Another End
Chapter 16


Four days have passed since Aiden and Liam discovered I’m dying, and I can’t take it anymore! The way they all look at me is driving me crazy. I preferred when they have hated me. Every time I cross John or Tessa they both look defeated, Aiden is eating by guilt and Elena every time she sees me she is on the verge to cry. Ugh! Kill me now! I was supposed to not see them as I stay in that house so far far away from the packhouse. I don’t know if I’m been paranoid but It’s like they are following me. Okay, okay I exaggerate a little. They are not following me but the purposely cross my path more than necessary. 

I was upset with Darius for telling them the reason why I’m dying but I know how angry he has been against them. It was difficult for me to accept that I will die so young but Darius and Chris still can’t accept it. They still hope for a miracle. Veronica was not happy with him, he will be in the dog house for a week more at least. Poor Darius! He is enough punished I think... Or maybe next time I will find a way to tease him as revenge. Thank god nobody is seeing me right now! They will think I’m crazy with the evil smile playing in my face.

Anyway, the show must go on. Alpha Franck had stopped looking at me with pity but he is still walking on eggshells with me. It’s annoying! I need to work on my self-control to be able to keep working with him. Kaiden is totally healed now and he went back to school this morning. I went to see him two days ago. He was going crazy staying at the bed. He also complained about his wolf who’s never stopping to talk… When I was there Aiden tried to apologize for the nth times. Really it was more peaceful when he was praying for my death and avoiding me.

Right now, I am drinking tea outside looking at my car and dreaming about going somewhere else… I wish I could be on the beach right now.

“It’s so beautiful.” Alpha Franck tells me.


“Your car.”

“It’s a she. And her name is Amara.”

“You gave a name to your car?” He says mocking me a bit.

“Amara is the AI (Artificial Intelligence) who controls the car. You see nobody can steal it because you can’t drive it without Amara’s consent.”

“Really! Wow! Impressive.”

“Yes, my friend who created her put a lot of security. She even can kill someone if I am in danger. Well, she can try at least by driving over someone.”

“Incredible! She is like your bodyguard! This is why Alistair told you, you were in big trouble.”

“Yes. I love her and I would have never taken her here if it was not for my safety. Moreover, I know an old alpha who is passionate about cars, so if the idea of stealing my keys runs through his head, He will not be able to do it.”

“I’m not that old! And it will not be stealing it will be borrowing .” He defends himself trying to not smile.

I laugh: “ Hey Amara, this is Franck.” I turn my head toward him and whisper to him: “Sorry she hates tittle. And if you want to drive her, you better flatter her.” Well, I may or may not programmed her to hate when people introduced themselves with their tittle.

“Really!” He says exciting like a 5 years old kid.

“Hello, Amara, nice to meet you.”

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“Hello, Franck, nice to meet you. Lilly, how can I help you?”

“Franck wants to ride you.”

“Of course.” Amara answers.

“Thank you and be back in an hour max.”

“We will.” Says Amara

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Says Alpha Franck.

If he did have the restrain of an Alpha, he will be jumping everywhere like a kid right now. I look at him leaving and shake my head. Men and cars...

“It was nice of you to let him drive your car. My father loves cars and this one is a really nice one.”

“He is drooling at her every day. At least I made his day.”

“Even his week!”

We stay in silence before I ask: “What are you doing here Liam?”

“Aiden is really taking bad that you are dying. Can you try to make peace with him?”

“I don’t have any problem with Aiden. There is nothing to forgive. I’m dying because the moon goddess is calling me back to her side.”

“But, I am sure there is a but.”

“I will not come back here when Markus will be dead. The only I can offer him a goodbye nothing more.”

“You know he wants more than that.”

“I know but I can’t offer more.”

“Why are you so difficult?” He says annoyed.

“I’m objective, not difficult! Nobody ever cared about how I felt and now I have to play nice to give peace to your Beta. He was not here when you rejected me. I don’t own him nothing.”

“Again with the rejection! I will not take you back. I can’t help you.”

“I don’t want you!”

“I don’t believe you. Why wouldn’t you want to be with me I was supposed to be your mate?”

“Because I want to be happy! And I will never be with you. You will never understand me.”

“There nothing to understand. You may be a bit more than a human but you are not a werewolf. You may have fooled my father but you are too weak to be my mate. That’s simple.”

“No matter what it’s always the same refrain. It’s time for you to move on Liam. If it’s depended on me I would have never chosen you as my mate.”

“At least, we can agree on something.”

“You may go now!”

“I am in my pack and can go where I want. You can’t just order me!”

Oops, I pissed him off. Too bad... It’s hard to not laugh when he is so easy to tease. I didn’t even do it on purpose... This time.

“Well I just did so if you exc-“

Suddenly something raises inside me and I become restless. Something is not right. I enter the forest and kneel trying to connect myself with my surroundings. Liam is talking to me but I shut him out of my mind. Someone is calling me.

“Kaiden!” I say out loud. I run full speed as I feel his fear growing. Good thing Liam is sick and can’t follow me. I can run full speed. I cross the pack’s border and keep to run toward Kaiden’s call.

“Good Afternoon Gentlemen! What are you doing with kids that not yours?” I ask.

There 5 rogues, two of them are caring Kaiden and Tom on their shoulders.

“Aunty Lilly, you came!” Says Kaiden relieved.

“Of course. I would advise you to leave without the boys if you want to stay alive.”

“We only want the Alpha mutt. We can make a deal, we keep him and give you the other pup.” The one who carries Tom says.

“I don’t think so.”

“It’s a fair deal. You can’t do anything against the five of us.”

“Why do you want to save that Kid? Your mate has him with another she-wolf. Wait it’s because you are a pathetic human.” Says another one and they all laugh.

“First he is not my mate. At most what he is is my ex-mate. Secondly, he is only a kid. More importantly an innocent kid.”

“We just want to help you. If we getting rid of that kid for you. You will have more chance to have the Alpha back and your Luna position back.” Says the same guy.

“I will pass...Do you even listen to me? I don’t want him. And I will not let you take that kid.”

“I hope you would say that. You are a beauty and we will enjoy having our fun with you.” Says the first guy who spoke.

“You should both close your eyes.” I say to Kaiden and Tom. “I will be the one to have my fun killing you!”I add with an evil smile.

Before any of them can answer, I launch my twins saï and kill two of them. I taking out my Masaï spear and run toward the one carrying Kaiden. I’m too fast for him and I kill him before he even has time to realize what’s happening to him. I catch Kaiden and sit him on the ground before doing the same with the one holding Tom.

The last one ran away while I was killing his friends but he didn’t have the chance to go far. I see someone behind him, bring him back by force.

“Gamma, what are you doing here?” I ask.

“Well, my Alpha fought with his potential Luna as he was rejected by his true mate so I am looking for a job. Apparently I am here right on time.” He answers.

“Potential mate, hm?” I question him.

“What are you?” The rogue interrupts us looking at the dead bodies.

“The death angel. Don’t you see we are speaking!” I answer him.

He is kneeled by the Gamma who kicked him in his ankles.

“His chosen one. There is no other one for him, not even his true mate.” He keeps going as if we were interrupted a few seconds before.

“Your Alpha sounds like an ass. Not that I want to be disrespectful.” I say smiling.

“He is right now. By the way, I love your eyes.”

I close my eyes and calm down.

“Better?” I ask him. He nods.

“Why don’t enjoy your free time with your mate then?” I ask him.

“It was my plan but my mate went all Godzilla with me when she learned you were here with no protection.”

I laugh out loud.

“She would love to know you compared her to that monster.”

“I know!” He smirks before to add. “ if she ever heard about that I’m dead. You see the guy in the toilet in the first Jurassic Park movie, well that’s me!”

I laugh again: “It’s good to see you, Alec!”

“You too, Lilly. Alix (his mate) is right though, you should be unprotected.”

“I’m very capable to handle myself as you can see.” I say pointed the dead rogues.

“Still one ran away.”

“I would have caught him. That reminds me I still have one to kill.”

“Can you do it quickly and cleanly, please? I like that shirt.” He begs me.

“You are killing all my fun!” I say pouting.

I break the rogue’s neck.

“Happy now?” I ask him.

“Very! Thank you.”

I take my weapons back and walk toward Kaiden and Tom.

“It’s over now you can open your eyes.”

“I was scared but I stayed brave as you ask me. I knew you would come. Thank you, Auntie Lilly.” Kaiden says hugging me.

“Auntie Lilly?” Alec mouths me.

“ I will explain later” I mouth myself.

“Kaiden, Tom, meet my friend Alec.”

“Kaiden? Aiden’s son?” Alec asks me.

I nod.

“Wow, how original!” He comments.

“Let’s go back.” I tell the kids.

“You are coming, right?” I ask Alec.

“Of course, this is why I came here.” He answers me.

“I don’t know if I should follow you. Mama says you are a bad person.”

“She is nice and my auntie, you can trust her. And she just save us.” Kaiden defends me.

I sigh and take my phone. I check how far is Amara, there is a road a hundred meters on the north from our position. Tom is still very scared so seeing his grandfather will help me. Suddenly we hear someone running toward us. I can already see Alec shift in a defensive position in front of Tom.

“I don’t think it a danger. Listen to the breathe, he is already out of breath.” I tell him.

“It’s Liam.” I tell him as I smell him.

“The infamous Alpha?”

I nod.

“Wow, he still not have recovered. Do you think he will in shape to fight Alpha Markus?”

“I hope but I’m not sure.”

“Not sure? He needs to recover faster.”

We see Liam arrives totally out a breathe but you can see how relieved he is when he sees his son safe and sound.

“Daddy!” Says Tom running toward him and jumping in his arms.

Liam blanks surely is mind linking someone or all the pack for what I know. Soon they will be more people.

Tom starts to cry and whispers to his fathers: “it was so scary. The bad men came into the school and they took me. Kaiden tried to protect me so they took him with him.”

“Can you show me, please?” Asks Liam. Tom nods and gives his hand to him.

“How did you know? They masked their scents, how where you able to find them?” Liam asks me after a few minutes.

“I called for her and she came!”Says Kaiden proudly.

“What do you mean you called her?” Liam asks him.

“My wolf called her as she told him to if we were in danger.”

Before Liam can ask another question, I say: “it’s part of my emphatic gift.”

He nods. We can already hear other wolves running in our direction. At least 6, 5 warriors and Aiden. When he arrived and see Kaiden in my arms he shifts back in his human form, too worried and relieved to care that he is naked. I pass him his son, I know he needs to see by himself that he is unharmed. I can also hear Amara not so far.

“Thank you for saving him again Anna-Lynn.” Aiden tells me.

I just nod. Liam looks furious. I will be too if someone would have tried to Kidnap Duncan. I would want them dead, well they are dead now. Maybe it’s frustrating for him to not be able to shift and protect his own child. Or maybe it’s the fact that his pack was attacked again and the rogues were able to kidnap the next alpha without them noticing it.

“Who are you?” Aiden asks Alec.

“I’m Gamma Alec White. My luna is... away. So I was sent here to protect Lilly.”

“She doesn’t need your protection! My pack is a safe place.” Says Liam.

“I beg to differ Alpha Liam. Her car was trashed and rogues were able to kidnap your son. There are clearly safety issues here moreover I’m not even sure your pack is welcoming to her. So where she goes I follow.” answers Alec.

Good job trying to piss off a furious Alpha! The best way to be accepted here!

“I forbade you to enter my pack land.” says Liam.

Stupid pride Alpha!

“You are not the Alpha now, I don’t need your authorization to cross your border. I will not let her alone here.”

Stupid teasing Gamma!

“Let him come, Liam. He is a Gamma and he will do anything he can do to protect her. He never failed one of his mission.” Says Alpha Franck behind our back.

As we turn toward him. He shakes Alec's hand and adds: “I heard about you, Gamma Alec. You are working as a freelancer for another pack and the feedback I had is good. You worked with one of my friends, Alpha Walt for the Midnight pack. He was really satisfied with you.”

“Thank you, Alpha Franck, Luna Charlotte is a great Luna it was a pleasure to work with her and Alpha Walt. Can you send him my regards next time you meet him, please?”

“I will. Thank you for saving my grandchild and his friend.”

“Actually, you should thank Anna-Lynn. I only catch a running rogue.”

“Of course, it’s Anna-Lynn! Who else. Thank you Anna-Lynn.”

“Don’t thank me. I only did what I had too.”

“Thank you for the ride too. Amara is a very interesting character.”

“You will drive her another time, I don’t think you enjoyed the ride as you should with Tom’s kidnapping.”

“Let go back to the pack land. You can keep talking when we are safe.” Says Liam annoyed.

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