The next morning. Daciana woke up to the sunlight piercing through their window. She closed her eyes and opened them again as she tries to adjust to the sunlight.

Taking in her environment, she almost cringed at the unfamiliarity of the room but soon, she remembered that she's in her father's house. Far away from ocean pack and the Alpha king's tower.

“You are finally awake, your Dad thought I did something to you over the night” Alpha Connor said with a slight chuckle. Daciana turned towards him gawkingly. She didn’t notice him in the room until now, even when she looked around. Did he teleport or what?

She blushed as Alpha Connor walked to her and dropped a sloppy kiss on her right cheek. Memories of yesterday night flooded her mind, that made her face redder.

She smiled graciously at him.

“Good morning my king” she greeted him.

“How is my Queen and the baby doing? Did you sleep well?” He asked rubbing her stomach.

“Yes, I did” she replied trying to stand up from the bed but Alpha Connor was quick enough to carry her up.

She didn't protest but wrapped her hands around his neck, he wouldn't listen even if she protest anyways.

“I will take you to the bathroom, you will have to be fast. I think the rest are already at the dinning table” Alpha Connor said as he open the bathroom door and dropped her.

He helped her remove her PJs before stepping out to allow her take her bath. He is sure that there is enough new toothbrushes and towels there for her to pick from. He has taken his bath earlier.

He sat on the bed as he thought about everything. Sincerely, when he had dinner with everyone yesterday, it felt new to him but he was happy about it. Alpha Connor never got many chances of eating together with his family before they passed away Dolphus respects him so much that he thinks eating with his is disrespectful so he always ate alone until recently that he started eating with Daciana. Although it wasn't all the time, it feels better than eating alone.

As he was lost in his own thoughts, Daciana came out of the bathroom. Knowing that there are people downstairs waiting fo her before they could eat didn't make her stay long in the bathroom.

Alpha Connor walked up to her to do his usual routine. To dry her hair, clean her body, apply her cream and so on. Since Daciana is getting used to it, she didn't complain. She loves it when he take care of her.

Soon, he was done. Daciana smiled at him and entered into the closet, the closet in the room was quite different from that back in the Alphas tower. This is big and modernized. She put on a gown that fitted her body and came out.

Alpha Connor eyed her up and down, checking her out before nodding his head.

“How do you manage to look beautiful in everything my Queen?” He asked while Daciana shook her head, Alpha Connor sure knows how to flatter her

“Ready?” He asked, stretching out his hand to her. She nodded her head.

“Let's go”

They both stepped out of the room and met Dolphus standing right at their door.

“Good morning Alpha king, Luna” he greeted them bowing his head while Alpha Connor stared at him with a raised eyebrow, “Why are you standing here Dolphus? Aren't you supposed to be downstairs?” Alpha Connor asked Dolphus who looked at the floor. He is normally quiet but he has been oddly more quiet than usual since they got here. Is he uncomfortable? Could he not have come along with Dolphus?

Alpha Connor brought Dolphus along because he wanted the both of them to know what California looks like and also since they go mostly everywhere together.

“I can't go downstairs without you and the Luna Alpha king, please understand” he said. Alpha Connor stared at him for a while then nodded his head.

“Let's talk after breakfast” he said and walked off with Daciana while Dolphus trailed behind them.

“Good morning everyone” they greeted.

Everyone except the three of them were already at the table. They exchanged pleasantries and sat down to eat.

The breakfast table was quiet with no one speaking or asking questions like yesterday until Mr Karl spoke up.

“Did you all sleep well?” He asked referring to Daciana, Dolphus and Alpha Connor and they nodded their heads in unison. “I bet they did, especially my sister and her husband. How good it will feel to spend the night with a ma~" Bella winced as her Mum slapped her shoulder.

“Stop spouting nonsense Bella” she warned sternly and Bella huffed, unaware of the two pairs of eyes staring at her.

Mr Karl turned towards Daciana, he gave her a warm smile.

“Do you have sometime to spare after breakfast, dear?” He asked.

Daciana glanced at him and then at Alpha Connor who nodded and shrugged his shoulders. As much as he will miss being apart from her, she needed to talk with her father, at least a few times before they leave.

“Yes” she replied while Mr Karl smiled at her again before focusing on his food. The table became dead silent again after tha until they were all done with breakfast.

Eva and Bella went to their rooms since it was Saturday, Mrs Karl also left while Alpha Connor signalled Dolphus to come with him leaving both father and daughter to themselves after the maids cleared their plates.

Daciana shifted uncomfortably on her seat, she is not used to this nor is she ready to have a conversation with her father br now, she just have to.

“How about taking a walk with me around the mansion?” He suggested while she nodded and stood up.

They both left the kitchen and got outside.

“Are you still mad at me?” Mr Karl asked taking a glance at her. Daciana looked away from him without saying anything.

“I guess you are” he added bitterly. Still, Daciana said nothing which gave him a clue to continue.

“Sincerely speaking, I am deeply sorry for everything I have done. For abandoning both you and your mother, I foolishly didn't think about how you two will feel and what you will have to go through without me. I am really sorry and I wish I can get your sincere forgiveness” he said as they walk towards the parking lot.

Daciana stopped and looked at him, then bit her lower lip.

“I didn’t forgive you because it was what I wanted, I didn’t come here with you because I was ecstasy about meeting my new family. I did because I still see you as my father even after everything. I also did not want to embarrass you and that woman yesterday when you introduced her as my new Mum, no one can ever replace my mother” she vented out on him as she trie hard to control her tears.

Mr Karl also had to pause, he closed and opened his mouth consecutively without coming up with something to say. He was speechless.

“Ciana, I-"

“I know you were sincere with your apology but you didn't even ask about how I lived all this years without you, you didn’t ask about my mother, you didn't ask why and how she died. I thought mates love themselves so much that they will do anything for each other, was she nothing to you? Do you not feel remorseful or responsible for her death?” She asked.

While she talked about her mother, she couldn't stop the tears that were streaming down her face. She couldn't control the sobs that kept escaping her lips.

Mr Karl's shoulder slumped as guilt wash over him. Of course, he had those thoughts in his mind but he wasn't sure about asking them and now, he regret it.

He has wronged Cara so much, will she ever forgive him even after her death?

“My mother went through a lot after you left, I was so young but I had to grow up fast because of the situation I found mysel in. She will cry herself to sleep and wake up in the morning with the brightest smile on her face for the sake of her daughter She was abused by the high ranked wolves, she worked from morning till evening without having any single rest because sh wouldn't let me do my own portion of the work yet, the masters weren't satisfied with whatever she does” Daciana hiccupped making her halt.

“Just like I did, she waited for your return everyday. She refused to move out of our house after you left hoping that you will come back for us one day but you never did until she died. After everything became unbearable for her, the emotional trauma, physical abuse and hard labour she was being put through, my mother fell terribly sick, she was ill for months before finally giving up” Daciana said.

Remembering everything now felt like a knife is being slided into her, she felt stuffed and out of breath so she leaned on on of the cars for support.

Mr Karl burst into tears, he didn't know that his one time decision will affect the people he loves. He feel like a terrible person. He failed as a father and a good mate to someone he supposed to have cherished for the rest of his life.

He suddenly wished for all this to be a dream but it was real, the reality came knocking into him.

“Il am sorry, I am so sorry” that was the statement he kept repeating to Daciana. The both of them became a whipping mess. “I had to live on my own with no family after she died Dad, I was tossed, transferred, beaten and slaved by different masters I ended up becoming a s*x slave, it was torturous, yet, I couldn't save myself from that torment and I wondered what life could have looked like with you in it,

Till now, I blame you for my mother's death and all the pain we went through individually. It wasn't those masters’ fault, it was all you. If you never left, no one could have looked down on her for being an omega, I wouldn't have become a slave” Daciana said and took a few steps back from her father.

She wiped her tears like she never cried but her swollen eyes betrayed her, proving otherwise.

“I am sorry Dad, I can accept Bella and Eva as my sisters but it will take me sometime to get over everything and accept you and your wife. Please excuse me” she held her hands together, bowed her head and disappeared into the house.

Mr Karl fell down on the floor in tears, he never knew about what they went through. He caused so much pain to his daughter and mate without him realizing that he was doing so. Because of him, someone died and the other is broken. What has he done? Will he ever forgive himself?

“Are you uncomfortable? Do you want us to go back?” Alpha Connor asked Dolphus as they sat down at the balcony door. “No Alpha king” Dolphus replied with his eyes widened. Why is he asking him that?

“Then what is wrong? Are you okay?” Alpha Connor asked again, turning to him and Dolphus looked down. How can he start telling him that he just discovered that the Luna's sister is his mate? Dolphus doesn’t know how he feels about it himself, he doesn't know what to do nor what step to take especially knowing that she is too young, naive and inexperienced when it comes to wolves. She might think that he is a crazy pervert if he approaches her.

“Dolphus?” Alpha Connor called, surprised to find him lost in thought. He is never the type to be lost in thought and look so worried like this, Dolphus is always focused and alert, what could be wrong with him?

“I am sorry Alpha king, I am just..” he trailed off not knowing what to say.

“You don't want to talk to me about itz" Alpha Connor asked with a frown while Dolphus shook his head.

“That's not it”

“Then?” He pushed.

“The Luna's sister, Bella. I found out yesterday that she's my mate. I mean, why her? Will she believe me when I tell her that? Dolphus said with a worried filled expression. Alpha Connor stared at him with shock on his face.

Bella? That female that looks like a crazy person? She and Dolphus are just opposite of each other. Dolphus is calm and she is a great talker. Although, he is sure that their love will rekindle, it doesn't matter the kind of person they are. Just like him and Daciana, they are two different people that make up a great pair.

“What? Are you sure?” Alpha Connor asked to be sure.

“Yes Alpha king, she is” he replied tentatively while Alpha Connor sighed.

“Itis a good thing you came with me, you finally found your mate. Don't worry too much about it, I am sure you two will be £00d together. She's also a wolf but yet to realize it. Once she do, she will understand you even better” Alpha Connor encouraged and that gave Dolphus a little strength.

“Thank you Alpha king” Dolphus appreciated, he smiled for the first time in a while and Alpha Connor couldn't be more grateful. If anything, he wants Dolphus to be happy, he is too stocked up. Maybe it is one of the reasons the moon goddess paired him with someone like Bella. They say, opposite attracts. He needs to loosen up a bit.

Hkk kok A Week Later x kkk k

“This is Kell High School, both Bella and I's school” Eva said as they enter into the school premises. Daciana gasped at how bigitis, she never got the chance to attend school. Maybe probably in the future.

“It's beautiful” Alpha Connor said while Eva nodded.

“Yes it is. Do you want to look around?” Eva asked.

“That will be great, it will be nice taking a tour in this building” Daciana shipped in excitedly, making Alpha Connor chuckle 2 her. She's just too cute.

“I would have loved to take you two around now but I am late for class, can you come back with the chauffeur again later to pick me up? We can take the tour then, please”

Both Alpha Connor and Daciana looked at themselves and Alpha Connor shook his head. It's just morning but to him, Daciana already look tired, he doesn't want to stress her at all by coming back here again. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Please big sis, brother in-law. Please” the little girl pleaded with a pout, an irresistible pout and her cat eyes that the coupl couldn't ignore.

“Fine, now run along. We will see you soon” Daciana said to her with a smile. Within this past week, she has bonded so well with her sisters. Maybe it's because they are fun to be with.

“I love you sis” Eva blew a kiss to her and disappeared into one of the classes.

Daciana and Alpha Connor head outside the gate where the chauffeur was waiting for them. Once they got in, she placed he; head on his shoulder.

“What about Bella? She is skipping school today again” Alpha Connor said laughing throatily. He has never seen someone as stubborn and never yielding as Bella. Dolphus really have gotten a handful mate.

Instead of walking up to her to tell her that she is his mate, Dolphus has decided to make friends with her and then ask her out like humans do. It will be tough but Alpha Connor is glad that the two of them are getting along, they spend most of the; free time together.

“It's obvious” Daciana replied, they both laughed. They drove in a comfortable silence after that until Alpha Connor spoke uj again.

“Your father, are you going to leave without making up with him?” Alpha Connor asked. Daciana told him everything that happened a week ago.

“We are not enemies my king, he is still my father. I just find it uncomfortable to be around him for now” she stated plainly. During this past week, her father has been doing everything humanly possible to impress her. His wife wasn't left out too. Daciana can't deny the fact that the woman is nice, at least, she has been very nice to her and treat her like she treat Eva an Bella.

“I know it's hard to get over everything but you should talk to him once in a while until you become comfortable with him, I think he already realized his mistake and also, we haven't told them about your pregnancy, don't you think it's time?” He asked as his hand gently caress her stomach.

Daciana thought about it for a while and nodded her head. It is best if she tell them about her pregnancy, both Eva and Bell, will be 50 happy to hear that.

“We will tell them but only when I am ready my king, and about my father, I will talk to him” she replied as she entwined their hands together.

“Thank you my Queen, I will tell our baby how good of a woman you are” he pulled her towards him and interlocked his lips with hers.

Even after hundred years, he won't still get tired of her. She is his most treasured jewel.

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