Chapter 68 

Cynthia’s P.O.V. 

“You want to say that you have been guarding the pack for the past three months. while hiding in the wild?” The king asked me in a surprised tone, and I looked at my best friend, Stella who was standing next to me. We were in the thorn room right now, and the king with my mate, and Stella’s mate/were standing near them. “Yes, my king…. We are trained assassins and have been in the nearby areas for the past two years. Our assignment is to protect the prince at any cost,” I answered him in a polite but firm tone. My eyes were glued to the foot of the throne, as I didn’t have the courage to see my mate. “Do you think that he will reject us after knowing to which pack we belong?” White, my wolf, asked me in a worried tone, making me gulp hard the lump that had formed in throat. 


“Which pack are you from?” I heard my mate’s cold tone, making my heart sink deeply inside my chest cavity. “The Night Crawl Pack, my prince,” I answered him in the same tone, gulping down all the pain that I was feeling right now in my chest. For the past two years, I had so many scenarios in which I was going to meet my but it really felt like dying, worse than getting hurt by a hybrid. 


“You mean to say Nelson assigned you here and you have been here for the past two years?” My mate asked me once again in the same tone, but there was a hint of hurt and shock. I gulped down, and Stella’s grip tightened on my hand. Like me, she was also scared of rejection, and that was why, both of us were hiding ourselves from them in every possible way after we learned that they were our mates. 

I lowered my eyes this time, as I didn’t know how to say yes this time. The next second, the prince was in front of me, making me stumble on my feet. My heart was now thumping hard against my rib cage. White whimpered in pain. “Answer me…. you have been here all these years, and you know very well who I am to you, right?” he asked me angrily, and I lowered my head low in guilt, and fear. 

His alluring scent of pine hit my nostrils once again, but I couldn’t dare inhale. sharply. “Calm down, Killian…. You are scaring my mate too.” Suddenly his beta, Beta Edward, spoke, making Stella almost crush my fingers in her grip. “Didn’t you hear them, Edward?” he asked Edward in the same angry tone. 

“I heard them, and I also want to know why they didn’t come to us when they knew about our relationship with us,” Edward answered him in a calm tone. “Are they going to reject us now?” Stella asked me through mind–link once again. Fear was completely evident in her voice. 

Charter 68 

Answer me, my inate, Prince Killian, yelled in anger this time. I slowly lifted my head up, and my eyes met his gaze. I gulped once again when I saw hurt and anger floating in his eyes. “He is hurting. We hurt our mate,” White whimpered again. 

“We have a mission to… to protect you at any cost. I am Thomas’s daughter. I am trained to protect you as soon as I reached the age of ten. Everything is secondary for me in front of your security, and that’s why, I decided to stay behind the scene and protect you.” I answered him truthfully while looking straight into his eyes. I didn’t need to clarify myself to him, but he needed to know the truth. 

“You are telling me the half–truth,” he said while gritting his teeth, and I gulped. hard once again. I lowered my eyes again. The next second, he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. I put my hand on his chest to keep myself on my feet, but I didn’t look up. “You were scared…. For what?” he suddenly said in a low tone, and I felt tears in my eyes. 

“I… I am from the pack that you despised the most… I… I thought… th.. that you will reject me,” I finally voiced out my fear. It was better to accept the reality instead of dragging out the inevitable. “You feared the same, right?” I heard Edward asking Stella in a low tone. She just hummed in response. I could feel her agitation, and fear through the pack bond. To be honest, I was no better than her right now. 

“Killian…. It will be better if you continue this conversation after this meeting. For now, we need to find some answers,” the king asked Killian in a calm tone. I blinked harder to wipe away my tears. I was not weak, but weak in front of my mate. This is how a mate bond works between mates. I couldn’t just stay stubborn and non- responsive in front of my mate. 

Killian slowly let go of me, and a small whimper escaped from my l*ps, but I controlled it. He stepped aside but didn’t go away. I didn’t know what would happen to us, but he didn’t leave me. His presence gave me hope, but I didn’t want to ride a high wave of hope at this moment. He stood up beside me, and I gasped. once again when his hand touched the lower part of my waist at the back. Sparks ran all over my b*dy, making me lean towards him. 

“I guess you need to give a report to me about what you did all these years around us, Cynthia,” the king asked me in a gentle tone, and I took a deep breath, and slowly lifted my head up to see the king. “I took command of the assassination team here two years ago from my father when Alpha Nelson got injured during an attack on the royal pack. We have had thousands of hybrids come into the royal pack all these years. We have seen them evolve, and that’s why, we know how to deal with them in advance, as we always predict what will be the next evolution in 

Chapter 68 

them and prepare ourselves according to that,” I reported to the king briefly about our past activities. 

There was nothing to hide, and Alpha Nelson had instructed us to tell him everything truthfully if he succeeded in finding us. Today’s situation was different from other days, as Killian had never been directly involved in a battle before. He got involved a few times, but they were not as serious as today’s battle was. 

“Did you get hurt during these years, Cynthia?” the king asked me in a concerned. tone, and 

my b*dy stiffened. I felt him stiffen too. I bit my lower l*p but nodded in response. “It’s not a big deal for a warrior to get hurt, my king,” I replied to him with a faint smile on my l*ps. The king still looked worried, and then he looked at Killian. 

“I want you, Prince Killian, to work with Cynthia, and her team and prepared a report of every progress in the evolution of hybrids that they have noticed all 

the future,” the king ordered Killian in a these years. It can be beneficial for usi 

firm tone. 

“Yes, my king,” Killian answered him in a firm and respectful tone. “Take them to the hospital and ask the doctor to have a proper check on her whole team. Arrange the treatment for the injured,” the king instructed him again in the same tone. “It has already been done, my king,” Edward answered this time, but I kept my eyes. low. Killian’s hand was still on my lower back, and it was really hard to avoid those sparks erupting at that place. 

“Let’s go.” I heard Killian asking me to go. Before I could react, he almost dragged- me towards the door in his side embrace. “What’s going on, Cynthia? Are they going to reject us or not?” Stella asked me in a worried tone. It was when I craned my n*eck towards her and saw that Edward was holding her by her shoulder. 

“I don’t know, love. Were we worried for nothing for these years?” I asked her in a helpless tone, and she craned her n*eck towards me. We both had a helpless look, and so many questions storming our minds, but we didn’t have the courage to ask 

our mates. 

“Wait…. Where are you going?” Edward asked Killian, making him stop in his tracks. I too stopped with him and looked at Killian too. I didn’t know where we were going, but Edward’s question made me realize that it must not be the way to the hospital. “Where can I take her in this state, huh? Of course, in my room. She needs to clean up first before going to the hospital,” Killian answered him in an annoying tone S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Are we stinking?” Stella asked me again through the mind link. Unconsciously, we 

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Chapter 68 

both sniffed ourselves. “No… you are not stinking… you just need a clean–up,” Killian immediately said to me while tightening his grip on my arm. “Uhhh… I am… a little,” I answered him in an embarrassed tone this time. 

“What?” he asked me in a confused tone. I glanced at Stella, who was also red due to embarrassment. I almost glued my chin to my chest in embarrassment. We were in the wild all the time. It was not easy for us to take our baths regularly. The last time I took a bath was six days ago, and so did Stella. “When did you take your last bath?” Edward asked Stella, and I closed my eyes to hide my embarrassment. 

It was really getting awkward for both Stella and me. “Forget it…. Take her to your room first. I am going to take Cynthia to my room,” Killian instructed Edward in a grumpy tone this time but didn’t loosen his grip on my arm. “Let’s go,” he said to me and I just started walking with him. Suddenly, I looked up when his words hit my mind. 

Why am I going to your room?” I asked him while looking at him in confusion. He stopped and looked straight into my eyes, deadpan. “You are my mate… of course, 

I will stay with me. Where are you supposed to stay, then?” he answered me i the same angry tone. Why was he so angry? “I… I mean,” I stuttered and trailed while gulping hard. He scoffed and started walking again, dragging me with him. 


My heart was now thumping aloud in my chest, and White was also pacing to and fro due to anxiety. “His wolf… he… he is trying to reach me…. what should I do?” she asked me in a nervous tone. I was not sure how to answer her right now. None of us knew what Killian exactly wanted to do with us. That was the reason she didn’t want to connect herself with his wolf. Wolves are loyal to their fated mates, and connecting even once with her fated mates will give her immense pain if Killian decides to reject us. 

“Come on, in,” he said while opening the door of his room. I followed him inside as he removed his hand from my arm. “Aren’t you going to reject me?” I blurted out the question that had been messing with both my heart and my mind ever since we met. 

He stopped and moved slowly towards me. I gulped hard while looking at him in fear. He narrowed his eyes, and his eyes went cold. I had clutched the sides of my pants tightly in fear. “And why am I going to do that?” he asked me, and my eyes went wide in shock. 

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