Alpha Bond
Chapter 31

Ella’s POV

A golden glow begins to surround us, and my skin tingles with strange sensations. I see this golden light is covering his entire skin. Closing my eyes, I just allow myself to bask in this warmth that is encasing me.

There is no barrier between me and his feelings. It almost seems like he has opened his heart and let me in it. This feeling is surreal and almost magical.

Winding my arms around his neck, I pull him more towards me while our emotions become the words with which we are expressing ourselves.

I feel like being worshipped as he kisses me with such love. My heart is brimming with such emotions that I won’t be surprised if it bursts.

At this moment, nothing exists for me other than him, making me realize when you find the one who is meant to be for you, everything becomes perfect just because of their presence.

“Thank you.” His thumb caresses the side of my face as he looks at me like I am the most precious thing in his life.

“Umm... this is not what you say when someone says I love you.” Biting my lower lip, I attempt to control my laugh. I don’t need him to say it back to me because I know he loves me. I am just teasing him.

He softly smiles at me, but his expression remains serious as he shakes his head to himself.

“Thank you for accepting me, Ella.” His eyes reflect his true emotions, while his expression is filled with a certain peace, “I don’t know what the future holds for us, or what is going to happen when we step outside but what I know is that even if I die, I’d be happy because I bear your mark.”

It is strange how I truly understand what he means. I am so many identities. I am a daughter, a sister, an Alpha, but now when he has marked me, I feel like finally, I have found what was missing from my identity.

My heart feels complete from the inside because it has been claimed by the person who carries a part of it.

My heart clenches at the sight of my mate because he is everything that I could have ever asked for in a life partner. He is so precious to me that I want to protect him, and at the same time, he is my safe place.

“I love you.” I smile widely at him and place my fingers on his lips, glaring at him playfully, “And please don’t say thank you.”

His breath tickles my fingertips when he chuckles, and then he kisses my fingertips.

“I’d say I love you, too.” He removes my hand from his lips and interlocks our fingers together, “But then you already know that.” He shrugs, feigning innocent.

“Oh, really? Well, I don’t think it looked like that when you kissed my sister.” Straightening my expression, I look at him sternly.

The color drains from his face, and I feel a little bad for pulling his leg, but then, in the end, even I am bitch, so I continue to pretend to be mad.

“I swear, Ella, I didn’t kiss her.” He shakes his head, looking confused and disgusted. “I didn’t even know how it happened. Even if you weren’t my mate, I could never even think about her in that way. I do have feelings for her, but they are platonic like I would have for my friend or my sister.”

“I feel so disgusted by myself for letting it happen.” Sitting up, he clutches his hair in his hands and shakes his head, “How would I ever face Donovon and Ivory? How would I ever face Elena?”

“Something was happening to me.” He looks at me with regret and guilt-filled eyes, “I wanted to kill Elena, and I was seconds away from suffocating her.” He looks at his hands with disbelief.

“I know these strange energies were surrounding you. I don’t know how to explain the nature of those powers, but they seem all wrong.” Nodding my head, I recall those strange vibes which I felt around him.

“Elena sensed them as well, and that’s why she broke their control over me.” He speaks as if he realizes the reason behind Elena’s action, “I felt her absorbing those energies.” He looks at me in horror.

This revelation brings a slight fear to my heart because she never told me anything about this. I don’t know what is going on, but now when I think about it, I remember there was a subtle change in her behavior which earlier I brushed off as being her moody self.

I try to reach out to Elena through our bond, but she has blocked me. Frustration bubbles inside me, being unable to form a connection with her.

Blaze is trying to sense danger, but she hasn’t felt anything unusual until now. I don't know if this is a good or a bad sign.

“Emerson!” Someone knocks rapidly on the door. It takes me a moment to realize this voice belongs to Ambrose, “Our wards have been breached.”

Instantly, standing up, Oliver goes to the door and opens it, and I follow him.

“How is that possible?” Oliver frowns at Ambrose, “Nobody can surpass our protection...”

Suddenly realization hits him as his face turns cold.

“Until and unless the protection wasn't weakened from inside.” Oliver looks at Ambrose as a silent communication passes through them.

The pain of betrayal crosses over Ambrose’s face as he realizes someone from his clan have betrayed them.

“Together, we will fulfill our duty.” Oliver places his hand on Ambrose’s shoulder and gives it a light squeeze, “We are born to protect, and we will protect even if the odds are against us.”

“I know I am never fully considered a part of this clan, but I promise I will do whatever is in my power to protect it.” Oliver clenches his jaws while the determined look in his eyes shows his commitment towards the clan, “My parents belonged to this clan, and this is the last connection between them and me. And I will not let them down.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“You are a true guardian, and I have never doubted this. I might not have ever said this, but I am grateful to you because you accepted me as Ambrose, unlike everyone else for whom I have been nothing but a bastard child.” Ambrose looks down and sighs.

“Our thinking might be different, but our goal is the same, to faithfully fulfill our duties as guardians.” Oliver nods at him. "I don't know who is against us, but we have to stick together to save this clan."

"For now, I don't trust anyone other than you, not even Superior." Oliver surprises me as he openly admits this in front of another guardian.

"I have never trusted him because he has always been unfair." There is a hint of pain in Ambrose's voice which he is trying to conceal with anger, "A leader should be fair, and should always stand up for their people." He looks at me, then looks away.

“Thank you for helping me.” Oliver holds my hand while he gives him a curt nod.

Looking at them, I realize there is a bond of trust between them, and even though I don’t like Ambrose, I can’t deny his loyalty towards his clan. He is a jerk, but he is fiercely protective, and all his previous asshole actions resulted from his protectiveness.

Oliver has shared our secret with him because he believed that Ambrose would not break his trust. And this makes me glad that there is at least someone here who didn't let Oliver down.

“We might not have been friends, but I want you to know that I am with you.” He looks between Oliver and me as his eyes slightly widen when he notices our marks, “Trust me, you have no idea how much relieved I was when I found that crazy bitch was not your mate.” He chuckles, looking at Oliver.

“I wouldn’t even wish that for my worst enemy.” He shudders as if thinking about this is giving him chills, “She is literally devil’s incarnation. I pity the person who is going to be her mate.”

Neither Oliver nor I find this amusing, but it wouldn’t be ideal to disembowel him since he is being bearable for the first time.

“It would be best if you keep your thoughts about my sister to yourself because you might be helpful, but I am not too fond of you for not considering killing you.” Crossing my arms, I give him my cold glare.

Abruptly, a strange sensation flashes through me like I am standing in a room which is filled with dead bodies while unknown happiness fills my heart looking at them.


I don’t have any doubt what I saw and felt was Elena’s vision.

Where is she, and what is going on? Why is she blocking me out?

"Elena, I need your help!" I mindlink Elena, hoping that my voice will reach her because there is no way in hell that she wouldn’t come for my help.

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