Alpha's Girl
First shift, worst shift

I burst into laughter, doubling over on the couch and clutching my stomach. My eyes fill with tears and I swipe them away as I straighten myself. Me a werewolf? I can’t even imagine it. They don’t even exist. When I see my mom not laughing like me though everything changes. “Wait? You don’t believe this, do you?” I ask her.

“Honey, your father was a werewolf too. I’ve seen them.” She tells me. I stand and shake my head.

“You’re all crazy. Werewolves don’t exist.” I’m about to bolt back up to my room when a sharp pain hits my spine. I nearly scream and fall to my knees but before I can strong arms wrap around me and lift me up.

“It’s starting. We need to get her outside.” A voice shouts.

“Lexi, just breathe baby. Everything will be alright.” The only voice I can hear is my mom.

I suddenly feel the cold crisp air wrap around me along with the warm arms. I start shivering as more blinding pain erupts throughout my body. I feel the arms leave me and the soft, wet grass pillow my aching limbs. “She needs to relax or the shift will kill her.” A velvety male voice cries. I feel my mom’s familiar hands stroke my hair.

“Lexi, just let go. Let what’s happening to you happen. I promise I’ll be there every step of the way.” Mom says softly. A strange whine leaves me. Following my mom’s orders I take a ragged breath and let the pain take me. I feel my bones snapping and then refusing into something new. When I open my eyes everything's clearer, crisper. As I try to stand I wobble and end up falling. I hear soft laughter and my eyes instantly snap to the source. Maxon, Mom and Roman all stand on the porch with curiosity in their eyes. When I look down at my feet I don’t see my toes but instead white speckled paws lay under me. I start shaking again as the panic in me rises. What the hell has happened to me?

“Lexi?” A husky male voice calls. I look up and meet Romans eyes and for a moment everything washes away and it’s just him and I together. Something inside of me yearns for his touch. And then I’m running. I don’t know why I’m running but I can’t seem to stop. I hear something running behind me and that only eggs me on more. I keep running, faster than I ever thought possible until I trip over something and go tumbling down a hill. Then everything goes black.


Lexi takes off into the woods and I chase after her. My giant black wolf could easily catch up with her but I don’t want to scare her even more than she already is so instead I hold back. Her rare white fur glistens in the moonlight as she jumps over fallen trees. As she nears a hill I’m about to stop her since it’s the start of my enemies pack but before I can she trips and tumbles down right into a tree where she shifts back. I bolt after her and shift back into myself. Every instinct I have drives me to mate with her as I touch her bare hip but I hold it all in. She’s out cold from the shock of everything and exhaustion. Just as I’m about to lift her into my arms I sense another unknown wolf nearby and coming closer. Soon I’m surrounded by at least six wolves, all a gray or brown color. One shifts, revealing a tall tan male with piercing blue eyes just like Lexi’s. “Alpha Jackson, what a surprise.” He taunts. I block their view of Lexi as best as I can but I know they can sense her.

“You are trespassing on night fang territory. Leave now before things get ugly.” Another man states. I growl at him. A new wolf comes into view and I know by looking at him that he’s the alpha. When the man shifts I’m proven right.

“Alpha Jackson, So nice of you to stop by.” Alpha Becket greets.

“Yes and now I’ll be leaving.” I go to lift Lexi up again but Alpha Becket stops me.

“Who do you have there?” He asks. I hold back a growl because I don’t want to start a war with Lexi here.

“One of my new shifters. She ran a little too far into the woods and ended up falling down a hill into your pack. Purely an accident.” I tell him.

“You’re quite a ways away from your territory Alpha.” He stocks closer eyeing me suspiciously when his eyes wander to Lexi. “She’s quite lovely. Does she have a mate yet?”

“None of my females are eligible for mates right now.” I tell him. “Including this one.”

“Such a shame. I have a feeling she would make quite the strong pups.” He pouts. I growl at him.

“As I said she’s not available.” Lexi starts to stir and I know I need to get her out of here.

“I’m sure we can come up with some sort of arrangement, Alpha. I am without a mate and heir. That would mean the end of my name and we can’t have that now can we?” Becket asks stocking closer.

“Mate with one of your own females then.” I suggest.

“None of them are nearly as beautiful as this one-” He cuts off. I look to where his eyes are and see that Lexi has shifted but is still unconscious. Murmurs erupt through the wolves. “A white wolf. Well now I see why you’re so reluctant to give her up.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“We will be leaving now.” I tell him.

“If the elders were to know that you are hiding a white wolf there might be a problem. You know how rare they are.” Becket comments.

“Yes and that is why I’d like to get back to my territory. It’s safer for her there.” I growl.

“Oh but Alpha. She’s already on my property.” Suddenly Becket lunges at me. We both shift at the same time and snap at each other. I keep myself in front of Lexi as he tries to circle me.

Maxon! Get here now! We have a problem.” I link my beta.

On my way Alpha.” He links back. Becket growls at me.

“The girl in mine.”

“Never!” I growl back. He lunges at me again and I barely jump out of the way. As we circle each other I see Lexi start to wake up. All I need to do is keep Becket distracted long enough for-

“Alpha! The girl is awake!” One of the other wolves calls. SHIT! We both turn and look at Lexi who is on all fours stareing a Becket. Becket and I both shift back and reach out to her just as Maxon gets here. Lexi lets out a thunderous growl when Becket tries to touch her.

“There’s no need to be frightened of me dear. I’m only trying to help.” Becket cooes. Lexi backs up slowly the closer he gets. Her ears go back and she looks dangerous. All of a sudden a new wolf lunges at her and tackles her down. She lets out a whine as he holds her down.

“Let her go Becket. You can’t keep her.” I growl.

“Oh but I can. The law states that an unclaimed wolf can be taken by any alpha when found on their property.” He argues. My green eyes narrow.

“The law also states that an Alpha can not take a mated wolf, especially one a an Alpha.”

“She’s your mate?” Becket asks.

“Yes and the future Luna of White ridge pack.” I tell him. He’s quiet for a long moment.

“Let the girl go Hanson. She’s not our property.” Becket orders. The wolf leeps up, releasing Lexi who stands up and goes behind me. “Leave my property now and don’t come back. Or I won’t be so nice.” Becket warns.

“Thank you so much for your hospitality.” Maxon replies sarcastically. Becket growls and shifts, running into the woods followed by his pack. I shift and nudge Lexi to move. She hesitates but soon starts running back to her house. Maxon follows behind me and soon we’re back at the house where Lexi’s mom is waiting. Lexi shifts with ease and runs to her mom who already has a blanket for her to wrap up in.

“Oh my god mom. I was so scared. There was this man who tried to attack Roman and then another wolf lunged at me and pinned me to the ground. The man kept saying that I was on his property and that I belonged to him now but then Roman said I was his mate and that he couldn’t have me so the man ran away and I was so scared.” Lexi cries into her mom’s shoulder.

“You’re okay Lexi. Nothing will ever hurt you.” She whispers to Lexi. Heather takes Lexi inside and Maxon and I follow. Two pairs of clothes lay folded on the table that we both changed into. Heather comes down a little while later without Lexi. “She’s asleep right now. Even though she was exhausted it took forever to calm her down enough that she’d fall asleep.”

“I’m so sorry she had to go through that. I tried to get her away but when they saw she was a white wolf they freaked out.” I shake my head at the memory.

“Well she’s safe now.” Heather comments. “And tomorrow she’ll leave to your pack and become your mate.”

Okay so heres the next chapter. I think i;m just going to post the rest of the story by the end of the week so I can start hearing suggestion for the next book in this series. Hope you enjoyed! -Koda122

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