Alpha Bond
Chapter 15

Ella's POV

Even though I haven't eaten in a while, surprisingly, I don't feel like eating anything. I am just pushing the food around my plate, trying to pass the time.

My mind is somewhere else. I can't ignore this weird feeling that someone is watching me. At the same time, I am feeling extremely restless, and for some reason, this feeling doesn't seem mine. It is like I am experiencing someone else's emotion, just like the pain I had felt earlier when I met Prune for the first time.

I never feel disoriented. Usually, I am a clear-headed person, so all this seems unlike me.

I nearly growl at Brody when he places his hand over mine to get my attention. His eyes widen as he quickly pulls back his hand, but concern in his gaze instantly makes me feel guilty for reacting in this way.

"Are you okay?" His eyes roam over my face, "You seem disturbed."

He cautiously again touches my hand. Instead of answering him, I keep staring at his hand, which is on mine, and then a burning sensation builds up inside my chest.

Again these feelings are not mine, so the question is to whom I am connected in such a way that I can sense their emotions.

"I have to go." Yanking my hand back, I stand up and leave without glancing back in his direction.

I don't know how, but I am sure the rage within me is related to him. If I had stayed there any longer, I would have hurt him, which I don't want. So the best thing is to distance me from him before I do something which I regret later.

However, instead of going back in the direction of my room, I head outside. Air-conditioned air is replaced by fresh air as the smell of freshly trimmed grass reaches my nose.

Glancing up, I look around to find myself in front of a large field surrounded by a thick forest. The heaviness inside my chest increases like hundreds of pounds of weight has been settled over my chest.

My attention shifts to the angry growl that vibrates throughout the field. The sound is so terrifying that I can literally feel the ground shaking beneath my feet.

Forgetting about how I am feeling, I follow the sound. This sound might be threatening, but I can hear underlying desperation in it.

When I hear the next rumble, I break into a run towards the end of the field.

My feet come to a stop near a small gathering of guardians as they stand around something or rather someone.

"What is going on here?" My voice comes out in demand, causing heads to snap in my direction.

"What are you doing here?" One of the guardians frowns, looking at me, "This is not a place for someone like you." The arrogance in his tone makes me want to snap his neck.

But the low growl coming from behind the circle pulls my focus back from my murderous thoughts.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" My eyes widen as anger rolls off of me when I notice silver chains are holding a huge wolf while guardians are pressing a sharp object similar to a spear against his neck.

Blood dripping from his wound onto the grass below his neck, turning the grass crimson in color.

However, when my eyes connect with the familiar yellow pair of eyes, the restraint on my anger snaps as a growl vibrates from within me.

"Get the hell away from him before I decide to end your pathetic life," I growl as my vision changes.

When I feel someone's hand on my arm, without even looking in their direction, I grab the hand with my other hand and throw him across the field.

My body is humming with energy while my palm begins to become warm. I march towards the wolf before anyone can stop me. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I hear them asking me to stop, but I don't listen to them.

"Release him." I glare at the guardians who are holding the chains. "Now!" I order.

Immediately the chains fall on the ground while they step away from us.

The giant wolf looked at me intensely while his lips rolled over, giving a full view of his sharp teeth.

"This girl has a death wish. He is going to shred her into pieces." I hear someone speaking but ignoring him; I take a step closer to the wolf.

But it seems that the wolf doesn't like what he has heard as he stands straighter while a warning growl rumbles through him as he stares at someone behind me.

"Calm down." I speak while keeping my eyes on him, "You don't need to pay attention to these fools."

"I know you are not going to hurt me." I softly speak to him, trying to calm him.

He glances at me, then back at the guardians, who look like they are prepared to take down this wolf any moment.

My eyes land on the huge gash on his neck caused by the spear which was pressed against his neck earlier. My heart squeezes, looking at his fur covered in thick blood, seeping through his open wound.

Lifting my hand, I gently touch the wound, feeling the warm blood beneath my palm trickling through my finger. Closing my eyes, I imagine closing the wound, and soon warmth begins to flow through my palm, healing the wound.

At the same time, I feel droplets of blood trickling down my neck as the same wound forms on my neck while his wound seals.

Smiling at my handiwork, I take a step back to look at his uninjured form. His yellow eyes settled on me, and just like that day, I find myself enthralled by this magnificent wolf.

His eyes shift to my neck a sound like whimper escapes from him. Before my body begins to heal, a warm, rough tongue touches the skin of my neck, startling me.

His hot breath fan across my skin as he slightly lowers his head and begins to lick my wound. I am too stunned to react, but I can see the circle of guardians begins to tighten on us from the corner of my eye.

Prune is standing on the opposite side, his face revealing no emotions.

When cold air brushes against my skin, my hand moves to my healed neck. Glancing up, I find the wolf cautiously looking at me, waiting for my reaction.

"Thank you," I whisper with a slight nod.

However, what happens next moment, not only shocks everyone else, but even I find myself completely stunned.

The wolf steps back and lowers his head to the ground.

My eyes shift to the wolf in front of me, who is looking at me with a hint of vulnerability in his eyes.

Everything clicked into my mind. The feelings which I was experiencing were his. The pain, the restlessness, the anger, all were his feelings which were reflecting on me.

The connection which I sensed between us becomes stronger as realization draws on me.

This wolf is bonded to me.

Emerson's wolf is bonded to me.

"He has never submitted to anyone, not even to superior." The guardian behind me doesn't hide his surprise. "Who is she?" I can feel eyes on me.

However, there is one particular person who is looking at me with nothing but hatred. Lifting my head, I lock my eyes with Burton and watch anger swirling in his eyes.

Suddenly, I recall how he snatched Oliver from our pack. Even though I am mad at Oliver for turning out to be like them, but technically, Burton is the one behind taking him away from the pack.

Because of him, my parents are still hurt over the fact that Oliver is not living with them as they have let Oliver leave with these guardians.

Glancing at the wolf before me, who is still looking at me in anticipation, I take a step closer to him.

"I, Alpha Ella Whitmore, accept you as a part of my pack," I announce, feeling the humming of the Alpha blood inside my veins.

He looks at me like I have given him the most significant gift of his life. He lowers his head again, but he extends his paw in my direction, wanting me to complete the ritual.

The fingers of my left hand turn into claws, and I slice the center of my palm.

Holding his paw in my hand, I create a similar cut on his paw.

Pressing my sliced hand against his, I look into his yellow eyes as I call my wolf forward to accept his submission. Soon the cut in our hands healed, and I felt a new connection inside my mind when Blaze accepts his submission to us.

A moment later, a deep rough voice echoes in my mind through this newly formed connection.

"Little Alpha."

Burton's growl cuts the silence, which has a fall upon everyone.

Instantly, Emerson's wolf... no, my wolf stands to his full height and takes his place beside me while looking at everyone menacingly.

Raising my eyes, I look at him, suddenly, feeling more powerful than ever just by his presence beside me.

The vein in Prune's head seems ready to pop as he glares at me with such hostility.

He has taken our Oliver from us and turned him into Lord Emerson. But now, his Lord Emerson's wolf has turned into my wolf by pledging his loyalty to me.

A smirk lifts the corner of my lips in a victorious smile as I glance back at Prune while resting my hand against the soft fur of the mighty wolf standing proudly by my side.

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