Chapter 89 

Marcus’s P.O.V. 

“Your daughter dared to attack me, Catherine. She is becoming a threat to me. I am sure that you will understand my concern for myself and for my people if I hurt her,” I said to Catherine in a loving tone while stroking her hair. She hasn’t aged a day in the past eighteen years. Werewolves aged very slowly after a certain age, but it seemed that her age also stopped on the same day when she fell into a coma state. 

“She is split image of you, but more stubborn and fierce than you. I accepted. that I underestimated her. She is also a hybrid, but a unique one. I need to kill her to eliminate this threat on my people, love. I need to kill her,” I continued in the same tone, but my gaze turned murderous. Crystal not only managed to rescue Adam, but also she managed to protect the Royal Pack. They took my troupe off guard when they attacked the Royal Pack. Those werewolves surrounded my vampires from behind and killed them mercilessly. 

Only five out of one hundred fifty vampires managed to come back in very bad shape. They 

most. I didn’t died in the next few hours, and it infuriated me the 

most. I didn’t care about hybrids as I could prepare as many as I want, but, later I got the news that Nelson destroyed both the covens where I had my secret laboratories. He managed to get everything that my scientists had there, increasing my problems even more. 

“I wanted you to come back to your senses so badly, but now I wanted you to stay in the same state for a few more months until I eliminated all of them. At first, I wanted to capture your daughter and let her bear my heir, but now I want her dead. I accept that she is the strongest she–wolf hybrid with so many special abilities and can give me the strongest heir, but her existence is now unbearable for me,” I muttered angrily, still stroking Catherine’s hair. 

“I hope that you will forgive me,” I continued and took a deep breath in the end. I slowly leaned towards her forehead and k*ssed her forehead lightly. Catherine was the only woman that I loved the most with my whole heart. But she didn’t accept my love, and accepted that b****d as her mate. She made fun of my love for her. I wanted to punish her for refusing me, but I couldn’t. I loved her so much that I couldn’t even lay a finger on her. 

“Rest well… I have something to take care of,” I whispered to her and looked at the injection lying in the tray on the nightstand. She was my first experiment, 

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and she was a unique one. I tried to use her blood to synthesize the serum that can increase the life span of all the hybrids that I produced in the later years, but to my dismay, the serum produced by her blood killed them within a few minutes after injecting them with that. 

The problem was that her b*dy couldn’t digest any other blood, but the serum that my scientists synthesized from my blood. They didn’t manage to find the answer to why she needed my blood specifically. All these years, I never hesitated to give my blood to her, but now I was having a second thought in my mind. 

I took the injection from the tray and injected her while thinking about what to do next. Crystal was also a unique hybrid, just like her mother, but her abilities were far stronger and better than Catherine’s. She managed to survive for eighteen years without getting a dose of these serums, and it was a miracle from my point of view. I needed more hybrids, but now I didn’t have werewolves in my captivity, and after Ruben, there was no one who could provide me with almost a hundred werewolves to turn into hybrids. 

I put the empty injection into the tray and stood up. I have so many things to take care of now. I couldn’t stay idle for long. I am sure that Crystal is planning for something big and worse. She had Adam on her side too. I didn’t know if Adam would help her in this battle or not, but I couldn’t take the risk. 

“What’s the report on the situation around the Royal Pack, and Nelson’s Pack?“. I asked Phil*ps while walking towards the throne room. He was now following me. “They have tightened the security all around them, and also alerted their neighbouring packs about any coming attack, my king,” he answered me in a respectful tone. 

“What about the coronation of Killian? When are they going to hold it now?” I asked him in the same cold tone while walking in long strides, ignoring all the people around me. “There is no news about his coronation, my king. At first, we assumed that the Royal Pack would hold his coronation on this full moon, but there is no such announcement from their side,” he answered me, and I grimaced. 

I stormed straight to my throne and sat down. Phill*p stopped in front of me at a distance and kept his head lowered. “What about the situation in the Night Lotus Pack?” I asked him in a cold tone, trying to suppress my anger. I had gripped the armrest tightly, digging my nails inside the soft cushion there. 

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“The alpha of Blood Moon Pack has taken over the alpha position of that pack, merging it with his own pack, my king.” he answered me in the same low tone, but there was a hint of fear in his voice now. I growled angrily this time, making him shake in fear. 

“The Alpha of Blood Moon Pack? Crystal’s adoptive brother, right?” I asked him, and he nodded his head without lifting it up. I dug my nails deep into my palms in anger. “Find their weakness as soon as possible. They must have a weakness that I can use for my gain,” I instructed him in a cold tone. He confirmed my command in a low tone. I stopped and looked at him, digging holes in his skull through my eyes. Sometimes he really got on my nerves to the extent that I had a strong urge to kill him. 

“Is there anything good to hear, Phil*p?” I asked him angrily. He trembled once again but didn’t utter a single word. “We need more werewolves to rebuild our army. Try to get a supply of young werewolves, and also gather all the scientists, and bring them here. Clear a section of the castle for them so that they can from here now,” I instructed him in a cold tone while staring at a blank point in front of me. 

“Yes, my king,” he immediately confirmed my command by bending his b*dy from his back. “Ask Abraham to use Catherine’s blood once again for his experiment and try to get something better this time,” I continued, and he lightly craned his n*eck towards me. I could see confusion in his eyes. “I need some hybrids of her calibre. I don’t care about how much of her blood they need. They are free to take as much as they want,” I instructed him once again in the same tone, hardening my already dead heart. 

She was the love of my life, but there was no way that I would sacrifice everything for her. She had been here with me for the past eighteen years. I did everything to keep her beside me, and I succeeded in the end, but she was still far away from my reach. My existence and the existence of my whole race are in danger because of her efforts to give birth to her daughter. 

I knew that I would be heartbroken if something happened to Catherine but for me…. 

My safety is my first priority. She could be considered dead because of her coma state. So why not take advantage of the situation, and try to produce some more hybrids like her? 

I stopped in my tracks and took a few deep breaths, trying to suppress my pain. My heart was already dead. Still, my heart was hurting badly. I looked in. the direction of my wing where she was sleeping peacefully. I took a deep 

Chapter 89 

breath once again and then started walking in that direction with a heavy, dead heart. 

Phil*p went away at some point, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I reached my room in a daze and looked at the woman whom I loved the most. She was still so beautiful. I slowly walked to her and sat down on the ground on my toes near her. I took her hand in mine and k*ssed her warmed hands. “I am sorry, my love… but your daughter must die. I have to kill her and your son if I want to stay alive. I am really sorry.” I whispered to her in an apologetic tone. 

There was no movement in her b*dy, not even she knitted her brows lightly. “I don’t know for how long you will be able to survive from now on, but always. remember that you are the only one who has had my heart in my existence of 560 years,” I continued talking with her in whispers. I kept the back of her hand on my l*ps. 

I kept staring at her sleeping face in a daze. I knew how the experiments. worked. They needed to drain her slowly to keep the experiments going. I needed the result faster, as I didn’t have time to wait. Crystal was an intelligent and smart woman. With the special abilities of her wolf, she was the most. powerful wolf in their world. She was also a fierce warrior with great fighting skills. It seemed that they were preparing her for a big battle all these years. 

After what she did to rescue Adam, I am sure that she will be here soon to get her mother. I still didn’t know how she managed to reach him under the tight security of my dungeons. I watched the security footage of Adam’s cell so many times, but I didn’t get any clue how he managed to go out at the same time when she was outside the coven. Her father and brother couldn’t do a single thing against me all these years, and she almost destroyed my whole pack within three months of her existence known to us. 

I stood up from the bed and went towards the window. I was still thinking about how to kill that girl. I stopped near the window sill and looked up in the sky. The moon was shining brightly. It will be a full moon in a week. I was thinking about attacking the Royal Pack on that day, but that stupid prince ruined my plan by cancelling his coronation. 

I still remembered the day when I first saw Catherine hiking with a few of her friends in Atlanta. I was there to attend the annual meeting with the elders. I was on my way to the coven there when I smelled the most alluring and sweet smell. I followed that smell and found her. She was only sixteen at that time. I was so disappointed when I found out that she was a werewolf, the race that I 

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loathed the most. 

That was when I decided to find a way to convert her into a vampire. I waited for her to reach her age because it was important for a werewolf to get her wolf on her or his eighteenth birthday. I synthesized a poison that could kill a wolf but doesn’t harm the human part. I planned to give Catherine that poison on her eighteenth birthday after her first shift and then bring her here with me. 

Her father ruined all my plans by forcing her to stay inside the pack house when she needed to go on a run to free her wolf after her first shift. He asked her to reject her fated mate the same night before she could even shift. It was not that I had complained about that because I was also pissed off, but I was happy when I heard him. They didn’t know, but I was present inside their pack house at that time. Their security system was not strong enough to stop me. I heard everything. How devastated she was when she rejected her fated mate to save his life. He, then, imprisoned her inside the pack house. 

Later, I learned that her wolf was a partially white wolf with some special abilities. Killing her wolf could kill her too. So, I dropped the idea of killing her wolf. Suddenly my eyes widened when I remembered that I didn’t destroy that poison. A sinister smile appeared on my l*ps when a new plan developed in my mind. All I needed was to bring that girl out of her pack, and then she will be gone from this world for good….. for my good…..  S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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