Chapter 1 Nora My eighteenth birthday party was in full swing. All of Pack Moonery was there, even the Alpha and Luna. I’d known them my whole life but it was still a surprise to have them at my birthday party. “Nora, happy birthday,” the Alpha said, clasping my hands in his. I smiled at him. “Thank you, Mr. Rays,” I said, bowing my head in respect. “It has been a pleasure to watch you grow up. You’ll always be a close family friend,” he said, k*ssing the back of my hand. “I really appreciate that,” I smiled. “Now, do you know where that son of mine is?” the Alpha asked, winking at me. Jeremy Rays, the Alpha’s son and next in line to lead Moonery, had been my close friend since childhood. “I haven’t seen him yet. If you see him first, remind him he hasn’t given me my present yet,” I said, teasing. “I certainly will. Enjoy that party.” The Alpha waved at me and headed off into the crowd. Everyone in the pack that was my age was there, dancing and enjoying the fine food. A three–tier cake had been made and decorated with trees and little sugar wolves. An event tent had been put up and there were string lights hanging down. Champagne was being served. Even though I was only eighteen, it was a special pack event and the Alpha always let us have a little champagne at special events. “Happy birthday, Nora,” people called to me, waving as I mingled through the crowd. I waved at everyone that spoke to me, so happy that the whole pack was together for the occasion. Now that I was eighteen, I could find my true mate and I was officially a full member of the pack. Everyone knew me because I was an orphan raised by the alpha and the luna, and grew up with Jeremy, but it felt nice to be connected to the entire pack. In the back of my mind, I could sense my wolf Clara’s pleasure at the event too. She had been mildly agitated all day, just waiting for the clock to strike midnight so I would officially turn eighteen. She was anxious to find her mate. I kept glancing at the clock as the minutes ticked by. It was so close! “Nora,” Helen, a friend of mine, said, running up to me and hugging me. “Hey, Helen,” I said, returning her hug. “Happy birthday. You must be so excited to find your mate tonight,” she gushed. Helen fl*pped her wavy, blond hair and batted eyelashes over her green eyes. “Yeah. If he is here,” I said, biting my bottom l*p. “Well, good luck. I’m rooting for you,” Helen smiled. She nudged my shoulder and took off into the crowd again. I smiled after her. As Helen disappear into the crowd, I saw someone else emerge. My breath caught in my throat and the clock struck midnight as Jeremy Rays emerged from the crowd and walked toward me. My wolf howled in my head, then paced around and rolled onto her back, ready to reveal her stomach. Heat washed over me a shudder ran down my spine. Jeremy was my mate! As he came toward me, he stopped walking, the big smile on his face faltering slightly. I swallowed, wondering if he felt it too. Would he be happy? Would he be upset? We’d been friends for so long and I didn’t  know how Jeremy would react. “Hey there, birthday girl,” he said, closing the gap between us. He grabbed both of my hands in his. Clara purred in my head, begging to be touched more. Her response made my cheeks burn and I looked down, smiling shyly. “Can you feel that?” I asked him. “I do,” he said, his voice serious and husky. He rubbed his thumbs over the backs of my hands. I looked up into Jeremy’s stunning blue eyes, like icy frost flakes clinging to a leaf. “D–Did you know?” I asked. Jeremy was already over eighteen. He could have felt the mate bond between us before. “No. My wolf could sense something with you but it wasn’t strong enough. Not until tonight,” he explained. “Is this…” I sighed and trailed off. “Is this a good thing?” I asked. Jeremy smirked at me. “Why wouldn’t it be?” he asked. He squeezed my hands. “We’ve known each other so long and this just feels right.” “Yeah, it does,” I said, nodding. “If Gavin was still alive, he’d be happy for us too,” he said. Gavin was Jeremy’s best friend and would be Beta but he was lost in the last war. “Let’s dance,” Jeremy insisted. He pulled me into the throng of party guests that were swaying to the music. Jeremy looked like such a gentleman with his blond hair slicked back and his black, tailored suit. I was a little clumsy in my floor–length, satin gown. Jeremy slid one arm around my back and I gasped, a shiver running down my spine. He grasped my hand with his free one and I put my hand on his shoulder. Jeremy took a step closer to me, our bodies hovering just inches apart. My wolf was howling again, urging me to move closer to him. I could feel his breath on my face. It smelt like pine and sandalwood. I closed my eyes halfway, enjoying the heat from his b*dy and the scent he gave off. “You look beautiful tonight,” Jeremy whispered. “Th–thanks,” I whispered, too caught up to find my actual voice. I leaned against Jeremy, resting my head on his shoulder. Jeremy led me in a sensual, graceful dance. He knew all the steps and he knew how to hold onto me in a way that made us feel close and made me feel special. Partway through the dance, I felt eyes on me. I looked over Jeremy’s shoulder and saw Helen watching us. She had a strange look across her features. My heart grew heavy. I knew Helen has had a crush on Jeremy for a while. Before tonight, Jeremy and I had only ever been friends. Now, we were going to be far more than that.

Undoubtedly, Helen would be mad at me because she liked Jeremy. I couldn’t help that he was my mate, though. When our dance was over, Jeremy pulled me aside. “I got you something for your birthday,” he said. My b*dy tingled with joy and excitement. “I knew you’d have a present for me,” I said, giggling.   Jeremy held out a small jewelry box. He popped the lid open and there was a charm bracelet inside with several holly leaf charms and more loops for other charms. “Wow,” I said, gasping at the sight of the jewelry. “I thought the holly was appropriate. You’re just as beautiful and unique as the strong colors of the holly bush but you can be tough like the leaves. I find those all very endearing qualities. I know you can take care of and protect yourself but I want to be there for you too,” he explained. “That’s so sweet,” I smile, looking between his bright eyes and the charms. Jeremy took the bracelet out of the box and cl*pped it around my wrist. I held it up to the light, letting the charms sparkle in the light. “That’s just half of the present. Now that I know you’re my mate, I’m going to announce it at the pack convention next. I’ll name you as my mate and the next Luna of Moonery,” Jeremy told me. My cheeks burned again. I couldn’t believe how much my life had changed in just a few minutes. In my heart, I knew that Jeremy and I were going to be so happy together. “Nora, I think congratulations are in order,” Helen said, stepping between me and Jeremy. She glanced over her shoulder at Jeremy. “It looks like you found your mate.” “Thanks,” I said, smiling. Helen’s smile was a little strained. I thought she’d be mad but instead, she handed me a drinking glass and held one up for herself, clinking her glass against mine. “It is a family custom of mine to drink with your close friends when you’ve found your mate. A special drink that ensures prosperity and a long, happy relationship,” she said, sipping from her own glass. I smelled the drink. It didn’t smell or look familiar. “It is just made from mistletoe. Nothing bad. Come on, it is for good luck,” Helen urged. I glanced at Jeremy and he nodded to me encouragingly. I shrugged and took a sip of the drink. It tasted really sweet, sickly sweet. I coughed and then tried to drink the rest. It took some effort but I didn’t want to hurt Helen’s feelings anymore than I already had. “Well, I won’t hog up any more of your time. Congratulations, again,” Helen said. She blew us a k*ss and twirled away. I put the glass down  on a table as quickly as possible. “I don’t know what that is but it was too sweet,” I said, sticking my tongue out. Jeremy laughed and looped his arm around my shoulders. “Come on, let’s enjoy your party. We’ve got the rest of our lives to plan the rest of our lives.” I giggled and followed along with Jeremy. * On the day of the pack convention, I stood at the edge of the stage. Jeremy and his parents were out there talking to the pack and giving updates about what was happening. They were currently updating the pack on the rogue situation. Jeremy had already told me everything so I didn’t have to listen. I shifted my weight from one foot to the other, nervous about standing in front of the pack while Jeremy announced me as the next Luna and his mate. I had a feeling some people already suspected it. Jeremy and I had been inseparable since my party. We’d always been friendly, so it was easy to play it off like we were just friends. It wasn’t that we were hiding it, but Jeremy wanted to make as big a statement as possible. He really seemed to like big, extravagant gestures. I didn’t mind. It made me feel special and wanted. I didn’t have a big family and Jeremy’s family had been like a surrogate family to me. While I stood there, trying to calm the butterflies that raged in my stomach, I absently reached out to my wolf. Usually, when I was agitated, she was too. She was strangely quiet in the back of my mind. I wondered why she was calm and settled while I was freaking out. I tried to connect with her but I couldn’t feel her. It was like she had just vanished from my mind. My hands started to shake. Something was really, really wrong! I shook my hands, trying to stop the tremors but tears sprang to my eyes. I blinked them back, even as I started to hyperventilate. I blinked them back, even as I started to hyperventilate. Tu–tump, tu–tump, tu–tump. All I could hear was my heart beating. There was something wrong. I couldn’t feel her. I couldn’t sense her. I couldn’t find her. My wolf was gone!

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