Alpha's Girl

I end up sleeping the rest of the day and night. In the morning I feel a strange pit in my stomach that causes me to be a little nauseous. Quickly I jump out of the bed and run to the bathroom to throw up everything I ate yesterday. It takes a moment for Roman to come after me but when he does he holds my hair. “This can’t be happening!” I cry. “It’s only been two days!”

“What are you talking about?” Roman asks. I shake my head and stand up to rinse my mouth out in the sink.

“My heat.” I tell him. “We mated during my heat!” I can tell when he understands what I’m saying.

“Oh my goddess.” He breathes. “You’re pregnant!” At least he’s excited. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“At seventeen!” I shout. “Neither of us are ready for this!” Roman says nothing and lets me rant for a while. Finally it all becomes too much and I crumble to the ground in a sobbing mess.

“Hey, Lexi! It’s okay.” Roman says softly. “We’ll get through this.” I look up at him.

“Why am I already having symptoms?”

“Because a wolf is only pregnant for three to four months.” He tells me. I can feel all the blood draining from my face.

“T-three months?” I squeak.

“Baby you need to breathe. I promise you this isn’t as big of a deal as you’re making it.” Roman laughs lightly.

“I’m bringing a life into the world while I’m a child myself.” I whisper to myself.

Roman’s family was ecstatic when we told them. Although I acted like I was just as excited, I couldn’t shake my nervousness about this whole thing. I think Annie could see that but she never said anything which I’m thankful for because I know how excited Roman is and I don’t want to change that. Lynn and Greg give both of us a bassinet that they used for Annie. It’s plain and white but cute and rustic. “You put it by your bed so you don’t have to get up so much at night.” Lynn tells us.

“We learned that the hard way!” Greg laughs, slapping Roman’s shoulder playfully. We laugh with them.

“So how many grand pups should I expect from you two?” Lynn asks. The question takes me off guard.

“I mean we just found out we were having our first. I think It’s a bit too soon to say.” I laugh nervously.

“Oh nonsense! I knew I wanted at least three kids by the time I was ten!” Lynn shouts excitedly.

“Three kids? But you only have two?” I comment, confused.

“Oh no dear I have another. Kyle. He just lives in Oregon with his mate.” She rolls her eyes. “He never comes around anymore.”

“Oh? Is he younger than Annie?” I ask.

“No, he’s the middle child.” Greg tells me.

“So…” Lynn draws out. “How many?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t want this one to begin with!” I blurt. Everyone goes quiet.

“What do you mean?” Roman asks. I look around the room of people all staring at me with expecting gazes. How can I tell them this? How can I say I didn’t want to have their son’s pup? At least not right now. “Lexi?” Roman says again. Or at least I think it’s again. I can’t really hear anything. My ears are ringing and the world is spinning.

“I-I didn’t mean that.” I shudder out. “I-I just meant that- I mean-I don’t know.” My breathing becomes labored and my hands clammy.

“Alexis! Tell us what you mean.” Lynn presses.

“She’s not ready to be a mom! That’s what she means!” Annie suddenly shouts at her parents. They all look at her except Roman. His eyes are trained on me. “She’s only seventeen. And for her and the way she was raised that’s wrong. She didn’t get to finish high school because Roman took her away. And know matter how hard she tries to look happy and content she’s not.” Annie pauses. “None of you realize how much she’s left behind. Her home, her mom, her friends. All of it and know she’s losing herself because she’s going to be a mother at seventeen.” Silence falls upon everyone. Finally Roman breaks it.

“Do you really wish you weren’t having my pup?” He asks.

“No. But I wish we would have waited.” I whisper. “I’m happy being here. I didn’t have many friends in school because I was the goody-two-shoes. And when I did manage to get a boyfriend all they wanted was to take my virginity. And my mom is fine on her own. She actually prefers it. Not that she doesn’t want me there, she just doesn’t want me to live with her forever.”

“Why didn’t you say you weren’t ready for a baby?” Roman asks.

“I did but you were too caught up in the excitement that you just brushed me off.” I pause. “I didn’t mean to ruin the excitement.”

“No baby,” Roman says, pulling me towards him. “You didn’t ruin it at all. I should have listened to you. But if it makes you feel better, I think you’re going to be an amazing mother. Our pup is lucky to have you.” I can’t help but smile when he says our pup.

“They’re lucky to have you too.” I state.

When we finally go home I call my mom and tell her the news. She was excited as Amy soon to be grandma would be but she also worried about me. “How are you holding up? I know having pups so young was never in the plan.” I shrug even though I know she can’t see me.

“I’m okay with it now. I wasn’t at first. Actually I was pissed. But me and Roman talked and we both think this was our time. Sure it was sooner than expected but I can’t be mad about it. I mean I’m having my mates pup.” As I say this I can feel the truth behind it.

“I’m glad you two have figured everything out.” She breaths. “Well I’d better go. Love you baby girl.”

“Love you too mom.” She hangs up. When I turn around, Roman is standing behind me.

“Are you really happy to be having my pup?” He asks. I smile and nod, walking into his arms.

“I could never imagine my life with anyone besides you.”

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