Chapter 1

Crystal’s PO.V.

“Why?” I asked him in a choked voice while looking at him with tearful eyes.

“Because I love Rachel, and she is a far better mate than you. She is an alpha and also belongs to the Night Shadow Pack. Mating with her will bring good luck and fortune to me, to this pack,” he answered me proudly, as if he were going to do a very good thing by accepting another she-wolf as his mate after rejecting his fated mate.

“So, you only want to accept her because she is an alpha, and belongs to a wealthy pack?” I questioned him again, in a disgusting tone this time. My heart filled with hatred immediately after I heard his reason for rejecting me.

He nodded while looking at me with a nasty smirk. I gulped and nodded. So the power and wealth is more important than a mate blessed by the Moon goddess for him. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Okay, then… I am accepting your wish then, I informed him in a calm tone while wiping tears from my cheeks. If I had to accept his rejection and had to reject him, then I would do this with dignity. He took me as a weak she-wolf, and now it was my turn to show how strong a girl could be.

“L, Crystal Spears, daughter of the beta of the Blood Moon Pack, Warrick Spears, accept and reject you, Adam Hopkins, as my mate. I am severing my mate bond completely with you, I announced in a proud and firm voice while looking straight into his eyes.

give his love

He suddenly clutched his chest and fell down on the ground while wincing in pain. I saw him falling to the ground but kept my face cold. He was fated to be my mate, the one the Moon Goddess chose for me. He was supposed to and the sense of security that a fated mate could give to his mate. Instead, he chose to reject me, because I was a beta daughter, and his lover was an alpha daughter. He chose power over mate bond. I moved back and then walked away from him with my head high..

I was in severe pain too, but I kept on going while clutching my fists, digging my nails inside my palm. The tears in my eyes were threatening to come out at any time, but I blinked harder to keep them in the back of my eyes.

“Crystal… where are you?” I was about to cry after walking away a good distance from him when I got a mind link from my father. “On my way to home, dad,” I informed him in a calm tone. I had to stay strong for my family, the people who loved me. They shouldn’t know that I was rejected because of my rank and the greedy attitude of my mate.

“Come quickly, honey. Everyone is waiting for you,” he urged happily, and I smiled bitterly. “I will be there in a few minutes, dad,” I replied to her and then cut off the mind link. Tears streamed down but I wiped them immediately. I tried to smile but It was really hard right now.

I had to smile to make my family and my friends. I had to smile at them. All the way home, I just thought about how I was going to stay calm and look happy in front of them. I wanted to scream in agony and wanted to ask the Moon Goddess why she did this to me. Why did she give me a mate who didn’t want me because he wanted power? What did I do wrong that I was rejected? There were so many questions running through my mind but I knew that I wouldn’t get answers to those questions because no one could answer them for me. I knew that the Moon Goddess was looking at me from the sky.

So I looked up towards the sky with tearful eyes, I complained to her silently and blinked hard to back away the tears. I stopped in the backyard of my house and closed my eyes. I was standing near the tree where I used to play with my brothers when I was young. I leaned on the tree and put my forehead on the bark.

“You know how I am feeling right now, right?” I asked the tree. “I need your strength to stay strong in front of them. Give me your strength,” I asked it in whispers and hugged it. Call me crazy, but this tree was also like a brother to me. He always protected me from the harsh heat of the sun in summer. I had a tree house there at the top of it.

I stayed in the same position for a few minutes. I then slowly straightened my back and looked at the tree with a faint smile. “Thank you,” I whispered to it and then looked at my house. I took a deep breath and then smiled from ear to ear. It was my birthday, and I was supposed to be happy today. I couldn’t ruin my happiness for an a****

Let me introduce myself first. I am the youngest daughter of the beta of the Blood Moon Pack, Warrick Spears, and his mate Martha Spears. I had two loving and protective elder brothers, William, and Vincent Spears. William was the future beta of the pack after my father, and I am proud of my brothers. They were the best brothers a sister could ask for. Today was my eighteenth birthday, supposed to be the happiest day of my life because I could sense my mate now. But it turned into the worst day of my life, my fated mate, the future alpha of our pack, Adam Hopkins, rejected me. He was never my favorite person because he was always mean, and cruel to me. He made me cry so many times in the past and got scolded by his parents every time.

He left the pack at the age of 16 to go to the alpha academy to finish his alpha training. He was about to come back after

three days but came back today. This was the last time that he made me cry, but I swore that I would never shed a tear fo

for him or in front of him. He wasn’t worthy of my tears.

I walked inside the house and inhaled sharply when the aroma of food hit my nose. My mouth watered immediately and i rushed towards the kitchen. “William you are the best,” I beamed while running toward my eldest brother. I hopped on his back and wrapped my hands around his n*eck, and legs around his waist.

“Careful, Crystal… you will burn both of us,” he scolded me while fl*pping the steak. William was a good cook and liked to cook for me, and today was the best day to cook.

“Did I tell you that I love you so much?” I asked him again in a happy tone while grinning from ear to ear, forgetting the pain of rejection. He laughed and looked at me over his shoulder.

“I love you too, Crystal… not get down and go… freshen up immediately. Your cake is ready and we are going to cut the cake right on time,” he ordered me and I nodded immediately. He bent on his knees so that I could get off easily. I didn’t know why, but I was much shorter than both my brothers. I was even two inches shorter than my mother.

I ran towards the stairs so that I could go to my room upstairs. “Be careful on the stairs, Crystal,” I heard my mother yelling at me worriedly. “Okay, mom,” I yelled back in reply while smiling widely. She always worried for me. For her, I was still a baby. I didn’t need to fake my smile now because I was happy now.

I immediately went inside the washroom and finished my business before taking a quick shower. My mother had prepared a special dress for me for tonight’s party. After wrapping a towel around my chest, I went out of the washroom while humming my favourite song. I smiled widely while looking at the dress. It was a knee-length gown in emerald green color, matching my eyes’ colour. It was half shoulder dress with frills on the waist. I immediately put on my panties and then my dress. It had a built-in padded bra, and that was why I didn’t need to put a bra under it. I chose to wear my dark brown silky hair loose with a side French round-the-head braid at the top of my head.

After finishing with my makeup and everything, I admired myself in the mirror. I was looking beautiful, and that was what I needed right now….. confidence…. I took a deep breath while smiling widely and then walked towards the door. I walked out of my room and stopped when I saw my second elder brother, Vincent, coming out of his room.

“Vincent,’ I chirped, and he looked at me. He smiled widely while whistling softly. “You are looking stunning, princess,” he complimented me while coming towards me. I beamed happily. He came near to me and hugged me.

“Happy birthday, Crystal,” he wished me, and I hugged him back. “Thank you, Vincent,” I told him, and he broke the hug after that. “Let’s go… Everyone is waiting for you downstairs. The alpha and his family have already come,” he told me while walking towards the stairs.

My heart sank, and my smile faltered when I remembered that my father had invited the alpha’s family too. Our alpha, Adrian Hopkins, and my father were best friends since childhood. “What happened? You suddenly paled, Vincent asked me in a worried tone, and I looked at him while regaining my composure.

“Uhhh.. it’s nothing… I just feel a little hot,” I made an excuse, and he nodded. “You are about to turn tonight. Maybe this is because of that,” he predicted, and I smiled faintly. I took a deep breath and braced myself to meet Adam again.

“You know that his son, Adam, found his mate? Vincent asked me, and I stiffened immediately.

“I… didn’t know that,” I answered him, lying about the news. “She is the alpha’s daughter from the Night Shadow Pack. They met in the alpha academy, and he recognized her as his mate three years ago on his eighteenth birthday. “They’d been dating since then and planned to finish their mating ceremony on the day of his alpha ceremony, Vincent informed me, and I simply nodded.

I had no interest in his mating ceremony now. I smiled again when I saw Alpha Adrian and Luna Nora sitting on the couch with my parents in the living room. Now it was time to show my ex-mate how strong I could be.

“Good evening, Alpha, Luna,” I greeted the alpha couple with a genuine, small smile on my l*ps. “Crystal…. happy birthday, honey, Luna Elena, Adam’s mother, and Alpha Adrian’s fate mate, chirped and came towards me. I spread my hands, and we both hugged each other.

“I am so happy for you,” she whispered to me while hugging me tightly.

“Thanks, Luna,” I whispered to him, and she released me from her embrace. She narrowed her eyes at me and looked at me from head to toe.

“What happened? Why are you looking so pale?” she asked me in a concerned tone. I smiled while holding her by her arm.

“It’s nothing, Luna. You know my routine,” I answered her, clearly lying about my condition.

She looked back at her mate, Alpha Adrian. “I told you to give her a break today. But you never listened to me. Now see how exhausted she is?” she scolded her mate, who blinked innocently while making a sad face. I smiled and squeezed her arin gently.

*It’s okay, Luna… I am really fine and ready to enjoy our night tonight,” I comforted her again.

“Why are you scolding dad, mom? It doesn’t like she has any important work to do?” I looked behind me at the person who threw a taunt at me.

“You know nothing about our pack and their duties, and responsibilities, Rachel. So, just keep your mouth shut,” Luna Elena scolded her immediately, defending me. I smirked when I saw Adam’s scowling face.

Rachel scoffed and looked at Adam, but scowled when he said nothing to defend her.

“Luna,” I called Luna Elena in a gentle tone. Where is my present?” I asked her, distracting her from Rachel.

To be honest, I was really surprised to see that alpha’s daughter, She was a blonde with an hourglass figure. She had worn

a b*dycon dress with deep cleavage, giving off a sultry vibe instead of the aura of a Luna.

“First….. go and cut the cake that I specially prepared for you. You will like your gift. I am sure about that,” Luna Elena answered me with her same addicted smile.

“Let’s go then,” I replied to her while beaming, and looked at my mother who entered the room with my birthday cake, singing birthday sons with my father and my brothers. I beamed while looking at them with tearful eyes. I could feela hot gaze on my back, but it didn’t affect me anymore.

He had his mate with him, and now I needed to show him what it means to be a strong wolf. knowing me. I bet he would regret this day when he learns about me.

He rejected me without

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