Another End
Chapter 28


I can see Alpha Franck is overjoyed to be able to play with his grandson. The presentation was pretty funny with Noah's big mouth. Alpha Franck didn’t know how to introduce himself and Noah just told him that he knew he was daddy’s dad, grandpa Franck. That was really cute until he added: “ Mommy said you’re in probation period but daddy said you were cooler than he thought.” And then he whispered pretty loud: “ Be nice with mommy and never say no to her or she will make you disappear from this earth forever. That’s what daddy told me.” We all laughed as Alistair told him he has to learn the bro code.

Collin comes to sit by my side.

“Where is Harper?”

“Sleeping. She was tired as we had an animated night.” He replies.


“So I was not expecting that... You are a Lycan!” He says in awe.

“I am.”

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Only one?” I ask raising an eyebrow.

“Maybe more.” He shrugs.

“If I say no you will still ask it?”

“Yep. If not today tomorrow.”

“Go ahead.”

“Your senses are sharper than our, simple werewolf, still you didn’t hear Liam and Aiden outside the house last time.”

“There is no question it’s a statement... Hiding my aura and keeping my walls up is taking a lot of my energy and focus. So I’m not focused on my senses.”

“Why are you hiding your aura now? Everybody here knows what you are.”

“Because a lot of them are scared of me. Feeling my aura makes them uncomfortable. Also because I so used to hide it that I’m doing it automatically.”

“Like Alec? I was surprised by his reaction through.”

“He doesn’t understand that I’m always in control. Your wolf can take full control not my Lycan.”

“How so?”

“We are one. There is no conflict between us. When I turn I still do what I want even if my instincts govern me more.”

“This is amazing! You are amazing. This is crazy because even if you look more human than us you are actually more a beast than us. A deadly one.”

“I know. I'm more governed by my feeling too. Alec saw me more than once turned out of anger. When it’s the case you can really think I’m not in control but it’s just that my feelings are stronger. In my Lycan form anger will be explosive.”

“I understand better... I think he is right about why your blood is toxic. You are our queen the one who will mark you would be our King. It can’t be anybody.”

“Maybe but I should have been able to choose.”

“I understand better the mate’s balance you were talking between you and Liam. The strongest werewolf to face the most powerful living being.”

“I don’t know what the Moon Goddess was expecting with this mating. I’m not submissive and will never be. And Liam is dominating.”

“Maybe she was expecting the love to be strong enough to make you work together.”

“Well, in this case, she lost her mind.” I half-joke.

“And Anton? Is he the mate you wanted to have.”

“More than that actually.” I say smiling.

“You really love him.”

“You have no idea. He is always pushing me farther. He always defies me and he is never scared of me. He understands me and never judges. I just wish he would trust me with Liam. Why can’t he see there is only him for me.”

I’m hearing him sigh.

“What are you thinking about?” I ask him.

“My mate. I just hope she will accept me and Harper.”

“I’m sure she will... Wait I have an idea.”

“Let’s see where we are going next week!” I tell him, getting up.


“Come you will see.”

As we walk toward Melinda. The boys stop to play and join us.

“Meli, I need your help to find where I need to go next week. We are going on a mate hunting!”

“You decide to drop Anton?” Darius teases.

“I have to kill him first for his silent treatment after we will see... More seriously, we are looking for Collin’s mate. Can you give us tips Meli, please?”

“What mate? Piper was his mate.” Alpha Franck asks.

“No, twin wolf can feel the mate bond with their twin’s mate. Piper is Connor’s mate.” I explain.

“How can you be so sure?” He asks again.

“Because we met twins Beta with their mates.” Alec tells him.

“Wow, and how they are managing the fact they feel two mate pull?” He asks curious.

“They are not exclusive. They are sharing their mates.” I reply.

“Few times, they even invite other people in their bed. To explain to you how non-exclusive they are.” Alec adds.

“How do you know that?” Asks Collin.

“I know someone who slept with them.” Alec says with a knowing smile. I roll my eyes.

“It’s you?” Collin asks pointing me.

“No comment!” I shrug.

“Wow! You are unbelievable Lilly!” He says laughing.

“Can we focus on the mate hunt and not my sexual life please!” I say.

“It’s ready anyway. Collin close your eyes and point somewhere on the maps.” Meli tells him putting a map in front of him.

We are all curious to know where he will point and where we will go. When I see the results, I’m surprised.

“Hmm!” I say.

“Hmm!” Alistair says too.

“Hmm!” Alec adds.

“What?!” Collin asks annoyed.

Meli says:” Interesting! Start again, please?”

He starts again. Very interesting indeed...

“Where she is from?” I ask Meli. She nods.

The first time it’s where she is living now. The second one what where she was born. Alec looks at me and nods.

“Welcome to my world bro!” He says to Collin Slapping his back.

Collin is annoyed by our reaction but better to let him the surprise.

“Would be okay with your mate not being a werewolf?” Alistair asks him.

“Honestly I don’t care. Three weeks ago I was thinking I will finish my life alone. I just want her to accept Harper.” He tells us.

“So where are we going next week?” Collin asks anxiously after a few minutes of silence.

“Home. This is my home.” I tell him.

“Oh!” He mouths voiceless.

“I’m relieved to know you have a mate. You deserve to be happy.” Alpha Franck tells him.

“Thank you, Alpha.”

“I have a question Anna-Lynn. Anton is a werewolf. What’s about his mate? I’m sorry if I’m rude it’s just I don’t see you like the kind of woman who will come between mates.” Alpha Franck asks me.

“Anton was rejected by his mate. I never see someone so happy to be rejected. He could have kissed her just for that. ” Alec says laughing. He calms down and adds:” She is a really nice girl and she is mated and happy now.”

“I met Anton before he met her and we fell deeply in love. So deep that I’ve decided to leave him before it would become too painful for us. He knew I would never accept that he rejected his mate for me.” I add.

“This is why he was relieved she did it. There is nobody else for him but Lilly.” Alec says.

Gosh, I miss him even if he has to be a stupid jerk lately.

“We have to go back to your pack Alpha.” I say changing the subject, feeling nostalgic.

“You know you can stop using my title. We are beyond that now that you save my life and that I know you’re superior to me. That makes you my Queen.” He replies.

“Don’t call me that!”

“But it’s what you are. You will have to accept that. I think the Moon Goddess sends you here to be our leader.”

“Constantinos thinks the same thing. I have only a few years left I don’t want to lose it leading other people.”

“But it’s already what you are doing my queen.” He retorts.

“Whatever!” I say annoyed. Alistair and Alec laugh.

As we say our goodbyes I can see Alpha Franck is reluctant to leave so earlier. He wants to spend more time with Noah as he just met him. He tries to not show it to Noah but we can easily see the sadness in his eyes.

“Father.” Alistair tells him after he finished to hug Noah.

“Thank you for letting me play with your son. He is an awesome kid, you have to be very proud. I hope I will meet him again but I know today was already unexpected. We were so stupid and I know that what I could say will not made up for what we did. I am just happy to see you like that. I’m so proud of you. If you need anything you know where to find me.”

“You will meet him again. I swear, just give me some time. For mom it’s another story, knowing how stubborn she is I don’t think she will ever accept Meli.” Alistair says sadly. He is important for him too to have their approval.

“I’m working on that son. I have something for you. Bella helped me to bring it.” Alpha Franck says giving a small box to Alistair.

“What’s that?”

“My grandmother wedding’s ring. My grandfather made it himself. She would have loved you and Melinda. When I was young she used to tell me that our family, we were too proud and if we weren’t more careful it would lead us to our fall. She was a free spirit like you. She gave me that ring after my grandfather’s death and told me I would know when and at who I should give it.”

“Wow! Thank you!”

“It’s my wedding gift for you. I hope Melinda will like it.”

“I love it! Thank you!” Says Meli jumping in his arms. That’s surprised him but he looks happy. He doesn’t know her yet but it’s how she is.

“See you soon dad.” Alistair adds hugging his father.

“I love you son.”

“Me too.”


Bella has opened a portal 5 miles away from the Primus Pack border. As we cross the border the patrol is waiting for us. As soon as they see us they mind-link someone. Surely Liam.

The first one to meet us is Luna Marie in her wolf form. She jumps toward Alpha Franck making in fall in the process. Mates are so cute!

“Can you shift back my love, please?” He asks her while giving her his shirt. She runs behind a tree.

“Don’t ever scare me like that! Ever!” She yells at him on her way back to us. I don’t know if she wants to slap him or hug him. And I don’t think she knows either.

“I’m sorry I will try to avoid trouble next time.”

“I’m sorry for everything. I really thought I was losing you and after the fact, you refused to speak with me this morning. I hm” She is on the verve to cry.

“My love-“ Alpha Franck cuts her wanting to comfort his mate.

“No! let me finish. I went too far. You wouldn’t be in that house last night if it was not because of me. All your life you did everything to make me happy. It’s my turn now. I accept and respect Alistair’s mate. I will apologize to them.”

“Thank you!” He says hugging her.

“To be honest, I also want to be part of his life. How is your shoulder? I don’t feel any pain anymore?”

“Healed. Let’s go home my Luna that I can show you how much I love you.” He says taking her in his arms and kissing her.

We look at them leaving not wanting to see too much.

“That’s was too much for my eyes.” Cringes Collin.

“Don’t tell me, bro! That’s my parents!” Liam says coming out of the shadow with Aiden.

“How are you? We found blood in your house. Are you hurt?” Aiden asks me worried.

“I’m fine. Don’t worry.” I reply.

“Good!” He says.

He surprises me by coming hugging me. This is weird but I think he needs to be appeased.

“I have your weapons in my room. We also moved all your clothes and things in a room in the packhouse. Alec and Collin have the neighbors room.” Aiden tells me.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea. Is there another house where we can stay?” I say.

“Please. You have only a few days left. We can spend more time together. And Kaiden can’t wait to see you.”

“Fine but I will not eat with all the pack.” I can handle a few days in that packhouse.

“Fine.” He says.

“I’m sorry you were attacked in my land. It shouldn’t have happened. Again they masked their scent and created a diversion on the northern border where they attacked the first time. As we’re still working on the patrol organization we were not reactive enough.” Liam says to the three of us.

“It shouldn’t be a problem anymore they are all dead but thank you.” Alec replies.

“How?” Liam asks.

“Hm, we decided they were becoming a serious threat so it was time to take action.” Collin says avoiding to look at me.

“Okay...” Replies Liam not satisfied with that answer.

“Let’s go. I’m hungry.” Alec says.


I’m in my room in the packhouse. Thank god they didn’t give me my old room. We are in the guest wing. You see it’s something I’ve never understood here. They are friends with others Alphas and they received them here but they don’t sign any alliances. What’s the point to have friends in this case?

Suddenly Alec rushes into my room.

“I just spoke with Emmett. He told me he is the Alpha now.” He tells me.

“What?! Did your brother lost his mind?”

“I don’t know. I tried to call him but he’s not answering. I don’t know what to do?”

Suddenly I feel a shiver running on my back. There is something electric in the air. That only means something.

“Let’s asking him the question directly. He is here.”

As we arrive at the east border. We see Liam and Aiden in front of Anton who didn’t cross the border. He knows I’m here even before he sees me as we are calling each other. When he sees me he kneels and bows his head.

“You are my moon, my sun, and my world. I pledge my life to you and I’m here to serve you in any way you need.” Anton told me.

“Is that your way to say sorry?” Alec asks him.

“Don’t kneel and bow in front of me. If I have only one equal in this life it would be you.” I tell him.

“You didn’t mind last time I was kneeling in front of you.”

I roll my eyes.

“Good to see you are still a jerk!” Alec says.

“Too soon to joke? Sorry.” Says Anton. “ You were right, both of you, I was, am, an asshole and I should trust you. I’m here to make amends.”

“And giving up what’s rightful is your, is the best solution?!” I ask him.

“No life is worth living if you are not in. You are my only purpose now. Can I come in?”

“No.” Says Liam before I can say anything.

“No?” I ask him.

“He is an Alpha and I don’t know him. What’s telling me he is not a threat?” He explains.

“I’m not an Alpha and I’m not here for your pack but for what’s mine.” Anton says.

“First an Alpha’s wolf stays an Alpha without the title. Secondly, she is not yours!” Liam replies.

“Yes, I am his!” I say.

“You heard the lady. Where she goes I’m going too. If I can’t come she is not staying.” Anton adds.

Aiden and Liam are mind-linking for few seconds.

“Fine. You can come but one wrong move and you’re out.” Liam says.

“Thank you, Alpha Liam. I’m Alph- I mean I am Anton white.”

“We need to discuss that!” I tell him.

“Feel free to speak now.” Aiden says, curious. Nosy Beta!

“In private!” I reply.


As I close my room’s door Anton says:

“No kiss, no hugging?”

“You ignored me for more than a month! What did you expect? For me to jump in your arms.”

“You know makeup sex is the best, maybe we should try.”

“We have a lot to talk about before. First why Emmett is now the Alpha of your pack.”

“Five years is what I have left with you. It’s nothing and I want to be with you 24/7 which is not possible with a pack to lead.”

“And?” I know him and he is hiding something.

“And I want to mark you.”

“What?! That’s impossible, you will die.”

“I will mark you on your deathbed and die with you. I don’t want to live without you.”

“You can’t!” I protest.

“You will not stop me, Princess.” He says sitting me on his laps.

“You can’t!” I repeat.

He looks at me and hurt passes in his eyes: “ You don’t want me to mark you. I’m too late! You fell for your mate.” I tried to get up but I blocked him.

“No! Don’t be stupid! I don’t know how to say it.” I sigh. “Close your eyes and focus on your hearing.”

He does as I ask and suddenly he growls and tries to get up. Again I blocked him.

“What are you doing? Someone is spying on us! I swear if it’s Alec. I’m going to kick his ass.”

“Nobody is spying Anton. What makes you think that?”

“I heard another heartbeat. It’s faint but it’s here. For the record, I’m still hearing it.”

“Nobody is spying. The heartbeat you’re hearing is in me.”

He turns rigid and looks deep in my eyes.

“You mean I going a father? I mean I’m already a father with Duncan but you know what I mean.”

“Yes, Anton. Apparently we are expecting.”


“You want me to explain to you how we make a baby?” I ask him trying to joke.

“I would rather have you to show me.” He replies and I laugh.

“Later. But seriously she can’t lose you she already only has 4years and 2months with me.”

“She? You already know it’s a girl?” He says surprised.

“Yes, Noah or rather his wolf showed me a vision of her. She is his mate.”

“Damn it! Too much information! I’ve just learned we are expecting a girl and I already have to accept she has a mate.”

“No boy for you until you are 30, my little baby girl.” He says to my belly.

I laugh: “She can’t hear you yet.”

“I know that.” He shrugs.

“I thought the Moon Goddess made your barren as you ask her?”

“She said she did. I would like to know why she changed her mind.”

“I would like to know too but I’m happy. Even if I can’t mark you our lives are sealed together by a human being now. It’s a beautiful gift you are doing to me!”

“I love you!” I say kissing him.

“I love you too! Both of you.”

“Don’t become an overprotective jerk please?”

“In your dreams, princess!” He says with an arrogant smile.

“You know I can protect her and myself, correct? And you are going to drive me crazy if you become too overprotective.”

“I know.” He says kissing my neck. “Do you want to tell me how went your month?” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I would rather show you how to make a baby?” I say undressing him.

“Better idea baby!” He says kissing me.

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