And her name is…
Chapter five - Hooked

After a solid minute of him just looking at me he slowly picks up a berry from my hand and pops it intomymouth. All of my restraint goes into not biting his finger as it bumps my tongue and grazes over my lip. Then I roll the berry over in my mouth and crushed it between my teeth, feeling it burst with my loss of control.

This sweet taste is at odds with the sour taste that he could be fucking with me. My eyes stay trained on his as he watches me, and we don’t look anywhere else even as he reached back into my hand and takes a second berry. This time his hand moves to his own mouth and he eats it carefully. .

This continues with me taking a berry for myself and then holding one out to him, which he opens his mouth for me to place on his tongue. When he goes back to my hands there’s only one left and he takes it like he’s debating who needs it more. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Finally he pops it into his mouth but he comes at me abruptly and grabs my face. Before I can guess what he’s doing his lips press to mine and his tongue tells me to open. I find half the berry accompanying his tongue into my mouthand it moves to my cheek as our kiss deepens. I can feel my cheeks brighten but it’s not something I can prevent.

When his face pulls away it isn’t by much and his forehead rests against mine with his eyes closed. “You mean nothing to me,” he says it softly, like he is trying to convince himself but I know it’s intended for me.

I sputter a laugh. “Now I bet you say that to all the anaemic inmates after a couple fairy berries.”

Helaughs, but it makes me jump. “No, just you.” His gaze wandered down from my eyes and he reaches out to touch my neck as I step away. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t let Kheliq hear you apologize. In fact, telling him you did it might get you a medal.” I can’t bring myself to laugh at the truth in that. “That man hates me more than I deserve for saving his slimy cousin.”

“Don’t say his name around me.” The words are harsh and I just nod, not looking at him directly.

This time when he teaches towards me I do flinch, his hand moving toward my neck. He doesn’t touch it though, he grabs my face instead and squishes it lightly. When I don’t move my eyes to him he does it again, and again… and again. Finally I look at him and his cheeks are flushed with eyes that make me feel like he could eat me.

I nearly ask if he has fangs too but just barelycatch myself by biting my lip. Blood isn’t necessary for my life, but it does give me strength. Like a vampire, I can feed off the life energy in it but food is just as important and I don’t need to bite someone for their energy.

“What has you thinking so seriously little mouse?”

I startle into focusing, not realizing I had been staringthroughhim. Instead of answer I shuffle my feet, knowing the berries have done their job and he’ll smell that on me.

I can almost pinpoint the exact moment that his heightened senses pick it up and he looks from my legs to my face quickly.

“Is there something you want?” He ash’s and I shake my head but he laughs. “My kind have strong noses little mouse, I can smell your lie.”

And I can smell you want me just as bad.

I can also smell that of the guards arousal when in wake up and I can’t help wonder what they were discussing. My mother’s bloodline is strong, and I have more traits of their kind than I let them know.

Instead of bragging like I want to, I look down at him, drawing attention to the physical sign of his arousal. He smirks a smile that belongs more on a demon than a fairy and pulls me to him by the string on my pants to sit over his knee.

“Why were you saving those berries?” He asks, maintaining a crooked smile.

I jerk in his lap to jump back but his hand snakes around to my lower back and pulls me closer to him. His face is too close. His ears are too close. He willfeelme lying.

So I need a half truth.

“I wanted to be lucid enough to remember what happens.” My face starts to burn but I’m able to stave it off any changes in my breathing, until his hand moves under my shirt and caresses my skin.

“Wulfric,” I gasped, his cold fingers circling my lower back make me flinch my chest towards him.

I feel his lips brush my ear before he speaks in a soft whisper. “Aren’t you afraid of what I could do to you? We’re all alone where no one would care if you scream.”

I feel a shiver run down my spine, but unlike before when I’d thought about this, this time his voice makes me feel intrigue. His hand moves to rub my back firmly, and as it warms against my skin it starts to soothe my aching muscles. My body is in constant pain from the life I’m enduring here, and even this little bit of contact feels like a massage. An unfortunate moan escapes my lips and his hand stops moving. He pulls his hand from my shirt and moves it up to pinch the back of my neck painfully.

“Little mouse, answer the question.”

I tensed under his touch but I already know my answer. “Everyone I’ve ever known is dead, I’ve been kidnapped, and no one is looking for me.-” I pull back to look him, “- You could kill me and I couldn’t stop you.”

His hand moves around to the side of my neck, squeezing lightly, and then he jerks me to the side starts nipping at my neck. I make a high, needy gasping sound and I feel him smirk against my skin. His other hand moves back to my lower back and pushed me into grinding against his leg. Before I’ve realized what I’m doing I’m closing my eyes and making soft humming sounds, already feeling more content.

His hands move away but as I stop moving both his hands move to my hips to encourage me to continue. Then he grasps the bottom of my shirt and raises it over my head. I watch him then move to the ties of my chest binding and he pulls that off to join my shirt.

My arms move to cover myself self consciously, but he pulls them aside to hold my hands down at my sides as he takes one of my breasts in his mouth. He sucks and licks the skin, each time I moan a little louder until he bites into one breast and I shriek. This only spurs him on and he picks me up like I’m a loaf of bread, but honestly I probably weigh that much, and spin me around to sit with my legs on either side of his and my back against his chest.

One hand goes to squeeze and pinch my breasts and the other goes into my pants where he feels the wetness gathered there and brings it up to rub my clit. He moves back and forth between entering my opening and rubbing my clit, and I start to grind my ass against him

He’s groaning in my ear and it only encourages the behaviour.

“Little mouse.” The name he’s assigned to me is nearing a growl, but I can’t bring myself to take it as a serious warning.

What’s he going to do? Kill me? I’d love to be a fly on the wall when he tells Kheliq why I’m dead.

Neither of us is letting up, and while I recognize that I’m getting more out of this than he is, I’m willing to bet he’s going to finish. Beneath me he twitches and I know he’s almost there. Now, I’m more willing to believe he tried to recreate what happened between us. Just this amount of friction has him ready to blow, despite his resistance, and I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t make it damn hard on him.

I increase the volume of my moans and as I feel myself climbing that mountain to fall over the edge I say his name. It’s nearly a whimper as it exits my lips; just a soft whisper barely above the volume of the fluids being stirred between my legs. When I’ve said the last syllable after feeling him arch his body into me when I’d begun the word, I know we’re going to cum at the same time.


He comes undone and I’m left arching and twitching on top of him while I fall into bliss. His hand leaves my breast and moves back to my throat, but I don’t have any ridiculous fears that he wants to hurt me. The only purpose of this action is to encourage me to keep my big mouth shut. The hand in my pants moved up over my shoulder to his lips and I hear the friction of his tongue on his fingers next to my ear.

He does it again, and again. First, he gently slides his fingers down between my lips and rubs them in my slick, then brings them back to his lips to suck clean. Feeling and hearing him do this has my core clenching and I feel a rush of blood to my clit making it more sensitive. I twitch each time he touches me, but I don’t say anything. When he dips his fingers inside me again I clench around him and he moans in response, tightening his grip on my throat until I let go.

My legs feel weak beneath me as I get off him. I need to keep my head. I need to move toward the shower and wash quickly so I can go to bed. My heads feels like it’s in the clouds and I stumble without meaning to, landing me on my hands and knees under the water’s spray. I try to move through the water so I can wipe my eyes but I notice it feels like my butt has gotten caught on something. The next second a hand is pulling me by the back of my pantsto sit on my ass on the floor.

I feel awake for exactly four seconds, in which I register that A) Wulfric had grabbed my waistband and B) If he hadn’t I would have head butt the wall like a goat. The seconds that follow feel like they are happening through a haze. My eyes meet his and I just blink up slowly as I sit on the floor. My hands, and knees, ache from the fall and I attempt shaking them to alleviate the pain. Someone is groaning and I look up to see Wulfric.

Fuck, I forgot he was here. Right, I need to shower.

I need to focus on bringing my legs up so I can stand but I’m moving so slowly because I feel lightheaded. There’s a groan above me and then I’m being tugged up by my arm and my pants are around my ankles.

I need to argue, Ishouldargue… right? But I can’t.

Wulfric tows me towards the shower and I feel it rain over my head again. I’m exhausted, my heart rate hasn’t gotten that high in a long time, and I haven’t been sleeping well. My hands roam over my naked body, with what I think might be shampoo so I add it to my hair and let the water rain over me from my crown to rinse off.

Moving out of the spray with my eyes nearly closed I’m surprised to find a towel wrapping around me and I jump.

“Did you forget I was here?” Wulfric chuckles and I pry my eyes open to look at him.

Yes, several times.

Shaking my head I reply, “I don’t think so.”

I grab another set of clothes and move to my cell to get dressed. I’m not sure what I expected, but I can’t help hating him a little more when I hear the door unlock and he simplyleaves.Obviously I never expected him to stay the night, or thank me for my time or anything, but I didn’t expect him to just walk away either. It would be a toss I up if I sneakily took enough of this energy for him to sleep just as well this time, but I would find out in a week. Until then, I know tonight I’ll be sleepingverywell.

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