Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna Novel
Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Nathan had made his way to Starlight to pick up Hazel after work. He found her standing at the front of her company, attempting to hail a taxi. He pulled up gracefully, parking his car right next to her. Stepping out of his vehicle, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of contentment at the sight of her.

“Nathan?” she questioned, her tone a mixture of amusement and surprise as she turned to face him.

Nathan responded with a cheerful grin, his eyes twin kl i n g with warmth. “Uhuhh,” he affirmed, his voice light and friendly. “I was running some errands, and I decided to drop by. I haven’t seen those rascals for some time now,” he added, referring to Hazel’s kids.

Hazel’s features softened as she nodded in understanding. “Oh, okay.”

“Hop in,” Nathan invited, making a gracious gesture toward the passenger door. He opened it for her, allowing her to glide into the comfortable seats before he gently closed it behind her.

Hazel settled into the car, appreciating the plush interior and the familiar scent that

surrounded her. As Nathan walked around the car to take the driver’s seat, he couldn’t help but notice the radiant glow on her face.

“Looks like you’re in high spirits,” he remarked, his gaze fixated on her as he started the engine.

Hazel’s excitement couldn’t be contained. “Oh, yes! So, we weren’t able to make our presentation at Tesco Empire today,” she began, her voice filled with enthusiasm. “But then we got an offer. We still got an offer today! A bid we didn’t even ask for!”

She deliberately left out the part about meeting her ex-husband, choosing instead to focus. on the positive aspects of her day.

Nathan continued to listen intently as Hazel chatted animatedly about the contract offer and the small celebration they had thrown at work. Her excitement was contagious, and het couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Unbeknownst to her, he had orchestrated. this offer for her and her company. Witnessing Hazel so joyful and full of life gave him at deep sense of satisfaction.

He navigated the car, expertly weaving through the city’s bustling streets as they made their way toward the kindergarten where Hazel’s children were. Gradually, her initial chatter began to fade into thoughtful silence. Her bright demeanor shifted, replaced by a sense of anxiety and unease. Nathan couldn’t help but notice the change in her mood.

Hazel’s mind wandered back to that morning, the shocking encounter with Ethan at Tesco Empire. The memory weighed on her, and her apprehension grew as they approached the school. Her thoughts were consumed by her children, her precious twins. She couldn’t help but worry about what might happen if Ethan were to discover their true parentage. He had become even wealthier over the years, practically owning the entire city. The mere thought. of losing her children filled her with dread.

Her twins, the embodiment of her love with Ethan, were her most precious treasures. She had built her life around them, cherishing every moment, and the mere thought of losing custody terrified her. She had spent years crafting a world where they could live, where they could have a semblance of normalcy despite their unique circumstances. All of that could sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

hable if Ethan chose to assert his right

Chapter 30

Unconsciously, she began clutching her arms, her fingers digging into her skin as if seeking reassurance. Nathan, concerned for her well-being, noticed her discomfort.

“Hey, are you okay?” he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern, as he stole a quick glance at her.

Hazel took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure. “Yes. Yes, I’m fine,” she reassured him, her voice trembling slightly.

Nathan wasn’t convinced, and he pulled the car to a stop, turning his attention fully to her. “Are you sure?” he inquired, his eyes searching hers.

Meeting Ethan in his current position of influence and power had been nothing short of intimidating. Hazel knew all too well that he could easily use his resources to gain custody of her children if he discovered.

However, in her heart, she found a sense of solace. The unexpected turn of events meant that they wouldn’t have to cooperate with his company anymore, sparing her the anguish of bumping into him regularly. The city was vast enough to ensure they wouldn’t cross paths, and to top it off, they had a new contract offer. These thoughts filled her with a newfound sense of calm, and she began humming softly to herself, soothing her racing nerves. “Everything will be okay! She mumbled to herself. When she raised her head she found Nathan searching eyes peering worriedly down at her.

“Is this about Daisy? Nathan probed.”

She’ll be fine. We’ll find the best doctors for her.” He said reassuringly.

Hazel gave him a small reassuring smile.

“Thank you.”

“Let’s go. She urged.

Nathan’s reassuring words eased some of the worry in Hazel’s heart.

Nathan shifted his attention back to driving. Their destination was the vibrant and colorful kindergarten school building that was now in view. The laughter and giggles of children playing in the little playground outside brought a small, warm smile to Hazel’s face. The sight of happy kids was a welcome contrast to the worries of the day.

Nathan led the way as they approached the school. Hazel standing directly behind Nathan was buried completely out of sight due to his much larger frame.

The children continued their playful activities, unaware of the approaching adults.


Among the playful bunch, it was Daisy who first spotted Nathan. Her little face lit up joy as she recognized him, her muddy hands and cheeks a testament to her playful adventures. With an excited squeal, she dashed toward him with her chubby legs working furiously

Nater Daisy exclaimed, her delight evident in every step she took. Her tiny hands reached for him eagerly as Nathan knelt down to receive her. In her innocent world, he was a beloved figure, a source of boundless joy.

Dairy’s giggles filled the air as Nathan effortlessly lifted her into the air, their impromptu

the covering him in mud. He didn’t seem to mind the muddy stains on his clothes at all,

was solely on the happiness radiating from the little girl in his arms.

Chapter 30

As Daisy hugged him tightly, her mud-streaked cheeks pressing affectionately against his, she expressed her feelings with childlike sincerity. “I missed you,” she whispered sweetly before planting a big, muddy k*ss on his cheek.

“Mommy?” Daisy’s voice held a hint of curiosity as she turned her head to find Hazel.

“Mommy!” Daisy’s excitement couldn’t be contained as she threw her little arms wide open. practically leaping into her mother’s embrace. The joy radiating from the little girl was infectious.

Hazel responded by squeezing Daisy tightly against her, her ear pressed close to her daughter’s chest, where she could hear the comforting rhythm of Daisy’s heartbeat.

Nathan, always attentive to the little ones, inquired about Daisy’s brother. “Where’s your brother?” he asked with a warm smile, his eyes sparkling with gentle curiosity.

Daisy, however, responded with the innocence and humor only a child could muster. She shrugged her tiny shoulders and made a comically clueless expression. “Ah dunno,” she replied, her tiny fingers splayed wide to emphasize her puzzlement.

Hazel, chuckling at her daughter’s antics, squeezed Daisy’s hand affectionately. “Let’s go get you cleaned up,” she suggested, understanding the need to address the mud stains that adorned her little explorer.

Nathan, taking on the role of the caring companion, decided to seek out Daisy’s older brother, Liam. He walked away with a confident stride, heading towards a more secluded area where he anticipated finding the young boy engrossed in his world of imagination.

And indeed, Liam was nestled in a quiet spot, engrossed in playing all by himself with his cherished toy truck. His attention was fully captured by the miniature vehicle’s adventures, making him blissfully unaware of his surroundings.

“Hey champ,” Nathan greeted warmly, his hand gently ruffling Liam’s hair to get his


Liam’s reaction was pure and unadulterated joy. Startled by the unexpected arrival of his father figure, he promptly abandoned his toys and sprang to his feet, rushing into Nathan’s


“I thought you’d forgotten about me and Daisy,” Liam admitted, his childlike sadness tugging at Nathan’s heart. He felt neglected, and it weighed heavily on his young mind.

“No, champ, I’m really sorry,” Nathan apologized sincerely, running his fingers through Liam’s hair once more. The affectionate gesture reassured the little boy, and he nodded, a smile gradually returning to his face. The connection between them was mended.

“What do we have here?” Nathan asked, squatting down among Liam’s toys to engage in a playful moment with Liam. The two of them shared quality time, lost in the world of toys and imagination.

Meanwhile, Hazel was in the process of cleaning up Daisy, who had managed to accumulate quite a bit of mud during her playful escapades. It was during this mundane task that Daisy suddenly posed a rather unexpected question:

Are you and Nathan gonna get married?” Daisy’s innocent query caught Hazel off guard. She laughed incredulously at the unexpected topic.

Where did you get that from? she inquired puzzled by the curiosity that had sparked the

Chapter 30

Daisy, always inquisitive and observant, explained her thought process. “Well, Molly said her mommy married Mr. Adams, and now she has a new daddy and new siblings.

Hazel understood that Daisy was referring to a blended family, where Molly’s mom had remarried a man with children. She clarified. “No, honey. I and Nathan aren’t getting married.”

Returning her focus to the open arms of her daughter, Hazel couldn’t help but glance over at Nathan and Liam as they emerged from wherever Liam had hidden himself. They were engaged in playful antics, with Nathan playfully throwing Liam over his shoulder and spinning him around. Liam’s joyful laughter filled the air as he yelled loudly.

Hazel watched the scene before her with a small, tender smile. “Mommy!” Liam’s voice called out as he ran to her, wrapping his arms around her legs. Hazel bent down, lowering Daisy gently to the ground so she could hug both of her precious children at once. The embrace lingered longer than usual, Hazel holding her twins tightly to her, her emotions. bubbling up. They truly were everything she had.

After a heartfelt moment, Hazel eventually stood up and made a decision. “Let’s go home.”

The trio made their way to Nathan’s car, where he proceeded to strap both Liam and Daisy into their respective car seats. Nathan’s playful antics didn’t stop, and he tickled Liam while securing him in the seat, eliciting a loud burst of laughter from the young boy.

Once the children were safely fastened in, Nathan took his place in the driver’s seat. “Let’s stop at the grocery store,” he suggested, eager to extend their time together. He cherished these moments with the family and wanted to make the most of them.

“We’re out of milk, Daisy chimed in agreement, emphasizing the urgency of their grocery trip.

Liam, not one to be left out, added his list of needed items. “And butter, eggs, corn flakes, sugar, strawberries, and jam,” he rattled off with youthful enthusiasm.

Hazel concurred, “We’re going grocery shopping, then.”

Daisy, always ready for a treat, didn’t miss an opportunity. “Mom, can we get ice cream too?” she asked, her adorable pout in full effect.

“Okay,” Nathan conceded with a smile, his heart warmed by their eagerness. “I’ll get you guys ice cream. Whatever size you want.”

“Yay, Nathan!” the twins cheered in unison, their happiness filling the car.

As the car journey continued, Nathan played a medley of cheerful children’s songs. Daisy and Liam enthusiastically joined in, their young voices harmonizing in the backseat. Nathan glanced at them through the rearview mirror, a contented smile on his face. In that moment, life felt meaningful and fulfilling, and he wished he could hit pause to savor it a little longer.

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