Chapter 19


I woke up the following morning after I barely slept the whole night. I looked at Tyler’s side where he was sound asleep. He really looked cute and peaceful when he was sleeping not like when he was being the arrogant and commanding Alpha that he always is.

I brushed the hair that was in his face carefully so that I could get a good view of his face. I stared at him for some few more seconds and decided to get up and head for the shower.

I went straight to the bathroom and started the shower. I let the water to heat up and looked straight at the mirror. I inspected my body and there was no scratch or any scar in my body. If someone came and saw me naked they will never believe that I was attacked just few days ago.

I just missed my mom a lot. I remember when I had not met with Tyler my life was good, just me my mom and Abby. I never knew that my life would one day be this complicated.

I always dreamed what any other normal girl dreams of, finishing school get a job, meet prince charming fall in love then will get married have lots of kids and lived happily ever after, but now I knew that that had been a dream and Tyler and the pack members were the reality of my life.

Sometimes I always dream that my life with Tyler and the wolf life was just a dream but the moment I wake up from my sleep and looked at the man sleeping next to me I just always know that this was some how the destiny that was already planned for me and there was nothing in this world or the next world that was going to change it.

I got in the shower took a quick shower and wrapped my body with a towel, I went back to the room and started to dry my hair.

“Wow. You are just beautiful. You look like an angel right now.”

I turned around very fast and noticed that Tyler had woken up and was sitting upright on the bed. The towel that I was using to dry my hair I wrapped it quickly so as to cover my nakedness. “Its already too late. I have already seen so much so don’t waste your time concealing it.”

I didn’t answer him I just turned around and went to dress up.

I selected a matching lace panty and a bra. I pulled on a pair of yoga pants and a tank top. I turned to get out of the room and hit directly with a hard wall which was Tyler’s chest. He was just staring at me but was not talking and I guessed that he must be annoyed about something.

“What’s wrong with you? You seem upset.” I asked looking straight to his eyes trying to find any kind of reaction from him.

“Are you really asking m that now? A while ago I was talking to you in the bedroom and you left me hanging talking to myself.” I almost laughed at that revelation. Was he really just mad about me not talking to him?

“Am sorry baby. Did i walking out on you affect your Alpha pride or what.” I just smiled at him and pressed my lips on his so that we could not continue to argue about that issue.

He took control of the kiss then mere seconds later he pulled back, “I know that you are trying to change the subject but what I actually wanted to tell you is that you are supposed to go out shopping today for a good dress for your Luna’s festival today in the evening.” He said and turned to go back to our bedroom and I followed.

“What why didn’t you tell me about it yesterday I could have prepared myself sooner. So who now will take me shopping? I don’t think Bree and Abby are going to accept taking me there with a short notice and I will not accept to go with your goons I rather walk naked to the festival than go anywhere with them.”

I regretted the naked part the moment it left my lips. He pulled me to his hard chest and holds my wrist painfully. His eyes were changing and instantly I knew that Shane was in control of him.

“No one is going to see you naked except me. You are mine and mine alone Megan.” Wait a minute did he just call me Megan. He never calls me that. This means that he was very angry with me right now, “I want to tell you something I am going to say this once. You see the Moon Goddess made you for only me. I that her that I found you when you were still a virgin that means that you only know me alone and I want it to stay that for the rest of our lives.”

“Came on Tyler I was only joking I will never walk naked anywhere in this world and also I know that I only belong to you alone and no one else so please calm down baby.” I told him and went to wrap my arms around him and hugged him closer to my body. His body was stiff in my but soon enough he started to relax in my embrace and I knew that he his fury was reducing. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Don’t ever say those words again to me. I can’t take it when I think of any man seeing or touching you. I just can’t take it baby. Oh and by the way am the one that’s taking you shopping for the dress. I can’t risk you going alone with the threat of your father and Erin still hanging on our heads Meg and there’s is no buts.” He said and he didn’t wait for me to answer. He turned and got out of our room and went straight to the living room.

I followed him closely behind and tried to make him change his mind because I knew that Tyler did not like shopping like any other men. I remember when I was still in school there was this time that Tyler and Norman took Abby and I to the mall and it was terrible. He just kept telling us that he was tired and we should stop shopping.

I was ok with leaving because I don’t like shopping either but as for Abby that was other news. She loves shopping as if her life depends on it every time. I knew that she was not going to accept leaving the mall because Tyler had told her that she could pick anything she wanted and he was going to pay for it all. So I was just wondering if he was going to wait for me as I was looking for a dress.

I was deep in my thoughts when the front door was opened by none other than Abby carrying a basket. She placed the basket on the kitchen island and walked towards me, “Why are you not ready you silly.” I just froze. What was Abby talking about me being ready?

“Ready for what Abby. Did we have any plans that I forgot or something.” I asked her.

“Oh my gosh. For heaven’s sake today is you biggest day that you are going to be crowned as the Luna of this great pack and you are asking me if we had plans.” She said as I followed he to the kitchen, “Do you have a dress for the occasion?”

“Oh.” I I couldn’t get anymore words from my lips.

“Is that really all that you can say? Just ‘oh’ God why did you bless me with a useless friend that she can’t even take care of her ceremony dress.” I knew she was mocking me so I just laughed it away.

“Actually my beautiful mate and I were going to go to the mall after breakfast for the dress shopping” wait a minute he has just called me beautiful.

Did you hear mate calling us beautiful. He really does love us. My wolf that I was starting to get used to spoke in my mind.

I didn’t answer her because I did not know how to answer her. Tyler had not taught me how to reply to her so I just kept quiet and not answer her.

“You want to go shopping with Tyler.” She said mockingly and laughed hard. “Am sure you will buy a dress that someone like mother Teresa can wear. Girl am taking you shopping and you mister are going to see that her festival will run smoothly.”

“Do I really have that bad taste in clothes, but anyway you can take my credit card and I want you to go with Neville and two of my trusted warriors to the mall. I hope that we are in agreement with that.” He spoke looking directly to my eyes.

“Am not going with the two warriors I can only accept that Neville takes us but not the warriors baby.” I told him and I could feel the rage that was building up in him. He hates it that am not always following his orders but am his equal and I was not about to follow his orders as if he owns me.

He just stood there with out saying anything. I turned back and indicated Abby to follow me. We went up to my bedroom and dressed up.

“Are we going to run and escape Neville and Tyler?” Abby asked curiously.

“I had not thought about that but I think that that is a good idea. He has to pay for making me miserable with his orders.” I told her as I was putting on fresh clothes.

“So how are we going to escape without them knowing.”

“We will just borrow Tyler’s Ferrari for just a short time.” We both bust with laugher after that comment.

I went to the drawer where he keeps the car keys and took the Ferrari car keys. “Here it is.” I told her and we left the house. Tyler had already given us his credit card and we knew that we were good to go. When we reached the living room Tyler was not there and that was jackpot for us.

I knew what I was getting into. Daring to go against Tyler’s wishes was like looking for my own death but in this circumstances I didn’t care about him or Shane. Oh my gosh, Shane was surely going to skin me alive. That wolf always scares me a lot. I know he will be angry and the moment he realizes that I had gone out without an escort the people around him will suffer the most.

We got to the parking lot and entered the Ferrari. Abby was the designated driver while I was the passenger. We drove off fast so that any guards could not stop us. At the main gate I slid down the seat so that I could not be seen and Abby told the guards that she was running an errand.

The opened the gates for her and she drove off fast like a mad woman. When we were finally out of the territory did Abby start driving at a normal speed.

“So where are we really going because we can’t go to the mall that’s in our town because if we go there they will find us soon enough.” I told Abby while looking out the window.

“Then maybe we should go out of town to the next town for shopping.” Abby was referring to the town that she was working in after we finished college.

An hour later we were at the Zion mall and ready for shopping. We got out of the car and went to the mall. My phone rang in my pocket and when I saw who was calling I knew that the clock was counting before he finds us.

I didn’t answer the phone and second later he send a text.

Pray to the moon goddess that nothing bad happens to you because my dear am so mad that I think I will crush you to pieces when I find you.

“Oh God we are so dead Abby.” I said as I handed her my phone so she could read the text.

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