Chapter 8 The Rebellion

We needed to get to Iqunearean but that would be impossible now that I was the most wanted person in the Kingdom. So we needed to steal a transport to cross the wall which was probably heavily guarded now. We sneaked into the transport center it was empty I motioned everyone to proceed with caution. Then we hopped onto the transport I started it up then slowly flew us out of the hanger flying above the city. We passed over the wall of Sliyphia everyone was worried as we flew over the cites, soldiers patrolling the streets below. Everyone had there gun drawn ready to fire if anything went wrong. I kept on flying as we approached the wall sweat was pouring down my face as we flew over the wall.

Soldiers peered upwards at the transport then without warning I felt the transport's back end fall, Everyone went crashing into the walls. I stabilized the transport then saw as multiple tank transports where flying after us. A large shot of plasma came hurling towards us. I veered the transport sideways, as the shot missed. Then the whole transport shook I saw the back wall was heavily dented.

"WE CANT TAKE ANOTHER HIT LIKE THAT!" I shouted back to everyone.

"Leave it to me." Luke said opening the transport door and poking his gun out the door firing at the transports tailing us. The transport behind us exploded and then fell towards the streets below. I wiped the sweat off my face then saw another shot coming straight towards us. I cursed under my breath then yelled.

"BRACE FOR IMPACT!" Everyone went crashing into the walls the transport shook violently. Then I saw fighter jets appear behind us.

"Oh shit!" Christine shouted, as streams of plasma shot towards us. I pulled the transport upwards turning it to avoid getting hit the shots following us like homing missiles.

"Someone take care of those! Who has a sniper!" I shouted back. Immediately Bryce held onto the door and pointed his sniper outside. The shots slowly getting destroyed one by one, then there was only one left it followed us around, I swerved as I kept on flying upwards.

"HANG ON!" I shouted as I punched the accelerator forwards, we were going upwards slowly I felt the transport's engines start to fail. The transport fell back towards the earth I saw Bryce get out as the transport was sideways and decimate the shot. Then he jumped back in as I pulled the transport upwards. We flew over the fighter jets Carl jumped out and slashed the jets in half then jumped back into the transport. The jets exploded and the remains fell to the ground. I turned around the transport a speed over the large wall towards the castle in the distance. To my horror I saw large figures getting closer and closer to the city, those figures were dragons. As we flew by I saw the dragons crash through the large metal wall screams and shouts followed by shots filled the air behind us.

"It has begun." I said to everyone, they looked out the window seeing building's start to fall, soldiers, and dragons being knocked out of the sky.

"Kelya we need to go back!" Christine said.

"NO! We don't stand a chance at fighting against the army you saw what almost happened to us! We need to go somewhere then we can hope to win!" I replied, then looked at me then said.

"Where are we going?"

"Iqunearean Kingdom of Dragons." We flew for a while then our transport started falling towards the gates.

"BRACE FOR IMPACT!" I shouted, trying to pull the transport up. The transport crashed into the ground everyone went flying into the walls I crashed into the dashboard in front of me. Blood poured from my head as I slowly got up to exit the transport.

"Kelya you ok?" Bryce asked. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Yeah just a scratch." I replied gritting my teeth.

"Is everyone ok?" I asked looking at them, they had some bruises and cuts.

"Yeah." They replied, I looked at the destroyed crashed transport, then we walked through the open gates and saw the empty town before us. The remaining dragons walked towards us everyone except me drew their weapons I motioned for them to lower the weapons. A medium black dragon with beautiful purple scales approached me and said.

"What do you want?"

"We need your help to put an end to this war." I replied.

"There is no way to end it not without violence." She replied.

"No! There is. Do you know Kyrranth?"

"Of course he's my husband." She replied.

"Well he was willing to help me show that you are not the monsters. So now we have to finish what he started. President Breckett is blinded by regret that's why he want to destroy your kind. But the people they will listen. So please help me put a stop to this war and save him." I replied.

"Your right he wouldn't want me to sit around while he risked his life! No we will stand and help you fight Breckett, we will allow you to ride on our backs and start a new age one for dragons and humans." She replied.

"Thank you-"

"Chaithit." She replied.

"Kelya you can understand them." Bryce asked.

"Of course we all can we have just been blinded by fear that we hear monsters but if you listen closer." I replied then walked him over to a large blue dragon, he placed his hand onto the dragons head and the dragon said.

"Thank you Bryce my name is Tyrves." Bryce looked at me with wonder then patted Tyrves on the snout and said.

"Everything we know about you guys is wrong." I smiled up at him he smiled back, then I saw Carl walk up to a medium green dragon, Luke walk up to a large red dragon with gleaming scales, and Christine walk up to a pink medium dragon. Each one of them placed there hand slowly onto the dragon's head and I heard.

"Hello Carl I am Bilrth."

"Hello Luke I am Dayka."

"Hello Christine I am Shindras."

"Kelya how are we going to get to Sliyphia? We don't fly very fast." Chaithit said.

"Don't worry you just need some upgrades." I replied smiling.

"Upgrades" she replied concerned, immediately I rushed to the transport and ripped out parts and pieces, the dragons looked at me with curiosity. As I started building things, when I was finished each dragon had a metal saddle with boosters attached.

"How is this supposed to help?" Chaithit asked moving around looking at the saddle. I hopped onto her back whispering under my breath. "Please work. Please work." She flew up into the air then, I turned a switch. Immediately I felt us skyrocketing forwards the wind blasting into my face.

"IT WORKS! IT WORKS!" I shouted as I flew back towards everyone else, they where staring open mouthed up at me, and then patting me on the back when I got off.

"That was amazing! Kelya you are incredible!" Chaithit said, as the other dragons were cheering. I sat down onto the grass Bryce sat next to me then said.

"Wow who knew all that work at college would finally pay off."

"Yeah." I replied looking up at everyone talking with there dragons. "If only dad were here to see all this." I started to cry, Bryce embraced me tightly.

"I bet he's looking down at you saying. Wow I knew she would change the world someday." He said, I looked up at him smiling. Tyrves was standing next to him, brushing up against him.

"Tyrves." Bryce chuckled, patting him on the back. "You know it will be nice to live among these guys. Don't you think?" He asked.

"Yeah. But what if-"

"If they listen or don't. I will be there to fight alongside you, whatever it takes." He replied holding my shoulder, Tyrves sighed then pushed Byrce towards me, his lips touched mine. Then he kissed me, I kissed him back. Then he said.

"Ready to change the world together."

"Yeah." I replied, jumping onto Chaithit, and everyone jumped onto their dragons as well. Within seconds we all went skyrocketing forwards the castle growing smaller and smaller behind us.

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