Chapter 24

Rowan’s head hung low as he entered the cavern. He was greeted by King Mason of Mardock, “My friend, you are safe,” the King ran to him and embraced him. It wasn’t long before he realized something was wrong, “What is it?”

“It’s…it’s Elara,” his eyes dropped to the floor.

“No,” he stood back and looked into Rowan’s eyes and knew he spoke the truth.

“She saved us all.”

Ravenstone emerged from a group at the back of the cavern. She knew as soon as she saw their faces that something was very wrong, “What is it? What’s happened?”

“It’s Elara,” Mason turned and held her.

She backed away, “No. She’s not dead.”

“I know it’s hard…” Mason began.

Ravenstone interrupted, “I’m telling you she’s not dead. I sense her life is still here with us.”

“What do you mean?” Rowan perked up.

“I feel her life. It’s very weak but I feel it.”

Mason burst, “You think she’s still alive?”

“I know she is but if we don’t find her soon she may not last.”

“Quickly, Sacha is still outside. She can only carry one,” Rowan looked at Ravenstone, “Go, have her take you to the valley of Min. Maybe you can find her. Mason and I will come on horseback. We’ll meet you there.”

Elara was shrouded in darkness buried beneath a mountain of ask. “Elara,” a faint voice called to her in her dream. “Elara, wake up. Your time has not yet come.”

From the mist of her dream a figure emerged, “Mother?”

“No child, it is I Arisbeth. You have united earth and sky as it was foretold but your journey is not yet complete. There is one that needs you Elara. He searches for you with his mind. Can you not hear him?”

“Rowan…” she whispered weakly as she started to awake.

“Did you hear that?” Rowan turned to Mason as they approached the valley.

“All I can hear is the beating of hooves.”

“No, listen,” he pulled his horse to a stop.

Again Elara called with her mind, “Rowan”

“There it is again! It’s Elara, she’s alive!”

They dismounted and began searching the woods outside the meadow. Ash, rock and broken trees hampered their search but not their spirits.

As they searched Sacha caught a glimpse of something at the edge of the mountain. She flew toward it and set down on a rock.

“What is it?” Ravenstone asked as she dismounted.

“Something glimmered,” Sacha said as she pointed with her snout, “there.”

Ravenstone hurried to the spot Sacha saw a glint of light. She stood and looked at Sacha with disappointment in her eyes, “It’s just an empty jar.”

She was about to throw it away when Sacha yelled, “Bring it to me!”

Ravenstone stopped and brought the jar to Sacha. She laid it at the dragon’s feet, “It’s just an empty jar.”

“Look closer,” Sacha replied, “it is far from empty.”

Ravenstone looked in the jar and saw a glint of light, “What is it?”

“A dragon tear.” Sacha smiled, “Keep it safe, we may need it.” Sacha looked up to see Arimore circling above, “Arimore, Ravenstone thinks Elara lives!” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I sense something but it’s very faint,” Arimore replied, “We must find her quickly. “

The pendant that still hung around Elara’s neck was still glowing but as her life ebbed away the glow got weaker and weaker. As Rowan and Mason scanned the forest Mason thought he saw a light.

“Rowan, over here!” he shouted as he moved to where the light was emanating.

Rowan rushed to his side and they began digging through the ash. Rowan once again began to glow as he pushed Mason aside. He concentrated on Elara and his glow brightened. A flash erupted from his chest blowing the dust and ash clear.

“Elara!” he yelled as he ran to her. He picked up her limp body and held her in his arms. “Mason, get help! She’s alive!” He pulled her close and whispered in her ear, “Elara, I love you. Stay with me.”

Her lips parted slightly and her weak voice replied, “I love you, my King.”

“Elara, it’s me, Rowan.”

“I know.”

Sacha, Arimore and Ravenstone ran as Mason frantically entered the meadow yelling for help, “We found her!”

“Bring her into the meadow, quickly,” Arimore ordered.

Ravenstone accompanied Mason and they helped Rowan carry her into the field. Once there they lay her at Arimore’s feet.

“The pendant is very faint,” he said, “If we don’t find a way to help her soon I’m afraid we may be too late.”

Ravenstone pulled the jar from her cloak, “Will this help?”

“Where did you find that?” Arimore’s voice was filled with excitement.

“Sacha saw it,” she replied.

“Quickly, open the jar and pour the tear on her chest, over her heart.” Ravenstone followed Arimore’s instructions. There was no immediate change in Elara’s condition but the pendant began to shine brighter. “There is nothing more we can do,” Arimore replied, “Rowan, bring her here. Get on my back and I will fly you to Calithorne. Make her comfortable.” He looked glanced back as he lifted off the ground, “All we can do now is wait.”

Ravenstone and Mason took the horses and made their way to Calithorne to help Rowen keep watch over Elara. Sacha flew to the remaining caverns and instructed the soldiers to return the people to their homes.

Rowen laid Elara in her bed and kept vigilant watch over her. When Ravenstone arrived she bathed and dressed her. The three friends took shifts sitting with her. After seven days she opened her eyes to find a room full of servants and flowers. Rowen was had laid his head on the bed beside her and drifted off to sleep.

As soon as she moved his head popped up, “Elara?”

“Rowen, what happened? Is everyone alright?”

“Everyone’s fine, thanks to you.”

“Arimore and Sacha?”

“They’re fine. Call to them, I’m sure they are worried. They have checked on you every day.”

Elara closed her eyes and called to the dragon’s. They were overjoyed to hear her voice.

As she started to drift back off to sleep Rowan asked, “Why did you call me your King?”


“When we found you, you looked at me and called me your king. Never mind, it must have been just delirium from the injuries talking.”

“Or maybe it was the hope of a longing heart.”

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