Alpha Elias
Chapter 18

Elias held Myra’s hand as they walked past wolves who chased little children. The sun was shining brightly today, taking in her happiness and radiating it to the world.

She had trained with Elias yesterday for hours and hours. They had started when the sun was shining on them and ended when stars filled the sky and they were alone outside while the pack had found their rooms.

Myra didn’t want to sleep so they had walked and talked about everything. He listened while she talked about her life, telling him everything she wanted to say. It was four in the morning and they were eating ice cream together before they decided to go inside because she was tired and yawning constantly.

Elias had slept besides her. He had dropped her off outside her room door and she had held his hand, not letting go of him. She didn’t want the night to end and had invited him to sleep. They had slept together, with him wrapping his arm around her and pulling her closer to himself. She was safe in his arms.

“What shall we do today?” Elias asked her, moving closer to her. She smiled up at him, shrugging her shoulders as she heard people running behind her.

Myra turned around to look at Liv chasing Brian and the boys. “I have had enough of you all!” She screamed angrily as she stopped running.

“Baby.” Zac called out to her as he placed a soothing hand on her back. She moved away from him as if his touch burned her.

“Don’t touch me.” She muttered.

“It was a joke.” Zac took a step closer to her again as Liv turned to look at Myra. Relief filled her eyes as if she was grateful.

“I want to get out of here.” She said to Myra, pleading with her eyes to take her somewhere.

A pregnant werewolf had their emotions heightened more than a normal wolf. One mistake could turn them into killers if they so much as thought they were in danger.

“All we did was put flour in your hairdryer!” Brian confessed loudly and the others tried not to laugh. Zac growled at them and they all shut up.

Take her to the human mall. She can do some baby shopping. Elias said to Myra through her mind as he pulled out his wallet from his pocket. Myra let go of his hand as he handed her a blue debit card.

Code is 1735. He mindlinked her, a smile on his face as she returned it.

Myra turned to look at Liv who watched them. “You can take me to the human mall.” She said and Liv nodded instantly and she walked towards Myra.

Liv mouthed the words thank you as she held Myra’s hand and pulled her away from Elias who waved and winked at Myra. She smiled and followed Liv.

Please look after her. Zac mindlinked Myra, his voice soft and filled with worry as he watched them walk away.

Myriad replied with always before she followed Liv around the pack house and towards the cars. “Is the Human Mall far?” She asked Liv who shook her head, asking a boy to bring her keys to the Jeep.

“It’s not that far, about thirty minutes by car.” She said as she waited besides the black Jeep. Myra stood besides her.

“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked Liv as the boy came running towards them with the keys. He grinned and handed them to Liv, before running back to his friends.

They sat inside the car as she answered. “I woke up this morning feeling like shit.” She muttered and started the car up. It purred to life. “Pregnancy for us lasts five months so I’m ready to pop this child out of me in four and a half months.” She sighed before driving.

“Everyone is walking on eggshells around me and it annoys the fuck out of me.” She was raging. “I want to be Liv, the girl who had fun and I know I should be responsible, but Myra-” Liv glanced at her. “There is no one better than myself who knows what I need or what the baby needs. I know better than anyone.” Her voice was quiet, as if nobody else understood her.

“They care about you, Liv.” Myra told her. Everyone cared for her, deeply.

“I know.” She sighed, running a hand through her hair before putting both hands on the steering wheel and taking a left on the empty road. “Brian and the others thought it would be funny to put flour in my hairdryer and for my hair to turn white. He left a note. Your hair will be white like this in a few years.”

Luna laughed in her mind. That was kind of funny. She said.

“I want a girls day today and then I’ll go home and cuddle with Zac and cry and just let him hold me.” She sighed, coming up with her own comfort plan and realising she might have overreacted. Myra didn’t think so.

“We can buy baby clothes. We’ll make sure they’re unisex.” Myra said to her as Liv nodded, a grateful smile on her face as she chuckled.

“I hope it’s a girl. I have so many girl names picked out.” She grinned to herself, indicating right and turning the car. “Zac isn’t fussed. He says if it’s a girl, he’ll name her Zasha and if it’s a boy he’ll be Zac Jr.”

Myra laughed as Liv talked about the names she wanted and she was very excited to have a child. She loved children and she wanted to have many but all spaced out. Myra agreed with her.

She did want children one day but not any time soon. She was not in the right mindset to care for a child and to bring a child into her life would be unfair. She wanted to be ready and to shower her child with the love she never got.

Liv talked about everything and nothing before she parked the car up besides a huge mall. Myra had felt the connection to the Shadow Pack break the moment Liv had driven past the invisible border.

The human territory was the only place no wolf was allowed to enter without permission from the supernatural council who controlled everything. High people who organized where people could start their territory from and where there was enough space for No Man’s Land. A place where rogues could live without the fear of being killed by an Alpha for trespassing.

Elias had mindlinked Myra the second she had felt her stomach drop the closer they got to the mall.

I’m right here. He said to her, his voice caressing her mind with a soft touch as she let out a breath she was holding.

Liv had explained how today was their day to go to human mall, and other pack members would be here as well. Everyone had a separate day so she had reassured Myra that she was safe here.

Liv parked the car in the parking lot, and switched it off. “I want to buy ice cream first.” She told Myra who nodded as she climbed out of the car.

The wind was blowing through the air a little, making her blue summer dress flow up. The breeze made chills run up her legs and she pushed the card in her dress pocket as Liv walked towards her.

She wrapped her arm around Myra’s as they walked inside the mall, ignoring everyone who stared at them.

There was something about a human with the werewolf gene. They were beautiful and stood out from the humans. Liv was stunning and everyone watched her as they both walked into the mall, the air much cooler inside and stores after stores were calling out to Myra.

She had never been here and there over a thousand people walking upstairs to the second floor or down to the ground floor.

“I’ll get lost.” Myra said to Liv who chuckled besides her and started pulling her to the food court in the middle of the mall.

“I won’t let you get lost because death is guaranteed by Elias if I return without you.” She chuckled making Myra laugh as they stood in line near the ice cream court.

She was determined to have a good time.


“I am tired.” Liv complained, throwing the bags into the back seat.

Myra and Liv had shopped for hours and hours which Liv called therapy. Elias had checked in and Myra had told him they would be on their way back now.

They sat inside the car and Liv started the drive home. Myra was tired as well. She had walked for hours and ate so much she knew she was ready to pop. A disgusting image of her stomach blowing up and pizza falling out of it filled her mind and she shook her head.

That was disgusting. Luna cringed at her.

Myra stayed silent as did Liv. She was thinking about how to talk to Zac and was lost in her thoughts, as they appeared on the empty road that eventually lead back into their territory.

Myra stared outside the window, leaning her face against it as the forced bond inside of her raged. Something was wrong. It was closer inside of her, slowly rising with every second that ticked by.

Myra moved away from the window, looking around herself as Liv drove. Liv glanced at her with a confusing look as Myra’s eyes widened.

“Stop!” She screamed, noticing a wolf on the road, waiting for death.

Liv immediately pressed her foot on the breaks, jerking forward a little. She leaned her head up, narrowing her eyes at the wolf far away from them.

“Lucy?” She asked, confused.

The bond inside of Myra, the one she had with Jackson was raging, his voice screaming inside of her mind. You can not hide from me.

Luna was wide awake, staring,growling inside of her as Myra looked around, confused. They were here.

“Do not stop driving. Whatever you do, do not-” Myra didn’t get to finish her sentence off as a wolf pounced on the window making Liv scream.

Myra locked the doors immediately as she noticed wolves circling the car.

“Zac is coming.” Liv’s voice was breathless, a hand resting against her stomach as fear filled the car.

You are not afraid. Elias murmured to her softly. I am coming. Drive away.

“Can you drive?” Myra asked Liv who stared out the window as the wolves clawed at the car, their nails making their mark.

Liv didn’t answer. She was in shock as she noticed at least five wolves, circling her car.

Myra noticed them first. Jackson and Tom walking towards the car.

“Liv drive!” Myra hissed at Liv whose hands were shaking as she tried to start the car that did not seem to start.

Myra couldn’t drive and the worst feeling ever was finally settling inside of her. They would not allow her to escape.

“Change seats with me.” Myra told Liv who pulled the seat back and swapped seats with her. “Teach me how to drive.” She asked as she started the car with steady hands.

She was no longer afraid.

“Just put your foot on the gas.” Liv said as she pushed the gear into D. Drive.

Myra pulled her seat forward and pressed her boot onto the gas. The car jerked forward but drove.

Run them over. Luna growled in her mind as Myra drove faster, both of her hands on the steering wheel as she headed straight towards Jackson and Tom.

The world had slowed down as Liv screamed her name. There was never an escape when it came to her. Liv’s voice echoed in her mind as Myra whipped her head to the side just as a car came straight into them.

She wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. Neither was Liv.

Their car toppled over, both of them holding onto their seats with dear life. Life that was hanging by a thread.

The world stopped spinning as Myra fell out of the car, glass shattering around her as Liv fell to the ground besides her.

Get up. Luna growled in her mind urging to take over, to protect her. To protect Liv, a pregnant female.

When a werewolf was pregnant, they could not shift into their wolf form. Everything remained the same with their senses but the ability to shift was taken away for five months. It was why males were overprotective of them.

Myra stood up, pushing herself onto her feet. She removed the glass pieces from her arms, blood dripping down slowly as Luna healed her. She noticed the wolves circling them slowly, coming closer.

“Get up.” She told Liv without turning around. The power in her voice made every wolf stop moving.

She was no longer Myra the broken wolf. She was Myra, the Alpha Female.

Myra heard rustling and a groan behind her as Liv stood up, moving closer to her. The wolves did not move, realising she was no longer the same girl they had broken over the years. Jackson and Tom took their time walking to her slowly and she used it to her advantage.

Myra turned to look at Liv who glanced between her and the wolves. “Run and do not look back.”

She would protect her but having Liv besides her, she wouldn’t be able to focus. Myra had an inkling that Jackson and Tom did not care about Liv. They would not Chase her but the wolves in front of her who stared, they would do anything to please their master. She would fight, because her family was worth fighting for.

“No I can’t leave you.” Liv hissed at her angry on why that thought would even cross her mind.

Myra stared at her. “Run home and do not look back.” She repeated her words, the authority in them making Liv stand up straight.

She was a Beta Female but Myra was an Alpha and her word would be obeyed.

Liv tried to push past the power that took over her body, making her take a step back, but she couldn’t. Her eyes were filled with anger, with understanding as she turned around and ran away from them all. The wolves growled, wanting to chase her but Mhra stood in front of them.

A prize they all wanted.

They growled at her, doing the stupidest thing and charging towards her. She had never really fought against wolves but the adrenaline inside of her did not care. They came running towards her and she pushed her feet out a little, getting into a fighting stance because she was ready to kill them all if she had too. She had to try.

“Do not touch her.” Jackson’s voice filled her mind, surrounded her body as they got closer and closer. The wolves backed off and she knew they wouldn’t fight her anymore.

She stared at them. They walked as if they did not have a drop of fear inside of them that her mate was on his way to kill them all without any hesitation. They did not seem afraid as if they were inevitable.

Jackson stood in front of her. She took a step back, and the wolves growled as Tom walked behind her. She would fight.

“I have missed you, my darling wife.” Jackson reached out his hand to touch her face.

“Touch me and I will break your fingers.” The threat was powering,making the wolves behind her whimper and Jackson’s eyes widened in surprise.

“You accepted your true self.” He muttered under his breath, glancing at Tom behind her. She did not understand what they were talking about but she didn’t care. If they so much as touched a strand of hair on her head, she would kill them. “You’re an alpha. You think you can go against us?” He scoffed, taking a step towards her.

Jackson grabbed onto her arm and pulled her forward. Myra allowed her eyes to glow red, letting Luna take a little control. She grabbed onto Jackson’s arm and with all her strength, she twisted his arm, hearing the snap of his bones. There was a gasp behind her, and she heard before she felt Tom’s hand fist her hair.

Myra saw red. Literally. The world which was full of different colours had changed into red and orange. The colours of flames that seemed to anger as she twisted around lifted her leg up, kicking Tom in his balls. Anything to get free.

She was not going to give them a chance to ever hurt her again.

“You little bitch.” Tom growled, dropping to the ground and holding himself. One at a time.

Jackson growled behind her,and Myra allowed Luna a little more control, for her senses to be heightened more. The world slowed down around her as she watched Jackson stretch his arm out to punch her. She moved to the left, allowing his arm to punch the air. He growled, turning to look at her.


There was genuine fear in the air and Myra did not know if it was from the wolves or Tom who was still kneeling on the ground.

Jackson ran to her, he chased her as she ran away from them, heading towards the car that had toppled over. She picked up the glass from the ground and spun around pointing it towards him.

“Come anywhere close and I will kill you.” She threatened him, her hand stretched out with the glass in her hand, and the sharp point facing him.

Jackson laughed. “You can not kill me.”

“You can be killed.” She warned him as Tom stood up, a smirk on his face as if there was something she was missing.

Jackson turned around, facing the far end of the road as if he could see and hear clearer than her. “I must wrap this up.” He chuckled and faced her.

She would not go back.

Myra lifted the glass towards her neck, making them all freeze. She would never kill herself,never be the weak Myra she once was. But watching Jackson’s and Tom’s eyes widened as the broken glass was placed against her neck with a soft lover’s touch, she knew she was more important alive to them.

“I will kill myself and whatever you are after will die with me.”

There was something that she had or knew about which made her the biggest prize to them all. They did not want her dead body. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Don’t do it!” Tom hissed and she realised their weakness.

She was their weakness. Whatever they wanted, they needed her to be alive for.

“She will not kill herself.” Jackson smirked to himself.

There was confusion in her eyes.

Everything stopped. The world stopped spinning, the wind stopped whistling, the birds disappeared from the sky. The sky darkened as Myra watched with wide eyes as Jackson lifted his arms up into the air. It was as if he was summoning a demon as the air swirled around him in a rage unknown to her. She took a step back as Jackson pushed the air that was swirling besides him, towards her.

Myra ran like her life depended on it but there was nothing in this world that could have stopped the wind circling her, freezing her in place. The wind was suffocating her as she tried to claw at her throat, trying to breathe. The wind lifted her up into the air and her eyes widened as she watched *Jackson clicked his fingers and Myra saw stars dancing in her eye sight.

She lost all consciousness of her mind, falling into the pit of darkness that opened up wide for her.

They never came for her.

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