Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna Novel
Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Workers scurried away arrival of their formidable employer and CEO. Ethan Dressed impeccably in a custom-tailored grey suit with matching pants, he exuded an air of authority and elegance as he gracefully stepped out of his sleek vehicle. His countenance bore seriousness and ridigity.

Today marked a crucial juncture-the selection process for the company that would be awarded the coveted J.T. contract. The atmosphere hummed with a blend of tension and excitement as company representatives gathered, hoping to secure the contract bid

As Ethan made his way toward the grand entrance of the Tesco Empire building, a medley of scents swirled around him, colognes, subtle perfumes, and a palpable nervousness. It was an ordinary day in the bustling city, yet the significance of the cient filled the air. Just then a familiar scent hit him. He brushed aside the thought, attributing the familiar scent to mere coincidence, and entered the imposing building

Moments later, however, that same and particular fragrance stopped him dead in his tracks. Confusion etched his features as he paused, scanning the faces of those entering the building.

With a resigned sigh, Ethan continued on his way, dismissing the idea as a figment of his immagination. “I must be mistaken,” he mumbled under his breath. This wouldn’t be the first time.

Entering the building, he strode confidently toward the elevators, his thoughts focused on the task at hand. The selection. process was a critical one, and he couldn’t afford to be distracted

Minutes later, Ethan found himself seated at the head of the large deliberation table, the weight of responsibility and an unshakable sense of unease settling over him like an invisible shroud.

The room was adorned with sleek, modern furnishings and a floor-to-ceiling window that offered a panoramic view of the city below. Despite the luxurious surroundings, he couldn’t rid himself of the nagging feeling that something was amiss.

The presentations began, each company vying for the prestigious J.T. contract. As the representatives spoke and showcased their portfolios, Ethan’s keen eye scrutinized every detail. He couldn’t help but find fault in nearly every presentation, even those of renowned interior design giants like Big Bang, who were known for their impressive and innovative work. To him. their designs appeared disappointingly bland

As the hours dragged on, Ethan’s initial impatience grew into a simmering frustration. His agitation permeated the room, and those present couldn’t help but feel a palpable tension in the air. Whispers of discomfort circulated among the board members, each silently hoping to avoid drawing his ire. His aura was foreboding and dangerous.

When the next set of presenters entered the room, they were greeted by a shocking sight. Ethan already in a tensed and irritated mood.cast his penetrating gaze in their direction, his irises shimmered with an unsenling, light shade of yellow. A hushed gasp of terror escaped one of the presenters as she locked eyes with him, and panic overtook her in a heartbeat. She turned on her heel and fied the room in a wild scramble, leaving her materials behind in her frantic escape.

Ethan, exasperated and fatigued, heaved a deep sigh, the aura around him dissipating as his eyes returned to their natural color. The board members sat in rigid silence, their boss was in a notably foul mood, and none wished to incur his wrath

Ethans foul mood showed a gradual dissipation, although his wolf was still on the edge, something itched at the edges of his consciousness like a persistent whisper. He attempted to dismiss the inexplicable sensation, convincing himself that it couldn’t possibly be her; Hazel.

As the next set of presenters was ushered into the boardroom, the scent got stronger.

Hazel and Chloe, entered the boardroom. Hazel’s graceful stride faltered the instant her eyes locked with Ethan’s piercing gaze Shock reverberated through her, and she stumbled backward, inadvertently bumping into Chloe. In her startled retreat, everything she had been carrying sl*pped from her grasp, clattering to the floor and sca t t e r i n g into disarray. Hazel stood for some seconds just staring at Erlan then she snapped out of it squatting immediately.

With Chloe’s help, they swiftly moved to gather their sca t t e r e d materials, but the prototype lay in a hopeless state, shattered and beyond repair.

“Starlight?” one of the stakeholders quizzed, his tone laced with disapproval as he glanced through the contents of their already presented folder. He raised an incredulous eyebrow and further inquired, “Do you perhaps plan to damage our project just like your prototype

The atmosphere in the room grew tense, and all eyes fixated on Hazel and Chloe. Ethan’s expression remained inscrutable, his mind racing with a cacophony of emotions and unspoken questions

Im very sorry Just give us a minute, Chlor pleaded, her voice carrying a hint of urgency and apology.

Ethan, though still processing the shock of seeing Hazel after so long, nodded. “Send for the next set,” he ordered, intending to give Harel time to rearrange hersell.

As the still-stunned Hazel was led out of the office, chuching her broken prototype, her mind raced with disbelief. She had

thin was not only the CEO but also the founder of Tesco Empire. The revelation shook her to the enre She couldn’t fathoms how he had ascetided to such a position.

sundhed the damaged prototype in her hands, the reality of their situation settling it. The broken prototype thight –


automatically disqualify them from the bid.

With determined resolve, both Hazel and Chloe attempted to salvage the situation. They decided to rely on their presentation slides and digital copies of the design. hoping it would be enough to make up for their shattered prototype.

“Can we get another attempt? Chloe asked the female assistant,

“No. Am sorry but. You’re disqualified.” She said pointedly.

Sinting there, devastation etched across their faces, they realized that their efforts had been in vain. The prototype was beyond repair

“I’m sorry.” Hazel numbled softly to Chloe, her voice heavy with regret.

Chloe responded with a reassuring squeeze on Hazel’s shoulder. “It’s okay. It’s not your fault.”

Hazel’s phone buzzed, but lost in thought, she chose to ignore it momentarily.

“We should go, Chloe urged, her voice gently coaxing Hazel out of her daze. Hazel complied, slowly rising from her seat, her und still reeling from the shock of the encounter.

Inwardly, Hazel tried to console herself. Perhaps it was for the best. Working closely with Ethan would have been a disaster, considering their complicated history. She clung to this thought as a means of emotional refuge.

As Chloe and Hazel made their way towards the elevator, Chloe’s phone began to ring incessantly. She hastily answered the call, curiosity and apprehension mingling on her face as she listened to the voice on the other end.

The excitement in their director’s voice was palpable as she spoke into the phone, urging them to return to the company immediately. Chloe was about to share the disappointing news of their].T. proposal when the director abruptly cut her off,

“Oh, forget about J.T.! We’ve received a new offer, the director exclaimed, her enthusiasm radiating through the phone. “They saw your prototype for J.T. and want to contract us for it. It’s a smaller company and offer, but it’s an opportunity Come right away!”

With th


those words, the line went dead, leaving Chloe stunned for a moment. She glanced at Hazel, her eyes brimming with

“We got a new offer, Chloe exclaimed with a sense of exhilaration.

“Really!” Hazel responded, a glimmer of hope rekindling in her eyes.

Chloe nodded vigorously in affirmation. “Yes, we did!”

Hazel couldn’t help but smile at the unexpected turn of events. She remembered her mother’s words. “When Go d closes a door. He opens a window.” With newfound determination, they hurried back to their company, ready to embrace this fresh opportunity with renewed vigor and hope.

Ethan sat restlessly in his seat. His impatience grew with each passing presentation. Finally, he couldn’t bear it any longer. “Let’s go on a break,” he announced, rising from his chair and heading out into the hallway. His thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion and curiosity.

He had sensed Hazel just like that day when he’d rushed into the company but it’d turned out to be false, he ignored it today. Who would have thought that Hazel would be in his company.

She didn’t know he owned this company. It was clear from the look of shock on her face, she had even dropped the prototype.

moments before she was sent out of the room.

He had only stared at her, too frozen in shock to react for long n Edan stood in the hall, his mund racing and emotions in turmoil. People around him cast curious glances, wondering what had prompted their CEO’s sudden departure and return. He needed to regain his composure and make sense of this unexpected turn of events. With a deep breath, he composed himself he headed to his office, swinging the huge mahogany door wide open. Axel followed closely behind.

“Is something bothering you, boss?” Axel inquired, observing his boss’s evident frustration.

responded succinctly, “Hazel was here.”.


un raised an inquisitive eyebrow, remarking. “You never mentioned that she worked for Starlight. Did you not discover this or did you keep it from me?”

el pendesed Ethan’s words before responding calmly, “You were primarily interested in the children, and you never


Tampong into his chair, Eun acknowledged Aarl’s point. His sale request was to determine Hazel’s whereabouts locatines

Cand (orn spent a day covertly surveilling her to discern the children’s school, which he absequently seguirert acquired.

He toured, Where & their portfolio?”.

han ineviously rejected their proposal,

Chapter 28.

Axel proceeded to jog Ethan’s memory, saying, “Remember, it’s Starlight-the company had won the bid and was contracted by the COO” Axel stated further.

The portfolio Axel handed him was the very one Starlight had leveraged to secure the first contract bid, the same document. Ethan had dismissed withour offering it a fair evaluation. As he meticulously fl*pped through the catalog, he sank deeper into his seat, realizing the exceptional quality it contained. The designs and concepts he saw intrigued him. He had underestimated Starlight due to their new status, but the quality of their work spoke for itself.

Decisively, Ethan declared. “Have all the others leave. There’ll be no more interviews or presentations. I’ve made my choice.”

With a nod, Axel left to deliver the message to the remaining candidates, knowing that the bidding process had come to an abrupt end.

“We won’t be considering any further bids.”

Upon returning to the office. Axel’s phone dinged with a notification. Axel halted in his tracks, adjusting his glasses as he read the message.

Ethan remained in his seat still huddled over the documents, swayed by their impressive content.

“Arrange for a bouquet of flowers to be delivered to Luna’s office,” Ethan instructed without shifting his gaze.

Axel, who had been on the cusp of sharing some information, swiftly complied with the new directive. It appeared that there might be hope for Ethan’s marriage to Luna. With a resigned sigh, Axel retrieved his phone.

“Perhaps you’d like to know, Hazel never remarried, he contemplated telling Ethan, but he decided against it. After all, they were divorced, and it seemed Ethan was now willing to work with his wife. Why complicate matters further, Axel reasoned.

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