Another End
Chapter 18


It’s so good to have Alec here. He is one of my closest friends. I have already introduced him to Collin and Harper but it was really quick as Collin was expected for a meeting in the packhouse. I’m taking care of Harper while Alec is emptying his luggage in the third room of the house.

“I’m surprised that Luna Eleonora didn’t come to thank you yet.” He tells me about coming into the living room.

“She will not come.” I answer.

“Why?” He asks offended.

“I ask Melinda to cast a spell on her. She can’t even hear my name without feeling repulsed.”

He raises his eyebrow. So I continue:

“I think Markus is a hybrid werewolf and vampire. And he can see all Eleonora can see through their mate bond.”

“Why no using it as our advantage? I mean if he can see what she is doing she is able to the same.”

“Yes but there is a high risk he will notice her as she peeps in his mind. I don’t want him to know that we know.”

“Do you have any proof that he is a hybrid?”

“Nope but when I met him something felt off and he knows a lot of things about this pack. Information that only the beta and the alpha had. And don’t see Aiden betray Liam or Liam betrays himself.”

“Still using her could be really interesting.”

“Why? He will die soon anyway.”

“Maybe to know his motives.”

“Darius thinks he wants to kill Eleonora because he found another mate and my father thinks he wants revenge as Liam stole his Luna. More because of his pride than his love for her.”

“Probably...So how is everything here?”

“Fucking fantastic!” I answer him with sarcasm. “They were avoiding me at first and were suspicious of me and now they pity me. You know how I hate pity.”

“Almost as much as you hate using title. So I suppose they know you’re dying and why.”

I nod: “ Aiden and Liam heard Collin and I as we spoke about that and Darius told them the why.”

“Why did you tell to that Gamma in the first place?”

“Long short story, he and Harper will come with us after Markus's death.”

“Why? Where is his mate? He means for what I know you need to be two to conceive a child.”

“No mate yet! And the mother is his twin brother’s mate. They didn’t know they have two mates they thought they had to share one. Anyway, the mother rejected her. So he is a single father for now.”


“And you felt for his charm.” He adds after a few seconds.

“No! Of course no!”

He laughs.

“Jesus you are on the verge. You really need to get laid!”

“Well I have a silent treatment form my boy toy so this explains that.” I take a pause before asking him: “Do you will report everything to your Uhm, to him?” I asked him.

“I’m not here on his command but on my own free will. So no.”


“So impatient! But I will let him know that you co-parenting a baby with the Gamma who lives with you in an isolated house where nobody will ever know what you are doing... And also that’s Liam is feeling guilty as he knows you dying because of him. Who knows what guilt can make you do...” He says smiling.

“This is evil!”

“Well, he totally deserves that.”


“Only maybe?” He says raising his eyebrows.

“What do you want to eat?” I ask him no wanted to speak about him anymore. His absence is painful. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Changing the subject I see! I would love to eat a Paris-Brest and an éclair au chocolat.”

“Both are desserts. What do you want in the main dish?”

“I would like a pizza. Your pizza is good even if it’s not as good as a really Italian one. By the way, with Alix, we went to that pizzeria in Napoli you recommended. We loved it! What’s the name again?”

“L’Antica pizzeria de Michele. Yes, it’s a great place. Pizza for lunch fine and Paris-Brest in the dessert. Éclair au chocolat will be for tonight.”

“Great! I missed your cooking.”

Collin went back right on time for lunch and was surprised to see I cooked a pizza. The three of us spoke a lot and laughed a lot too. I can see him and Alec will become friends easily.

The afternoon flew quickly as we were working with Alpha Franck on pack’s issues. He told me that Liam ordered to change the patrols rotation and he thanked me a thousand times at least for saving his grandchild. I sent him to drive Amara again as he was annoying me with his thankfulness. At least he is thankful for all his family, even Liam didn’t thank me. I didn’t do it for that anyway but come on man just be polite!

Before dinner, Collin went back to the packhouse something about giving hope and motivation... Whatever what’s that means. After dinner, we went on the patio enjoying the sunset. Alec joked about Collin’s life and told him he should write a telenovela. At least that would make him rich at default to be happy. It’s really nice to have him here.


Today is quiet as it’s my day off. Today’s plans: going to the market and relaxing. I wanted to go spend the day with Duncan but he went with Chris in Disney World. Which what happened last time I went out of the territory, Chris didn’t want me to come so he found a way that I wouldn’t come. Smart Alpha but I really miss my little man.

We are taking our breakfast outside with Collin and Alec. When we see Aiden walking toward us. 

“Good morning.” He says.

“Good morning Beta.” Alec and Collin say at the same time.

“Why are you here Beta?” I ask him.

“You can call me Aiden, you know. Gamma Alec, Alpha Liam would like to speak to you.”

“Sure, I will pass in an hour.” Answers Alec.

“If you don’t mind, he would like to meet you as soon as possible.” Aiden adds.

“ Why he didn’t mind-link Collin to let us know?” I ask him suspiciously.

Aiden and Collin exchange a look.

“Actually Liam told me yesterday and I forgot.” Says Collin as it could explain why he didn’t mind-link him this morning to remind him.

“Okay... I will go then.” Says Alec as suspicious as I am.

I nod and look at him leaving. Aiden is still here.

“I have to go too. Harper needs to see the doctor for her monthly check-up.” Collin says leaving with his daughter.

A few minutes passed and Aiden is not moving. What else does he want?

“What are you still doing here Beta Aiden?” I finish to ask him.

“Can we told?” He asks in turn.

“No,” I say getting up and bringing the empty plates in the kitchen to fill the dishwasher. He is following him me.

“Please, it won’t be long.”

“I have nothing to say to you Beta.”

“Just Aiden, please.” He sighs and adds: “I have a lot of things to say, just listen please?”

“5 minutes.”

“Thank you!” He says but stays quiet.

“You’re better starting now not tomorrow!” I tell him, becoming impatient.

“Sorry I don’t know where to start. Well, Thank you for saving Kaiden, twice actually.”

“If you come to say that it was not needed. I just did what I had to do. You can go now.”

“No! There is more. Look I’m sorry, I was not the brother I should have been.”

“It could have been worst you were never mean well until Kaiden’s birthday.”

“No I was just ignoring you and I know how annoying it is. Sorry about what I said that day I shouldn’t have.”

“It was not something you say on the spur of the moment. You let pain for years out this day. So what changed your mind now? Knowing I’m dying? Or feeling guilty because your prayers were heard? Because I don’t like pity and we all leave with our own guilt so I’m not be here to erase you.”

“Of course I’m feeling guilty. I’m a part of the reason why you are dying! But this is not why I’m here in front of you today. We only realized what we had when we lost it, you know. And I lost you. When we were younger, every time you were here you were following me like my shadow so I never thought that you will leave us. Then you left for your “studies” and we didn’t have any news and still, I didn’t realize I had already lost you. Then you came back after 9 years, just for me to realize that I don’t know you and I never did. I don’t know anything about you, your life and it’s all my fault. I know I’m nothing anymore for you but you are not. I’m even not legally your brother. I went to meet your teacher, Mrs. Ivery, and I took a huge slap in my face. That made me realize how important you are for me. I want to be part of your life, I want to know you. I will take anything you give me. I can’t be your brother anymore but maybe a friend.”

“What if I don’t want you to part of my life.”

“I will fight for it.” He says determinedly.

“I don’t know what I can give you.”

“I will take anything you give me.”

I don’t say anything so he keeps going.

“I want to know you, your best and worst memories. What you like and hate. How can you be so calm when you know you’re dying? Why are you not angry with us? I want to know the real you not the one I imagined you were.”

“I was furious but not against you. Against the moon goddess, to make me pay for your mistakes. Furious against me for losing my time here. I had time to accept it this is why it’s easy for me. Stay angry wouldn’t have changed nothing and I don’t have time to lose.”

“You’re so strong you know. How long do you know you are dying?”

“Almost 10 years. The reason why I know it for a bit more than 8 years now.”

“So this is why you left that nothing to do with Liam’s rejection.”

“Not at all. I didn’t care about that. Actually I was relieved he rejected me. You were already so ashamed by me so I would have never rejected him even if I wanted to.”

“Why you didn’t want to be his mate?” I ask me really curious not in the judgment. 

“No. Of course, I was pained by his rejection a bit. But I would have never been what he is expecting for a Luna. I will never submit to anyone. I’m a free spirit and wouldn’t have been happy with him. I don’t why Moon Goddess pair us together.” I say smiling.

“But you have an idea.”

“I think it was for the mate balance. Liam would have been able to compensate my disability as you call it.”

“A powerful mate to balance your inexistent wolf. I see...”

“Something like that but it’s only my theory.”

“Can we have a fresh start? I really want to know you.”

“Why now? What if it’s just to be able to spy on me?”

“Fair enough. Trust me there is no ulterior motive.”

“But I don’t know how to trust you.”

“Then don’t but just let me in. Please?”

“I will try.”

“It’s all I ask for. Thank you.” He says smiling.

“I remember when you were young you used to disappear for hours when you were here for the weekend. Where were you going?” He asks me after a few minutes of silence.

“You noticed that?” I’m surprised. “Well, I was in my hidden place close to the lake on the east side of the territory. There is a small cave. But I can’t tell you where is it exactly.” I smile thinking about my cave, I have to go there once before to leave.

“Why? You don’t remember?”

“We picky promised with Alistair to never reveal our secret base. I can only tell that to a cool kid and you are not.”

“Hey! I can be cool!” He protests.

I laugh.

“Maybe but not a kid. I will probably show it to Kaiden through before to leave. I had great memories there. He could make his own.”

“Will you come back another time?”

“Probably not.”

“Okay...” He says defeated.

“I don’t want to lie to you so I will not say yes to make you happy. Maybe we can meet somewhere else.”

“Better than nothing. I would like to meet your son too.”

“You’re moving too fast!” I tell him.

“Sorry. I just want our kids to know each other. Family is important.”

“We are not family.”

“I know that I’m not your brother anymore! You don’t need to remind all the time!” He says getting angry.

“It was a bad idea. You should leave now.”

“No! Sorry. It’s just you are still my little sister for me.”

I don’t say anything.

“Does Darius is the brother I should have been?” He asks me.

“He is a pain in my ass!” I say shaking my head. I can help but smile thinking about him.

“So he is doing a good job.”

“He is.” I confirm still smiling.

“I should thank him. I’m happy for you.” He says with a sad smile.

“Thank you! I know it’s not easy for you. Our kids will meet if it’s so important for you. Just give me time. You will not meet Duncan until I trust you. Prove me I can and for sure you will.”

“You’re very protective above him. I just missed to grown up without our cousins and don’t want my children to feel that miss too.” he explains to me.

“But they still have cousins on Elena's side so it will not be like us.”

“Still it’s my family in law, not mine.”

“Okay... I met them you know.”


“Our cousins. Well, your parents' family.”

“What! When?”

“A few years ago. I went there as a mediator for the peace treaty.”

“How they look like?” He asks me curiously.

“You don’t miss a lot. Your cousin Jude, the Alpha now, is too proud for his own good. ” Says Alec entering the kitchen with Alpha Franck.

“You know him too?” Asks Aiden. Alec nods.

“What are you doing here Alpha Franck I thought it was my day off today.” I ask him.

“I know but we are speaking the new patrol rotation this afternoon and I would like for you to come. Liam disagrees but I would like to hear your ideas. It’s at 3:00 pm. ”

“Sure, I will come.”

He nods and asks curiously too“So you met with your family.”

“Yes, even if they didn’t who I was blood-related to. They were all too proud and it was a difficult mediation.” I tell him.

“Alpha Jude is John’s bigger brother’s son. He is 4 years older than you. Tessa’s brother, Ethan, met his mate mid-thirsty and we have two younger cousins. I think they are 10 and 12 now. A boy and a girl. He’s the alpha now as it was supposed to be Tessa’s mate but as you know with the rivalry between their two packs, her father refused. As John’s father. It’s funny to see how you help Tessa and John against their own family and still you forbid your son to be mate with a witch. You should know now the mate pull is stronger than everything.” I keep going.”

“I did a mistake with Alistair, I know it now. But I still don’t understand how it’s possible that my first son was to mate with a non-werewolf and the second one with a witch. Your parents used to say you were their punishment for going against their family wills. I don’t know what we did to deserve that.” Says Alpha Franck.

“ Or maybe you are just too blind to see how blessed you are! Lilly is one of the smartest people I have ever met and she is everything you could dream as a mate. As for Melinda, she is the most powerful witch that never existed! I don’t see anything wrong with that.” Says Alec angry.

“Another brother?” Aiden asks me.

“Actually I will be more a b-” Alec starts.

“Don’t finish that sentence!” I order him.

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