Alpha Elias
Chapter 12

Myra didn’t know how long they had laid in her bed but they had fallen asleep. She opened her eyes as she heard a knock on the door.

“You decent?” Ryan’s voice was quiet as he questioned.

Elias sat up as she did. Myra pulled the duvet over her legs as Elias climbed out of the bed and pulled open the curtains. The sun was glaring down on her as Elias called Ryan inside.

He walked inside, dark circles under this eyes as he nodded at Elias. “Beta Zac is looking for you.” Ryan told him and Elias nodded.

He turned to look at Myra who stared at him. “Meet me later?” He asked and she nodded at him softly as she pushed her dried her hair over her shoulder. Elias walked out of the room as Ryan walked towards her. He sat down on the bed and sighed.

“I’ve got no energy in me to even question why he was here.” Ryan mumbled. Myra moved towards him and wrapped her arms around him from the back. “The whole house is really quiet without her.” His voice was soft as he held onto her arms. “I don’t even know what to do now.” He sighed.

Aunt Mary was part of everyone’s life. In such a short time, she had become part of Myra’s life. Myra would greet her in the mornings always, and sometimes she would sit besides her, asking her how her day had been yesterday. She couldn’t stomach the thought of going into the dining room to find it empty.

“My last conversation with her was about uncle drew. She said she was tired in this world and wanted to go back to her soulmate. I know she didn’t put a fight when the wolves got her. I just knew it.” He muttered to himself as she rested her head against his shoulder. “I was supposed to come and get you for the funeral.” He sighed as he rested his head against hers. “Can we get drunk after this?” He mumbled and she smiled softly and nodded.

“I think that’s perfect.” She said pulling away from him. Myra climbed out of the bed and headed towards her closet.

“I’m not even going to question why you’re half naked. Is the end clean?” Ryan asked her and she smiled nodding at him. Ryan fell back on the bed and sighed.

Myra walked into her closet and pulled a simple black flowing dress with a high neckline but sleeveless. She opened one of the draws and pulled a her black panties out. Myra quickly got changed, not wearing a bra with the dress. She brushed out her hair and pulled it up into a high bun as she headed towards the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. Once she was done, she dries her face with the towel and walked out of the bathroom to see Ryan holding a pair of black flats. He placed them on the ground and she wore them.

“Let’s go. I’ve got about ten liters of tears in me.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and guided her out of the room. The house was silent as they walked downstairs to see her friends waiting besides the door. They waved at her silently and started heading out the door.

Just thought I should point it out to you that Kyle and I completed the mating bond. We fucked last night and now he’s not talking to me. Ryan blurted out in her mind. She was frozen for a second but he didn’t let her stop walking as they followed the boys.

Why is he not talking to you? Myra asked him as her gaze ran around the groups heading deeper into the forest. She followed the boys.

Emotions were high last night. It just happened and now he’s ignoring me. Ryan explained to her as Myra noticed people stopping. She nodded at Ryan as theh walked through the forest to a huge clearing. She could see endless gravestones over Brian’s shoulders. Myra glanced at Elias who was standing in front of everyone at a grave they had dug. A coffin was placed inside and dirt was around it.

Elias’s voice was low but everyone heard him. “Her wish had always been to be buried next to Uncle Drew.” he started to say as he turned around and looked at his pack. “Aunt Mary was the sunshine of this family. She was there for everyone and treated everyone with kindness. I promise youall on Aunt Mary’s grave, that I will find whoever initiated the attack, and I will bring their heads to my territory. I give you my word.” He vowed to everyone and the pack erupted in cheers and growls.

One by one, everyone slowly walked to the grave and picked up a fistful of dirt. Myra watched as they beat down and placed the dirt on her grave. Liv walked up to the grave, Zac hokding her hand.

“She wanted me to be a grandma desperately the moment the bond clicked between Zac and I.” Her voice was so distant as she stared at the gravestone. “Yesterday she had told me again and I was so tempted to tell her that I was pregnant. I’m going to be a mom. I wanted to surprise her with gifts but life isn’t full of happiness. I promise that I will tell my son or daughter about the grandma that loved them dearly. I know you’ll be watching us in the stars, Aunt Mary and….I hope you are proud of us all.” Liv was crying.

Myra could feel the tears falling down her face as she wiped them away quickly. She followed the boys silently to the grave and Elias watched her. Myra didn’t have any words to say to Aunt Mary other than she was sorry which said in her mind, as she picked up a fistgul of dirt. Myra put it on her grave and stood back up. She took a step back as her friends stared at the grave.

“We made a really nice movie for her.” Josh mumbled as Myra felt Elias move closer to her.

He wrapped an arm around her from behind and she didn’t move as he rested his chin on top of her head. Myra didn’t know why but she grabbed his hands and wrapped them around her body. He held her.

“She was adventurous in her time,“Brian chuckled. Elias let out a breathless laugh. “I stole some video from her camera which needed a big upgrade and I’m sorry Aunt Mary that you couldn’t see it. Tonight though,I hope you’re watching us from the stars because I’m going to play the movie for us all. Tonight is for Aunt Mary. The queen of us all.” Brian smiled at the gravestone as everyone cheered for her.

Myra watched, wrapped around in Elias’s arms, as every pack member placed dirt on her grave, some of them saying some words while others remained silent. Aunt Mary was buried and a silent minute passed over them all.

“Drinks?” Zac called out to everyone. People started leaving, willing to get drunk. Others left to go to their homes and look after their kids, mourning in silence.

Myra and Elias were left alone. She stared at the gravestone. Myra didn’t how long she had in her life until Alpha jackson and the old pack came to cause war against the Shadow pack. She knew Elias would kill them all, she had watched him rip apart over ten wolves without a scratch on his body. She was still afraid though for the innocent people that would die because of her.

They stayed silent lost in their own thoughts. Myra wa going to give this a go. She was mated to him, chosen for him and him alone. She couldn’t define fate. She was willing to work on this and it didn’t matter how long she had with him. She wanted to spend every minute with Elias with no care in the world that her life would fall apart one day.

Elias’s stomach growled and she chuckled as she turned around in his arm. He didn’t let go of her as if the contact was just right.

“Hungry?” She asked him and he nodded with a small smile on his face. “I can make you something to eat.” She offered him and he sighed.

“No one has really eaten anything since she’s been gone.” He told her truthfully as he stared at the sky above them.

“Elias.” She said to him and he looked at her immediately. “You’re the Alpha of this pack and you need to show them all that life moves on.” She told him. He listened to her words carefully, watching her lips move. “You have to be strong. I’m going to be here with you.” She smiled at him softly.

He returned the smile as he removed his arms from around her. “Would you like to help me make food for everyone?” He questioned her.

Myra nodded and Elias turned around walking back towards the pack house. She followed him and they walked in silence besides each other. She noticed Ryan and the others sitting around in the fighting area and drinking their pain away. She sighed as she followed Elias into the kitchen through the back door.

“What will we make?” She asked him as he headed towards the freezer and opened the door. She walked towards the sink and washed her hands. She tied an apron on her body as she turned to look at him.

“Everyone’s favourite. I’ll make steak and chips with rice and chicken. Vegetables, hummus, roasted potatoes. Whatever I can make.” He told her as he pulled out clear bags of frozen chicken breasts.

“That’s a lot of stuff to make.” She pointed out and he chuckled as he looked at her.

“We’re friends and friends like to cook together. Right?” He questioned as he turned back to the freezer.

He truly wanted to be her friend. Myra didn’t know how to feel about it as he closed the freezer door and opened cupboards, taking out packets of rice.

She let out a deep breath and nodded to herself. “I’ll start making the steak.” She told him and he nodded at her without looking at her.

Myra knew it was going to be a long day. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.


They had been silent for hours, cooking a dinner so big it was enough for the whole pack. Elias had not said a word to her other than telling her what to do and how much spice to put in what and for who since everyone likes their favours differently. She was at a boiling point, ready to explode on him as the door opened.

Liv walked inside with a confused look on her face as she noticed the containers placed out on the counter. “What are you doing?” She looked at them confused.

Myra couldn’t believe Liv was pregnant. Usually wolves could scent a pregnant female from Miles away unless they covered up their scent. Liv did that because Myra could not tell.

“We made food.” Elias smiled at her as he pointed to the chair. “Sit.” He told her. Liv smiled softly as she sat down on the chair and Elias grinned at her.

Grinned. He hadn’t grinned at her all day.

“I mindlinked Zac, your brother and his friends to come and help me deliver all the food to everyone. Tomorrow will be a new day so I want everyone to go back to their normal routine.” Elias told Liv who nodded as the door opened and Zac and the others walked inside. They were not drunk completely but a little tipsy.

Ryan grinned at her as Kyle stared at him. “Did you make us food, Myra?” Ryan gasped loudly. She smiled at him.

“Wash your hands and your faces.” She pointed to the sink. “Wake up, you’ve got a delivery job to do.” She told them all. Her friends listened and nodded their heads as they walked to the sink and stood in a line to wash their hands and faces.

“Zac, all the containers have their house names on them. I’m going to go to my office,” Elias told him and Zac nodded, sobering up immediately. “I have something to do.”

Elias undid the red christmas apron he was wearing and placed it on the counter as he walked towards the door. Without saying a word to her.

“Elias.” She called out to him. He turned around and looked at her. “Are you not going to eat?” She asked him, confusion clear in her voice. He had been hungry and hadn’t eaten anything.

“I’ll eat later.” He smiled at her politely.

“No.” She told him. He looked at her confused as she picked up a container with no name on it and held it out to him. “I want you to eat.” She told him.

His eyes darkened at her demanding voice and everyone froze to watch as he walked towards her slowly. He held the box in his hands and she let go of it as a smirk tugged on her lips. So much for friends?

He could see the words in her eyes and Elias chuckled as he took the box and walked out of the kitchen.

Myra smiled to herself as Liv grinned at her.

Did he want her to tell him that she wasn’t going to be friends with him anymore? She would. She would confess whatever she was feeling in her heart.

My Queen. Luna grinned at her and Myra smiles to herself.

Elias was her mate and hers alone.

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