Alpha Alexa
Chapter 72

Alexa's POV After Colter dropped me off at our room. I went in and immediately went to the shower. I turned it on and then stripped out of my clothes and stepped under the hot water. It felt amazing on my body and it was washing away all of the last couple of days of stress. I was still trying to wrap my brain around being part vampire now. “Girls, how are you doing with all of this?" I linked my wolves. “We are fine. If you want to go sink your teeth into mate I wouldn't mind at all. So long as he sinks his thing into us." Storm said and Jade giggled. “We just did that you two, but he could do it again or really anytime he wants to." I linked them back and giggled also. “In seriousness though, are you two ok with what happened to us?” I asked. “We really are ok, so long as you are ok. It doesn't change who we are it just gave us a few extra abilities and also you're just going to want some blood. Well, as far as we know that's it” Jade said. “I think maybe it's time to get out of the shower and maybe go watch a movie or something," I told them. “Or we can go see mate at his meeting” Jade said. “I don't know that I am ready to be around people yet. I don't know how much control I have yet” “You will be just fine. You are a strong woman who is capable of doing anything” Storm said. “Thanks, Storm, but until the Vampire King gets here and teaches me how to control this I don’t want to see anyone.” “You will handle this like the boss lady that you are!” jade said. “How about a run later tonight?" I asked them. Both of them howled in delight. It had been a while since they got out to run and I felt bad. I finished washing and turned the water off and got out of the shower. I dried off and wrapped a towel around my head to dry my hair. I walked into my closet and found a pair of leggings and a bralette that matched and threw them on. Once dressed I went back into the bathroom to brush out my hair and brush my teeth. After I was done I felt so much better. I was completely clean and it was refreshing. I walked out to our couch and grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. I found a movie to watch and laid down on the couch and fell asleep so fast. “Colter you can't run from me;" I yelled at him. “You can't do this Alexa" He said with pleading eyes. “But you smell 50 good. I can't help it” I said licking my lips and getting ready to pounce on him. He backed himself into a corner and I knew there would be no escaping me now. I lunged at him and he brought his arms uf trying to protect himself. It really was funny. He was no match for my strength anymore. I threw his arms off me and slamme his head into the wall behind him and made him move his head so I had good access to the throbbing vein in his neck. I let out a hiss and licked the spot that I would sink my teeth into. “Alexa you don't have to do this. We love each other” He said with fear in his voice. “You just smell so good I can't stop myself; I told him as I sunk my teeth down into his neck. I could feel him getting weaker as his legs started to wobble. I couldn't stop though, he tasted so good. “Alexa, wake up. It's a dream.” Someone said shaking me. I bolted upright and gasped for air. It felt so real. I thought I had really killed Colter. That I sucked all of his blood out, but it wasn't it was just a nightmare. I was suddenly picked up and placed in someone's lap but was comforted by the sparks that I felt. I buried my head in his chest and started crying. That dream was too much. I can't do this, I can't hurt him. I needed to leave this place. “Princess, you're safe now. I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you.” He said while running his hands up and down my back. “It wasn't that, I was the monster. People weren't safe because of me” I told him crying even harder. He pulled my face away from his neck and kissed away my tears, and then kissed my lips. “Princess, you will never hurt anyone. I know you and you would never do anything to put anyone in danger” “Ya well, that dream says otherwise” “Go get dressed. The Vampire King is here and waiting for you in my office. He can explain things to you more.” Ijust nodded my head and got up and went to my closet and found a crop top to put on and a pair of sandals. As soon as I stepped out of the closet Colter was right beside me. He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it and then pulled me out of the room. We headed to his office and ran into Emma on the way there. She bounced over to us. “ALEXA!” She yelled out and then threw her arms around me. “Hi, Emma,” I said trying to push her back a little. “Sorry, I feel like I haven't seen you forever and I was just excited to see you out of your room and OK," Emma said. “I know, sorry. I am getting better and you will start to see me around more.” I told her. “Sorry ladies, but we have someone waiting for us. You can catch up later.” Colter said and started to pull me away. Emma continued whatever she was doing with a grin on her face. She was usually a happy girl but when it was work time she was a great worker. I am going to miss her when she goes home. We finally made it to Colter's office and he just walked in. There were two men sitting in front of Colter's desk. Both were extremely good-looking. I mean they looked old but at the same time, they didn't. They both had sharp jawlines and jet- black hair that was cut short. One had blue eyes while the other had green eyes. Before I could form another thought, the one with blue eyes was standing right in front of me, he was so close to me that I had to take a step back “Sorry, you just smell like. No, it can't be?” He said but I think it was more to himself. Colter was behind me letting out low growls and wrapping his arms around me. “Mine” he growled out. “Forgive me, she just has the most unique scent on her. I know it's not her's but it is someone very important to me. Have you spent time with another person recently?” He asked “No, I have been by myself or with Colter; I said. He turned his head sideways and took another deep breath and his eyes got even wider. “Brother, do you sense what I sense?” He said. I was so confused. The Vampire King had a brother and why the hell did he keep smelling me? The other man sitting there came up to me and took a deep breath as well and then a smile formed on his face. “I haven't seen one in years. So someone left their pack and a little fun.” The brother said. “Iam sorry but what are you guys talking about?” I asked. “You don't know what you are do you?” The first vampire asked me. “Iam a wolf and I am also part vampire,” I said feeling really confused. “Why don't we go sit down and you can explain things further Roscoe,” Colter said. “Sorry, how rude of me. I am Roscoe the Vampire King and this is my brother William. He is essentially my Beta for the Vampires” Roscoe said. “I am Alexa. Colters Luna." I said. “You are so much more than a Luna and I can't believe you haven't figured it out yet,” Roscoe said. “What do you mean by that?" I asked. “You're a dual wolf," Roscoe said. “What is that?" I asked. “Why am I not surprised that you don't know. Dual wolves were a special pack and they all had two wolves. They had one for good and one for bad. They all emerge at different times. They are very powerful and very strong." “Well, that makes sense. The moon goddess said something very similar to me but it was very brief and she didn’t explain a lot. So where is this pack of dual wolves located?” I asked him. “I can't just give that information away but I can get in touch with their Alpha." “So what happened to them? The way you talk it seems like they are in hiding” Colter asked “They are. Other packs wanted them gone. They were intimidated by their power. They have been in hiding for a very long time?” Roscoe explained. “Can you please help me with my vampire side? That is why you came isn't it?" I asked him. “Yes, I can. I would actually like to stay for a few days if I may. I would like to see what this does to your two wolves." “What do you mean?” Colter asked “Well sometimes it can make them even more powerful and if it does it could mean that she would be the most powerful creature ever,” William said after being quiet for so long. “Can you just tell me how to control wanting to bite into everyone for now? I would love to get out of here." “Have you bit into anyone yet?" Roscoe asked. “No, I have refused but when the cravings start, its all I can think about. I can literally hear the blood pumping through their veins!” “Yes and that will get better, but as a vampire, you need to bite your mate or for us, it's our beloved. You need to feed off hir and leave your mark on him. Once you do you will not want to do that again. I must warn you though, once you do it will cause some desires similar to what you do when you mark each other” Roscoe said. “What if I can't stop and I kill him," I asked. “You will stop if he is your beloved," Roscoe said shrugging his shoulders. “OK, what about wanting to bite everyone else?" “What have you had so far? I know that you have had some type of blood otherwise, you wouldn't be just sitting here this calm” “I have had some blood bags from the hospital.” “You need to have some live blood. You don't have to bite a human, you can do the same to an animal. No different than when you hunt in your wolf form. Having that warm pulsing blood will help and change things for you. You won't need as many blood bags and you will feel in control until it's time to eat again." “How long does it take until you want to eat again?” Asked Colter. “Well, it depends on the person. I usually eat once a day but others can go longer and some need it two or three times a day but those are rare.” William explained. “Iam curious to know how long from the time you were injected with venom until you started to show signs of transitioning?” Asked Roscoe. “It was basically immediately. It started with getting really hot and then the pain hit and, to be honest, I don't remember a whole lot after that." I explained. “Interesting. The others that transitioned took several days to start” William said. “Why would it be different?” I asked. “Well he has either injected you with a very strong vampire or he injected you with a lot of it. I need to figure out where he is getting the venom from,” He said. Discover related topics Maya > Banks Nearby > To and From > or == GULL WE WILL LaUR LW IH, DUL ISU WE HEEU WU LER YUU UULSIUS GII WW 5U HUTTE. I alll SUESHIIE YUU UUI L Wan Ww IEEU ui Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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