Chapter 13 Tough Persuasion Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Her scent was driving me crazy and she just kept on shoving that naughty little ass of lens on my face like she was taunting me. This mate of mine kept teasing me, unknowingly, and my head was starting to hurt.

The mating ceremony was over. I would've wanted to be there with her and show her off to the other males. My mate, my Luna, my fated woman. I would've claimed her proudly as mine so no one else would even dare lay their lustful eyes on her. She was mine for life and I was hers, at least a part of me

The moonless night wasn't of a hindrance to me. She probably didn't know that I was channeling Luca's energy to help me see in the dark. But doing so also heightened my sense of smell and I couldn't help myself from taking in her scent. Sweet... so fucking sweet, and it wasn't because of me but that kid!

She might be wolf-less but she should

miehil wall-less but the child still Irrlihe bond between us. Seeing her beneath him like that, her face flushed and content. Fuck! I shouldn't have left her alone in that TOOL

They had their clothes on, but it didn't. mean nothing came down between them I could smell him all over her!

And that scream — she should only be Scrcing my name’ Liam = this was the only name permitted to come out of her lips. She'd better behave or else she'd b* screaming my name until her throat was sore. 1

She should have no reason to protect and defend him and yet she kept snapping at me. I saved her life for fucks sale!

Technically, it was Lexy but still... if I didn’t find her last night, she might've bled to death. The injury on her chest was fatal.

And what do I get? To see her pinned down by another male and this fiery attitude of hers. I didn't expect this from, her — she seemed more of the submissive type during our first encounter. Didn't that mean anything to her at all? She

wanted me to touch her when we in the

Is my beautiful mate actually an idiot?

All I kept getting from her was attitude. I wanted to carry her bridal style insteads o I could admire her beauty without her kutowing, but she unexpectedly clung tom e. It made my heart skip a beat. It hammered wildly iruniy chest I felt like it was going to rip itself out. I told her to let go, trying to sound as calm as I could. She did. In my arms, just where she belonged.

Mine, no one else

Warning her to back away from him, she instead rolled her eyes at me!

The Goddess sure loves to play games with me, giving me a mate that just won't submit

If that kid wasn't her lover then what were they to each other? It would be in his best interest to not challenge me because she was rightfully mine,

And I don't share

I don't have mate!” she shouted at me and I fraze. She looked away from me, trying to hold bactean and I felt a iwinge of guilt and pain. It was like she indirectly rejected me. She didn't know yet, but it still hurt to hear.

I made her upset. Was it because I called her “mate?

My beautiful Anna. After being maltreated for so long because she was wolf-less, she must've believed she wouldn't have a mate. Was that it — WAS she so hungry for a male's attention that she'd even let that fucking kid fuck her?

I wouldn't allow it. I was late to truly save her, but I was here now. No one would ever hurt her again, not even myself. No one would turn her into a punching bag for as long as I live

Lifting her higher, I placed a soft kiss on her hair

She looked up at me “Then why do I want you?” I asked and her eyes widened.

“I know you're wolf-less. I also know you've been abused,” I admitted. “I don't

u ve been abused,” I admitted. “I don't kurw what's between you and that kid, laut one thing is for sure: you are my mate. I will take you to my pack, make you my Luna, and we'd spend the rest of Die lives together.”

There was no point in beating around the bush. I meant what I said — it was my plan.

"You... You can't be my mate,” she said. Her brows knitted.

I started walking again. At least she wasn't snapping at me “Hmm... But I a m. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have looked for you when you suddenly disappeared, on almost killed that kid,” I said. If I wasn't s o rudely interrupted, I would've ripped his throat out. Then again, looks like I did have a soft spot for her.

"You can't be my mate,” she repeated, and I frowned

It really felt like a rejection. I didn't want her to reject me, I needed her.

Then why did you moan for me, babe? You kissed me, you wanted me,” I said bluntly, and she blushed. “The tingles

E nel when you're around me when our skin touches. You don't have a woli to tell you, hat I do and he’s telling m # that you're my mite. Hoject me if you want but know this: I will never bept it.

I locked down at her, smirking “You're stuck with me, babe

She openw'd her mouth like she wanted to say something but didn't and closed it again. Then she looked away from me, her checks still a deep red, and stayed quiet

It was a lot to take in, but I needed her to realize that she couldn't stay here anymore. Everyone was counting on me and this was the last chance I got.

And to be honest, my wolf was already head over heels for her. He would never forgive me if I let her go.

She had to come with me, she must.

Question is, will she?

I heard loud voices as we neared the mansion. As we emerged from the woods, we saw that the packs had already gathered in the common grounds, mosto

Ohen making out. This behavior was only acceptable when the mating ceremony came around. A werewolf's lust. was difficult to control when it came to a first mate, especially when the mark was just completed. It triggered a primal nerd in us to rut, and let our urges take control.

“Close your eyes,” I told her.

She was already covering her face with both hands, her checks even redder than before. She looked so cute... so innocent.

I stopped channeling energy from Luca to bring my senses back to normal. “The smell of arousal was heavy in the air and i f I lost control, I knew Anna would too, but it could also lead her to decide to not come with me. Besides, I'd rather take her on my bed than out in the open — not that I was entirely against the idea.

Please hurry and take me inside,” she said.

Fuck! If only she meant what I wanted it t.

0 mean.

Taking long strides, I took her inside — where we should softly hear the wanton moaning and screams that came from

outside. Instead, we were greeted yet. again with the same scene from outside. Unlike the somewhat censored version outside because of the dark, the lights inside revealed everything to the eye.

I had to get her away from here. I had to get myself away from here.

Channeling Luca's energy, I painstakingly ignored the sinful scents assaulting my nostrils and in inhuman speed took her back to my room. My men knew better than to fuck around near my and Lexy's rooms so there was no one on our floor but the two of us. The night was still young — it might be full of them later. Some of us didn’t want anyone else seeing what was rightfully ours.

Closing the door, she removed her hands off her face and looked around. “It's alright. It's just us here,” I said. She gulped.

“Smooth,” Luca interrupted.

What the fuck, Luca!”

“Uhm... you can put me down now.” I gave her my full attention. To hell with

I helped her stand and she immediately hacked away from me, locking away.

“Uhm... nothing.” she replied, blushing madly. Those checks of het were so honest it was adorable. “I'll contact my Beta to pick us up by tonight. Do you have anything you need t o pack before we leave?

Looking at me, she said, “Leaving? I didn't say I was leaving.”

Picking up the bags on the floor, I threw them all on the couch and opened one. “I wasn't asking. You're coming to my pack,” I simply said. “On second thought, all of your needs will be taken care of so unless it's something really important, don't pack anything like clothing. Leave everything here. I don't want you taking anything that he gave you.”

“I'm not going to your pack,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest. “I will leave when I want to, and there's no way I'm going to a pack like yours.”

klike yours? I rule the biggest, proudest, and one of the strongest packs i in the world. Disrespecting my pack is the same as disrespecting me.

I pulled an oversized shirt and basketball shorts out of my bag Holding them in a tight fist, I strode towards her. She stood i n place, her breathing rapid and shallow, her eyes never leaving mine.

As I neared her, she backed away from m c, until her back hit the wall. Before she could even think of running away. I slammed an arm on one side of the wall, trapping her. “Look at me!” I demanded, but she kept looking to her side.

With my other hand, I gripped her jaw so she would face me. She reeked of fear. I didn’t want to scare her again, but I somehow did, only this time she went a bit too far.

“My pack have been waiting for their Luna for a long time, Anna. They've been waiting for you. As their Luna, don't you think you should get to know them first?

“I am not your Luna!” she spat, and my jaw clenched.

Take a shower and change into these.” 1 ordered, forcing her hand to take them She was making my blood boil, but I had a hold myself back or she won't agree to

THE with me

Why is it so difficult to convince her? She's my mate, it should be easy!

**Don't treat me like a kid! I can look after myself,” she said and threw the clothes a ime She walked past me, heading for the door, while my mind tried to comprehend the situation.

I wasn't treating her like a kid! What was up with this woman!

“Thank you for everything Alpha. But I'm no one’s Luna,” she said, with her backt ome “I can’t go with you.”

Her words were like bullets that went Straight to my heart. I was getting rejected. She didn't want anything to do with me. But I couldn't just let her go -I needed her

I walked towards her and as I was about t o speak, someone interrupted. “But you have to, Bella.”


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