Chapter 10

Elara and Rowan rode back to the castle with the royal guard. “Rowan, make sure we keep a close watch on the Mardocian border. I expect that we should have another guest soon.”

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“A guest my Lady?” Rowan was confused.

“Also, prepare for a trip to the valley of Min. We shall ride soon. I have some business at the castle, then we shall see if we can draw the mountain man from his perch.”

“Consider it done.”

She dismounted and nodded to Rowan then headed straight for the dungeon. She opened the chamber and found Sacha pacing the floor, “What is wrong Sacha?”

“You took a great risk Elara,” her face was lined with worry, “Two great risks, in one short moment. You must be more careful. Do you not understand your importance? Without you I stand no hope of survival.”

Elara stood silent for a moment. She knew Sacha was right, “Sacha, I’m sorry. Please don’t be angry with me. This is who I am. I may be your caretaker but I am also Queen. I have an obligation to my people to protect and lead them. My duties as Queen often involve me being in harm’s way. I cannot change who I am and I must fulfill my duties.”

Sacha turned and Elara saw a tear on her cheek, “Elara, I understand but you purposely placed yourself in harm’s way first with the King and then with Arimore.”

“Let me explain some things to you. First, I knew the King would not want to start a war. He is old and sick for one thing and his men were only armed with their standard swords. He wasn’t prepared for battle. His were idle threats with nothing to back them up. As far as Arimore is concerned, he was had my back as I knew he would. He knows that without me there will be no one to raise you. He would never allow anything to happen to me and I knew he was watching. Things are not always what they seem sweet Sacha. You need to trust me.”

“I was afraid.” Sacha admitted.

“I know, and I’m sorry. I should have told you what we were doing but sometimes, like this time, events happen too quickly and I have to make decisions and act on them in the same moment. Can you forgive me Sacha?”

“Yes. It is just that I was made to protect you but I cannot yet.”

“Sacha, are you strong enough to meet someone?”


“Yes, he desires to see you.”

“I will see him.”

Elara bowed her head and left the dungeon. When she arrived in her chambers she called for Arimore.

“Yes child, I am here,” he replied.

“She is ready to meet you.”

“Very good. I shall come at first light.”

There was a knock on Elara’s door. “Come.”

The door swung open, “My Queen,” Rowan stood in the doorway, “There is news from the border.”

“What is it?”

“Gabriel rides with a message from Prince Mason.”

“Bring it to me as soon as he arrives.”

“Very good my Lady,” Rowan turned to leave when Elara stopped him.

“Rowan, we need not worry about the mountain man. He is coming in the morning to see Sacha.”

Rowan stopped and turned in surprise, “Are you sure that is wise?”

“I believe it is time and she is ready. Also, it will afford us the opportunity to speak with him about his intentions. I am curious as to why he has chosen to reveal himself now.”

“Isn’t it obvious? He is here because of Sacha.”

“That part is obvious but I feel that there is more,” she walked to the window and gazed at the sky, “I feel as if he is here for me as well.”

“For you? What reason would he have to come for you?”

“I’m not sure. It’s just a feeling. I cannot explain it.” She turned back to Rowan, “Have you ever just felt something, deep inside? Something that you cannot explain?”

“Yes, I have.” He was thinking of how he felt for her. His love for her grew deeper every day. “I will recall the troops from the border then?”

“Wait until I see what message Gabriel brings.”

“Very well.” He closed the door and left her to her thoughts.

Elara slept well for the first time in weeks. She dreamt of green fields and rolling streams. She and Rowan were riding their horses, laughing and enjoying the sunlight. Suddenly the sky turned dark. A shadow loomed from the mountain. She looked and Rowan was gone. She sat straight up in bed and gasped. It was morning. She wiped the sweat from her brow and dressed to meet Arimore.

Elara’s servant brought her breakfast to her chamber. As she sat eating Rowan came to her door, “Gabriel has arrived my Queen.” He handed her a parchment.

She unrolled it and read:

’My dear friend,

I wish to apologize for my father’s actions. He is old and ill of body and spirit. I desire to meet with you to learn more of the beast. Please meet me at the meadow in the valley of Min. I will arrive there by midday today.

Prince Mason’

“He wants to meet with me today,” she glanced at the floor.

“You know what the King said. If he comes here and you welcome him the King will consider it an act of war.” Rowan’s concern for her safety was growing.

“He wants to meet at the meadow where you encountered the mountain man, today.” She paused and looked at Rowan, “I cannot go but I know he will be there, waiting. Rowan, will you go in my stead? Tell him that I have been detained but do not tell him why. Find out what he wants and make arrangements for us to meet again.”

“I will go,” there was reluctance in Rowan’s voice, “but I do not like leaving you here, alone with Arimore. What if he decides to take Sacha?”

“He will not. Sacha needs to feed on the second egg to continue to grow. I will have him meet her in my throne room. He will not take her knowing that she would die if he did.”

Rowan walked up to her and placed his arms around her. He looked deeply into her clear golden eyes, “Promise me you will be careful. I do not trust him.”

“I promise.”

Rowan left and rode for the valley of Min. Elara walked to the dungeon with a dress for Sacha to wear. When she arrived she helped her dress and asked, “Are you sure you’re ready?”

“I am sure. How do I look?”

“Absolutely beautiful.”

The two walked to the throne room and awaited Arimore’s arrival. It wasn’t long before Gabriel opened the door and announced, “There is a man here that says you are expecting him, my Queen.”

“Please show him in.” Elara asked Sacha to stand back behind a column so she would be out of sight when Arimore entered the room. “Draco, please come in. That is all Gabriel, thank you.” Gabriel nodded and closed the door.

“My Queen,” Arimore bowed, “It was smart of you to use the name I called myself the last time I came in this form. Shall we get down to business?”

“I would like to ask you a question Arimore.”


“I know you came because of the impending birth of Sacha but is there another reason for you coming? What are your intentions while you are here?”

“Well child, that is two questions but I will indulge you. Yes there is another reason that I came even though Sacha was my main reason. As for my intentions, well I intend to see that both Sacha and you are protected in the days to come. You see, I need you both.”

“I don’t understand. I know you need Sacha but other than to help her while she matures, why do you need me?”

“I told you when we first met that once you bond with a dragon you are bound together for life. There is no turning back. She will always be a part of who you are and you will always be a part of who she is. Elara, I chose you because you have a kind and compassionate heart and I wanted Sacha to have the same. It is a heart that cares more for others than for itself. That is a rare quality for a person but even more rare for a dragon. Now, may I meet her?”

Elara stepped aside and Sacha emerged from behind the column, “Come child, do not be afraid,” Arimore said with a calming tone.

Sacha bowed, “My Lord.”

“Stunning, absolutely stunning.” Arimore walked around her and admired her beauty, “You are perfect, so pure and so beautiful.”

“Thank you,” Sacha blushed.

Elara gasped, “Rowan, something is terribly wrong.” She stared at Arimore.

“He has been betrayed,” Arimore tilted his head listening to the air, “he is in great danger. We must go to him. Get Sacha somewhere safe and meet me in the clearing just outside the city on the south side.”

Elara nodded, “Come Sacha.”

“I want to come with you,” Sacha objected.

“Sacha, there will be many times when you will have to protect Elara but you are not yet strong enough,” Arimore placed his hand on her shoulder, “Trust me, I will not let anything happen to her.”

Sacha nodded and went with Elara back to the dungeon. Elara left her there with the promise to return and ran off to meet Arimore.

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