Chapter 60 

Killian’s POV 

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“I really don’t understand why we have to be so careful inside our pack. Do have a suspicion about our pack members?” I asked my father in a frustrated tone while looking at Nelson, who still had a cold face. 

“This is about your mother, Killian, and I can’t be careless in this matter,” my father answered me in a calm tone, but I could feel that he was now losing his temper. “Calm down, Killian. We need to find the truth, and I don’t mind going anywhere in this world to get the answers to my questions, and our mother’s whereabouts,” Crystal asked me in a calm tone, making me grunt before sitting down on a chair. 

Theo was sitting with her on Dad’s bed as she was still weak to sit for a long time. “Now will you tell us what happened back then, Dad?” Crystal asked him after some time in a calm tone. My sister was more patient than me. Dad looked at Nelson, and he nodded in response. I must say that they had a great mutual understanding when they should have been enemies. 

“Your mother is in the Night Crawl Pack,” Nelson told us in a calm tone, and I immediately shot up from my chair. “I knew it… I knew it,” I yelled while taking a step towards him angrily. “Killian…. Calm down,” suddenly Crystal commanded me in a cold tone, making me stop in my tracks. I looked at her in disbelief, because her command really made my feet obey her orders. She had her eyes on Nelson, and for the first time, I noticed how cold her eyes could be. 

“Continue,” she commanded Nelson this time, and he raised his brows in surprise this time. It seemed that I wasn’t the only one affected by her command. Theo was still holding her in his embrace. Nelson took a deep breath and looked out of the window. It felt like he was in a trance now, as his face was completely blank. 

“Your mother and I were childhood friends, and everyone around us said that we would end up as mates.” He started speaking, and I raised my brows because this was not what we knew. “I was so happy when I recognized her as my mate on my eighteenth birthday. In my excitement, I told her too, and there was no end to our happiness at that time. She was two years younger than me, and I had no problem. waiting for her to reach her age.” He paused and gulped hard. 

Iglanced at my father and saw no reaction. It meant that Nelson was telling the truth. I was alpha blood, born from beta. My mother was the youngest daughter of the former alpha of the Night Heaven Pack. Everyone was happy in the pack. We both started training hard so that we could be a powerful alpha couple, and could 

lead the pack without any fear or problem.” he paused again, and I chewed on my internal cheeks. 

“The only problem was your grandfather, the former alpha of the pack. Catherine was his only daughter, and yet he never treated her well. In front of the whole world, he was a loving and caring father, but the pack knew him better. His cruelty was at its peak when he imprisoned me before her eighteenth birthday and threatened her with my life. He forced her to reject me. I… I still remembered that day… how shattered she was when she rejected me for the sake of my life. I was beaten to death, and he stopped torturing me after she threatened him with her life after rejecting me.” His voice cracked, and I gripped the armrest tightly, almost digging my nails inside the cushion. 

There was a thick, and heavy silence in the room. I never met my grandfather as he had already dead before my birth, but I wanted to go to his grave, dig him up, and kill him again. Who did this in his sane mind with his own child? He asked her to reject her fated mate. How could he do this? I knew that Nelson was telling the truth, because his wolf howled painfully, showing his true sorrow. 

“Her father stopped torturing me, but didn’t release me from the dungeons. None of us knew what his plans were, but Catherine didn’t stop trying to free me. In a fit of rage, he attacked her one day. My parents rescued me from the dungeons, and I reached the place where they were having the fight. Catherine was a fierce warrior, and she was already enraged with what his father did with us. When her father saw me there, he launched at me, and Catherine asked me to kill him,” he paused again, but his last statement made my heart beat furiously in anticipation. 

“I didn’t want Catherine to d*rty her hands with the filthy bastard’s blood and kill him without any mercy. However, I didn’t want anyone to blame Catherine for her father’s death, and that’s why, I spun a story to cover it, and the whole pack agreed to keep Catherine safe. I took over the alpha’s position, but I lost Catherine. The bond was completely broken, and it broke both of us.” He paused again and breathed out aloud. 

“She helped me in the pack’s business as a temporary Luna, but there was a gap between us now. Catherine believed that we would both get a second chance. I didn’t want a second chance because she was the love of my life, but I wanted to see her happy. The Moon Goddess listened to my pleas, and she met your father during the annual ball when she was twenty. She explained our relationship to Kyson the same night so that there would be no misunderstanding among us.” He paused again and looked at my father, who had a faint and sad smile on his l*ps. 


Every word that was coming out of his mouth was true and I could feel the 

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Chapter 60 

sincerity and his pain in his words. He was not a culprit but a victim here. He lost. his fated mate because of my grandfather, and then my mother got her second chance mate, and he lost his best friend too. 

“Everything was going alright but both the packs were getting attacked by both vampires and rogues from time to time when Catherine was pregnant with Killian. There is no such rule about the birth of the legendary white wolf, but it seems that someone wanted to kill your mother so that she can’t give birth to any pups. Someone was scared of the birth of the legendary white wolf. We tried our best to get any information about this mysterious enemy, but our efforts were in vain. No one has any idea about who is behind those attacks till today,” he continued, and my eyes widened in shock. 

“You know what it means, Killian,” Blake asked me in a calm tone, but I could feel the coldness in his voice. “Crystal is in more danger than our mother,” I said what he asked, and both of us clenched our jaws. 

To keep my pack safe, I and Catherine made a plan and faked enmity against each other by bringing the death of her father to light. They stopped attacking my pack after some time, and it was the time when the Royal Pack was under continuous. attack after your birth, Killian.” He pointed at me, and I just stared at him blankly. “Keep your face devoid of any emotion, Killian. He may be sincere in his words, but they are still hiding something,” Blake warned me at the back of my mind. 

I, too sensed the same thing. So I pulled my poker face on and kept listening to their stories. My father didn’t interrupt him, even once. So, it meant that he agreed with him. Nelson narrowed his eyes at me, trying to figure me out, but he looked disappointed when he couldn’t. 

He took a deep breath and looked at Crystal. “Soon, we learned about the Vampire King’s involvement in all the attacks initiated by vampires. You were about a year old when the Vampire King contacted me. He wanted to take advantage of my rivalry with Catherine. He tried to form an alliance with me, and I did what he wanted after discussing it with Catherine. Our only motive for setting up this alliance with him was to know about his motive,” Nelson paused again and looked at my dad. 

Dad looked at us this time, indicating that he would be the one to tell the rest of the story. “The Vampire King proposed to give a serum to Nelson to boost up his strength so that he can fight against me, and Catherine if he wants to take over the Royal Pack. Nelson agreed with him, showing his eagerness to take over the Royal Pack. Marcus asked for a continuous supply of werewolves for some experiments that he wanted to do on them. I knew that he was not up to good, but Catherine 

Chapter 50 

and Killian’s safety was my only priority. So, Nelson agreed after discussing this with me. We kept this hidden for Catherine.” Dad paused, and I raised my brows in surprise. 

“She is the queen of the werewolf world. Of course, she will not let anyone put the lives of innocent wolves in danger for her sake,” Crystal said in a cold tone, and I balled up my fists tightly, almost digging my my palms. How could 

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they do this? 

“That’s right, Crystal. But we didn’t keep this hidden from her for long. She learned when she was pregnant with you. She was so angry that she almost rejected me for the crime I did.” Dad replied to her, lowering his head in guilt. 

“After that, she came to me, fuming in anger. I can’t deny that I don’t love your mother because she is the only woman who has my heart. I bluntly told her that I would do anything to keep her safe, even if it meant destroying the whole world. I had no fear of losing her because I had already lost her,” Nelson said in a cold tone. 

I didn’t know why, but I felt sympathy for Nelson. He became a monster for my mother when he knew that he couldn’t get her. He spent all his life protecting my mother and me but never asked for anything in return. He still had a cold face, devoid of any attention, but being a special wolf, I could feel his pain. It was unbearable. 

“What happened after that?” Crystal asked him in a calm tone when he didn’t speak. Nelson tried hard to conceal his painful expression, but his emotions betrayed him in the end. “She left the pack in a fit of rage. I was so angry that I let her go without thinking about the consequences. Before I could go after her, she was kidnapped. She never reached the Royal Pack,” he answered, and the pain on his face was now evident in his tone too. 

There was a suffocating silence in the room. Both my father and Nelson were drowned in their thoughts. It was as if they were living those days once again. “When did you come to know that she was kidnapped by Marcus?” Theo asked him in a calm tone this time. 

Nelson closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again. “My spies found the dead bodies of the two b*dyguards of Catherine who went missing with her outside the Royal Coven. Their bodies were mutilated; they had several bite marks all over their bodies. It grew my suspicion, and I investigated,” Nelson answered him in a blank tone while looking at a trance. 

“Marcus refused to accept that he kidnapped Catherine when I threatened him. He even proposed help in this matter, but we didn’t tell him that we had already. 

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Chapter 60 


found those b*dyguards‘ bodies. Later, I discovered that they were working with Marcus, and it was they who informed Marcus about Catherine’s whereabouts. In the end, Marcus killed them to keep his secret a secret,” my father continued in the same tone as Nelson. 

“I am tired, Crystal suddenly said in a tired tone while leaning in Theo’s embrace. It was clear that she had lost her interest in listening to the whole story. There was nothing left in this story for our knowledge. My mother escaped from the captivity before she could give birth to Crystal, and left her in the middle of the forest. Later, Nelson found her but in an unconscious state, and since then, she has been in the same state. I also felt that I had no patience to listen to the whole story. 

“Take her to the room, Theo. She needs rest,” I instructed Theo in a gentle tone. Crystal had closed her eyes, but I could feel her inner turmoil. “It’s already late. I need to go back to my pack now,” Nelson said while looking at my father. “Do you want to go back now?” I asked him in surprise, and he nodded. “I can’t stay out of the pack for more days, and you know the reason,” Nelson answered me, at 

and I nodded. 

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