Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna Novel
Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Ethan went to the hospital the next day. He had struggled to concentrate throughout the day; his mind filled with worry. He left after his meeting, canceling his last engagements and heading to the hospital in the guise of taking care of other concerns there. He had to meet.

with the Director.

As he read more about Daisy’s condition, the more restless he became. What if Dr. Gomez also couldn’t perform the surgery, and what would happen next? Even if they were to have the surgery, with the risks, Daisy’s life might change permanently, and if they didn’t, she would have to live her life in the hospital on support for years to come. The two choices were unpalatable. He slammed his laptop shut and left his office. He needed to seek professional consultation on the issue. Also, he would see if it was possible to take a peek at the little girl.

Arriving at the hospital, he went straight to the VIP ward. Getting closer to the room Daisy was in, he heard Hazel’s voice. He spotted her talking with a doctor, but she hadn’t noticed him; her back was turned to him. Listening to the discussion, the doctor confirmed the very things he had feared. He stood there transfixed and heartbroken. Hazel’s quiet so b s made him nearly lose his mind; he had the urge to wrap his arms around her and comfort her. He had already taken a few steps before he realized himself, and he stepped back immediately. He had no right. Even though he had none, he promised within himself that Hazel would not lose her daughter, no matter what. Even if he had to move mountains, travel around the world to bring the best specialist, he would. Ethan swore to himself silently. The Director looking for Ethan took a bend and spotted him.

“Mr. Wild, I’m so sorry for keeping you waiting. This way, please. Let’s go to my office.” The man said, leading the way. Ethan followed after him; he glanced back several times as Hazel’s hunched frame became even smaller. “Sorry I kept you waiting,” the man apologized as Ethan settled into a seat. Ethan went down straight to business.

“I need answers. With all the technological advancement in the world now, has any country gotten a breakthrough in a similar situation?” Ethan asked. “Is this concerning the little girl’s condition?” The man probed. “Yes,” Ethan replied with a sigh. “I’ve visited her issue and read through her medical history. It is quite serious. Well, there have been few; some doctors bold enough to take the risk. But even with an older child, the success rate is usually very low. A smaller child at that age, it could be rather deadly,” the man explained further. “It’s a lot riskier at such age. Early age like two to ten is too early for such surgery. Daisy, unfortunately, falls into that category; it would be almost impossible for her to recover, another vital part may be missed,” the man finished gruffly. “And if we decide to wait, what are the chances that she would love and function, like a normal child would?” Ethan had to ask. “Slim. She could have a seizure at any time. She needs to be watched every minute so in case if that, there’re medical staff to swoop in and revive.” Ethan sighed. “And Dr. Gomez?” He asked; Hazel had mentioned looking for him the previous day. “He’s retired. He comes with some risky practices, although I would say he’s the best in things like that. He conducted a heart bypas s on a really young child; he’s hale and hearty. He’s done some medical miracles severally. If he was still in practice, I would have brought him in by now, but sadly he isn’t, the man mused. “What if he was? What would happen then?” Ethan quizzed. “I couldn’t say for sure. Surgeries and health aren’t like mathematical equations that always have a specific answer with the use and application of formulas. Life is fragile; things happen; we could predict but a whole lot of unforeseen things could happen even during surgery Ethan listened gravely. All the money in the world still couldn’t buy or secure a life

If it could, he would use every resource he ever had.

Since either way, Daisy would be spending time in the hospital; she would be needing some kind of recreation he pondered within himself already thinking of ways to make sure the little girl would still be happy. “The next fundraising event. Tesco would be a patron,” Ethan said, standing to leave. The hospital director smiled in contemplation of what he meant. “Thank you. You seem really concerned about the little girl’s welfare,” the older man stated, his eyes shining with a knowing glimmer.

For years Ethan had pumped cash steadily into the hospital and had never visited, and suddenly he was visiting twice in two days. Even the way he had suddenly appeared yesterday was strange and out of character. He observed Ethan’s expression. “Don’t misunderstand; she’s of no relation,” Ethan snapped, feeling the need to clear the air so the older man didn’t mistake her to be his child outside marriage or something like that. “It’s not my place nor my concern but for some reason I can’t help it.” Ethan’s voice and eyes softened. “It’s like that little girl charmed me or something.” He said with a small sad chuckle. “I want her to be ok. Never care for anyone as much as this before,” Ethan said with a sigh sitting back down. “You know, a child does not have to be yours before you fall in love with them. The moment I laid eyes on my first son, I knew I couldn’t Walk away after that The man spoke with a glint in his eyes as he stared at a framed picture on his table. “Even though he wasn’t my blood. I just knew he had to be mine. So I very much understand the dedication to her well-being even though it’s not your responsibility. You’d find yourself questioning and wondering why you’re so concerned, but listen, Family isn’t only by blood. relation; love whoever you love without limiting yourself.’ Ethan stared at the elderly man for moments as he spoke; he felt better and his resolve strengthened. “Thank you.” Ethan said calmly walking out.

Chloe, finally done with work, rushed off to the hospital to pay a visit. First, she stopped at a restaurant to procure freshly cooked meals along with a small bag of fruits she had carefully selected at the market. As she exited the cab, struggling to balance the things she held, she spotted a familiar b*dy frame sliding into a sleek car. He looked remarkably like her superior, Ethan Wild.

“Mr. Wild?” she wondered.

No, it couldn’t be. Why would he be at the hospital? Shrugging it off, she continued walking. She had already taken the room number from Hazel, so she headed straight for the elevator. When the elevator opened, she paused for a moment.

“Woah, she muttered to herself.

This floor of the hospital was completely different from the others. She walked through the halls, searching for room number seven.

“Finally,” she sighed, sliding the door open.

She was taken aback for a moment as she stared around the room, nearly stepping back. Liam poked his head through at that moment, seeing the familiar face, she relaxed.

“Mom, it’s Aunty Chloe,” Liam announced, running to give her a hug.

Dropping the things she held, she grabbed him up in her arms. She had been so wrapped up in work that she hadn’t seen the kids for a week.

I missed you. You didn’t come see us, Liam accused with a pout as he played with her button.

Ti so sorry, honey

Daisy walked into the room from the bathroom followed by her mom.

Hey Chloe greeted softly, scooping Daisy up and breathing in her baby scent.

Ive missed you How are you?” Chloe asked in concern, seeing Hazel’s face. She managed at small smile in the direction of her friend.

Chloe sighed, understanding her unspoken words.

“Woah,” she muttered, looking around.

“Is this place a hospital ward or a suite?” Chloe questioned in awe. Hazel giggled at her


“How’d you manage?” she asked.

Hazel didn’t want to lie to her, yet she felt she didn’t have to reveal Ethan’s involvement. “We just got lucky. One of the hospital patrons insisted we stay here,” Hazel explained brietly.

“Uhhh. nice. It’s really nice”

“I brought some documents for you, your unfinished works to help keep you distracted. And you’re welcome, Chloe added, taking the thanks out of Hazel’s l*ps.

She also unwrapped all of the food and fruits they had gotten.

“Hey, Chloe called softly minutes later. The kids had settled in front of the TV, eating apples. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“What’s going on?” Chloe asked, her facial expression turning grim.

Hazel, with a sigh, related all that the doctor had shared with her.

The two women sat in silence, the quiet hum of the AC and the sounds from the TV filling

the room.

“I feel so helpless. I’d have to just sit and wait,” Hazel said softly, burying her face in her hands.

“Hey, You’re not alone.” Chloe said, reaching out to hold one of Hazel’s hands.

“Thank you,” Hazel muttered softly.

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