Chapter 40 

Thunder’s P.O.V. 

I wrapped my hands around her waist, and pulled her close to me while hiding my face in the crook of her n*eck. I was still seething in anger, but her proximity was enough to make me calm down. “I am sorry… I am really sorry for my outburst, Thunder. You know Luna, right? She was just angry at that time. She didn’t mean to disrespect you,” Crystal continued, making me tightened my grip on her waist, but I didn’t say a word to her. 

I was angry and heart–broken because of my mate. She challenged me without. even thinking about the consequences of that challenge. As an alpha, I couldn’t stand disrespect, and couldn’t show my back if I was challenged. Yet, I walked away when she challenged me. If my mate didn’t give me the respect that I deserve then how could I expect respect from others? 

“Please say something, Thunder. Scold me… or.. unleash your anger on me…. Just don’t stay silent,” she requested this time, and I sighed internally when I felt fear in her b*dy. “I am really sorry,” her voice cracked completely this time. “I am not angry from you, love… don’t be scared,” I comforted her in a loving tone, ignoring the anger that was still radiating out of my b*dy. 

I am sorry,” she murmured again in a cracked voice. “She is about to cry, Thunder,” Theo said in a worried tone. I didn’t know what I needed to do to make her understand my concern and worry for her safety and well–being. Were we so difficult to understand? 

“She understands us, Thunder. She was just angry at that time,” Theo comforted me once again. I knew that he was angry too, but he was calmer than me. “Still she shouldn’t challenge us,” I answered him in a cold tone. He wanted to something more, but held his tongue. 

Crystal snuggled into me but suddenly hissed in pain. I immediately lifted my head up, and looked at her worriedly. “What happened?” I asked her immediately. She shook her negatively before answering me. “Nothing… nothing happened? It… it’s already dusk. Let’s go back.” She said while smiling lightly, I immediately moved her away from me but didn’t lose my grip on her waist. I looked at her from head to toe, and frowned when I saw her bare feet. 

“You… Youwhy are your shoes?” I asked her while pulling her up while walking towards a big stone, a little away from the place where we were 

Chapter 40 

standing. “Uhhhh… you were angry… and,” she answered me in a hesitant tone. but trailed off. I sat down on the stone, keeping her on my lap. I pulled her fect up, and hard at her when I saw her feet injured. 

“Now I am really angry at you,” I grumbled while slowly removing the pebbles. and thorns stuck inside her soft feet. She winced in a pain a few times, but didn’t stop me. Why was she so reckless? After cleaning her feet, I stood up with her in my embrace in bridal style. She didn’t protest, and wrapped her hands around my n*eck. She ran behind us bare feet, hence injuring her legs. 

“Did you forgive me?” she asked me in a low tone after some time. I didn’t answer her and continued walking because I couldn’t lie to her. I was still mad at Luna. Crystal was partially responsible for what happened between us in the office but it was Luna who went overboard. 

Crystal’s P.O.V. 

“Tell him to talk to me, Crystal. He is still not talking to me,” Luna whined at the back of my mind, making me rolled my eyes at her. “Who asked you to go sassy on him, huh?” I scolded her again, and she looked at me annoyingly. 

“Was I the only one who was angry at that time?” she asked me annoyingly. I wanted to say yes but held it back because she was not the only one who was angry at that time. “Please ask him… he will listen to you,” she pleaded again. this time, and I felt a headache. Thunder was talking with me, but he was still mad at both of us. Even Theo was not in a good mood since that incident. 

I was lying on bed in our room. It had been two day to that incident. My feet were completely healed now, but Theo asked me to have some more rest. I didn’t want to go against him this time, and that was why, I was still in my 


I opened my eyes when I heard a knock on the door. I opened my eyes and sat 


when Luna Elena entered the room. “How are you feeling now, honey?” she asked me with a wide smile on her l*ps. She had a food tray in her hand. “Bore,” I answered her while pouting, and she chuckled. She put down the tray. on the bed and sat down in front of me. 

“I brought some snacks for you. I thought that you should be hungry as your didn’t come for lunch,” she said while gesturing towards the food tray. 

Thanks, Mom… But I am not hungry,” I thanked her in a sad tone. She was just like a mother to me, and that was why, I often called her Mom. 

Chapter 40 

“Theo is still angry, huh?” she asked me in a concerned tone. “Thunder too,” I answered her in a low tone while lowering my head in guilt. I heard her taking a deep breath. She put her hand on my leg right below the knee. “You know what you two did wrong, right?” she asked me again in a motherly tone. 

I sighed but nodded in agreement. “He is a true alpha, Crystal. I don’t think that I need you to explain why he is more hurt than angry. You are his mate, and Luna challenged his authority. Do you think that the rest of the pack members will respect him if the words about what happened at that day go out, huh?” she asked me while explaining the situation to me. 

I didn’t realize when I started crying, but I sniffed harder. He was even indifferent to me when we slept the last night. He didn’t come back to the room at that night. “Talk to him… I am sure that he will understand,” she comforted me, and I looked up at her with tearful gaze. “How… he is not even let me come close to him,” I asked her in a choked voice. 

“Hey….hey… don’t lose your heart, love. You two love each other so much, and some disputes are inevitable between the couples,” she comforted me, and squeezed my leg gently to comfort me. I didn’t say but looked in the other direction while crying silently. “Eat something, Crystal. Staying hungry will not benefit you,” she asked me in a motherly tone again. 

“I am really not hungry, Mom,” I answered her in a choked tone. I immediately wiped my face when his intoxicating smell hit my nostrils. I cleaned my eyes too. I didn’t want him to see tears in my eyes. “How are you, Luna Elena?” he asked Mom in a gentle tone. “I am fine, Theo, but Crystal is not,” she answered him, but brought my topic up, making me balled up my fists on my lap. 

“What happened?” he asked in a concerned tone this time. “She skipped lunch. and saying that she is still not hungry,” she told him in a calm tone, but I could. feel that she was complaining about me. “What? But it’s already 3,” he said in an angry tone this time. “I tried… you try now… see if she eats,” Luna Elena answered her, and I felt a little movement on bed. 

I kept my eyes lowered while looking in the other direction. I heard the closing of the door that made me closed my eyes. He was still here with me, but he chose to stay silent. “They don’t want us anymore,” Luna cried in pain, and I also felt a pang of pain in my chest. “It’s our fault… we can’t blame them,” I answered her in a choked tone. 

Suddenly the room spun, and I gasp while trying to understand what was happening when my whole b*dy moved suddenly. The next second, I was in the familiar embrace. I immediately hid my face in the crook of his n*eck. I was now sitting on his lap in straddling position. “What’s going on inside your head, huh? Why did you skip lunch?” he asked me in a bit angry tone while holding me tightly on my waist. I wanted to say something but choked on my words. 

I wrapped my hands around her n*eck and sobbed aloud. “Hey… hey… what are you thinking, huh?” he asked me in a low tone this time. “Yo…. you w… want to reject me now, right?” I asked him in a choked and fearful tone. A low growl erupted from his chest, making me tightened my grip on his n*eck. 

“Are you out of your mind? What are you even thinking, huh?” he scolded me, and I cried bitterly. I was now weak but I was nothing without him. He pulled me closer to him by tightening his grip on my waist. “Never….. ever think about rejection, Crystal. I may be angry with you, but there is no way that you can go away from me or do you want to go away from me, huh?” he asked in a stern tone, and I immediately shook my head negatively. 

I didn’t lift my head up though. “I can’t live without you, Theo. I… I know th… that I behaved recklessly… but… but,” I choked once again, and he patted my back gently. “Do you think that I can live without you, huh?” he asked me in a gentle tone this time. I didn’t answer him, but kept on crying. 

“Stop crying now,” he ordered me after some time. I tightened my grip on his n*eck while whining a little. He laughed lightly this time, and took a deep breath. He k*ssed the side of my head, and I felt that I got my life back. I missed him so much… I missed the warmth of his love… I missed the gentleness of his care. “Go and freshen up… I am asking the kitchen to bring more for you to eat. These snacks are not enough,” he instructed me again in at loving tone. 

I slowly lifted my head while taking hiccups. He k*ssed my forehead, and wiped my cheeks with his hand. “Don’t think nonsense… You are my Luna… the love of my life… we will never apart,” he said, giving me the assurance that I needed right now. I smiled faintly and leaned on his chest again. He sighed and put his chin at the top of my head this time.  S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

am really sorry, Theo,” I apologized to him once again with all my sincerity. “It’s okay…. Don’t say sorry anymore. I love you so much that it really hurt when you… you, he trailed off, and I sniffed once again. “If you are angry with 

Chapter 4 

me….. Scold me… yell at me, but don’t stop talking with me. I … I feel like dying when you stopped talking with me,” I said to him in a choked tone. He took a deep breath, and k*ssed the top of my head this time. 

“Go and freshen up… you need to eat first,” he instructed me in a gentle tone. I bobbed my head once and then slowly lifted my head up from his chest. He k*ssed my forehead one more time before moving me down from his lap. I slowly got up from the bed, and looked at him with a fearful gaze. “I am not going anywhere,” he answered my fear with an assuring smile. I passed a weak smile to him before going towards the bathroom. 


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