Chapter 3.1

The night passed in silence. Tia laid awake for hours as she stared at the ceiling. It moved and swirled above her, resembling a night sky with specks of clouds blocking the stars. The sounds of insects echoed up to her window from far below. She thought she even heard a wolf howl. Part of her wondered if she had died and this was the afterlife. So much had occurred. Her very reality shaken.

Unable to sleep she found herself sitting on the small balcony. She laid her head on her hands and stared past the kingdom below her. She felt like she was literally on top of the world, yet it brought a feeling of unease to her. The shock of it all upset her stomach, yet the cool air eased her pain. Losing track of time and herself altogether, she fell into the land of slumbers.

A massive wolf slinked through the thicket far below the palace. It prowled the trees on the other side of the mountain. Its fur blacker than the night around it, the vastness of the universe could almost be seen in each individual strand of fur. Something about the wolf wasn’t wolf-like at all. Its back was arched higher and its rear legs longer.

Horns twisted their way up alongside its ears and it was easily the size of a moose. It lifted its head into the sky and caught a familiar scent. Turning its head back towards the castle, its eyes locked onto the red strands of hair belonging to Tia as she slept. A soft whine played through its snout when a twig snapped.

Ears laid back; it jerked its head towards the sound. Another wolf of striking resemblance had appeared from the trees. It sat back and opened its mouth, the tip of its tongue rolling out of the side. “Odd for you to be out here, cousin.” Diaval’s voice filtered through the air. “Did you get in a fight with Cleo again?”

The wolf regarded the other dangerously. “I would ask your opinion on the matter,” Vladimir’s voice trailed from the first wolf. “Speak honestly, I won’t hold it against you.”

Silence fell between the two. The second wolf, Diaval, had closed his mouth and was studying his cousin closely. “I believe you have imprinted on the Human,” he spoke at last. “While I don’t agree with the change you are trying to bring, I at least can understand where it is that you are coming from. Our sentimental King has twisted your upbringing to make you soft and weak. When he alone devoured more Humans than everyone else upon Awakening, I wonder if their... Humanity... tainted him.”

Vladimir kept his anger in check as he listened to his cousin. Diaval stood up and walked a few paces, sitting down so that his gaze too looked up into the tower standing above all the others.

The wolf continued after a moment. “This may come to bite me in the ass later, but I will stand by you. Should you be chosen as the next King that is. Crown Prince or not, we all know it isn’t the bloodline that chooses, but the Fates themselves.” His tail swung around him.

“You’ve been gazing at her too long,” Vlad warned.

Caught off guard Diaval realized his cousin was right and awkwardly turned back to face him. His tongue rolled out of his mouth once more. “She’s an interesting Human, I must say. I’ve only encountered them screaming and running in terror. I wonder just how long she’ll last,”

Vladimir was tired of the conversation, but something kept him there. “What do you mean?”

Diaval rose into a standing position, his right paw, almost more like a claw, wrapping around a thick branch from the closest tree. He tightened his grip around it and loosened it, pondering his next word choice. “Surely, cousin, you realize you can’t protect her forever. While I no longer bear her any ill will, I fear there are dangers much closer to home for her. Perhaps even... herself?”

Vladimir turned away from his cousin. His gaze twisted far ahead, around the trees and back towards the castle’s rear entrance. He was over the conversation. “You speak nonsense, sometimes I wonder if you’re a wolf at all. A snake would be more accurate,”

Diaval laughed. The sound was raw and wrong, rumbling out of his chest. “The Nagas never did fancy us - should they hear your choice of insults, I’m sure they’d open war.”

“At least they stay to the oceans and lakes and do not openly seek Human flesh.” Vladimir began retreating then, off back towards the castle.

Silver lighting filled Tia’s dreams. Her blurry vision began to focus on the bustling marketplace below her once she finally managed to open her eyes. The sun was well over the mountain peaks in the distance, the early morning light no longer pink as the bright rays stretched across the blue sky.

She sat up stiffly, her body feeling the ache of her poor rest and stiff from an entire night of dancing. She blinked a few times as the day before came back and she gradually turned to face the room atop the tower she remained in. It was quiet here, not a sound could be heard. The only noise echoed upwards from the streets below.

“What the fuck have I gotten myself into?” She murmured.

As if someone had been waiting to hear her awaken, a soft knock sounded at the door. Her startled expression quickly turned into a scowl. The door opened and Rose peaked her head. Her gaze fell onto the bed, only to realize Tia was sitting in the open window. She entered the room and bowed.

“Can you stop that?” She growled, leaning back. Rose hesitated. “I’m not anybody special, you don’t need to treat me like a...” She trailed her, remembering what Kazimir had said.

“You appear to be in a poorer mood than yesterday, Milady,” Rose commented before holding her hand to her mouth with a start. Tia eyed her suspiciously before standing and walking towards her. Rose backed away instantly. Her eyes locked onto the Fairy’s until, once out of the doorway, she turned and began walking down the hall. Rose quickly chased after her. “Milady, you’re still in your nighty!” She called after.

“What does it matter?” Tia demanded, ignoring the Fairy’s desperate attempt to get her to return to her room. “I don’t have an image to maintain, I don’t even belong here. I’m just a meal to most of you, I’m fed up with being scared and taken as a joke. Hell, I’m just livestock. I should just be naked for crying out loud,”

“No! You really shouldn’t,” Rose begged, wanting to grab the Human but too afraid to reach out. “That’s not how we think of you at all,”

Tia exited the stairs leading up to her room and hesitated when she saw Alex, standing guard. He looked at her with a blank expression. Before he could come out of his surprise, she stepped past him and continued marching.

Rose fell at Alex’s feet and gave him a terrified expression. He nodded once before easily matching Tia’s pace. As if on a normal afternoon stroll, he casually picked up a conversation. “It’s a beautiful morning, wouldn’t you say?”

“Fuck off,” Tia growled.

“Indeed, it does feel like that kind of morning. I think an early morning cat nap would be an excellent choice. Is that why you stay undressed? Are you perhaps looking for the perfect spot of sun to curl up in?”

The Human hesitated long enough to give him a puzzled, angry look before continuing her way. Alex resumed his spot along next to her. “I feel like you’re a natural antagonizer.”

“You are probably right.” They continued walking in silence, passing only by a few stunned servants.

“Where, might I ask, are you going?” He asked after several minutes.

“I don’t know,” she declared loudly before coming to a stop and folding her arms across her chest. She scowled at him. “I don’t know where anything is. I was thinking perhaps I should be kept outside, tied to a tree.”

He seemed mortified. “Why on earth would you think that?”

“Because that’s all I am now, right? A pet?!” She stepped away a few steps, throwing her hands in the air. A thought dawned upon her. “Or a bird, I’m a bird, aren’t I? He just wants to keep me locked away in my little tower, with my wings clipped so I can’t fly away.”

“Where is this coming from? I thought you had a splendid night last night,”

“Ha!” She said too loudly; a guard down the hall leaned out of the door frame he was in. “Last night? Last night was easily the worst night of my life. I was kidnapped, dragged across the dance floor, forced everyone to hide who they truly are, disrespected, drugged, lied to!”

Alex held up his hand in one determined swoop, cutting her off. “You have every right to be mad. Prince Vladimir is that way.” He pointed his finger down the hallway. She puffed out her cheeks before turning on her heel and heading in the direction he had shown. He followed her silently. Two guards stepped out in front of her as she approached and bowed low. One, the one who had noticed them earlier, regarded her more curiously than the other.

“Lady Tiana, Prince Vladimir has not summoned you, one spoke coldly.

Alex stepped forward. “It’s fine,”

“Yea,” she stepped forward, making sure to enter his personal space as she glared into his cold, somewhat surprised eyes. “It’s fine, listen to your superior Gargoyle person.” She turned, her hair slapping across his chest before opening the door and entering the room. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Redheads,” Alex sighed.

The room was dark, unnaturally dark. Tia instantly became aware of a dangerous vibe to the room and she froze in place. Something in the darkness moved. The hair across her arms stood on end. She edged her way to the window, just when the curtains were in arms reach her feet were knocked out from under her. Her body slammed against the floor and the air escaped her lungs.

In an instant, she was thrown across the room and a beast like none other loomed over here, those red irises nearly glowing with a fit of stunned anger. The growl rumbling out of the wolf’s chest began to grow quieter until finally they only stared at each other with an equal level of astonishment. She recognized those dark eyes, so dark any emotion could hardly be detected. Gingerly she reached a hand up, only to freeze as a snarl formed across his expression.

“What are you doing here?” Vladimir’s voice echoed through the room around her. She knew it had come from the wolf. “It is not safe; I am not safe.”

“Do you want to eat me?” It was barely a whisper. Not an ounce of fear was to be found behind her caramel irises. She didn’t know why she wasn’t afraid, looking up at such a monster looming over her. It was easily the most terrifying thing to happen to her. Or at least should have been.

A silence came over them as the wolf only gazed at her. The muscles beneath its fur coat twitched and pulled. Something about his body did seem wrong - like an internal struggle was happening. His voice whispered through the room once more. “No,” was all that he said.

Tia felt relief flood through her. It was a curious feeling. She hadn’t realized she had been holding her breath while waiting for a response. She looked around the room, though he took up most of her vision. “Do you want to lay down? I will lay with you. Until you are safe once more,”

He seemed to judge her for a fraction of a moment. “That’s not what I meant, but... yes...” As if fighting with himself, he managed to lift one giant paw off her, allowing her to sit up. Unable to stand with the beast still over her she crawled towards the bed when his snout struck her in the back.

She looked at him as he forced his nose beneath her arm, trying to pick her up and place her on the bed. She allowed him to move her as he wished until suddenly his body felt different. She watched a hand firmly grab the blankets above her head while another pushed her against the soft bedding.

She was on her stomach and unable to see him clearly, but he seemed to be partly back in his Human form. His hand trailed down to her hips where he grabbed at her tightly. His face hid in the back of her hair and an ear atop his head twitched, smacking into her brow. His hand came sliding down until finally he gripped her across her shoulders and pulled her even closer to his body.

They were so close she could feel the heat radiating off his body, nearly burning her. A tail came around and wrapped around her, the long black threads of fur falling across her like a blanket until she was finally cocooned within his grip.

“Vladimir ...” She whispered. His grip tightened in response. He was not about to let her go any time soon. “I can tell how bad you are restraining yourself; I didn’t realize... that is what you meant.” Her entire face was aglow.

“Just... don’t move...” He grunted, his breath hot and heavy. “Otherwise, I’ll take you right now,”

Hearing the threat in his voice her entire body stiffened. Unable to relax she stared ahead, into the darkness of the room. She felt like she was being held by a statue. The minutes pass as they seemed to stretch on for hours. The darkness in the room entangled itself around them.

Vladimir’s eyes burned into each strand of hair that blocked his line of sight. He felt her relax in his grip as her breathing grew even. The burning desire nearly consumed his entire body. Slowly he held her tighter, moving in his head to rest against her exposed throat. He traced her vein with his tongue, his eyes focusing on her closed eyelids. She groaned in her sleep and tried to adjust herself in his grip, her body moving against his. Her pelvis pressing against his. In a hot moment, she was on her back, with Vladimir over her once more, her legs spread to either side. He stared at her, taking in everything he could as fast as he could. But her sleeping self didn’t seem to wake.

“Tiana...” He whispered, listening to her slow heart pace beneath her chest. “I need you... to fight me off...” He came in closer, allowing his weight to slowly press against her. He felt her breasts beneath his chest, he felt her curves as his body melted into her. “Why did you come here... wearing that?” He closed his eyes as he buried his head into the pillow behind her.

Something in the dark of the room moved. Vlad’s sharp glare locked onto the tiny Imp of a creature and the fur along his tail began to stand on edge, an animalistic rage swelling inside of him. Malone cowered, lowering his head onto the desk he crawled upon. His teeth began to chatter; he felt the surreal, impending presence of the wolf Prince above him. Despite the tension in the room, the bloodlust, a gentle touch lifted him by his tail, and he met the annoyed gaze of his master.

“Malone is glad to see you are still you,” he sighed in relief.

Something in Vladimir’s gaze did not resemble him, catching Malone off guard. He hadn’t noticed the dark hunger. “And if I were to eat you, would you still speak like so?” Vlad challenged, his voice nothing more than a tainted whisper.

The creature cowered in his grasp, holding his claws up beneath his chin. “Please excuse me, the King wishes to see you. If you’ll allow me, I’ll leave now.”

Vladimir walked to the window, moving the thick drapes just enough to place Malone in the folds of the fabric. “Do not ever disturb me again when I am alone with her like this, regardless of who summons.” He warned, his eyes flashing dangerously before he became the shadows themselves. The creature quickly slipped out the window.

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