Chapter 22

Elara rode through the night and arrived at the Valley of Min as dawn broke. She released her horse and sent it back to Mardock. She hid in the trees and waited for Sacha’s arrival. She didn’t have to wait long as Sacha had been watching her approach from atop Mount Crystos.

Sacha landed silently in the field and Elara ran to her and wrapped her arms around her neck, “Oh Sacha, I have missed you so much.”

“I have missed you too.” Sacha smiled, “Quickly, climb on.”

Elara didn’t question her she just climbed onto her back and let Sacha take her into the sky. They soared over the forest and soon came to Calithorne. Sacha landed in the meadow just outside the gates and transformed herself into human form. She took Elara by the hand and led her into the city. “Come quickly,” she pulled her along, “We haven’t much time.”

Elara followed as Sacha led her into the castle and down to the dungeon. Sacha opened the chamber that she once called home, led Elara in and closed the door behind her. “This is the only place that Arimore’s mind cannot penetrate and hear my thoughts.”

“Tell me Sacha, what has you so troubled?”

“Arimore doubts that he will be able to control his blood lust. He feels his rage growing stronger every night. He can barely reign in his anger now. We must be ready before Calisto comes.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small scale, “Take this,” she hesitated looking at it as a tear rolled down her cheek, “promise me you will not harm him unless you have no choice.”

“I promise,” Elara’s smile was soft and gentle, “I love him too Sacha.”

“I know,” she handed the scale to Elara, “He wanted you to have it. He made me promise that I would give it to you if he was not able to control himself.” A sadness came over her face, “I knew that once it got to the point that he was out of control he would never let me get to you. I knew I had to get it to you in secret. I…”

Elara reached up and gently stroked her cheek, “It can’t be easy for you to watch him change, to see the gentle creature little by little each day become a more of a monster.”

A tear rolled down Sacha’s cheek, “Oh Elara I fear that once the monster takes hold he will be lost forever.”

“We will do everything in our power to keep that from happening,” she lifted her chin with her finger, “I mean that.”

“I know you do but I’m afraid he may be too strong. I have seen the rage growing in him, Elara. It is already taking hold and truthfully I am afraid.”

“As am I but we must remember that mother left this pendant for me to use to protect us and Arisbeth showed me that with it and your scale we can overcome the evil that hides within him.” Elara looked into Sacha’s eyes and held the small scale up, “I believe with this, we can prevail.” She reached under her shirt and pulled out the pendant. As she placed the scale atop the pendant it began to glow. The soft golden glow grew and Elara gasped as a flash filled the chamber throwing them both against the wall.

Atop Mt Crystos Arimore was slumbering until a flash of light awoke him with a start. His head snapped around and his eyes widened, “So this is how it’s going to be,” He walked to the mouth of the cave and stood staring at Calithorne. “The sisters have united and the pendant is complete.” He hung his head and turned with a tear in his eye.

“Arimore, why are you so sad?” a voice called from the mist.

“Julianna? Is it really you?”

“Oh my Arimore, how I have missed you.”

As he drew closer her form emerged from the mist, “How is this possible?”

“Arimore, hear my words and heed my warning,” she reached out and stroked his cold hard scales, “Our daughters are strong together, stronger than you. They have completed the pendant and with it they can destroy you.”

“I know.”

“Take heart,” she continued, “they love you. I know they will find a way. You must trust them, Arimore.”

“It is so hard to control my emotions my love,” he shook his might head.

Julianna reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck, “You can do it this time.”

“How can you be so sure? What if I hurt them? I couldn’t bear it!”

“They are stronger together than I was alone. Their love will pull you from the storm. Trust them…” With those fading words she vanished from his sight.

Elara woke, stunned from the blast and ran to Sacha, “Sacha, are you alright?”

“I think so,” she replied as she rose from the floor.

“I need you to take me back to Mardock. Are you strong enough to fly?”


They walked to the field outside the city walls where Sacha returned to her dragon form. Elara mounted her and they quickly headed back to Mardock. “Leave me by the north wall. I will enter through the dungeon.” Elara instructed.

As she dismounted she turned to Sacha, hugged her neck and said, “Return to Arimore and tell him that we are working on a plan to save him…to save us all.”

Sacha nodded and took flight as Elara entered the tunnel. Elara came through the dungeon and into the great hall. As she headed for her chambers Rowan ran to her.

“Where have you been?” he scolded.

“I had an important errand,” she replied.

“Is everything alright?”

“Let’s meet with the others and I’ll fill you all in.”

He led her to the throne room where Mason and Ravenstone were pacing the floor with worry.

“Elara!” they yelled simultaneously.

“Thank God you’re alright!” Mason sat hard in a chair with relief.

“I’m sorry I worried you,” she began, “Sacha called me and I had to go to her.”

“Is she alright?” Ravenstone asked.

“Yes. She’s fine.”

Rowan’s impatience got the better of him, “So what made you leave without telling anyone? You shouldn’t have gone off alone!”

“I’m sorry I worried you but I had no choice. I needed to meet with Sacha alone.”

Rowan turned away from her, paced a few steps then turned back with a reddened face, “Do you realize the danger you put yourself in?” he chided.

Elara felt the pull of Luminescence as she replied, “You would do well to remember to whom you speak! I am your Queen! How dare you speak to me in such a tone!” As she stood before them her eyes began to glow crimson red and her palms faced up as an orb began to form in her hands.

“Elara,” Ravenstone approached her carefully, “We are your friends. Please, our concern is only because we care about you.” She placed her hands on Elara’s outstretched palms.

Elara stumbled back. Mason caught her before she fell and Rowan pulled a chair quickly behind her. They sat her gently in the chair and all stood around her. “I am so sorry,” she sighed, “this…this…” she held out her hands, “it’s getting harder to control with each passing day.” A tear escaped her eye, “Rowan, please forgive me.”

“There is nothing to forgive, Majesty,” he bowed before her.

“Please, don’t…I am truly sorry.”

“As am I,” Rowan replied, “I have no right to speak to you that way. I was just so worried that something had happened to you. I couldn’t bear the thought…” he paused and looked at Mason then backed away.

“Please tell us what happened,” Mason pleaded.

She pulled the pendant from beneath her tunic, “The pendant is complete.”

“She gave you the scale?” Ravenstone relied with surprise.

“Arimore told her to.”

“What?” Mason stepped back in disbelief, “The great dragon told Sacha to give you a scale knowing that it could be the only way to defeat him? I don’t understand.”

“Mason, I know that what you know of Arimore is death and destruction but that is not at all what he is. You may find it hard to understand but inside,” she touched her chest over her heart, “he has a good heart. Calisto was the reason he did all those awful things. He couldn’t control himself.” She glanced at her palms, “I understand that better than most. The fact is that for centuries he has tried to control that aspect of his heart so that when Calisto came he would be at peace and in control. Unfortunately he has not been successful in the past.”

“Do you really believe that this time will be any different?” Mason added. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I have hope,” she grasped the pendant.

When Sacha returned to Mt Crystos she walked carefully into the cavern uncertain of what state she would find Arimore in. “Come child,” he whispered calmly from where he lay, “It’s alright. You did the right thing.”

“It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.”

“I know.” He held up his wing, “Come, lay next to me.”

She lay beneath his wing and he wrapped it around her. “Arimore,” she began.

“Shh,” he quieted her, “Everything is going to be alright.”

As she rested beneath his wing he breathed deeply, “Sacha, I need to ask you something.”


“I need to know that if I do not make it through Calisto…if Elara has no other choice…”

“It won’t come to that. We will find a way.”

“Hear me child,” he shushed her, “I need to know that we will not be the last of our kind.”

“You want to mate. Do you think that is wise with Calisto almost upon us?”

“I am afraid that if I don’t make it through, you will be the last of our kind.”

Elara gasped and the pendant began to glow bright white, her hands began to glow blue and her eyes were crimson red. “I don’t understand!” she shouted at the sky, “What’s happening?”

The ground began to shake as an explosion of fire and ice came flying out of the cavern atop Mt Crystos.

“What was that?” The three friends turned their attention to the window. Rock and debris were falling from the cliffs of Mt Crystos as fire and ice poured from the mountain top.

Elara screamed drawing their attention back to her. When they turned they saw her floating inside one of her blue orbs.

“What in the world is going on?” Rowan asked as he flew to Elara’s side. He tried to grab the orb to assure she wouldn’t fall but when he touched it he was thrown across the room.

Mason headed for the orb but Ravenstone grabbed him before he could touch it, “Stop!” she shouted, “unless you want to end up like Rowan, don’t touch the orb!”

“What do we do?” he replied as he came to a screeching halt, “We can’t just leave her there!”

“Don’t worry,” Ravenstone assured, “she’s safe inside the orb. That’s probably why she ended up inside it. The fear she felt building inside produced the orb for protection.” Ravenstone walked over to Rowan, “Rowan, are you alright?”

“Other than re-bruising my bruises I think so. Ravenstone, do you have any idea what’s going on?”

Inside the orb Elara floated freely as if on a cloud. Peace engulfed her entire being. She knew what had just occurred on Mt Crystos and although she wasn’t happy about it, she understood why. They had to assure the survival of their race. Their timing wasn’t the best but they didn’t have the option to wait. As she began to feel the peace penetrating her body the orb came to rest on the floor. Finally after she was completely relaxed, the orb vanished, her hands and eyes returned to normal and the pendant ceased its glow. She opened her eyes to find her friends leaning over her.

Calm fell over Mt Crystos. Sacha glanced up at Arimore and smiled. She felt safe beneath his wings and now she felt that the two of them were one flesh. A sadness fell over her as she looked upon the old dragon she loved.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I wish I hadn’t given Elara the scale.”

“You had no choice,” he reassured her. “Without the scale the future was certain to be filled with nothing but death. Now there is at least have a shred of hope.”

“I know,” a tear began to form in her eye, “I just couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you…or Elara.”

Arimore reached for a jar that sat on the rock. He held it to her face and captured her tear. She looked at him puzzled. “There is magic in dragon tears. I’ve heard tell that if the tear is for one she loves it is a very powerful magic.”

Sacha looked at the shimmering tear in the jar, “What kind of magic?” she asked.

“Healing magic,” he smiled and pulled her close. “It seems we have a little more hope than I thought.”

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