Chapter 72 

The Vampire King’s POV. 

“He really thinks that he can go away easily after deceiving me for this long, huh?” I asked my minister, who was standing in front of me with his head hung low. I was now seething in anger. I want to kill someone right now. That pathetic mutt deceived me all these years, telling me that he wanted to use the serum that I provided him on his warriors to increase their strength. 

That mutt…. That pathetic alpha mutt… not only he was an advanced hybrid, but he also modified the serum and now all his warriors were also unbeatable. I thought that he wouldn’t do anything against me as long as I had Catherine here with me, but I was so wrong about him. 

“We have searched his whole pack so many times in secret to know if he is planning or doing something against us, but we never found anything. Our spy in his pack still wasn’t able to find his secret laboratory,” he said in a low tone, and I snarled aloud in anger. He trembled but didn’t lift his head. “What else has Ruben told you?” I asked him after some time in a cold tone. 

“Ruben also told me that Nelson has been secretly in touch with the king all these years. Nelson also left a team of assassins outside the royal pack to keep the pack safe from all the attacks that we initiated on them. These assassins. not only kept the pack safe but also killed all the rogues and hybrids that we sent there. They hid their bodies also,” Phil*p told me in a low tone, fueling my anger to the maximum. 

“Aaaahhhhh,” I screamed at the top of my lungs while smashing everything placed at the side table to the ground. That fueled my anger once again, and I saw red in front of my eyes. The next second, I was in front of Phil*p, and held. him tightly by his n*eck, raising him high in the air above my head. He struggled to breathe while holding my wrist. 

“He deceived so smartly, and what were you doing then, huh?” I screamed at him while tightening my grip on his n*eck. He gagged while thrashing his legs. in the air, but it didn’t bother me. He was responsible for keeping an eye on Nelson and his activities. He failed to finish the task assigned to him. He had to pay for his failure. 

“He hid all his advancement, killed all my experiments, and now after a long period of eighteen years, you are telling me that he betrayed us in the worst 

Chapter 72 

way,” I yelled at him, still tightening my grip on his n*eck. “L….m… sorry, my king,” he gagged once again, and his eyes were about to burst out of their sockets. I gritted my teeth and snarled aloud before throwing him high in the 


“Aaaahhhhhh,” he screamed aloud and his b*dy hit the wall near the gate of the throne hall where we were now. It was almost twenty–five feet away from me. I stormed out of the hall without paying any attention to him. He could take care of his injuries with all my care. I went straight to the dungeons, where we had kept our blood bags. Everyone who came in my way 

immediately ran away in fear. I didn’t pay any attention to anyone, as I was now thirsty. 

blood hit aleda 

The smell of the me inhale sharply as soon as I entered the dungeons. I also smelled their fear, which made me smirk immediately. Their fear was what I liked the most. I slowly walked downstairs lazily. We had almost all the creatures locked here. But my favourite was still a human. Their blood tasted sweet, and it was the taste of their blood that I loved the most. 

I slowly walked towards the corridor where we had kept all the humans when I stopped in my tracks. “Where is the alpha?” I asked one of the guards while looking in the direction of the other corridor where we had werewolves. “He is sleeping inside his cell, my king,” the guard answered, and I cocked my brows. Sleeping????? What the hell?? Is this his home where he was sleeping peacefully? 

I changed my direction and walked towards his cell. It had already been two months since we brought him here, and almost a month since he transformed. His alpha blood was his only advantage, or else he was weaker than a human when my vampires brought him here. He was ambitious, and he paid the highest price for his greed when his wolf left him. Now it was time that he should go out to fulfill the purpose for which I transformed him, but the problem was that he was still not under my control. 

It was the thing that was bothering me so much these days. All the hybrids had serums in their bodies made up of my blood. They were all bound to me, and that was why, they only followed my orders. Adam too had my serum in his b*dy, yet he was immune to my command. 

I stopped outside his cell and narrowed my eyes to the man sleeping soundly on the floor. I knew that his senses were heightened, and he must have sensed 

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Chapter 72 


me, yet he managed to stay calm. “I know that you have already sensed me, Adam. There is no need to keep the façade of sleep,” I said in a calm tone, but he didn’t even flicker his lashes. I grimaced and gripped the bar of the cell. He was disrespecting me, and the urge to kill him at this very instant was so strong in my almost dead heart. 

“I am talking to you, Adam,” I snarled at him, and this time he slowly moved his face towards me. He slowly opened his eyes, and I gasped in shock. His eyes were completely red. It is impossible for a werewolf if he is not a hybrid by birth. His skin was now completely pale, yet he had a powerful aura. The corner of his l*ps curled up mockingly, making me cock my brow in anger. 

“I heard that you are deceived,” he said in a calm, but cold tone, and my eyes widened in shock. “Shocked?” he asked me in a mocking tone this time, still having a relaxed and cold expression on his face. Phil*p is not an idiot for gossiping about a serious matter like this. Who, then, betrayed me and told Adam about what Nelson did? 

He chuckled mockingly and straightened his n*eck once again. “Don’t put so much pressure on your tiny brain, king. You will never know how I learned. about this. No one except you and me here knows how betrayal hit you,” he said further in a calm tone, and my eyes almost popped out of their sockets. “Leave now… I am sleepy,” he commanded me in a cold tone and closed his eyes once again. My whole b*dy trembled in anger. I was not able to digest this humiliation. 

I stormed towards the exit while fuming in anger. If it weren’t for the purpose that I needed Adam, I would have killed him so many days ago. I only needed. to find a way to control him. I needed to talk with my scientists to find a way to control him as soon as possible. He could still digest all the food items, without taking blood to feed himself. He still had free will, and above all, his b*dy is getting stronger with every passing day, completely opposite from what happened to the other hybrids. 

I went straight to the other corridor and looked for my target. I opened the cell and entered while fixing my eyes on a small girl who was now cowering in the corner. She was trembling hard in fear, and I could say that she wouldn’t survive after my feed right now. But I didn’t care about their lives. They had a purpose to fulfil, and now it was my time to quench my thirst. 

The next second, her b*dy was hanging in the air as I slammed her already weak b*dy to the wall, and before she could even scream in horror, I sank my 

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Chapter 72 

fangs deep inside the junction of her n*eck and her shoulder. She gripped my arm tightly when a low scream escaped her mouth. I pushed my b*dy towards. her, crushing her tiny frame with my large and heavy frame while sucking her blood harder. 

Soon her b*dy went limp in my embrace, but I didn’t stop. I sucked every single drop of blood from her b*dy, and she took her last breath in my embrace before I threw her dead b*dy away from me. There was only the sound of a thud and the sound of my heavy breathing that filled the room. I slowly wiped some blood left at the corner of my mouth while looking at the blank spot in front of me coldly. I am now relaxed. 

I slowly walked out of the dungeons after leaving that girl’s b*dy on the cold. floor of the cell while thinking hard about the situation that I had in front of me now. Both I and Ruben thought that we managed to keep ourselves well hidden, but we were wrong. I stopped in my tracks while narrowing my eyes. 

The Night Crawl Pack is almost at a distance of one and a half hours by wheels 

Still, Nelson managed to reach there within fifteen minutes after the attack. He couldn’t reach there so early if he were in his pack at the time of the attack. I sighed aloud, and all the lines on my forehead straightened when I realized what was happening now. 

If Nelson played with me all these years, it meant that he must have had a doubt about the identity of the mysterious kidnapper, and his helpers. I grimaced again as I understood that Ruben had no use for me now. I didn’t bother about what would happen to him, as I gave him more than he deserved all these years. My main problem was finding a solution to deal with Nelson, and Luna of the Crescent Moon Pack. 

I walked towards my room while thinking about everything that happened in the past few weeks. Catherine was still in a coma, but she needed her daily shots of serum to stay alive. For eighteen years….. Eighteen long years, I waited for her to wake up. I didn’t kill her mate because it would eventually kill her too. The doctor said that she had made some progress in the past few weeks, and would wake up soon. 

Catherine was my first experiment on alpha blood, and before I could get the result of my experiment, she escaped. Ruben found her soon, but she had already given birth to her pup then. They tried so hard to find the newborn but couldn’t able to find her. She lost consciousness right after Ruben captured her again, and since that day, she has been in a sleeping state. 


Chapter 72 

I couldn’t lose her now. She had to accept me and ascend the throne with me. as my queen. She was also a hybrid….. The first hybrid… and the unique one… none of the other hybrids other than Adam was like her. I stopped in my tracks, and I narrowed my eyes when I remembered Adam’s eyes. 

“My king.” I heard Phil*p’s trembling voice say, but didn’t look at him. I was about to take turn to the other corridor to reach my room. “Nelson knows about Ruben, right?” I asked him in a calm but cold tone. “I…. I ju… just got the news th.. that th.. the alpha of the Blood Moon Pack a… attacked The Night Lotus Pack, and captured Ruben,” he told me, and I dug my nails inside my palms. Very good, Nelson…. very good… you played a very good game with 

  1. me. 

“Do I give orders to kill Ruben, my king?” Phil*p asked me in a timid tone, and my upper l*p twitched in anger again. No…..I couldn’t lose this battle at this crucial juncture. I must win this battle, and kill not only the king but his ba****d pups too including his long–lost daughter. I needed to find a way to kill that girl first. She was the biggest threat to my existence, and she must die 


“Call back all your warriors and hybrids from the Night Lotus Pack. There is no need to guard that pack anymore.” I instructed Phill*p in a cold tone and stormed towards my room. Now it was the time to give her, her daily dose. I couldn’t delay this, could I? Also, I needed to confirm my suspicions too. 


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