Chapter 23

Crystal’s P.O.V.

I was in a dark place. The place was dark, and there was no sound around me, making me feel scared. Once again I was in that weird and scary place. I had seen this place so many times but I never figured out what this place was.

“Luna… where are we?” I called Luna in a fearful tone while trying to look around me so that I could see what this place was. I knew that it was just a futile attempt, but the fear in my heart made me do this.

I panicked when Luna didn’t answer my question. “Luna!” I screamed in horror but didn’t get any answer. “Ssshhhhhh…. they can hear you.” I trembled hard in fear and screamed again when someone whispered in my ear from behind in a

sinister tone.

I looked behind me, but no one was there. “Moon…. Moon…. save our daughter… save our daughter,” I heard someone screaming in a painful voice. I looked around while taking a round on my toes but there was nothing.

“Who are you? Where are you?” I screamed once again but didn’t get any answer again. I started running in panic but didn’t know where I was going. All I wanted. right now was to get out of this place.

“AAAahhhhhhhh.” I screamed in panic when suddenly two cold and red eyes appeared in front of my face out of nowhere. “I got you.” I heard a sinister and cold laugh that was enough to make me stumble on my feet. My heart was thumping aloud against my rib cage.

I almost fell to the ground but didn’t try to stop to gather myself. I started running aimlessly in fear. All I wanted right now was to go away from that voice. “Where are you going?” I increased my pace when I heard the voice still right behind me. It seemed that no matter how fast I ran, it caught me all the time.

Run As fast as you can little bunny… Run,” The voice taunted me in a sinister way as if it was taking pleasure in my misery, but I ignored it. “Moon,” I cried in despair when I was about to fall once again. I didn’t know why I called this name. but I felt I knew Moon just like I knew myself.

I was now out of breath and my legs had lost their strength. I panted harshly and looked up behind me. There was pitch dark all around me. The eerie silence made me shiver hard in panic. I shuddered hard once again when I heard some distant voices. A very familiar yet unfamiliar female voice reached my ears once again

You have to keep her safe, Moon. She is our daughter…. prom… Promise me th you will never leave her.. pr.. promise me.. no. no matter what (she panted Viby my between h

tween her statement as if she was about to faint) what happened to

sta stay with her for forever and guard her,” the finished

“Mom,” I sobbed while trying to figure out her location in the darkness. I

screamed in horror when suddenly a pair of sinister red eyes appeared in front of me. “Gotcha”. He smiled sinisterly, showing two long pair of teeth while raising his hand towards me.

“Mom,” I screamed at the top of my lungs in panic and closed my eyes. “Crystal… It’s just a nightmare. I immediately opened my eyes and looked at the person in front of me with wide-opening eyes in fear. “Mom,” I threw myself in her embrace and hugged her tightly as if my life depended on her.

“Calm down, love… that was just a nightmare… you are fine.. you are safe,” she comforted me while rubbing my back gently. I was still breathing heavily, trying to forget those eyes but I knew that they would haunt me for a good few days. Mom kept on comforting me for a good few minutes. After I calmed down, she slowly released me from her embrace and k*ssed my forehead. “Go and freshen up quickly. Theo is out with Prince Killian but soon he will come back. He has to leave before 10,” she told me and I nodded in response.

Theo’s P.O.V.

“Who do you think can be the kidnapper?” I asked Killian, and he looked in the other direction with a disappointed look. “We are still trying to figure it out,” he answered me, and I pursed my l*ps into a thin line while thinking about the question that I wanted to ask him but didn’t know if I should ask or not.

“You have something in your mind, don’t you?” he suddenly asked while craning his n*eck towards me. I sighed and nodded in agreement. “I have a very personal. question to ask, Killian.” I answered him truthfully, and a faint smile appeared on his l*ps.

“You know that you can ask any question, right?” he said, and I smiled faintly this time. “This is about your parents, Killian,” I explained why I was reluctant, and he nodded while taking a deep breath. We were strolling in the pack, and it was the best time where we could discuss anything without being heard by anyone else. “What is it?” he asked me in a low tone this time. I took a deep breath and decided to ask him now. “Both you and Crystal are white wolves. It means that either both of your parents or at least one of them has a white wolf,” I said, and he knitted his brows in confusion.

I took a deep breath again and stopped near the training ground, which was completely empty this time. All the Alphas had returned to their packs with their Lanas and betas and that was why there were fewer people around us now.

This is only my assumption, Killian, but I think that the powers of a white wolf are the main reason behind the kidnapping of your mother.” I finished what 1 wanted to say while looking at him seriously. He kept staring at me without

sponding, and I gave him time to process what I said.

sad yesterday, Crystal’s life can be in danger because of her wolf, and that that her wolf was under Alpha Adrian’s command. If this cars b he

I think we can have a lead here.” I said again after some

“A white wolf with a crescent moon mark in the middle of her forehead is a rare wolf, Theo. Luna has that mark, and that’s why I am worried about her safety. What my

father told me about my mother and her wolf was that she was indeed a white wolf, but there was no such mark on her forehead. In fact, she had black


and some black strips near her shoulders,” he told me, and I gave him a curt


“But it doesn’t mean that she didn’t have any special powers, right?” I replied to him, and he once again just stared at me. “There is a possibility that someone wanted to get her powers by kidnapping her, and if our kind can still feel the mate bond, it means that she is still alive, but in captivity. You do know what a psychopath obsessed with the greed of powers can do to get what he wants,” I continued in a serious tone, and his expression went ugly in anger.

“Killian… Calm down,” I immediately held him by his shoulder and asked him to calm down in a serious tone. I didn’t want anyone around to notice the change in his emotions. “You mean to say,” he said while gritting his teeth, but I cut him off in the middle.

“I mean to say that we must start picking up the clues so that we can find her as soon as possible. I am sure that he also knows about Crystal’s existence. It means. that both of their lives are still in danger. We have to eliminate this threat from Crystal’s life and bring your mother back. I don’t even want to think about what she has suffered till now,” I continued, and he only listened to me while trying to conceal his anger.

He closed his eyes while clenching his jaw, and I gave him the time to process and to calm himself down. I could understand his rage and his pain. I loved my mother so much, and I was lucky that I had her love and care all my life. I couldn’t imagine my life without my mother, and he spent his life not only without his mother but also in search of her.

This was not something I could imagine for myself, not even in my dreams. Above all, I didn’t even want to think about what the queen had gone through all these years. If that kidnapper is really after the powers, then he could get them by mating and marking his mother. Forcing marking and mating on a she-wolf could be dangerous for her life if her wolf refused to accept both marking and mating. I just wish that it wasn’t Killian’s mother’s case.

“What do you want to do, Theo?” he suddenly asked me, and I took a deep breath. Let’s start with those who were interested in your mother,” I said, and he glared hard at me. I mean no offence against our queen, Killian. She is also like a mother to me. But you can’t deny the fact that there are so many people among

who are greedy and could do anything to get more and more powers,” I explained to him immediately.

closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. “You are right. She is not the

white wolf but her wolf did have some special powers like mine So tible dat someone kidnapped her for the sake of power. But he paused;


“If he wants powers then all he has to do to mark my mother, and…. a… and force her t… to ma… mate with him,” I clenched my jaw, but his assumption was right here. he was stating the same thing that I had in my mind, but I didn’t want to Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

voice it out.

“In that case, my father would have felt the breaking of the mate bond a long time ago,” he continued, and I took my lower l*p in between my teeth. He was right. If this was not the case, then what could be the other reason for kidnapping her? It might be possible that her wolf has been keeping her safe all these years.

“If… If she is in… in.. let’s say… in coma… or in a deep sleep for a long time… then Then is it possible for him to get her powers if he marks her in this state?” I asked another question that suddenly came to my mind.

His eyes widened in shock immediately. “Did the king ever tell you about feeling the pain of betrayal?” I asked him again in a serious tone. He just shook his head negatively while looking at me with wide eyes in shock.

“No…. dad never felt any excruciating pain, but… he paused and narrowed his eyes suddenly. “What is it?” I asked him immediately. “He was indeed in such pain for a few days back then that he was not even able to stand up from the bed,” he finished in a lost tone.

“When was it?” I asked him in a hurried tone, but my heart was now thumping hard against my rib cage. “I… I really didn’t remember, as I was also a small child at that time. Uhhhh…. I guess it… it was almost af… after 7 or 8 months after her kidnapping,” he said in a bitter tone while trying to remember the right time. “Ist there any way that we could know about the exact time of that incident?” I asked him again, and he clicked his tongue while thinking hard.

“I think yes,” he said after some time, and my eyes lit up. This was not only about the queen but also about the safety of my mate. I couldn’t be at ease until I eliminated this threat from her life. “I think… I can talk with Edward’s father on this matter. He was always by my father’s side. So he must remember that incident, Killian said after thinking for a while.

“Talk to him after going back and try to get all the information that we can get on your mother’s pack too, I replied to him, and he narrowed his eyes in confusion. “What about my mother’s pack?” he asked me in confusion.

I took a deep breath and looked around before looking back at him. “Your mother was kidnapped right after she left her pack eighteen years ago,” I continued, and he jerked his head back lightly. “I had the same thought in my mind too, Theo. Both I and my father investigated that pack first, as we also had the same suspicion, but we didn’t find anything, he told me in a frustrated tone, but I was not convinced by what he told me:

Let’s talk about this when I visit your pack with my father, 1 think it will be better sf we discuss this when everyone is together he suggested in a calm tone this

making me nod in agreement while pursing my l*ps. “Let’s go… it’s almost back he said while looking at his wristwatch. “Yeah… let’s go,1,

answered him in a calm tone, and we started walking towards Crystal’s house.

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