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Chrome/MyNine Whispers in the Shadows


Lying in myyooonsstaring at the ceiling, I tried to find solace in the fantaassuroundings. The softness of my bed, the gentle humoothe abusseussully a comfort, now seemed to Gecentuate ahhaineess@gnawing at my insides. The house’s silence was sinneerving amplifying the cacophony of my own roubled thoughts…

The absence of news sroomDDamon Axel, and Zane was like a avacuum, leaving me susseedcednia state of uncertainty. Their Corprolonged meeting with the Couuocibonly added layers to my nanxiety The enemy’s note withts cryptic and unknown ahandwriting, toomed in myyninindigea dark cloud.

egentle knock on the door broke my chair of thoughts.


“Come in,” I called out, not moving from my position.

The door opened, and Betty stepped in, carrying a tray with tea and some snacks.

“Thought you could use a bit of this,” she said, placing the tray oron the nightstand.

You read my mind,” I said, sitting up to grab the cup.

ThThe warmth of the tea was a small but welcome comfort. Betty totook a seat at the corner of the bed.

“YoYou’ve been cooped up here since you got back. What’s going oroin in that head of yours?”

Justsryinying to piece together a puzzle with half the pieces. missssing,”repeplied, taking a sip of the tea.

“The attack?”

“Yeah. And something else… Nate found a note on one of the rogues. It was targeted at me, but I can’t recognize the handwriting. It’s like we’re dealing with a ghost.”

“That’s unsettling,” Betty commented, her brow furrowing. “Any idea who it could be?”

“None. And it’s driving me crazy. The not knowing is the worst part.”

I set the tea cup down and sighed.

“And the triplets are still in the Council meeting. I’m out of the loop, and it feels… frustrating.”

“Well, they better have some good news or at least some answers when they get back,” Betty said, her tone light, trying to inject some normalcy into the situation.

“Yeah, hope so. I’m just…” I trailed off, finding it hard to put into words he storm of emotions brewing inside me.

The silence that followed was comfortable, a testament to the ease of our friendship. We didn’t always need words to understand each other.

My train of thought was interrupted by a mental nudge from Damon.

coming home. There’s a lot we need to discuss.

Relief mingled with apprehension at his message.

“They’re on their way back.”

“Good,” Betty stood up, collecting the tray. “Remember, no matter what gets thrown at you, you’re not alone. We’re all here for you.”

ahksedliad managing a smati sinileve

den this thordea vieaving me with my thoughtsis

ne again,&ponderete med over the upcoming conversation withth triplets it was bouhoundtorbe revealing, possibly even life-e- ang. The note, the attacltank bumfuture-everything seemed toto gip the balancence.

waited for their arrival,ivrealized zea that the path ahead mightht shrouded in shadows, bust huvasvas a path we needed to walk ether. And whatever revelatioasons were waiting for me, was s dy to face them.em.

the twilight deepened, esat aloneonny royroom, the weight of t bing pressing heavily upon me. The patipatie ahead was indeed d Duded in shadows, each one hiding bugotentialetevelations thatal ewadiad to face, but not alone. The absebsence of Damon, Axel, azame was like an echo in a hollow cave, ave, desonating with the

fofyray anxious heart. art

Needing o escape the confines of my room, I wandered outsk the cool evening air a welcome relief. The familiar sights four territory provided a small comfort. My steps led me to the training grounds, a place that had always been a sanctuary of strength and reflection. Sitting on a bench, I let the silence of the night envelop me, hoping to find some clarity amid the chaos of my thoughts.

Lost in the whirlwind of my own mind, I barely noticed the approach of a familiar figure until she was almost upon me.

“Phera?” Reese’s voice broke through my reverie, tinged with concern and warmth.

I looked up to see her standing there, a mix of worry and resolve etched on her face.

“Hey, Reese,” I replied, managing a small smile.

“What are you doing out here by yourself?” she asked, taking a

seat next to me.

“Just needed some space to think,” I said, my gaze drifting back the shadowy outlines of the trees.

Betty must have told her about the note and everything else that had transpired. Reese had always been more than a friend; she was a confidante, someone who had been there through thick and thin.

“You’re thinking about the Council meeting, aren’t you? And that note?” Reese prodded gently.

I nodded, the weight of her knowing gaze pressing down on me.

“It’s all just so overwhelming. Knowing someone targeted me specifically… It feels like I’m walking on a tightrope with no safety net.”

Reese reached out, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

“It’s a lot for anyone to handle. But you’re not alone in this,

Phere We’re all here for you, no matter what.”

Her words were a small island of solace in the turbulent sea of my emotions.

“I know, and I’m grateful. But there are so many unanswered questions. Who wrote that note? Why me? What’s their endgame?”

e we’re in the middle of a mystery novel, except it’s real

you’re the main character,” Reese said, a hint of a smile ng on her lips, trying to lighten the mood.

A chuckle escaped my lips despite the situation.

“Yeah, and I didn’t even get to choose the genre. I would have preferred a nice romance or even a comedy at this point.” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Reese squeezed my shoulder gently.

“Well, iffe has a way of throwing curveballs. But if anyone can handle it, it’s you, Phera. You’ve got strength, courage, and a whole pack that’s got your back.”

Her words bolstered me, lending me a semblance of strength.

“Thanks, Reese. I just hope we can get to the bottom of this soon. The not knowing is the hardest part.”

,” she affirmed. “And whatever comes out of that uncil meeting, we’ll face it together. You, me, Betty, the triplets, the whole pack. We’re a family, and we look out for each. other.”

As we sat there under the night sky, the world around us seemed to pause, offering a moment of peace amidst the storm. But as comforting as Reese’s presence was, I knew that the dawn would bring new challenges, revelations, and

decisions that would shape the future of our pack and my life with the triplets. And whatever they were, I was ready to face them, bolstered by the unwavering support of my friends and pack.

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