Alpha Alexa
Chapter 93

Colter's POV

We talked with everyone until about midnight when we finally called it a night and headed back to the pack house. Alexa climbed in the front seat and scooted over to the middle and cuddled up to me. I think she was asleep before we even left the hotel. It was a silent ride home with Michael and Melissa, Liam and Mac. We were all exhausted but we had to do it all over again tomorrow with the council. This is what had me nervous. I didn't know how they would react and it seemed like we had a lot of support from the Alphas and their Lunas but you could never be too sure.

I finally pulled into the pack house and pulled Alexa out of the truck. She just snuggled into me and stayed asleep.

“Mac, I am going to put Alexa to bed and then I will be there to get Callen”

“Just leave him, man. He is asleep and there is no need to wake him?"

I just nodded at him and headed up to our room. Once there I placed Alexa in bed and stripped her out of her clothes and then took mine off and crawled in with her. I set the alarm on my phone and passed out with Alexa in my arms. The next thing I knew my alarm was going off

“Princess wake up. We need to get ready and head to the hotel. We need to be there before everyone else”

She just groaned but rolled out of bed. We both quickly showered and dressed not really saying anything. I could feel her nerves and I knew she could feel mine as well. Once dressed we headed to Liam and Sloane's room to see Callen. We knocked and Liam quickly came to the door.

“Good Morning? he said as we went into their room.

Alexa literally ran to Callen and picked him up.

“Thanks for keeping him, you guys. We really owe you,” Alexa said.

We snuggled Callen for a few minutes before we had to leave again. She kissed him goodbyes and we left their room and headed towards the truck. Again it was a quiet drive to the hotel. We got into the meeting room and it was packed again. I was surprised, it seemed like everyone showed up again. I had told them that if they stood with us to be here to confront th council.

Alexa and I walked around thanking everyone for being here and we were welcomed with open arms. It was now nine am an I needed to address them before the council got here. We stepped up to the podium to begin.

“Thank you again for everyone being here again. I am going to take your attendance as your support for us. Does anyone oppose this?”

“After you left last night we all had a discussion and we also talked with the Vampire King and he explained everything to us again and we will stand with you," said someone in the back.

“Thank you, everyone, we will do everything we can for you. Now we need to discuss the council as they will be here in an hour. Our plan is to tell them our history and see how they react. Does anyone have any thoughts?"

Everyone remained silent. I stepped away from the podium. We had about thirty minutes until they arrive. I thought it would be best if they came in and we were all talking amongst ourselves. I grabbed Alexa's hand we headed to Roscoe and Emma. “Thank you for last night. I don't know what you told them but it worked” I told Roscoe as soon as we got over there.

“I just told them the truth. Your mate is very powerful and she was meant to rule.”

“She is pretty amazing”

We continued around the room and talked with more people. They were very curious about Alexa and her powers and her wolves. She answered them as best as she could and was truthful about them.

The doors suddenly opened and in walked the six members of the council. They didn't look too pleased to be here. They walked right over to where Alexa and I were.

“Alpha Colter, nice to see. It appears that everyone is here. You should get started we have a long day ahead of us," he said with a curt tone. I have a feeling he knows what this is about and he isn't happy about it.

I grabbed Alexa's hand and headed back up to the stage and welcomed everyone here again. I basically repeated the same speech as I gave yesterday and when I was done the councilmen looked pissed.

“You mean to tell me you brought us here to challenge us?” Yelled one of the councilmen.

“No we brought you here to tell you that all of the people here today have pledged their loyalty to us over you,” I yelled in anger.

“You mean to tell me that this uncontrollable she-wolf who is part vampire and killed her entire family has gotten all of you to pledge their loyalty to her" he roared back.

He defiantly knew ahead of time and wasn't happy about it. None of them were. People were getting upset and starting to yell. Most didn't know about her killing her family but that was justified. She stood up and came to the microphone.

“STOP IT” She yelled into the microphone with her Alpha command and everyone including the council dropped to their knees and bared their necks to her. The councilmen’ eyes were huge when she did this. They knew shs. was pewsrful but not that powerful.

“Let me explain. As some know my family was not kind. The man who raised me was a vile man who kidnaped people turnin; them into hybrids. He beat and raped women and he killed my first mate telling me he wasn't strong enough to be my mate. He tried to kill me and caused me to have a miscarriage with my first pup. He then injected me with vampire venom and it's true I am part vampire, however, it is very dormant and very controlled. My mother and brother sat back and allowed this to happen, but I wouldn't. I won't allow our kind to hurt each other and so I did what any other normal person would do and I killed them, all three of them,” by the time she was done she was openly crying. I knew all of this was hard for her and she would cry every time she talked about it.

I walked over to her and wrapped her up in a hug and stood there holding her. While my back was turned to the crowd one c the councilmen shifted and lunged on stage at me. He got his claws in my back but Alexa was quick and threw me to the sids and quickly shifted and jumped on him. They went tumbling as they were snapping their jaws at each other. Everyone stood stunned watching them.

Before I could shift Alexa ripped his throat out as he was on top of her. His lifeless body fell on top of her. I rushed over and pushed him off her and she shifted back. I took my shirt off and handed it to her to put on. I looked up and everyone was still standing there watching us.

“See she can't be controlled. She has two wolves and she just killed a council member," yelled another council member. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“He attacked her mate, she had every right to do what she did,” someone said.

“If you stand with her you are all fools. I won't stand for it,” he said looking around at everyone.

The remaining council members stepped back from him.

“Alpha Alexa, I will support you and so will the other three members. We will pledge our loyalty to you. We were all very aware of what was done to your family. It is something that we were made aware of when we become a member. We were also aware of what you were long before you but were going to let it go unless you figured it out. The member you killed and this man here were against us," said another council member.

“If you stay you will all die at her hands,” yelled the one man who didn't want this.

“Then you may leave, you are free to do what you want,” Alexa told him.

“You are all fools and you haven't seen the last of me,” he yelled and ran out of the room.

I wanted to chase after him but now wasn't the time, he would be back and I would take care of him then. I walked over to Alexa and wrapped her in another hug.

“My queen, you were amazing. Thank you for saving me."

“I will save you every day. I love you."

I brought my lips to hers and gave her a kiss with all the love I had for her. Someone behind us cleared their throats causing us to break apart. Alexa was turning a little red in the face.

“Alpha Colter, I know that you have a ball planned tomorrow, however, we would like to swear you and Alpha Alexa in as King and Queen during that time,” said a council member, as soon as the crowd of people heard that they started cheering.

“Well actually we had planned to do Luna Alexa's Luna ceremony and also we planned on getting married.”

“Well now it sounds like we have three things to do” he said smiling.

“Everyone I want to thank you for being here today. I would however like to end the day. Dinner will be brought in soon and everyone is invited to our pack tomorrow for the big celebration,” I announced to everyone and they cheered again.

I lead Alexa out of the room and got into the truck. I knew that she was tired and she was upset about explaining everything to everyone, I just wanted to take her home and get our baby and spend the night together. I had sent Mac a link telling him to take Michael and Melissa home.

Alexa climbed into the truck and scooted directly in the middle. I got in and she laid her head on my shoulder closing her eyes. The twenty-minute drive went by in a blur and we were finally home. We got out of the truck and headed inside. “Princess, go shower and I will go get Callen and we can spend the evening just us in our room.”

She nodded her head and headed towards our room and I went to Liam and Sloane's room. I knocked on the door and Aubree came and opened it up.

“Hey Alpha,” she said opening the door for me. I spotted Callen laying on the floor wiggling around. I walked over and scooped him giving him a kiss. He was all smiles to see me.

“How did it go today?” Sloane asked.

“Better than I could have ever imagined. We got support from all of the Alphas and most of the council. We have one person who is pissed and refused but he left. I am sure he will be back later but we will deal with it when that happens,” I explained “So you are like King now?" She asked.

“No, not yet"

She just nodded her head and I grabbed Callens bag and headed to our room. When we got there I opened the door and I could hear Alexa in the shower still. I called down to the kitchen and asked them to bring us dinner. I went into our room an ot some comfy clothes on and went and sat on the couch plaving with Callen.

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