what we're having today," Sloane said sounding disappointed.

Storm snapped her head up and looked at Sloane but I could tell by the look on her face that she wasn't happy.

“Really! You want to come in here and tell her about your baby when she can't even function right now because she lost hers. I had to force her back and take control. I thought you were her best friend but obviously not” Storm said to her and then went right back to the maps.

Sloane had tears coming down her face before she turned and ran.

“Liam I am sorry. I am trying to help her but Storm won't release control back.”

He didn't respond but walked out of the room.

“storm, what was that? She is your best friend and wanted to share her excitement”

“I don't care. Her excitement is Alexa's pain right now and I will protect her”

She went back to work on the maps and ignored me. Pretty soon my phone started ringing. I pulled it out and saw it was Jutain

“Hey man,” I said when I answered the phone.

“They're on the way to you. I5 people and some of my warriors. The council said they will be there in a few days”

“When should they be here?"

“Four hours."

“Thanks, man. Keep me updated on anything you learn”

“will do"

I hung up the phone and walked over to Storm.

“storm, the prisoners will be here in about 4 hours or so," I told her.

Her eyes it up with Joy. I knew she was always a little bloodthirsty but she is scaring me slightly. The look on her face tells me she is going to get this information out of them regardless of what she has to do.

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