Another End
Chapter 33


Where is she? We’re playing with Aiden and Annie to hide and seek. It’s my turn to find them. I have found Aiden 20 minutes ago but Annie is nowhere to be found. We’re both worried now. She is his little sister but we’re both very protective over her. It’s Alistair nap’s time and he didn’t want to play hide and seek anyway.

“Do you think she went into the woods?” I ask Aiden.

“She wouldn’t dare!” He replies.

We look at each other. Of course, she would dare. She is so curious and has no idea of the dangers around her.

“Damn, dad is going to kill me if he knows she went into the woods under my watch.” He says.

“Let’s find her before he finds out.” I tell him.

We’re walking for 10 minutes when I finally pick up her smell. She is not far. Suddenly we hear her laughing with her angelic voice, on our left. She is in the middle of a clearing a big smile on her face jumping everywhere. She is so breathtaking. She already was even baby. I still remember like it was yesterday, the first time I met her. My heart just stopped to beat. I really hope she will be my mate. My dream stops when I realize she is not alone. A man is here. Not a man, a vampire!

“Anna-Lynn don’t go too close! He is dangerous!” Aiden screams running toward her. I run too to come between her and that Vampire.

“What are you doing here Vampire?” I say with disgust.

“Liam, he is my friend.” Annie protests.

“Don’t worry little alpha, I mean no arm.” The Vampire says bowing his head.

“He needed help so I came.” Annie tells us.

“Indeed, you save my life. I own you. This is a really precious thing you have here. I need to treasure and protect her. “ The Vampire says.

“We will.” Aiden says still in a defensive position like me.

“I hope to see you again Henry. It was nice to meet you.” Annie tells him.

“I hope to see you again my little queen.” He says kneeling in front of her.

She hugged him and kisses his cheek. Then he disappears.

“What was on your mind! Not everybody is nice. He could have killed you!” Aiden tells her furiously.

“He is right Annie. It’s too dangerous to speak or help strangers. No wonder in the woods anymore too.” I add.

“But-“ she starts.

“No, but it’s too dangerous!” I say.

She nods and bows her head ashamed.

“Let’s go home before dad realizes we are not here anymore.” Aiden says.


“Annie, there you are. Everybody is looking for you. Why are you hiding.” I ask her.

“Go away!” She tells me not to look at me.

“Are you crying?” I ask her.

“No! Go away I said.” She says not looking at me. She’s sniffing.

“Oh, Annie! Come here. What’s wrong?” I say hugging her.

“Tomorrow is my birthday.” She says wetting my shirt with her tears.

“I know, it’s a big day!” I tell.

“What if I don’t have a wolf?” She asks.

“Why you will not?” I reply.

“I don’t know. I feel like I’m different. What will happen if I don’t have a wolf” she asks again.

“It will change anything. You will still be my Annie.” I tell her.

“Do you pinky promise that nothing will change?” She asks me.

“I pinky swear Annie.”

“Thank you, Liam.”


“What’s wrong we Annie, mama? I ask.

“She is not like us. She doesn’t a wolf and she will never have one, unfortunately.” She says sadly.

“Does it change anything?” I ask.

She sighs:” I think so my little wolf. She is more fragile than us so you need to be more careful when you play with her. And more you will grow up more you will fall apart.”

“So we can’t befriend anymore?”

“Of course you can but growing up it will be more complicated.”

“Good because I promised her.”

“You’re a good boy. It’s important to keep your promises.” She says smiling.

“I still want her to be my mate.” I say.

“She can’t be your mate!” She says with big eyes.


“We are the first pack who was created and we are the strongest one. People are jealous and she needs to be strong enough to be able to defend herself. Also, she will make you appear weak.”

“Marie! He is too young.” Dad says in our back.

“He will be the Alpha one day. He needs to know!” She says.


Why I’m feeling so bad? I just wanted to be able to forget everything for one night. One fucking night! Was that too much to ask!? I’m not supposed to be drunk as I’m a werewolf and an Alpha wolf. I’m not sensitive to alcohol normally... And I’m not able to contact my wolf anymore. Something is wrong, really wrong. I try to walk but I failed.

“Are you alright sir?” The barman asks me.

“My friend is totally drunk, I will take care of him. Thank you, sir.” A werewolf, I have never seen, says passing my arm around his shoulder.

I try to protest but I only strutted incomprehensible words. He is taking me to a dark alley where a car is waiting for us. I need to do something before it’s too late but I don’t any control over my body.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Some girl says on my back.

“Not your business! Get lost if you don’t want to come with us.” The man tells her.

It’s Anna-Lynn, what is she doing here?

“It’s my business when you’re taking my future Alpha. The pack will be here quite soon now.” She replies.

“Now you’re coming too, bitch!” The man says letting my fall in the ground and walking toward her. That fucker, I’m going to kill him.

“No.” She replies confidently.

He laughs at her and suddenly her eyes turn black and a powerful aura embodies us. It’s so strong that I would have been kneeling if I was not lying on the floor.

“Leave now! And forget everything!” She orders.

Once the car left the ally, she turns to face me.

“Are you stupid!? What were you thinking of coming outside the pack’s territory for drinking!”

Before I could answer, I passed out.

“Great! Fucking great!” I hear her says before losing consciousness totally.

When I wake up, I’m in bed in an unknown place. It’s smelling heavenly like... her. Anna-Lynn. I’m in her room but not in the pack’s house. I didn’t even know she had another room outside school or the packhouse.

“You’re awake.” She says entering the room with a cup of soup in her hands.

“You’re a freak! As if the fact you were human was not enough! My mate is a freaking monster!” I tell her.

“You’re an ass! And I’m not your mate anymore. You rejected me and I already accepted it.” She retorts annoyed.

“Normally when a mate is rejected she ran away. Why are you still here?” I ask her.

“Don’t you already notice. I’m not a normal mate.”

“That’s right you’re a freak. Where will you go anyway? you don’t have any friends. You’re just a cold bitch. Jealous of what she will never be.” I say.

She just rolls her eyes like she always does. No screaming, no crying, no fighting for us. She let us go like we were nothing.

“Were you even sad when I rejected you? Did you ever feel something?” I ask her dryly.

I dreamt about my mate for so long and I had to reject her because she was not worst my title. But it killed me to do it while she looked like she didn’t care at all.

“You broke my heart a long time ago Liam.” She says.

“A monstrosity like you doesn’t have any heart.” I retort.

“I have enough! Out. You will wait for your taxi outside. The monstrosity I’m, just saved your ass today and is nice enough to call a taxi.” She says.

“I will not forget what I have seen freak!” I say getting up. I followed her toward her entry door.”

“Of course you will!” She orders me smiling.

“You can’t order me!”

“I just did! Now get the hell out of my place asshole!” She orders again.


How can I have forgoºt all of this? Why am I remembering this now? Is it because she has another mate? Or maybe she will lose the fight? What’s wrong with me? And they are the attempt of kidnapping. How I have even forgotten it?!

She ordered us to forget and it’s what we did. My wolf says.

How it’s even possible it worked on us? I ask him.

She is stronger than us. It’s the only way.

Why remember it now then. What broke the order?

Someone more powerful. He replies.

“That’s correct me child, I pushed you to remember.” An angelic woman says.

The moon goddess!” My wolf says in awe.

“You’re right, I’m the moon goddess. You disappointed Liam. I was expecting so much more from you. You were supposed to be the king. You were supposed to love and protect her. You were supposed to be by her side all along. “

“I’m sorry.” I say bowing my head.

“I was scared when I created her. Letting someone so powerful that I needed someone strong to be mated to her. A strong wolf. You weren’t a perfect match as mates but close to be perfect so it was enough with what she was. I was afraid of what she will be able to do. The first time I sent her kind on earth it was catastrophic. They were too powerful and power angry. She needed you to guide her but once you discovered she was not a werewolf you fell apart. And you just all ignored her. You made her invisible. She had nobody the first time she turned. She came to you but you just sent her away.”


I look at my hands they are bigger with sharp claws instead of my nails. I touch my face it’s different. And my legs! They are not human legs anymore. I’m feeling so scared and alone. What is happening to me. What is wrong with me!? I’m scared. I am so scared!

When I succeed to calm down and becoming myself again, I run towards the pack’s house. Father, mother, Alpha Franck, Luna Marie, and Gamma Terence are speaking in the kitchen.

“Mother, Father may I speak to you please?” I ask.

“Don’t you see we’re busy? We don’t have time for your silliness.” Father says.

“But something happened to me.”

“As your father said we don’t have time.” Mother says.

“Maybe later then.” I say.

I run toward Aiden’s room but he is not here. That means he’s with Liam. They are playing videos game in Liam’s room.

“What do you want?” Aiden says dryly.

“Just something-“ I start.

“You know what we don’t care!” Aiden says.

“Yeah, get lost you freak.” I see myself saying.


“That was cruel.” I say ashamed.

“Indeed it was.” The moon goddess agrees with me.

“She felt so alone, so useless. It’s awful.” I say still shaken by what I felt in that memory.

“I know my heart broke for her and there was worst.” She says with a sad smile.


I’m entering the Alpha and Beta private wing when I hear the Beta Female speaks. I stop and listen.

“We’re so sorry that you pay for our mistake. Liam, we are so ashamed. Please forgive us.”

She’s pleading.

“I don’t know what to say. I will understand if you choose Collin or Connor as your Beta. We are bringing shame on you, on the pack.” Aiden says.

“You don’t have to apologize. It’s not your fault. She is what she is.” My brother says. He said the last sentence with so much venom. As if she asked to be like that.

“Thank you!” Aiden says relieved.

“Her Luna! She would have destroyed the pack.” My brother adds.

“She’s tainting everything she touches.” Tessa agrees her voice is bitter.

“I should never ask to have another kid Tessa, I’m sorry.” John says.

Anger is rising in me. How can they speak like that?

“Yeah, I wish I never had a sister.” Aiden says.

Suddenly I see a movement on the corner of my eyes. Oh Anna-Lynn, she heard everything! We exchanged a look before she leaves the wing quietly with her poker face. How can’t they see that even if she doesn’t have a wolf, she is a Luna? I would have been proud to have her as my Luna. They’re so stupid and blind! Shaking my head, I run after her.

She is already outside the packhouse.

“Annie, wait!” I scream to her.

“What do you want Alistair?” She says so cold and formal.

“They’re all wrong! Don’t listen to them! You’re perfect the way you are. For me, you will always be my only Luna.” I say.

“Thank you, Al! It means so much for me.” She says hugging me.

She is so cold, do you think it’s normal?” I ask my wolf.

I don’t know. It’s weird something is feeling off but I don’t know what?” He replies.

“If I was Liam, I would have been proud to have you as my mate. Look at you, you’re so hot.”

She laughs, at least my joke worked.

“Your mate will be even hotter.” She replies with a real smile.

“I hope so! But I don’t think it’s possible.” I tell her honestly.

She laughs:” She will kill if she hears you say that.”

I join her and laugh too.

“What are you going to do now?” I ask her when our laugh died.

“Make their wish come true and lea-“

Before she can finish her sentence she falls. I catch her before she touches the floor.

“Annie!!! Anna-Lynn!!! Stay with me.”

Go to the doctor now!” Urges my wolf.

Why?” I ask running toward the pack hospital.

We’re losing her. She is dying!

No! No! No! I’m running faster now.

Quentin! Where are you? There is a problem with Anna-Lynn. It’s bad, really bad.” I mind-link one of the doctors. I know she is close to him.

At home, meet me there. We will go to the hospital outside the pack land. They know her, she will be treated better there.” He replies.


“It’s when you decide to call her back, don’t you?” I say shaken by how my brother felt. No wonder why we have grown apart after my rejection.

“Yes, she suffered enough in her short life.” The mood Goddess replies.

“Why she is still alive then?” I ask, curious.

“Because she fought to stay alive. Despite all she suffered, you and her family not loving her as you should, the kidnapping, the torture, she didn’t want to go now. She was still believing in the good in this world. And she wanted to see the world before to go so I let her have her time to do what she wanted. I wanted her back to make you all pay the way you treated her. It was my gift and you refused it! Without her, you are all doomed.” She says. She is so cold that it’s scary.

“I’m so sorry. We didn’t know.” I don’t know what else to say. How to fix this.

“How could you be so blind? You never really looked at her if not you will never have missed it. She is so pure. Despite everything she had been though she kept carrying for you, for her family. She still believed in you despite everything. And when she left, she didn’t leave because of you but for her. She knew she will not find what she was looking for with you.” She keeps explaining.

“What was she looking for?” I whisper with a lump in my throat.

“To be known as a leaving being and to be love. I admire her because she never gave up on what she believed. She is such a fighter.” She says with a proud smile. “Of course, she is a fighter, it’s in her blood.”

“What is she?” I’m dying to know for days now.

“You still don’t know? It’s not obvious?”

I shake my head.

“My mistake was that I didn’t trust her. It was awful the first her kind came to earth and I had to kill all of them, they were so out of control. So I put a lot of safety this time. A powerful wolf as a mate to control her, the most powerful witch that never existed to be able to kill her if needed. You were not a mating of love my dear and that my mistake. You were a mating of power, destined to become King and Queen. Of course, you would have loved each other but I didn’t care when I paired you together. But you didn’t love her, you just broke her heart over and over again. You would have been a great king and queen. But you threw everything away with your pride. You foul!”

I bow my head in shame. Suddenly realization drowns me. She is born this way, she is part of our kind just a different specie, the powerful aura, the not human legs or hands when she turned... Even Alpha Darius gave us a hint with that Lykan car. This is why he was talking about us being blind.

“She is a Lycan!” I say incredulously.

“Indeed she is and she was supposed to be yours! Do you imagine how desperate you are as Lycan, my most dreadful creature is your only salvation. I didn’t have another choice than to send one back. All the damage you did to her, it’s could have turned in a cold killing machine. I would have let you and your pack die in her place but it’s not who she is. Who she wants to be. She came to save you when you’re not deserving it at all because she is fair and helps anyone who needs help no matter what. All of that made me realize that she never needed you to rule. She did so much on her own. I hoped you will realize your mistake but you never did. Do you know when you really lost her.” She says.

Before I can reply, she is sharing with me another memory.


“No! Don’t go!” Anton says.

“You can’t see me like that.” I reply turning my back to him.

“Let me thank you at least, you just saved my life Lilly.”

“Please don’t.” I plead when He tries to come closer. I don’t want to see his reaction. He will be scare like the others or worst tell me I’m a monster as Liam did. I’m so scared of his reaction because Anton is still special to me. I feel a connection with him that I don’t have with anybody else.

“Lilly, please. I just want to see you. I... I love you and nothing will change that.” He is pleading too.

I turn toward him, not looking at his eyes to scare off what I will see. I sigh loudly.

“Wow! You’re so beautiful!” He whispers.

I look at him surprised by his reaction. I only see wonder and love in his eyes. He is not lying or joking. I sigh in relief. He walks toward me and I’m frozen. He caresses my face softly.

“You are the most breathtaking being I have never see.”

He kisses my lips and adds: “ You’re mine, Lilly.”

“I wish I was but I’m not your mate.” I tell him with a sad smile.

He takes my hand and puts it on his heart: “It’s beating only for you. I know you’re not my destined mate but you’re the one for me. I know it in all my bones. Every cells in my body are pulsating for you and only you. You’re mine and I’m your.”

“You are so cheesy!” I say turning back, feeling a love I never felt before radiate in all my body.

“Maybe but I’m only telling the truth.”

“My Lilly, Mine!” He adds kissing me.


So she really loves him... She deeply loves him. Wow...

“You see, this moment is magical. You want to know why?” The Moon Goddess asks.

“Why?” I say quietly because I don’t really want to hear the answer.

“Because I would have never paired them together. They are like gasoline and fire, a really dangerous mix. And still, they work so perfectly together. All of him belong to her and even his mate couldn’t change that. They are made for each other and I didn’t even pair them together.” She says shaking her head like she’s still not believing it.


“It’s painful, isn’t it?” She asks me.

“It is.” I reply.

“Good! She would not be happy with me you know right now. She let it go so long ago - what you did to her. But I’m not her and I seek for you to at least regret all of this. I want you to know what you missed. What you should have that you never will. This will be your curse for breaking her hearts too many times.” She says content.

“And I deserve it.” I recognize.

“Yes, you do.”

“Can I do something to help now?” I ask feeling indebted toward Anna-Lynn.

“I want you to do what I have always expected from you well expect love, it’s too late for that and she found a better match anyway. I want you to support her and to help her every time she needs.”

“I will!” I say, determinate. It’s at last what I can do.

“Hopefully you will not fail this time.” She says before to vanish.


I didn’t sleep after the moon goddess left. I was too deep in my thoughts, my memories of Annie and my guilt. Aiden, Elena, and the kids come in our private kitchen, his mood is as dark as mine. We exchange a knowing look.

“Honey, can you go to the dining room. I will meet you there.” She nods and takes the kids.

“She comes in your dreams too?” I ask.

“ The moon goddess? Yes.” He says with a sad smile.

I nod.

“We are such assholes” He says.

“I know.” I sigh.

Our parents enter all together in the kitchen.

“You too?” My mom asks us when she sees our faces. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Yes.” I confirm.

“What have we done?” Tessa says starting to cry.

Someone knocks at the door.

“Yes?” I ask half-opening the door. It’s Samantha one of the pack’s cook.

“Good morning Alpha. The breakfast is served everybody is waiting for you.” She says.

“Thank you. We will be there shortly.”

As we all walk toward the dining room. We hear people laughing. It’s Anna-Lynn and Anton. We all bow our heads in shame.

“What’s going on? Why are you all bowing in shame?” She asks annoyed.

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