Alpha Bond
Chapter 5

Ella’s POV

Somewhere around midnight, I hear footsteps approaching the door.

Tammy wakes up at the sound of the door being unlocked. Fear covers her features as she tries to make herself small while hiding beside me.

Two rogues enter, holding chains with handcuffs. My heart races when I realize this might be silver because they have their hands covered with gloves. I will be able to handle the pain, but for little Tammy, it will be unbearable.

Blaze stirs inside my mind getting agitated because even she doesn’t like the thought of any harm coming to this girl.

Protectively, I push Tammy behind me as I stand in front of her. Holding Tammy’s hand, I try to comfort her as she shakes violently in fear.

“It’s okay, I am here with you,” I reassure her while keeping my eyes on the rogues.

A mocking smile appears on their faces as they glance at us.

“Come here, little girl. We don’t want to hurt you.” One of the rogues, whose teeth are so yellow that it looks like he has never been introduced to toothbrushing his entire life. He shakes the chains in front of his face while glancing at Tammy.

But the creepy shine in his eyes when he looks at Tammy churns my stomach in disgust.

I can feel my body starts to shake in anger as Blaze tries to take over control. Pushing her back, I keep my expression neutral. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Where are you taking her?” I ask in a calm voice.

“Oh, somewhere to have some fun.” The creep shrugs with a smile as his partner laugh shamelessly.

“Don’t worry; your time will also come.” He adds, winking at me, “But our boss will have fun with you, and if we are lucky, he will share you with us as well.”

Any restraint I am having on my wolf shatters, as instantly she takes control over my body and grabs the bastard’s neck.

Closing my fingers around his windpipe, my hand turns into claws as I dig my claws in his neck. Then with a harsh tug, I pull out his windpipe, and with the other hand, I slice the windpipe along his throat.

Blood splutters as his lifeless body falls to the ground. Turning my gaze to the other rogue just in time, when snaps out of the shock and lunges at me.

Dodging him, I land a swift kick on his chest, causing him to stumble into the opposite wall, clearly underestimating me and my strength.

Another thing that my wolf and I have in common is that we don’t play around. We always go for the kill.

So that’s what I do when I quickly grab his head and twist it harshly, breaking his neck instantly. Then not wanting to leave any chance for him to heal, I strike my claws across his throat.

My wolf always goes for the throat, so I mainly aim for the neck even when I am in human form. I think this is an excellent thing because the kill is clean and swift.

Blaze gives me back complete control as she retreats, trying to gain control over her anger. Turning around, I find Tammy huddled in the corner as she looks at me with wide eyes.

“I am not going to hurt you,” I speak gently as I carefully approach her. “You are not afraid of me, right?” I ask softly.

“No, you saved me, but you looked scary when you killed them.” She glances at me, “But I know you will not hurt me.”

I release a sigh of relief because I don’t want her to be afraid of me.

“I am sorry, but when I am angry, I become scary.” I shrug casually.

She glances at me, still slightly looking scared. Sitting on my knees in front of her, I smile at her and wrap my arms around her in a hug, then slightly cringe at the blood which I accidentally smeared on her clothes while hugging her.

“Now feeling okay?” I squeeze her gently, then lean back to find a hint of a smile on her face as she nods her head.

“What are we going to do about them?” She turns her gaze towards the bodies then back to me.

“We will leave them here to rot, as we will rescue the others.” I shrug and wipe my hand on their clothes to clean the blood while checking them to see if they have any weapons on them.

Other than a hunting knife and chains, there is nothing. I strap the hunting knife around my jeans-clad thigh. Then ripping the rogues’ shirt, turn it into a makeshift bag, I place chains in it. Securing it around my back, I grab Tammy’s hand.

Earlier, I have planned to be discreet, but now I think that plan will not work as soon they will find out somebody has killed their men.

“We are going to play guardians?” She excitedly asks. “My friends and I used to play guardians. Because they protect us.”

“I don’t like guardians.” Making a face, I recall everything which I have heard about guardians. And I don’t think there is anything which I like about them.

Without waiting for her answer, I guide her outside the cell when I hear someone coming in the direction of this cell. Quickly, I cover her and my scent completely so that no one can follow us.

I can’t waste any moment as if I have to help everyone imprisoned here; then I have to be quick.

Since I don’t know which direction I should go, I start running towards the left, only hoping that I will not come across any rogues anytime soon.

These rogues have kept us in some underground cells. I think this is probably a pack prison or something. This might also mean some of the packs are helping these rogues. But then I can’t be sure because there is a possibility that they have forcefully taken over any pack.

I know I can't do everything alone. I need to find someone who can be helpful. My mind instantly goes to Steven. He is part of border patrol, and from what I can recall, he is a pretty good fighter. So, I will try to locate him first so that I have one more person on my side.

Focusing on my pack bond, I try to sense Steven. A good option would have been to follow his scent, but this place is rotting, so I don’t think I would have been able to find him without completely falling sick.

My steps come to a halt when I hear agonizing screams. Tammy is completely stiff beside me, but thankfully she is following me.

The sounds coming from the room at the end of the passage indicate someone is being tortured.

Slowly, I follow the sounds and find myself standing in front of the steel door.

Glancing at Tammy, I feel conflicted because I don't want to put her in any more danger than she already is. But I can't let her go out of my sight because if anything goes wrong, I might not be able to save her.

In a split of a moment, I decided that I would not separate her from me. She is much safer with me rather than somewhere else.

"Always stay close to me, and trust me to keep you safe." Placing my hand on her shoulder, I give it a reassuring squeeze.

"And don't hesitate to use this knife if you feel that you are in any danger." Unstrapping the knife, I hand it to her.

The first step to protecting someone is to give them the power to protect themselves. I know I will never let it come to that, but still, she needs to be armed to defend herself.

"I know to use a knife. We are taught to use weapons since we are small." The smile that she gives me increases my confidence, and I know this is the best possible decision in the given circumstances.

Closing my eyes, I channel my wolf's strength and feel my wolf coming forward. A shiver runs down my spine as I feel her strength running through me. My senses become sharper while my muscles coil with anticipation.

Giving a curt nod to Tammy, who instantly goes to stand behind me while clutching the knife tightly in her hands, looking ready to use it if the circumstances demand.

Placing my hand on the door, I slam it open and barge inside, wanting to have that element of surprise. Instantly, I am faced with five rogues.

However, even before they can recover from their shock, I slash my claw across the chest of the nearest rogues taking out a large chunk out of his body.

"Surprise." Smirk forms on my face, looking forward to the bloodshed which is about to go down.

Thank you for reading.

The next update will be on Sunday.

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