Chapter 2.4

He smiled at her and gave her a partial bow, extending his hand as if to invite her down. She couldn’t help but let her eyes travel over his black tuxedo. It hung off his every curve and the deft blue cloak draped across his shoulders was lined with an even darker fur, spotted with the softest of white. He was the most beautiful person she’d yet to see. Looking once more at the crowd, a large majority of them returning to their evening, she began to step lightly down the stairs.

Vladimir greeted her by way of a kiss to her eyebrow, instantly forcing all the blood in her body to center in her face. “W-what do you think you’re doing?” She demanded, stepping back from him with one hand over her face. Her gown trembled.

Without acknowledging her embarrassment, he gently took her free hand and draped it around his arm before leading them towards the stairs. She looked up into his face and was given a kind and warm smile, one she had never seen on him. “You are beautiful,” he whispered, just as they paused at the last staircase descending to the room of people.

Another voice sounded through the room. “His Majesty, Vladimir Va Dietrich Norwegian the Fifth, and the Lady Tiana Ramsay!”

The crowd once more toasted and cheered while Vladimir faced them head-on, Tia only gaped at hearing the extent of his full name. “That’s your name? Wait, how do they know my name?”

“Never mind you them. Tonight, we party.” He grinned playfully at her and they slowly made their descent down the stairs. She was fascinated by something about him, though what she couldn’t yet say.

Once stepping onto the dance floor they were surrounded by several people, all draped in silk and pearls, all smelling amazing, and all eager to meet the new face. Vladimir kept a tight grip on her arm, taking the time to speak for her when he could. A little awkwardly, she smiled at the people, noticing none extended their hands as a greeting, but rather just huddled there looking at her enthusiastically.

“How long have you been in town?” One asked.

“She only just arrived yesterday,” Vladimir answered, bringing a sense of time loss to the Human.

“Your hair is absolutely gorgeous, I’m sure you could make any fire Nymph jealous,” A female laughed. Her blonde hair bobbed around her face and her eyes sparkled, taking away any attraction to the thickly jeweled neckless draping down her exposed collar.

Vladimir opened his mouth, but Tia stepped on his foot as hard as she could. He winced at the blow and looked down at her with a start. The flustered Human didn’t meet his gaze. “I’m not sure what that is, but I would love to find out. May I ask, is this your appearance? Or are you masking your true identities for my sake? I noticed everyone appears Human, to be honest, I was looking forward to seeing all the different species.” She frowned at the thought, meeting their gazes individually. A few of them faltered and stole a glance at Vladimir. Sure enough, he had to be behind it.

Vladimir internally rolled his eyes and cleared his throat, “Tia, I think it would be best if we introduced you slowly. Too much shock will leave you numb, you’ve already had enough excitement for one day.”

A sense of frustration swelled inside her and her frown deepened. She got the feeling he made the order for her, but her curiosity was ravenous. The party went on, many of the people greeted her in passing while some followed her and Vladimir around. He took the liberty of guiding her through the crowd, continuing to speak on her behalf for the most part. She noticed a few did not share the excitement and some even stole dark glances at her. Her level of discomfort grew until finally, they arrived at a cluster of people dressed more elegantly than the rest, encircled by several Gargoyles in black. Seeing them threw her off guard, and it took her a fraction of a moment to spot Alex, who had been within earshot their entire voyage through the sea of people.

“Tia, may I introduce you to my sister.” Vladimir indicated to a female of striking resemblance. Her long black hair fell past her waist and her thin smile was less than pleased. Tia became conscious of just how beautiful the female was, and her blush deepened. She attempted to bow to the female, assuming she was a Princess, only to be held upright by Vladimir.

The female held her glass to her lips and her eyes traveled over the Human. “I must say, you are even more simple than the rumors said.” Her cold gaze found Tia’s and the insult caught her off guard.

“Cleo, your darker self is emerging.” Vladimir retorted, a bit of anger to his voice.

“No,” Tia spoke up, giving him a level look before returning her gaze to the female. “I am sure compared to everyone here... Princess Cleo... is speaking truthfully.” She was unsure exactly what to call the girl. “Please accept my apology by making you dress in this way; I wish I could see just how beautiful you truly are. But for Human standards, at this very moment, you are the most beautiful person I’ve encountered tonight.” She urged her sense of sincerity to pass through her as she closed her mouth. Cleo regarded her with wide eyes, her cup held just to her lower lip, before beaming.

“We are going to get along just fine, once you no longer smell Human.” She came down and kissed her eyebrow, just over the right eye, exactly where Vladimir had kissed her. Surrounded by guards Tia watched as she retreated into the crowd.

Vladimir cleared his throat once more and Tia turned back to what she could only assume was a group of royals. A shadow behind them caught her eye and she met the gaze of Diaval. Her heart stopped and he winked at her before vanishing into the crowd.

“Come forward, child,” Spoke an ancient voice, and without even realizing it she was standing before an aged man sitting on a throne. The white in his hair was speckled in the remaining strands of his youth, and the lines in his face spoke legends. The depth of those swirling black irises told her she was staring at a man of unknown age. His skin was grey, but not like the Gargoyles. This was sickly grey. He held a shaking hand to her face, his fingers blackened, before letting it fall back onto his armrest. Vladimir was abruptly by her side again, bowing before the man.

“Tia, this is my father.”

“I am long of this world, child.” He spoke once more. “You are a fire, with a temper that will give my son a run for his money. Looking into your eyes, I can see everything you’ve ever seen. I know the struggles you face, and while you are the purest I’ve encountered in many... many years... Seeing life through you gives me doubt for the future my son envisions.”

“Father don’t do that,” Vladimir warned.

“Wait, what is it that you’re saying?” Tia asked. A smile touched his eyes.

“You’ll have to forgive me, for entering your head. I wouldn’t want what I’m saying to be so openly heard,”

Realization dawned upon her and she looked around. Everyone was watching them curiously, but a certain rage was swelling inside Vlad. “Wait, only I can hear you?”

“Yes... but everyone can hear you,”

“Oh, cool.” Fascination lit up her expression as she once again returned her attention to the King. His white hair framed his long face and rolls of velvet fabric hung off his body, spilling onto the floor around her feet. He sat upright gingerly, taking her hand on his own. His aged fingers were cold but strong.

“No, this is not cool,” Vladimir warned.

He spared an impressed look to his son before addressing Tia once more. “Your civilization is frightening; your father wishes to rage war against us. The unknown frightens your kind, and they lash out with force and destruction when faced with it.” His sight grew distant and an old memory rose to the top of her mind. A memory of the tournament for her hand in marriage, and of the blonde boy who had been too embarrassed to look her in the eye, let alone give her a proper greeting.

“That’s nothing,” she said quickly, pushing the thought out of her head.

“Vladimir did much research on you, child. But that is something he does not know; it is something you should tell him.”

She waved her hand dismissingly. “It’s a past life, one I have given up.”

His gaze was questioning. “Such occasions are set in the way of fate. You would do well to reconcile it before it comes back to haunt you.” He turned away from her, leaning back into his chair and looking at his son. His voice sounded less awestruck and she realized he was finally speaking aloud. “Vladimir, I will speak with you privately at a later time.”

The younger male inclined his head slowly, his eyes ever questioning. “Of course,”

The King waved his hand, a set of gems resting on his fingers flashing in the wavering light. “Leave me now, I wish to rest. Enjoy the party, Tiana.” He gave her one final smile before she was suddenly standing back away from the throne, where she could have she had been standing the entire time. Her wide eyes gazed at the empty throne. Vladimir, standing next to the throne, turned his head to look back at her.

At that time a song began to play in the room, a slow song with a resonating hum. Tia gradually turned around, listening and watching as the chatter died out around her and the voices of many rose in sync to the hum. The lights floating near the distant ceiling began to brighten and dim, matching the pace of the melody everyone now seemed to be humming. She watched as the scattered royals stepped into the now open clearing of the main floor and a slow, elegant dance began before her very eyes. It was like watching diamonds glittering beneath a fresh riverbed.

“Mesmerizing, isn’t it?” Vlad whispered in her ear. She jumped and looked back at him. He greeted her with a sly smile before taking her hand and twirling her onto the dance floor.

Dancing wasn’t something she practiced in the past - she knew more about how to fight. However, she couldn’t help but feel her dress was guiding her body while Vladimir held her tightly. The lights began to spin as she moved across the polished marble. The music was all she heard, something nearly magical to it altogether. Her vision became bleary and she could no longer seem to focus on anything around her. In the blur of it all, Vladimir’s chest, throat, and chin became her center and occasionally his smile haunted her clouding vision. Just once, she thought she saw a mouth of fangs.

Tia held her gloved hand to her head as she stepped outside onto the patio. She couldn’t help but feel the last hour or so was missing from her memory. Her head seemed troubled and her eyes unclear. Alexander was unexpectedly next to her, aiding her in sitting on the stone bench just outside. She wondered how long he’d been by her side. He examined her curiously before he knelt beside her.

“Is everything alright?” He asked.

She rubbed her eyes more, blinking several times. “I’m not sure, I don’t feel like myself.”

“Perhaps I should call a doctor?”

He watched her closely as her distant gaze grew a little closer to home. “Alex... what is Vladimir?” She felt like the blood was slowly returning.

“You probably wouldn’t know the term, ultimately he’s a wolf. All the royals are wolves or better-called Hounds of Gaea.” She nodded gingerly; nothing of what he was saying was making sense to her. She didn’t know why she couldn’t grasp his words. She felt like she was underwater.

A boy in white approached them quickly, his auburn hair like a fire in the lambent lights. He wore a wicked grin and had a determinedly curious look to his even brighter eyes. He laced his fingers over the white fold in the fabric across his chest and came to an abrupt stop before them. Alex regarded him with a certain wariness as he performed a swooping bow. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Lady Tiana, it’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. I am Duke Kazimir.” He extended a hand and took hers in his own before placing a kiss upon it.

She sat upright and pulled her hand free. “Hello.” He seemed extremely flamboyant and her distracted gaze was able to focus on his alone.

“A doctor is not what the poor lady needs, great Alexander. She’s been cooped up by royals too long and was even forced to partake in the Blessing of All Things. the little Human is exhausted and enchanted, as to be expected.” He pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration as he spoke, his body leaning to the side before he snapped his fingers and a bubbling drink in a thin glass appeared in his grip. Kazimir swooped down low and offered her the drink, making sure to gently touch the curls of her hair with his free hand. He gave her a devilish grin before she cautiously accepted his offering.

Alex’s brows came together in frustration. “That makes sense, I have failed in my job.” He seemed to be genuinely upset by this.

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