Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna Novel
Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Ethan summoned Axel to his study that night.

“A rogue made its way into our territory. How did it manage to sl*p past the guards?” he inquired.

Axel stared at him blankly, wondering why his boss and Alpha were discussing pack security with him. Ethan’s perplexed look didn’t escape him. This was the kind of discussion he’d expect to have with his late Beta, Chris, not with a pack member responsible for organizing schedules, managing companies, and dealing with human relations.

“You may go,” Ethan said with a sigh. He had decided to summon the security team the next day and have them questioned.

His thoughts then turned to Chris. It had been over five months since his murder, and Ethan missed his company – a trusted friend with whom he could share his burdens.

Hazel came to mind as well. Starting tomorrow, he would have a meeting with her the next day. Christian would have criticized and questioned his choices, reminding him that he was a married man and his ex-wife had moved on.

He was resolved that his interaction with Hazel would be strictly professional. He had no intention of making her uncomfortable. Her company needed the contract with his Empire, which would elevate her reputation as a designer and propel her into the business world.

“Why am I helping my ex-wife?” he quizzed himself. In recent weeks, he had made many choices without adequate consideration. Looking back, he acknowledged that he had been thoughtless. Perhaps he still harbored regrets about letting Hazel go.

In any case, he concluded that the die was cast. It was too late for regrets. With a sigh, Ethan left his study and headed for his bedroom, where his wife, Bella, awaited him.

Ethan gazed at Bella’s peaceful sleeping form, his mind clouded with doubts. Had she been. truthful when she claimed not to have seen anyone else? She was jumpy and he found the lingering unfamiliar scent on her at that time. Trying to shake off these unsettling thoughts, he quietly exited the bedroom, making his way back to his study.

As he reached his sanctuary of solitude, his phone emitted a subtle buzz, notifying him of a message from Axel.

Intrigued, he unlocked his phone and began reading the text: “I had my doubts about your ex-wife’s children not being yours, so I did a little research. I hope this resolves the doubts I know you have.”

Attached to the message was a document that displayed the birthdates of Hazel’s kids. Their upcoming sixth birthday was a few months away, and it struck Ethan that Hazel had given birth to them more than ten months after their divorce.

Ethan wasn’t surprised by this revelation. He remembered clearly the days leading up to their separation, when Hazel had taken multiple pregnancy tests, all of which had yielded negative results. He knew, even then, that those children weren’t his biologically. Yet, despite this knowledge, he couldn’t help but feel a deep affection for the sharp-tongued talented little boy with a fiery temper and the little girl with bright eyes that mirrored her mother’s. Why did he have these emotions for them? He found himself grappling with this perplexing question, wondering if it was because he had once been married to Hazel.


Chapter 33

The message from Axel, his assistant who had dared to broach such a sensitive topic, and the tone it came with confirmed the irrationality of his recent actions and decisions. Feeling a surge of sadness and loneliness, Ethan sank into his chair, his phone still clutched in his hand. He contemplated the notion, if it weren’t for his past carelessness and thoughtlessness, he might now have a child around Liam and Daisy’s age, filling the void he couldn’t help but feel. The thought tugged at his heartstrings, nearly bringing tears to his


Just as his emotions threatened to overwhelm him, Bella’s voice suddenly echoed through.

the room.

“Ethan?” She stood before him, a concerned and bewildered expression on her face. Startled by the sight that met her eyes, she rushed to his side.

“Ethan, are you okay? What’s wrong?” she asked with genuine concern and a hint of panic. Without hesitation, he reached out and drew her into his lap, burying his head in her hair. His voice quivered with sorrow as he spoke into her fragrant tresses.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry that I wasn’t a better father, that I didn’t care about you enough, and

that my negligence led to the loss of our pup,” he confessed, his words barely audible 2

choked with emotion.

Bella froze, her heart aching for her husband. Ethan was still profoundly affected by the lie she had woven over five years ago. His emotional turmoil was undeniable, and she couldn’t help but feel a complex mix of guilt, sadness, and a growing determination to ensure he remained in this emotionally fragile state.

Slowly, she extended her hand to his back, her fingers tenderly stroking his head in a soothing, affectionate gesture. Her thoughts were busy at work, and she realized that she needed to keep Ethan just like this, vulnerable and dependent on her. A shadow of darkness passed over her features as she made a solemn vow within herself: she would go to any lengths to ensure he never discovered the truth, even if it meant resorting to killing that


Hazel was in deep slumber, completely drained and exhausted from her day. Her bedroom door creaked open, and the soft patter of tiny footsteps filled the room. It was Daisy, her little daughter, clutching her cherished stuffed bear, who was on a mission to reach her mother’s bedside.

Determined yet struggling, Daisy attempted to climb onto the tall bed. Frustration got the better of her, and she soon dissolved into tears.

Hazel stirred from her sleep, sensing her little girl’s distress. She opened her eyes to find. Daisy, sleepy and teary-eyed, standing beside her bed. Concern filled Hazel’s voice as she sat up immediately, reaching out her arms to take Daisy into her embrace.

“Aww, baby, is something wrong?” Hazel’s soothing words tried to calm her daughter’s tears as she settled Daisy onto her lap. Daisy nestled closer to her mother, the warmth and familiarity of her mother’s embrace offering solace. Hazel hummed softly, her hand gently rubbing Daisy’s back in a comforting rhythm.

As Hazel peered down into her daughter’s face, she couldn’t help but feel a wave of worry wash over her. Daisy had been more disgruntled and restless than usual in recent days, and this late-night visit was a cause for concem. Listening closely to the steady rhythm of her. daughter’s heart, Hazel made a decision. Tomorrow, she resolved, she would schedule a visit to the hospital for a thorough check-up to ensure Daisy’s well-being.


Chapter 35

The next morning brought with it a surprising change in Daisy’s demeanor. She woke up with a brighter disposition, her energy levels seemingly replenished. Hazel, her mother, observed her closely as she ate her breakfast with an unusual gusto. The little family of three went about their usual morning routine, but today, there was a slight deviation from the norm only Liam would be attending kindergarten.

Liam, always observant, couldn’t help but notice the difference in Daisy’s attire. Hazel had dressed her children for the day, with Liam in comfortable pants and a cheerful

cartoon-themed t-shirt. However, Daisy sported a formal-looking dress, different from her typical school attire.

“Why’s Daisy dressed differently?” Liam inquired, his curiosity piqued. He wanted to understand the reason behind his mother’s choice of clothing for his sister.

Hazel smiled warmly at Liam’s inquiry. “Well, that’s because I’ll be dropping you off at school today, and then Daisy and I have some places to go,” she explained, her voice tender. She intended to call Chloe, her colleague, to cover for her at work.

Liam, however, wasn’t particularly thrilled with this arrangement. Holding his sister’s hand, he expressed his desire, “No! Daisy, come with me to kindergarren” He said holding hist sister’s hand.

“Put on your shoes, Liam.” Hazel instructed.

“But, Mommy, I wanna go to kinder” Daisy pleaded not ready to spend the day at the hospital or part ways with her brother

“Yeah,” Liam supported with a determined look on his face.

“Today’s Molly’s birthday,” Daisy added, hoping to sway her mother’s decision.

With gentle understanding, Hazel tried to reason with her children, “Honey, we really need.

to go.”

“I don’t wanna,” Daisy replied, her eyes welling up with tears.

Hazel sighed. In the midst of this, her phone rang, displaying Chloe’s name on the screen.

“Hey, there’s a meeting at 10 a.m. this morning. You need to be there,” Chloe informed her.

“I wasn’t informed,” Hazel replied, a hint of frustration in her voice.

Chloe clarified, “A memo was sent very early this morning. I can’t cover for you on this. You’re heading the project, you have to be there in person.”

Understanding the urgency, Hazel reluctantly agreed, “I understand.” She ended the call and returned her attention to her children.

“Let me go to school today, tomorrow we go to the hospital? Okay, Momma?” Daisy bargained joining her hands together in a pleading motion her little voice filled with hope. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Hazel sighed deeply. She wasn’t entirely comfortable with the revised plan, but she felt somewhat cornered. “Okay,” she relented with a sigh.

With that agreement settled, Hazel led Daisy back into their room to change her into suitable attire for school. As she worked on getting Daisy ready, Hazel couldn’t help but feel

pang of guilt

Molly’s birthday is today? Why didn’t you guys mention it so we could get her a present?” Hazel quizzed her twins as she hoisted Daisy up to a table to rebrush her hair.

Chapter 35

“We did, Momma. We told you,” Liam replied.

“Yes, we did.” Daisy confirmed.

Hazel, realizing her oversight, sighed. She must have been so preoccupied with other thoughts that she hadn’t registered her children’s earlier comments. “Well, we’ll stop briefly by a store to get her a toy,” she promised.

Liam nodded in agreement, but his mother added a firm condition, ‘Only for Molly, Got that?” She wanted to ensure they understood the purpose of their shopping.

Both children nodded in agreement. Hazel almost done with Daisy hovered about her while. Daisy struggled to get her mom to stay Still.

“Mommy wait.” Hazel paused.

Daisy cupped her mother’s face with her small hands and planted a big, loving k*ss on Hazel’s cheek.

“Energy boost,” Daisy explained with a heartwarming smile.

Hazel couldn’t help but smile back, deeply touched by her daughter’s thoughtfulness. Daisy had noticed the stress and worry on her mom’s face and offered her an energy boost.

“Thank you, cupcakes. Now let’s go,” Hazel said, giving her baby a heartfelt hug.

With that, they headed downstairs, taking the elevator, and began their stroll to a nearby toy store to pick out a birthday gift for Molly.

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