Amulet Of Asami
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven

Dylan stands up, tumbling us to the floor. Galen stands swiftly and offers me his hand to assist me up. I accept the help, but I am more concerned about whom or what is watching us.

“Do not worry, we are safe in here.”

Dylan growls in response to Galen, which is not reassuring.

“Yes, I know they have enough guts to come at us on my own private beach. But, they do not have the nerve or the power to enter the castle.”

Dylan glares at him. Are they using telepathy? Will it be like that when I meet my life animal?

“Yes, of course I am angry about it. I have other obligations besides my wrath that needs to be taken care of first. Yes, I do know for certain they will not attack us here; not yet anyway. With the daylight coming upon us shortly they definitely cannot attack us here. If, however, it will please you, My Dear Akhlut, you have my permission to hunt them down one by one and report back to me with your findings.”

They nod at each other then walk over to the door and Galen lets Dylan out.

“Wait! Won’t he get hurt if he runs into trouble?”

“I am sure deep down that he is grateful for your concern, but, I wouldn’t mention it to him personally. That will make him very angry to hear you degrading his skills as a predator.”

Galen gives me a warm amused smile. Why does Dylan want to go hunt the enemy on his own? He doesn’t know how many are out there, yet he will be offended if we worry about him. His skill must be truly powerful.

“Are you sure we will be okay?”

“Yes, yes. Please do not worry yourself. Go to bed, get some rest. We have a full day ahead of us tomorrow.”

I nod and he leads me back to my room in quiet haste. Even though he seems calm, I can feel some kind of underlying current of emotion.

I enter my room, collapse on my bed and fell into a deep sleep immediately. I awoke the next morning and it is so bright and cheerful I almost forget our unwanted visitors. I get out of bed and walk over to my bag to get my clothes. I put my training dress on and realize there doesn’t seem to be anything particularly special about it. The part was cut in a way that the front was just above the knees and the hem of the back lightly drags the ground; the top half of the dress has short sleeves with a gold rope that travels down my arms and ends in the bangle around my wrists. The color of the dress changes with my emotions and style of magic I use.

The dress is actually the formal dress the Royal Mage is supposed to wear at all times after training is complete, until they get married. Not sure what the history is behind this tradition but that part is taught when we begin to wear the dress formally. I decide that it is time for me to wear it regularly now. Due to Merikh hunting us, my training is unofficially over. I may not go through the ceremony and I may not learn the history but I am still a Royal Mage. I really like the dress; I won’t mind wearing it all the time. My master did tell me that it has high magical properties to assist a mage in all aspects of their job.

I decide to leave my hair down and put on my leather boots to complete my outfit. I go down for breakfast. I leave my room and run into Kalila going down the stairs.

“Good morning, Kalila!”

“Elysia! Good morning! How did you sleep? Are you well rested?”

“I did sleep well! I feel full of energy. I just have a strong feeling that today is going to be special and it will play in our favor.”

“Well, that explains why you are beaming today.”

We both giggle as we enter the breakfast hall. I am still looking at Kalila when I run right into Declan. I groan inwardly as he is not who I want to see first thing this morning.

“I’m sorry Elysia, I really mean it. I never meant to hurt you or be such a jerk. I should have known that you of all people would never forget about what is really going on out there. But I am not accustomed to enjoying myself knowing there is a crisis out there; knowing we have to get the relics to stop this war before it begins.”

I look at him, trying to figure out how to respond. I am not even upset about it anymore and I think ignoring him was enough to let him know to never speak like that around me again.

“I accept your apology. We are all much stressed, saving the world is not supposed to be easy. If it were, there would not be dark overlords trying to take over.”

He gives me his crooked smile, and then bows deeply. I curtsey in return.

“Ah, Elysia and Kalila! My two favorite princesses; I am glad that you both have awakened for breakfast. I would hate for us all to start our training without any food in our stomachs.”

I look over to see Galen with a wide smile of satisfaction pointed in our direction. We both giggle trying to imagine what we would do if our stomach is growling during training. That is probably the same moment we realize Rafe has been sitting there chowing down on breakfast without waiting on any of us to sit down and join him. We laugh again watching him totally oblivious to our presence as he eats his food nonstop. We all find seats around the table. We serve ourselves everything some ham, eggs, toast and a couple different sweet juices.

“When we finish eating we shall have to split up to train. Maeron, you will go with my sister and Rafe, as you all can train together. Elysia and I will go to my special training grounds until our ship is ready to leave. I have some important things to teach her.”

“Now wait just a second! You cannot just run away with our partner to work out your own schemes.”

“Maeron let me be clear. Elysia must learn a stronger level of battle magic. IF you can teach this to her then please take her away and do so. Until then, you are in my castle and under my rule of protection. She will train with me and there will be no more said about it. Am I understood?”

There is stunned silence for a few moments then Declan walks out of the room. I do not understand why he is so angry. I have nothing to fear from Galen. Declan should not fear for my safety here.

“Man, what is his problem? I am ecstatic to learn different battle techniques from Princess Kalila; I thought he would be too. It’s the most logical and reasonable decision, strategy wise. Declan, of all people, should know this.”

“You are quite right, Rafe; however, I am not sure that is why Maeron is so upset.”

Kalila sends a sly smile my direction. I am puzzled as to why she is smiling at me like that but I figure I will learn soon enough. We finish eating, get up from the table and walk towards the door of the breakfast hall.

“What should we do about Declan?”

“You shall not worry about him. Kalila and I will go search for him then force him to start training with us. He is our training partner for the morning so he is our problem.”

I nod in response to Rafe and let Galen lead me to a door going in the opposite direction of the other two. I am a little nervous to train with him alone. I do not want to fail.

We leave the castle on a trail through the woods surrounding the immediate area. I feel reassuring calmness fill me to the brim. I also feel very hopeful with such a beautiful day. The sun is so bright it creates beautiful scenery to walk through as the sun filtered down through all the tree leaves.

“Where are we going?”

“Hm... Someone sounds impatient.”

He gives me a mischievous grin. I look to the path ahead, only then catching a glimpse of an animal heading in our direction. I half panic for a moment but the closer it gets the more I recognize the animal as Dylan. I am stricken with worry when I see how much blood stains his once beautiful fur.

“Aha! There you are, my Glorious Akhlut. Where have you been at this whole morning?”

“I do not care that you wanted to take your time. You were supposed to finish them and report back to me.”

“Yes, right away. I would have excused you, however, if you had bathed first.”

“I am the Prince of this forest; I am allowed to tell you to be both hasty and clean.”

I snicker at the one sided conversation as I see Dylan’s facial expression change so much that I can almost hear what he is saying. I realize that Galen speaks his side of the conversation aloud to benefit me, but they are more amusing to me than serious. Dylan lets out an exaggerated huff then stalks by us as if he is still on a mission. I can’t help the giggles from the attitude he is giving the Prince. I am sure it is something very akin to sarcasm; however, you can tell even with all their arguing that their bond is profoundly deep. It makes me feel like they are linked telepathically because of it.

We keep walking down the path for a short while until we enter a clearing. My eyes grow wide as I recognize this place from a dream I had when our journey first began. I can’t remember many details. As we walk through the grassy field with wild flowers scattered around I hear the roar of a waterfall. We walk up a small hill and find it on the other side. I decide this is the best place to train and I am truly ready with all of my heart.

“Elysia, I have a small confession to make.”

I turn to look at the Prince with a questioning expression. What can he possibly have to confess to me at a time like this?

“Well, I am not sure what kind of training we will actually be doing today.”

“What do you mean? I am no master like you, but I am not that bad, for you to think I can’t learn at all.”

“That is not what he means, Young Princess.”

The deep resonating sound fills my head as each word is said from that familiar bodiless voice I have yet to meet. I almost fall from giant vibrations of wind hitting me in odd inconsistent patterns. A shadow blocks out the sun and I look up to see what is causing it. I cannot believe my eyes. The enormous figure blocks out the whole sky as far as I can see.

“No! NO WAY!!”

I look over to see Galen’s reaction but he isn’t showing any emotion at all. Why is not he stunned? Does he already know about this… this dragon? Ah! My mind, it said it… It is a dragon, a full blown real live dragon. The history books say dragons died out thousands of years ago. That’s why people had to defeat the first overlord without them. I lift my hands to my head making sure it is still attached and hasn’t exploded. I am so shocked. As the dragon lands, I back away so I can see his full length; but what I see is more than that. I raise my hand to cover my gaping mouth. He is so magnificent.

He moves his giant head to look me in the eye and that’s when I feel it. My chest is immediately filled with searing pain. I think my heart is going to explode. I collapse, gripping my chest tight. My vision blurs. I see a glowing light coming from the dragon. No, coming from his heart. I am not expecting how the dragon reacts. He roars so loud I am sure my eardrums will burst. I writhe in agony, is this how it feels to die?

Then it is over. The dragon stops roaring, I try to breathe normally. How? How is this possible? What just happened to me? Before I can move, my body begins to float on its own until my heart is aligned with the dragon’s heart. I scream as searing electricity and fire rip through my body and combine with the dragon’s fire and electricity. Is this our very souls connecting? I feel like the very core of my life force is ripping out from me.

Then the current twists and goes back into opposite bodies. I feel like I am renewed. All of the pain is somehow worth it. My body starts to fall towards the ground but I land in the Prince’s arms. I put my hand over my heart to see if it is still there. My body is completely filled with a tingly fiery feeling almost numb. I can’t move any of my limbs. So I just lay there panting; trying to recuperate.

“Will she be okay?”

“Yes. We both will. I am her life animal.”

“Uhm, Aearion and I are life mates, but we did not go through anything like that!”

The dragon seem to steady his breathing as well. He doesn’t feel pain like I do; this makes sense considering he is a dragon. Maybe they feel pain differently than we do? There is so much I do not know about them. Does he have any family? Are there any more dragons alive?

“Connecting to a dragon as a life mate is a rare and spectacular thing. The stars almost align when this happens. There is a little more magic and soul cleansing that goes on. The Maker made it this way so there would be more light than dark in the world. However, if someone chooses the dark there is not anything that can be done to fight who your life mate is destined to be.”

Now that I am able to catch my breath and calm down I look over to my new life partner. I feel somehow that my own soul and life source feel more powerful. Pure energy is surging through my whole body continuously. I suddenly realize that I am still lying in the Prince’s arms. I feel the heat crawl up my neck into my cheeks. How embarrassing.

“Uhm, thank you, Prince Nestarion, for catching me. I hope you did not injure yourself when I fell.”

He gives me a warm smile, locking his eyes with mine. I feel my blush deepen. If he had been a cat I would have said he is purring, his look of pure satisfaction is so obvious.

“Sweet Princess Elysia, you have done me no harm. I am sure you could never injure or maim me.”

He helps me sit up and we smile at each other for a few moments. I have to look away before I turn redder than a cherry. I look to my new life animal and am stunned by his majestic beauty.

“What is your name?”

“I am Kalix.”

His voice is so deep I am sure it can rumble like thunder through the mountains. He is an Onyx dragon. I think he is pure black at first but his scales make him seem like a finely polished onyx diamond. When the light hits his scales at angles you can see shadows of purple and hues of green rippling across his body. I have never seen such a glorious animal before. I have the overwhelming urge to walk over and touch him. I hesitate, is that disrespectful? I am at a loss for proper etiquette with a dragon.

“I am not just any dragon. I am now your dragon. Just as you are my human. We really need no etiquette.”

“Can you always read my thoughts? Will I be able to read yours?”

“Yes, I can read thoughts from most creatures. It is a power we dragons have. As for being connected to mine, you will be. It just takes a little time. We feel emotions much stronger than you do so it can be a little overwhelming for you. We must work on your strength first before I open my thoughts to you. Don’t worry; I will always be honest with you.”

Having Kalix’s voice reverberating in my head is so strange yet it makes me feel oddly secure. I have my own personal guardian angel by my side for the rest of our lives. It makes me realize I really am not alone any more. I now have lifelong connections.

“My Elysia, you have not been alone for one second in your life. You have very deep bonds with many of the people you have met and connected with. Even your newest acquaintances, Nestarion and Kalila, are already deeply connected to you. Please do not forget that.”

I smile with true contentment at Kalix. A gleam enters his eye that could only be described as pleasure and contentment as well. I can feel my heart swell at how very important I feel at this moment. Kalix is right, I do have good people all around me that are connected to me; my parents, my new matches, the Prince and his sister, Ahmik, and now Kalix too. They are all bonded to me. I can rely on them as I hope they can rely on me.

I start smiling from joy, realizing I really am worthwhile to my friends and family. In my head I have always known that I’m not alone but my heart never truly believed. I hope I can accomplish everything I set out to. If I try my best, combined with the help of all my friends and matches, we can save our world; our kingdoms.

“Elysia, with my help you will be able to reach new levels of battle magic you have never thought yourself capable of. You will need to learn these in order to fulfill your duty as both, the Princess of Prophecy and the Royal Mage of your kingdom. So please try to concentrate, okay?”

“Yes! I shall do my very best. With your help and Prince Galen’s I can learn what I need to.”

“I will be happy teach you, Princess.”

I can feel my blush returning to my cheeks hearing Prince Nestarion almost whispering those words in my ear. I shudder but hold my ground and act like I don’t notice his teasing. This is no time for flirting. I need to learn many things and we don’t have much time to do it in.

A tear runs down my cheek but I quickly wipe it away. This is not the time to be crying or feeling down. I need to be strong. Galen helps me stand to my feet then pulls me into an embrace so suddenly I can’t react. He just holds me for a few moments and I feel as if he can read the thoughts of my very soul. How odd, I think only life animals can do that.

I looked over to Kalix and catch his eyes looking at me. I haven’t noticed their colors before now. They are very big and seem to hold much mystery in them. Perhaps I even see wisdom and knowledge in them. The colors of his eyes are very familiar; they are dark purple with green running through them outlined in gold. I can’t place why they seem so familiar though. His eyes send me a new surge of energy and confidence. I am ready to start training.

“Okay, I am prepared let us start this training!”

Kalix seems to get into a more comfortable lying position. He looks like a proud cat. He watches us mostly and gives us a little bit of supervision but for the most part lets Galen teach me.

“Okay, stand like this with your hands in this position. Good. Now breathe and feel the emotions of your next shot. Don’t be afraid to hurt someone. Now shoot.”

I let out the energy accumulating in my arms and a purple bolt of light shoots out and hits right through the imaginary heart of our wooden target. I have so much energy flowing I do it again and again. I am feeling really confident until Kalix interrupts me.

“Elysia, you are doing well. However, you need to learn combat hand to hand fighting; because you will not be well balanced until you can fight from afar and up close. Galen will teach this to you as well. We just do not have much time for you to master this before you may have to use it, so try to stay out of hand to hand situations.”

I sigh realizing I am new to all of this. I wasn’t really taught so much battle magic. It is always assumed that if we ever get into any real trouble my warrior and thief will take care of me. I was mainly taught healing magic and some basic fighting magic; nothing that will do any harm to a person, just magic for self-defense.

“Alright, hold your hands in this position and when I kick, you block me with this arm. Now let us try it, okay?”

I nod and wait for Galen to kick at me. He does and I miss blocking him, so he kicks my side. Thankfully we aren’t putting any weight into this but it is still a big thump on the side of my body.

“Ugh, that’s going to leave a bruise.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I’m sorry, are you okay?”

“Yeah it doesn’t hurt too much. I just wasn’t expecting the weight that came behind the little momentum your leg had. So it caught me off guard, that’s all.”

“You will get it eventually. Let’s try again. Are you ready?”

I nod and put my hands in the same position, ready to try again. His kick comes and I barely block it this time. He isn’t able to follow through so I consider it a success. This is harder than it seems to be originally though. I never thought hand to hand combat would be this hard. I put my hands in position and prepare to block again when a servant comes to us. He seems like it is urgent. He whispers in Galen’s ear, Galen nods and the servant runs back towards the castle.

“Apparently our ship is ready to leave. If we take the main river way, like I had planned, then we will have a battle with Merikh’s men. I’m not sure we will win with our boat still intact.”

“That’s okay; I will take care of it. Get on the ship as planned but we will be going to the swamp a different way.”

The prince and I exchange glances wondering what Kalix can mean by a different way. There isn’t any other ways out of the secret entrance other than through the river way, or so we think.

We start back to the castle with Kalix following behind us. What will the others say when they meet Kalix? I feel a little giddy inside with the excitement to show my matches and Kalila my new life animal. Before we get to the castle we meet Rafe, Kalila, and Declan walking towards us. When they see Kalix behind us they begin to run to us. I hope their haste is from excitement and not fear. I know Kalix can be intimidating but I love him already. It’s weird, but I feel like I’ve known him my whole life.

“Indeed, Elysia, the bond has been there in your soul ever since birth. There has been more than once where we have given each other strength and have not known it.”

I smile, feeling his voice reverberate in my head. I feel much more confident knowing I have such strong connections with these people and Kalix. I feel like my heart is going to overflow.

“Whoa! Are you the one who guided us here?”

“I am, indeed, young wolf.”

Declan bows low showing much respect to Kalix.

“Rise, young elf, I appreciate your respect.”

“Of course, I didn’t think there were dragons still alive in the world.”

“There are indeed a number of us left. There is no real way to tell the exact number, but we all feel one another’s life forces in our bones.”

“How wonderful that is! Oh Elysia, can you imagine a world where dragons walk with us and not hide from us in fear once more?”

“One day I hope my king and I, whoever he may be, will be able to change the world like that.”

“A very noble cause, Princess.”

I blush hearing Galen whisper those words in my ear teasingly.

“Brother! Do not tease her so!”

“Ahaha, I do apologize, Princess Elysia.”

“Should not we be leaving to the mountain?”

We become silent after I ask the question. I can feel the slight anxiety coming from both Rafe and Declan. I understand as I am anxious too.

“Yes, let us all go to the ship and board; except you, of course, Kalix. Will you fly with us? Do you swim? Shall you meet us there?”

“I have my ways.”

I can feel a thrumming as if Kalix is purring in his dragon way. The rest of us exchange glances trying to figure out what he means by that. I guess we will find out. We travel to the boat mostly silent. Or at least I am not really listening to the small conversations. I can’t help letting my thoughts wander.

We reach the boat and begin to board. When we get to the top of the ramp I find Dylan there waiting for us. I turn to look for Kalix, but who I see instead surprises me.

There is a man, a wonderfully gorgeous man. His skin is a dark tan; his spikey hair is black with green and purple tones running through it. His clothes are golden with black, purple, and green patterns he kind of looks like what I envision a sun god to look like if there is such a thing.

“Kalix? Is that really you? Where did your horns go?”

“Yes, you do not expect me to show the enemy our hand do you?”

He laughs with a deep rumbling laugh, as he looks at each of our shocked faces.

Once we are all on the ship it begins to move on its own, just like the ship we had been on before. I start looking around and realize it is indeed the same ship. It makes me feel a little more comfortable knowing the ship is familiar. We start sailing towards the only entrance, or exit in this case when a fiery circle appears before us and we sail right through it. Everything is black for a couple seconds then we are in a swamp. I run to the side of the ship following the others. I am next to Declan, looking out trying to see through the trees, when I hear pounding of feet on the deck. We turn in time to see Dylan pass between us and jumps straight into the water.

My eyes widen when I see him shift into an orca/ wolf hybrid. He is a fearsome thing to behold.

“He’s truly magnificent is he not?”

All I can do is nod in response to his question. I always heard stories of Ahkluts but never really imagined it is all true. His coat goes from furry to a sleek whale skin. His body is a combination of both animals. His head is also a mix of the two animals. His size doubles, he has legs and paws that show the muscle of both whale and wolf with the tale of an orca. He looks like the ultimate predator.

The thick fog is hard to see through. There are trees with vines hanging from them. I look down at the water and see all sorts of foliage growing and thriving. As I stretch my hand down to touch the water, I feel the life energy surging from the land and water. I see a glimmer of light reflect off the water. I look up towards the light but don’t see anything. I look down at the water and the light is still reflecting. The sun is still shining through the leaves, yet the light seems to enhance the density of the fog surrounding the boat.

The farther the boat goes into the swamp the darker it gets around us. I look up towards the front of the boat and cannot see anything except thick gray fog. I hurry to the front of the boat thinking I may be able to see through the fog better. I am so caught up in what could be in the fog; I am totally oblivious to everyone else. I strain my eyes hard trying to make out shapes, when I think I finally see something. I look over in that direction but there is nothing there. I stare for a longer waiting for the light.

I feel a sudden warning in my gut to avoid following those lights. Why should I avoid it? What are those lights? I think light brings truth to the darkness, does it not?

“Mmmm, yes, light is good and very powerful; however, there are many things and creatures out there that like to show themselves as light to draw in their prey. They use the light to create false safety and deceive people.”

“Really? Those lights I see don’t seem malevolent they just flicker trying to be helpful.”

Just then boat begins to shudder suddenly as if it is caught by something. We begin looking around waiting for something to attack. The lights begin to flicker faster; and I also notice that they seem to be closing in around the boat.

I begin to see shapes around the lights. They seem to be mostly human and very large. Their size is bigger than any human I have ever seen. I feel the bond between Declan and I waver, I look around for him but the fog set in between us, all around and on the boat, so thick I can barely see my feet below me. I can hear the sounds of strong currents of electricity bouncing from one silhouette to another. I cringe at the thought of that much electricity looking for its next conductor.

The thought crosses my mind that Declan can be their next conductor when I felt our bond waver. I try concentrating, but I feel my feet moving. My mind’s as hazy as the fog surrounding us. I was fine a moment ago, but now I can’t clear my mind from this fog.

“Kalix, can you hear me? Is this fog cursed?”

Just as I finish the thought I hear faint music ebbing and flowing in the air. The melody is speaking to me, telling me if only I go to sleep that my mind will clear up and this will all go away. I vaguely hear a cry from a wolf/orca hybrid; I try to figure out why it is familiar. I stumble towards the sound. I hit the rail of the ship and I look over but do not see anything. I hear a giant splash but see nothing to cause it. I cannot rely on my vision though as it is very blurry. I listen for more splashing but nothing.

I hear a voice in my head, asking me questions I can’t make them out. I feel urgency in the tone but don’t understand what I am missing. I remember seeing silhouettes before my mind went groggy but I can’t see anything now. It’s way too thick I feel like I can literally cut through it with my hand. I stop walking around, close my eyes and concentrate on clearing my mind. It isn’t working so I do some meditative breathing and focus really hard on it. My stomach starts heating up and when I exhale it is filled with so much power I blow away all the fog and see clearly.

What I see shocks me. Three giant female mer-eels are surrounding our boat. There is electricity flowing between them, making a connecting triangle. They have gray skin black eyes and nails; their hair is green waves just past their shoulders in length. I see one smile as she reaches her hand out to grab Galen. Her teeth are like spikes ready to impale their prey. I shudder then my connection with Kalix clears and strengthens.

“We have to break their amulets, Elysia. That is where they are getting such ancient strength. They have drained all the souls from every single person they have preyed upon for centuries. If we break those and release those souls then they will become mortal long enough to kill them. You need to shoot lightning arrows straight through their hearts.”

“What?! How am I supposed to do that? I can barely get enough lightning to stop one of Merikh’s men. Now you want me to create an arrow of lightning and shoot straight through their hearts? This means not only do I have to do it once but three times!”

“You will be okay, I will power up your magic stamina and physical strength to endure this. You will have to focus all of your magic energy into creating the lightning arrows. First we need to destroy those amulets around their necks.”

I panic for a moment trying to figure out how to get word out to the rest of them to break those amulets. My tattoos on my wrist glow and throb so I focus my energy and thoughts into my bond. I can feel their fear. Then I feel Declan and Rafe perk up being connected to each other’s thoughts and ultimately to mine. They look at the amulets and I can see each of their plans begin to form to break them. I break the connection of our thoughts and decide to focus on the one closest to me.

I see Galen go to Declan to lend his help and support just as Kalila is going to do with Rafe. These mer-eels seem to be watching our every move they are analyzing how good we taste or something. I hear Rafe’s howl, figuring that means they developed a plan and are going for it I turn my head to watch Rafe bounce off the amulet not even leaving a scratch. I hear a malevolent cackle from the one closest to me. The sound is sickening, it makes my stomach churn.

“Elysia, they must only be broken by a matched set that work in sync with one another.”

I nod my understanding. I focus on our mental link again and bring them over to me. Once they are over I put our hands with the tattoos on the wrists in the middle of our triangle touching, but nothing happens. I feel that none of us are focusing, when suddenly our boat is hit violently. We all slide to the side of the boat and grab on to the railing before we are knocked overboard. That gives me hope we are on the right track to destroying those amulets.

“Come on, we need to try again! Hurry this time when we put our hands in the middle, focus all our strength and energy into our bond.”

They nod in understanding and we run to the middle of their triangle make our own then connect our hands and focus on our bond. My tattoos throb and glow. A golden design crawls down my hand until it reaches the middle of our hands when I look at their hands it seems to be doing the same thing. The light shoots straight into the sky and a golden ball emerges from it onto the deck beside us and morphs into a giant golden lion.

The lion is glorious with a huge mane; it is as big as our enemy. It looks around, sees the amulets and roars so loud we cover our ears. I think it will never end, then the amulets break. Thousands of flickering golden lights emerge from the amulets in frenzy, they are going everywhere I feel strong life forces from each of them.

The lion stops roaring and turns back into a burning golden orb. All of the souls that have been released surround the orb, once lion, and follow it up into the sky.

The mer-eels shriek; which hurts my ears. With the same energy still buzzing through me, I focus it into what I am about to do. I hold my arms up like I have a bow, I draw back the string as if I have an arrow then there is golden white magic flowing through my arms. It crackles like lightning hitting the ground or trees. I aim for the first mer-eel and let the arrow loose hitting its mark precisely.

The area around the lightning arrow turns black and burns until she is engulfed in flames. The remains turn into ashes and floats away on the water. The smell of burning flesh is almost unbearable. The other two mer-eels shriek in disbelief and try to attack me. Their hands stop from an invisible barrier. I take my stance ready to shoot the next arrow when I collapse. I can’t stand any longer all my energy is gone I look over at Declan and Rafe they collapsed as well. My vision goes blurry and I hope with all my heart I can find the strength to finish them off.

Suddenly the sky grows dark and rumbles like thunder then lightning shoots everywhere. One bolt hits one of the mer-eels and she burns up screeching the whole time. The sound makes my head want to explode I cover my ears wishing it to stop. Then it does; her body burnt into the position she had when hit, then crumbles away into the swamp. Seeing she no longer has any chance of winning, the last one disappears into the dense fog of the swamp.

My vision grows dark; I can’t see anything or hear anything, leaving my senses with the smell of burning flesh.

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