Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna Novel
Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna Chapter 17

Chapter 17

“Mommy, watch me!” Liam’s enthusiastic cry rang out as he gleefully descended the slide, his infectious laughter filling the air.

Daisy, standing by her mother’s side with Nathan, contentedly sucked on a loll*pop, her eyes fixed on her brother’s playtime adventures. Earlier that morning, Nathan had arrived and taken on the role of chauffeur, driving the trio around town. They embarked on a leisurely walk to explore their new neighborhood, ran errands, and subsequently returned home. Their outing culminated in a visit to the nearby park, where they currently enjoyed the lovely day.

Hazel couldn’t help but smile warmly as she watched Liam interact and play with the other kids in the park. His laughter and excitement were palpable, a testament to the joy of the moment. Nearby, Nathan sat with Daisy, engaging in small games to keep her entertained. Daisy’s occasional bursts of delight added to the cheerful ambiance.

“Yay, you win again,” Nathan exclaimed, his voice filled with happiness, acknowledging Daisy’s victory in their little games. As Hazel watched her daughter, a sense of hope filled her heart, wishing for the day when Daisy would regain her health and freely join in the spirited play of other children.

Nathan, exuding affection, leaned in closer to Daisy and spoke to her in a gentle tone, “You are one smart pup, you know.” His hand lovingly stroked her hair, offering comfort and warmth during this

cherished family moment at the park


Hazel’s acute instincts sent a shiver down her spine as she sensed unshakable feeling of being watched. She glanced around, her eyes darting in search of the source of her unease. The sensation was persistent, as if an invisible presence lingered nearby, observing her every move. She couldn’t help but entertain the thought that, given her position as former Luna of the largest pack, someone might have indeed caught sight of her and become intrigued by her presence.

Nathan noticed her sudden alertness and asked with genuine concern, “Is everything alright, Hazel?”

She tried to dispel her unease and responded, “Yes, it’s fine. Let’s just head home now, please. There’s still a lot to do around the house

Chapter 17

Nathan nodded in agreement, saying, “Alright then.”

Calling for Liam, Hazel decided it was time to leave the park. “Liam, let’s go home now.” She reached for Daisy’s small hand, and the four of them walked together, hand in hand, making their way back home.

Upon returning home, the kids eagerly rushed to the living room, immediately turning on the TV to unwind and relax. Meanwhile, Hazel stood by the door to bid farewell to Nathan, her gratitude evident in her words.

“Thank you so much for today, for everything,” she expressed sincerely.

“No problem,” Nathan replied, his gaze lingering on Hazel for a moment. The more time he spent with her and her children, the stronger his desire to become a part of their lives grew. He felt a pang of sadness as he contemplated returning to his own home, realizing that to Hazel, he was merely a man she was immensely grateful to for saving her life that fateful night.

“Goodnight, Hazel,” he said before turning to leave, his heart heavy with longing,

Later that evening, while Hazel bathed and washed Liam’s hair, the young boy inquired about school for the following day.

“Mommy, do I have to go to school tomorrow?” Liam asked.

Hazel replied, “Yes, honey.”

“And Daisy too?” he inquired further.

“No, Daisy’s coming with me to the hospital.”

In a playful attempt to avoid school, Liam put on his most persuasive act, imploring, “Aww, can I come? Please, mommy, please,” as he clasped his hands together with puppy eyes that were hard to resist.

Hazel sighed, toweling him dry, and gave in, “Can I come with you guys?” Liam persisted.

“Okay, fine,” Hazel relented with a sigh. “But tomorrow, we’ll get you registered in school. Alright?”

Liam nodded eagerly, grateful for his mother’s understanding. Hazel patted him lightly and encouraged him to go watch TV.

Daisy, come for your bath, Hazel called out to her daughter..

Chapter 17

Daisy, visibly tired and yawning, obeyed and made her way to the bathroom.

The following morning, Hazel diligently prepared her kids for their day’s activities. After their refreshing baths, the family gathered around the

dining table to enjoy a simple breakfast of cereals, sharing stories and laughter. The anticipation of the day ahead filled the air as they discussed. their plans.

With their bellies filled, they left their apartment and made their way to the elevator, Just as they were about to embark on their adventure, Hazel’s phone chimed with a text message from Nathan. He had arranged for a driver to pick them up and accompany them throughout the day. Hazel breathed a sigh of relief, thankful for his considerate gesture.

The sleek car pulled up in front of their building, and to her pleasant surprise, the vehicle was equipped with two child seats for Liam and Daisy. As they settled into the comfortable car seats, the driver skillfully navigated through the bustling city streets, taking them to the kindergarten that Nathan had recommended. It was conveniently located. in the heart of the city, ensuring a short commute.

Sitting in the car, surrounded by the familiar streets of the city, Hazel couldn’t help but feel a sense of déjà vu. Memories of driving through these very streets with her ex-husband flashed before her eyes. She pushed those thoughts aside, reminding herself that Ethan was now married to Bella.

A fleeting smile crossed her l*ps as she glanced at her children, Daisy’s excitement palpable, she loved school. Liam, not so much. He sat with a small frown plastered on his face. The frown looked very much like that of his father’s. The car eventually came to a stop in front of a colorful and cheerful building named “Tiny Tots.” With a sense of determination and hope for her children’s future, they walked into the school, making inquiries, and eventually registering both Liam and Daisy for their new educational journey at Tiny Tots.

They are currently at an establishment named Tiny Tots. She’s enrolling them here I believe.” Michael, the man Axel had employed to update on Hazel’s whereabouts, informed him over the phone.

“Okay, Axel replied, conveying the information to his boss. Ethan sat in

Chapter 17

his office, wearing a brooding frown as he perused the reports on his desk.

“Boss, she enrolled them at Tiny Tots Axel informed him.

Ethan’s frown vanished instantly, replaced with a small. knowing smile. Now that he knew the whereabouts of Hazel’s children, he could find at measure of relief.

“You can have Michael back down now. Hazel must have sensed someone trailing her by now.” Ethan knew that Hazel was likely aware of the surveillance and that the situation was precarious. However, now that he knew the school his children attended, he was determined to see them again.

“And meet with the owners of that establishment. Make them an offer. Tesco Empire will be making a new purchase,” he instructed Axel, his mind already set on a plan.

“But, keep it out of the news. And leave the original management,” he added.

Axel hesitated for a moment, his confusion apparent. Ever since his boss. met that woman at the airport, he had been behaving irrationally.

“You want to purchase the school her kids attend?” Axel sought

clarification, raising a valid concern about the risk involved in meddling with a married woman’s affairs.

“Yes. Do you have a problem with it?” Ethan asked, his tone steady but holding an edge.

“No. But, Alpha, I was just worried. You’re getting involved with a married woman’s life, and it’s a bit risky,” Axel advised, showing genuine concern. Ethan leaned back in his chair, contemplating Axel’s words. Axel now responded to him not just as his boss but as the Alpha and the leader of their packs which came with responsibilities towards their Luna, his wife. If word got out about what their Alpha was up to, tracking and following a married woman, it could have dire consequences. Ethan had even stationed someone near Hazel’s home, a fact Axel was well aware of.

Though Axel didn’t understand the dynamics of Ethan’s and the Luna’s marriage, he was aware that the Alpha was once married and divorced before finding his true mate, Bella. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Ethan paused for a moment, his thoughts drifting to Hazel’s children.

Chapter 17

“That woman is my ex-wife,” he revealed, surprising Axel.

Axel’s eyes widened in shock. He hadn’t met Hazel, as he was abroad for his schooling when she was part of the pack. However, he had heard that the Alpha had been married and divorced.

“Are her kids yours? Is that why her kids look so much like you?” Axel inquired, seeking answers to the obvious resemblance.

“They’re not mine,” Ethan’ replied sadly, his emotions laid bare for the first time. “Still, I can’t help but want to be sure those kids are fine. It’s not my place. I’m nob*dy to them, but I can’t help but be curious. For some reason, I want to protect those kids,” Ethan said, giving a small, melancholic smile that was foreign coming from him.

Axel stood transfixed, witnessing a side of his boss that he had never seen before. For over four years, he had worked closely with Ethan, and this was the very first time he had seen his emotions displayed so openly. Ethan’s eyes looked remarkably soft as he thought about Hazel’s children.

“I have no rights. I’m nob*dy to Hazel, but her kids… Ethan trailed off with a sigh. “I can’t help it,” he added, his voice breaking softly.

Axel remained silent, not knowing how to respond to this unexpected revelation from his boss.

“I’ll stop now. It’s not my place. Purchasing the school is enough. Just do that alone, and I’ll back down,” Ethan declared, abruptly shifting back to his usual businesslike demeanor. He had made a decision, and it was time to act on it.

Axel bowed respectfully and turned to leave, understanding that Ethan’s emotions were a sensitive subject. “Axel, make sure word does not get out, especially to the Luna,” Ethan cautioned, emphasizing the need for discretion.

As soon as Axel exited the office, he placed a call. “Tiny Tots Kindergarten, a private establishment… Find the owners,” he instructed into the phone, setting in motion the plan to purchase the school that Hazel’s children attended while keeping it all under wraps.

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