Chapter 6.4

“You’re going to kill them all, aren’t you?” She asked, confusing the people around her. “Why must you kill? Why would you do all of this for me?” She fell to her knees, unable to walk anymore. The tears seemed to burn her cheeks as she looked back up into the trees. Before any of them realized it, Vlad was standing before them. All the guards around them jumped and instantly raised their guns, a small screen transparently playing across their eyes as facial recognition began to process him.

His form was Human, his attire: the school uniform he had worn only once, with blood coating down his back. He held her gaze, his own was more troubled and darker.

The guards realized who he was once their headsets named him and a few whispered amongst themselves. Nearly half lowered their weapons in the next moment. Only a few kept them raised. Two began to scan the trees around him. One approached him hurriedly, extending a hand as to grab him. “Get away from the trees!” He called out.

“Don’t go any closer!” Michael screamed.

A red mist sprayed the air where the guard had stood – a black tentacle snaked back into the trees.

The people screamed in horror, jumping further back. A few opened fire, the bullets disappearing into the trees. Vlad raised his hand as if to signal something behind him to stop. Michael scrambled away, only to hesitate when he realized Tia remained where she was, holding Vlad ’s gaze like a disapproving mother.

“At this point, I can’t tell them not to. If anyone approaches me, they’ll kill them.” Vlad whispered.

“But why... why go this length?” She pleaded. “This doesn’t make me happy.”

He seemed genuinely troubled by her words. Slowly, as if approaching a wild animal, he knelt before her. “What would make you happy?”

“Take me home,” she whispered. The darkness behind his irises lightened, if only a fraction, and he rose and scooped her into his arms. All the guards pointed their guns at him once more as he turned back towards the trees.

“Release the President’s daughter!” They demanded.

With a dark glare, he acknowledged them slowly, one by one, speaking each of their names in turn until finally coming to Michael, who cowered on the ground behind them all. “I will return, alone. I will speak with your President then. Lady Tiana is dead to you all. Leave it at that. Let her rest in peace.” He turned and walked into the thicket, not even waiting till he was out of eyesight before he slipped into the shadows.

Tia awoke to a familiar Professor arguing theories with a male doctor she had only encountered a few times in the past. She watched the taller – much taller – male with the short gray hair get flustered. The Gnome paced around his feet, talking so fast and excited that the other had to talk over him.

Tia sat up in her bed. Her body felt rigid and heavy. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“How long was I out?” She asked, literally scaring them both. She watched as they both jumped, looking at her wildly.

“Tiana?” The Professor choked. She lightly touched her head, feeling nothing more than slight bruising.

“I feel heavy like I’ve been asleep for days.” She swung her legs over the side of the bed. The doctor came over and began to examine her inch by inch. She did as he instructed while the Professor climbed onto her bed.

“You have been asleep for nearly a month my dear,” the Professor explained. He hugged her, catching her off guard.

“There was indeed brain damage and significant body damage.” The doctor continued. “To be honest, we weren’t sure if what we did was enough. We had to take you into immediate surgery; your membrane was clouded. Several of us used magic on you in turns, willing your body to mend correctly.”

“Yes,” the Professor agreed. “And our young King has no patience.” Something about him suddenly seemed on edge. Tia wondered what happened while she’d been unconscious.

“Vladimir is King?” She needed confirmation. Both males hesitated and looked at each other.

“Well yes, he was appointed King by the Fates. It happened right after... well. You weren’t there to witness it. There must always be a King, you see, so when his father passed away the Fates descended. It was a remarkable thing to witness, truly.” The doc cleaned his glasses as he explained.

The Professor folded his arms. “I want to study them.”

Tia laughed. It felt so natural. Tears came to her eyes and she lightly touched the corner of one. Looking at them both fondly, she smiled. “I’m back,” was all she managed to say.

Their expressions warmed and they both showed her affection in their own way: the doctor rubbed her head while the Professor hugged her again.

Someone cleared their throat at the door, and everyone looked up. Diaval stood in the door frame, his arms folded. He offered her a devilish smile as the two near her bowed. “Good morning, Princess. I happened to be on my way here to see if you’d died yet. I was going to ask Vlad if I could have your corpse.”

“Oh, it’s you. Gross.” She stood up and faced her doctor. “Have any clothes?”

“How long are you going to call me that? I’ll have you know, Vlad and I used to say we were twins.”

As he said it, she stepped behind a screen door to slip out of the gown she wore. Her knees felt incredibly weak. Her grip wasn’t as tight, either.

“You could only wish you were half the man that he is,” she called out as she pulled a light blue dress over her head.

“I forget how insulting it is to be around you.” He pouted.

Fully dressed she stepped out from behind the curtain and gave him an exasperated look. “Funny, I was going to say the same thing.”

He dropped his head in defeat before lifting it partially and giving her a level look. “You are two peas in a pod, you know that? It’s disgusting.”

She grinned, stepping to the table; she had to lean against something. His eyes followed her and he kicked a chair in her direction. The doc quickly took a hold of it and offered it to her. “Show some respect to the hospital,” he warned the Prince. Diaval rolled his eyes.

“This place is insufferable,” he turned on his heel and walked to the door, then paused just outside of it to say over his shoulder, “the King is preparing to visit the Humans, I’ll have you know. But before you run off and see him, I would suggest visiting a certain assassin. He’s been nearby this entire time, but he seems to have vanished within the last few days.” Waving behind him, he wandered off.

“As your doctor, I don’t recommend you leave just yet. We should put your body through some rehab.” The older man with gray hair looked over her chart. “I’ve gotten a full report of what the King witnessed. We need to do put you through a few exercises...”

She groaned and fell backward. “No more. I don’t want to. Can’t I just go outside?” She pouted at the Professor.

He rubbed his chubby chin. “Doc, I’ll escort her around for the day. I’ll report to you by the end.”

Tia jumped to her feet with the biggest of grins, nearly flying to the doorway... then stopped in the entry, leaning hard against the frame. Her muscles felt gummy and sleepy. The stubby little Professor waddled over to her and examined her before opening his mouth to speak. She beat him to it.

“This is good for me, just be there if I don’t get up.” She grinned, reassuring him.

He folded his thumbs inside the straps over his shoulder and wiggled his nose. “If you insist. Shall we, then?” She nodded happily and led him out into the hallway.

The doctor joined them after a moment with a wooden chair. Unpolished or processed it resembled logs and sticks tied together.

“Tia,” he called after her, approaching the two with his hands in his pockets. The chair was walking next to him. “Sit. You can frolic to your heart’s content once you get outside. Let’s just make sure you get out there first,”

Tia hesitated and bent down to examine the furniture. “Will it break? If I sit on it?” Both the doctor and the Professor seemed amused by the inquiry, and neither bothered to answer.

“Splendid idea, I must say.” the Professor complimented. “Sit, child, sit.” Gingerly, Tia did as he ordered. Whatever she had expected to happen, didn’t, and it was soon carrying her down the hallway with the Professor keeping step beside her better than he ever had when her legs had carried her.

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