Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna Novel
Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Hazel rushed out of the hospital, her heart pounding with urgency. She raised her hand to hail a passing taxi, and as soon as one pulled over, she quickly instructed the driver, “Starlight.”

During the brief cab ride, Hazel couldn’t help but feel a gnawing worry that she might be breaking the promise she had made to her kids. She needed to ensure they were well taken care of while she attended to her pressing matter, and that meant making a call to the kindergarten.

With trembling fingers, she dialed the number of the kindergarten. As the phone rang, Hazel’s anxiety grew, hoping the school would understand her unexpected predicament. When someone finally answered on the other end, she spoke with a hint of desperation in her voice.

“Hello, this is Hazel, the mother of Liam and Daisy. I have an urgent situation, and I won’t be able to pick them up from school as initially planned. Could you please take good care of them for the whole day? Ensure they have a delicious and healthy lunch, and don’t forget the promised ice cream. I’ll reimburse any expenses when I come to collect them. Also, could you kindly let Liam know that mommy had something important come up?” Hazel pleaded with the kindergarten management


There was a brief pause on the line, intensifying Hazel’s anxiety.

However, a reassuring response finally came through, providing her with some much-needed relief.

“Don’t worry, Hazel. Emergencies happen, and we understand. We’ll take excellent care of Liam and Daisy here. They’ll have a wonderful lunch, indulge in some ice cream, and we’ll ensure they’re safe and comfortable. You focus on your emergency, and we’ll handle everything here at the kindergarten.”

With immense gratitude and a heartfelt “thank you,” Hazel hung up, feeling reassured that her children were in capable hands at the kindergarten. She could now concentrate on her immediate concerns, even though the weight of her promise to her kids still lingered in her thoughts.

Meanwhile, Axel, who had successfully pressured the owners and was in the process of taking over the kindergarten, had assigned a trustworthy man, Devin, to oversee operations and provide regular reports. Devin

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promptly made a call to update Axel on the situation.

Devin approached his boss to give his report. “Well, Hazel had to leave the kids at school, even though it wasn’t her original plan. Daisy insisted. on staying there; she truly loves school. Liam, on the other hand, wasn’t as thrilled and has been a bit grumpy, he reported.

Ethan, listening to the update, couldn’t help but smile as he remembered Liam’s grumpy but endearing demeanor when they met at the airport. Axel continued, “But Liam seems to be adjusting well, and he’s made. some friends.” Ethan nodded, genuinely pleased by the news. Hearing about the children’s activities and happiness brought him a sense of joy, affirming that the decision to take over the kindergarten was indeed worthwhile.

As Ethan reflected on the situation, Axel couldn’t help but wonder if Ethan and Bella’s relationship might improve with the addition of children. With a grin, he summarized. Anything else?”

Devin added, “Hazel mentioned that due to her emergency, the kids will be spending the whole day at the kindergarten, which wasn’t her original plan. She also requested that they be provided with lunch, sir.”

Ethan nodded decisively, signaling that he was ready to take action. He stood up from his desk and issued instructions to his assistant. “Call Cook Lee and have him prepare a four-course meal for the kids. Additionally, arrange for some desserts for them,” he instructed, handing his black card to his assistant.

However, his assistant raised a valid concern, voicing his worries about the kids potentially revealing the extravagant meal to Hazel. Ethan paused in his tracks, considering the situation carefully. He didn’t want to make Hazel uncomfortable, especially since she had offered to reimburse any expenses related to her children’s lunch.

After a moment of contemplation, Ethan came up with a plan that would keep things discreet and unobtrusive. “Let’s handle this in a way that won’t raise any concerns,” he proposed. “Have all the kids’ meals and snacks taken care of by the company, as a gesture of goodwill from the school. If Hazel inquires, simply explain that it’s a special treat arranged by the owners in celebration of their grandfather’s birthday. This way, it won’t draw any unnecessary attention, he said, his decision final.

Axel, understanding the need for discretion, immediately got to work, making the necessary calls and arrangements to ensure that the kids’

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meals and snacks would be covered by the company and ensure they ate healthily.

The car came to a halt in front of the Starlight building. It was a modest structure compared to other companies in the area, but it exuded an aesthetic charm, boasting wonderfully designed interiors. Hazel rushed. up the stairs, her heart pounding with anticipation and concern.

On her way up, she unexpectedly collided with Chloe, her colleague and confidante. The urgency of the situation was evident in Chloe’s furrowed brows and serious demeanor.

“What’s going on?” Hazel inquired anxiously, seeking answers to the brewing crisis.

Chloe sighed deeply, clearly frustrated by the turn of events. “The representatives refused to give us a reason. All they’ve said is that they intend to cancel the contract offer. I’ve been trying to reach out, but they’ve been unresponsive, she explained, her voice tinged with concern. Hazel proceeded to the office of her Head of Department and superior, who was engrossed in phone calls with the head office from which both Hazel and Chloe had been transferred. The atmosphere was palpably tense, as everyone understood the magnitude of the contract and the repercussions of losing it.

With determination, they all sprang into action, feverishly making calls to the company’s representatives. Chloe persistently dialed the number of one of the individuals she had been liaising with regarding the impending contract signing. Call after call was ignored, intensifying the pressure in the room.

Chloe paced nervously around the office, while her colleagues continued their relentless efforts to reach the company. The air hung heavy with seriousness and apprehension. Finally, after numerous attempts, the awaited call was answered.

“I’m truly sorry, but it’s the CEO’s decision. He’s taken charge of the renovations himself,” the man on the other end of the line explained with a hint of regret.

Hazel couldn’t hide her disappointment and frustration. She grabbed the phone, her voice filled with disbelief. But we won the bid fair and square! The board was impressed with our work. We’ve invested so much time into this project, and we were supposed to finalize everything next

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The man tried to offer a conciliatory solution, saying, “We can discuss. compensation with our legal representative.”

Hazel’s anger flared, and her eyes began to take on a light shade of yellow, a sign of her wolf being on edge. She struggled to contain her emotions, preventing herself from baring her teeth in public. Her fury was palpable, and she felt a primal urge to unleash it.

“Honestly, the boss believes you lack the experience to handle a prestigious project like his. My hands are tied, I’m sorry,” the man continued before abruptly ending the call.

The people gathered in the conference room sighed, their faces reflecting a mixture of distress and disappointment. Chloe slumped into her seat, her expression filled with sadness. “We traveled all the way to Los Angeles for nothing.”

Hazel vehemently refused to accept defeat. “No! The CEO doubts our potential because we’re a new company. We’ll just have to arrange a meeting with him and give a presentation, demonstrating what we have to offer. We won the J.T. Starlight project fairly, and we’ll make him see


Hazel’s anger bubbled like a fierce storm, swirling within her with an intensity that refused to be contained. She had sacrificed so much for this opportunity, relocating her life, dedicating countless hours, and pouring her energy into winning this contract. The audacity of the CEO to dismiss their efforts merely because they were a new company left a bitter taste in her mouth.

She clenched her fists, her heart pounding with resolve. “I won’t back down,” Hazel muttered through gritted teeth. The injustice of it all fueled her determination even further. She couldn’t stand idly by while their hard-earned victory was snatc h e d away.

The CEO’s condescending attitude, his disregard for their dedication, and the arrogance of dismissing them as nobodies stoked the flames of Hazel’s fury. She was no longer content with playing by the rules; she was ready to defy the conventions of business etiquette and confront the CEO head-on.

A fierce determination overcame her, and she swore to herself that she would show him. Whoever this CEO was, he needed a stark reminder that business dealings should be conducted with respect and integrity. Contracts and agreements couldn’t be discarded on a whim. I’ll show

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him, whoever he is. Hazel swore within herself, she was beginning to question the business Etiquettes of the so called CEO.

With a surge of anger still coursing through her veins, Hazel slammed her hand flat on the table, the sharp sound echoing in the room.

Hazel’s outburst sent shockwaves through her co-workers, they jumped at the sudden sound.

Her passionate commitment to the project was evident in her fiery reaction, and her determination to see it through burned brightly.

“They should have rejected us from the beginning, not after all this hard work,” Hazel declared, her gaze fixed intently on the prototype of their intended project. The palpable sense of injustice fueled her resolve; she wasn’t about to give in without a fight. I won’t give up. I’ll just have to meet with the new board, their CEO or whatever. We’ve worked too hard, invested too much in this project. We’ve even made purchases, and all they’re offering is compensation?!” Her anger blazed like a beacon of defiance.

In search of more information, Hazel pressed her co-workers about Tesco Empire. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Her colleagues provided some background details, and the mere mention of Tesco further stoked her determination. “Tesco… Where is it?” she inquired, her mind already racing with thoughts of her next strategic


Yet, her Managing Director attempted to reason with her, cautioning against provoking Tesco Empire. “Their CEO is renowned for his ruthlessness,” the M.D. warned solemnly, “We can’t afford to provoke them; they’ll ruin us. Sometimes, we just have to accept defeat.” She cautioned.

However, Hazel remained unyielding. “No!” she retorted stubbornly, her gaze unflinching. “I’ll obtain a better explanation, not just a rejection due to our newcomer’ status. I refuse to accept it; I swear I won’t! I’m willing to bet they didn’t even bother to review our portfolio or our designs. We weren’t given a fair chance. I won’t back down. I can’t. I’ll make them see, we have to be given a chance.”

With those words, she stormed out of the room, beckoning Chloe to join her. Her friend followed, sensing Hazel’s unwavering resolve. Inside their office, a charged atmosphere lingered Hazel’s frustration had been building up with each setback, and it seemed that nothing was unfolding

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as planned.

As they returned to their office, Hazel inquired about the location of Tesco Empire. Chloe, however, expressed concerns about the owner’s prominence and influence. “He’s considered one of the most influential figures in the city,” Chloe cautioned, “He’s not someone we can easily challenge.”

“Am not going there to fight. I just want to show them what we have, they didn’t even check. We were rejected cause we’re new. They think we’re unprofessional and I’ll equiped. We need to convince them. She urged.

Chloe reluctantly agreed, and they set a plan to meet go to Tesco Empire the following day.

Hazel then mentioned that she had already taken Liam and Daisy to kindergarten, despite their scheduled start being the following day..Chloe was surprised and inquired about their reactions.

“Daisy absolutely adored it and refused to leave with me, so I allowed. them to stay the entire day there,” Hazel explained, her voice tinged with the affection.

In response to Chloe’s inquiry about Liam, Hazel chuckled, fondly recalling her son’s outburst. “He was livid,” she said with an affectionate. smile, and both women shared a brief moment of laughter, temporarily relieving the tension that had gripped them.

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