Chapter 97

The sunlight shone pink and orange through my eyelids, and I rolled away from the window with a groan. I burrowed my face into the pillow, feeling around behind me for Jamie.

When I found my husband’s warm presence to be absent, I blinked my eyes open. “Jamie,” I mumbled. Perhaps he was off in the nursery? It was about time for Margot to breastfeed again, judging by the time of day.

Funny, my breasts were not heavy with milk. In fact, they didn’t seem to be producing

milk at all.

“What…..?” I sat up in bed, glancing down at my nightgown. My breasts were not swollen as they had been since Margot’s birth.

I looked up to see Jamie sleeping in a chair across the room. Strange, I didn’t remember us having a fight.

Just as I was sl*pping my feet over the edge of the bed to go over to him, reality hit me all

at once.

Margol was five now. She was missing. There’d been a war. Jamie had almost executed me. My memories had been gone…

I squeezed my eyes shut, my head throbbing as all the pieces knit themselves back together. My memories… were back.

Love for Jamie poured over me, stronger than ever before. I crossed the room to him. Worry lined his sleeping face.

I settled myself in his lap and k*ssed him.

Jamie sat up suddenly, blinking blearily. “Isla?” he croaked..

I k*ssed him again. “Yes, my love. My Jamie. Yes, it’s me

Jamie smiled, and the years fell away. It was as though we were seeing each other again. for the first time in that dingy little cabin in the woods. The mate bond was strong, and its pull was magnetic.

Freya’s head came up from the floor just as I was going to k*ss Jamie again. “You’re up!” she squealed happily.

“Yes,” I said. “And I remember everything.”

Freya clapped her hands. “Oh, that’s so wonderful! I was so worried, 1-”

“Freya,” Jamie interrupted, his hand sliding up my leg, bunching my nightgown as he

went. “Get out.”

“Get… oh. Oh!” Freya bundled up her blankets and left our room, closing the door quietly behind her.

“Jamie,” I whispered, need aching along every nerve in my b*dy.

He wasn’t gentle. There was no time for gentleness. It was as though we’d been apart for years, and in some ways, we had been.

Jamie lifted me up in his arms and laid me on the bed, ripping my nightgown from me. It was absolutely ruined, but I didn’t care.

His own clothes received the same treatment. Then, Jamie was on me like a starving man, ravishing me as he k*ssed, touched, and licked paths all over my b*dy.

I mewed when his fingers found my core, and his thumb began working over my nub. It didn’t take long at all for me to get very, very wet for him.

Jamie sucked on one of my n*pples, and I was afraid he was going to continue to tease. me. But neither of us was interested in that. Maybe another day, another time.

Now, we were too desperate.

Jamie removed his hand and plunged his tongue into my mouth as he plunged his co ck. into my depths.

I screamed against his l*ps and dug my nails into his back, my hips bucking, trying to take him deeper.

“Goddess… yes…. yes, baby…” James groaned, thrusting hard and fast.

The tension built steadily between us as we both reached for our own climax.

We found it together. I cried out Jamie’s name while he bellowed as his seed poured into


As we came down, I saw that I’d made deep nail grooves on Jamie’s back, and I blushed..

Jamie gave me a sated smile and fluttered k*sses over my face. “What’s the matter, my love?”

I buried my face against his collarbone, too embarrassed.

“Are we feeling a little shy after we shredded our husband’s back?” Jamie teased.

I looked up, then grabbed a pillow and swatted him. “It just felt too good,” I mumbled.

Jamie laughed and k*ssed my nose. “I agree. And so did the scratching. Nothing to be embarrassed about.”

“Hmph.” I swatted him with the pillow again for good measure, and Jamie grabbed

another one.

I got a light pillow thump to the face.

Laughing, I pummeled him back. Then we both got up on our knees and smacked each other back and forth with the pillows until mine burst, and there were feathers


“Oh, dear. Lavender is not going to be happy about this,” I said, though I couldn’t suppress a giggle.

Jamie puffed out a breath, and a feather floated out of his hair. “I suppose there’s nothing else we can do except…”

“Except?” I asked.

Jamie captured me around the waist and tackled me down onto a pile of feathers. He

waggled his eyebrows at me.

I laughed and curved my hand around the back of his head, pulling him down for a k*ss.

Jamie slid easily between my legs. I was still slick for him. He groaned against my l*ps.

I wrapped my legs around his back, cradling him between my thighs as Jamie made love to me, slowly this time.

“I love you, Isla,” Jamie said, sniffing and licking along my n*eck and shoulder.

I knew what he wanted. I pressed him close to the spot my family had healed up, climinating further evidence of Jamie.

Jamie groaned, thrusting harder and faster, thumbing my n*pples as he did so..

I cried out as I came around Jamie’s thick co ck “I love you, Jamie!”

Jamie growled, and just as I hit my climax, I fell his fangs bite down hard on my shoulder.

This sent a second or gasm chasing the first, and I convulsed in Jamie’s arms. He pinned me with the bite while he came inside me.

By the time we came down together, I was completely wrung out.

Jamie finally released my shoulder and gently licked the spot, nuzzling and k*ssing me, touching me as though I were the most precious thing in the world. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I tiredly combed my fingers through his sweaty hair and k*ssed his temple.

Jamie rolled onto his back, and I sprawled over his b*dy.

“Sleep now, my love,” Jamie said, stroking his fingertips up and down my back.

I ran my hand over his chest, placing a little k*ss on his collarbone. “I’ve already been asleep a long time. I think I’ll just rest here. With you.”

-Jamie nodded and quietly descended over us as we basked in the afterglow.

“Do you think Margot’s okay?” I finally asked, breaking the silence.

Jamie stopped stroking my hair. “I do.”

I rolled onto my belly and propped my chin up on Jamie’s chest. “What makes you SO


Jamie threaded his fingers through my hair. “If you can, by some miracle, come back to me, then I have to believe the Moon Goddess is also looking out for our Margot.”

“I suppose.” I drew nervous little circles on Jamie’s belly.

Jamie caught my hand and k*ssed it. “We’re going to find her, Isla.”

His conviction gave me strength, and I nodded.

Jamie k*ssed my forehead. “Good girl.”

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