Around the seventh hour of Davina’s sleep, Dean finally felt the need to stand. His back had begun aching and he felt the need to stretch it even if it was only for a moment. A moment was all he needed to make the ache leave his body. He laid there with her on top of him the whole seven hours and didn’t complain once. He was bored, yes. And he had nothing to do but play with her long dark brown hair with dark purple highlights. But, he couldn’t think of anything better to do truthfully. He could’ve laid there and thought about what to do when they returned. What he was going to do about the war Vincent has declared. But in all honesty, he just wasn’t sure. He didn’t even know what Vincent had been planning despite having his beasts on it for weeks. He knew Jackson and Charlie would explain whatever they found when he got back and he really did hope they found him something to work with. Another thought that came to mind was the marks on Davina’s back. He had laid here for hours and after a few was finally able to touch her without disrupting her slumber. He couldn’t see due to being in the pitch darkness, but he could feel. The moment he touched it, he could see clearly what had happened and why she had gotten it. Not longer after Davina arrived in the city, Bianca decided she wanted to take her recently discovered sister out for the night. She wanted the two to have fun and bond considering they didn’t get to when they were children. Davina was hesitant to walk about the city due to past experiences in Harrisburg. Bianca diminished her worries by assuring her they’d be safe and dragged her all throughout the streets of the rainy city. Bianca never told Davina but she had hand gun stuffed into her back pocket just in case it was needed. Davina was slowly letting her guard down, deciding she’d just have fun with her sister. Just as she did, a beast with a face unclear to Dean attacked the two, first heading for Davina. Davina put up a good fight while Bianca struggled to work the gun, never having to do so before. She also wasn’t very good at hand to hand combat. Davina urgently told her to hurry before the beast finally began using it’s claws. Davina screamed out as the beast clawed through her back, bringing her to the ground. He then kicked her hard, making her fly across the empty street and knocking the wind out of her. Bianca panicked as she took the safety off the gun. Just as she was about to shoot, the beast reached for her and tossed her gun in a different direction. She struggled and fought as Davina tried to make her way over to the gun, struggling with the stinging pains along her back. The sound of Bianca’s painful screams caught Davina’s attention. Bianca begged her to run. To head back to the organization and have them come. Dean could sense that Bianca knew she was going to die, that Davina wouldn’t be able to reach the gun in time and she didn’t want to have her sister around for it. The sound of bones cracking and Bianca’s screaming coming to a halt made Davina stop. She lowered her head to the gravely street. She covered her mouth to not break out into a sob before she slowly brought herself up from the ground. Dean could tell the beast wasn’t rabid, that he hadn’t lost all humanity. He could sense that whatever emotions the beast had, they had been abandoned. But, that hadn’t meant that he completely lost his way permanently. Davina forgot all about the gun and attacked the beast. She fought dirty as she had been taught by some of the men at Al’s building. She punched and kicked hard with no remorse. She then grabbed the gun shooting him once in the shoulder. She shot twice more with no specific aim. The beast cried out in pain before running in another direction. Davina dropped to her knees beside her sister, her hands hovering over her as she examined her lifeless body. Davina was in so much shock that she didn’t believe that her sister was really dead. Davina’s head shot up in another direction, having heard sounds from a distance. She went to cover her ears and the new sounds flooding her ears. She panicked and questioned out loud why she could hear things from a distance. She then looked down at her sister, having only heard one heartbeat; her own. Davina fought back a sob, but eventually couldn’t fight it any longer. She brought her head up to her knees, hiding her face in between them as she wailed loudly, the rain eventually pouring down onto the two of them. The organization, who were already out on a nightly patrol due to their crates being stolen in recent times, sped to their location, not expecting to find Bianca lying dead on the pavement. Davina looked up once she heard the cars tires screeching on the pavement. Her hair was a mess, her face was red from all of the crying, blood dirtied her clothes. Davina kept screaming out how sorry she was that she let this happen, begging for Victor and her siblings to understand that she couldn’t save Bianca on her own. Though it was never verbally expressed, they believed her. Her younger brother, and the brother whom went missing in recent times, Colton, came to her side and wrapped her arms around her as she continued to sob while the others put Bianca’s lifeless body in the back of the van. Davina’s sobbing came to a halt when a scent entered her nose, making her lift her head up. Colton questioned her, asking what was the cause for her abrupt stop. She didn’t respond. Her eyes fell on the back of the van as the scent of death filled the air around her. It was no question now as to why he couldn’t read her mind and why there was magic in her blood when they did the blood tests. The claw marks went too deep. Davina was slowly but surely transitioning. And there was proof in this memory with how her abilities had already strengthened. He knew how she felt about his kind. And so, he decided he’d keep this from her for the time being. Davina soon woke with a groan. She placed her hands on either side of Dean and pushed herself up to straddle his waist. She rubbed her eyes tiredly and began looking around the room until she finally looked down at Dean. Realization spread across her face as she remembered what occurred last night. Dean wondered for a moment if she regretted it. He wondered why on Earth she’d regret it, forgetting all about what she’s been through. The thought that she may have regretted sleeping with him irked him.

“You gonna get up or keep staring at me?” Dean asked a little coldly. Davina didn’t register what he had said right away. Once she did, she scoffed at him. She crawled off of him and to the other side of the bed. She then took the sheets and pulled them up, covering herself from his eyes.

“Jackson called yesterday. We need to get back there.” Dean said as he stood, immediately pulling on his clothes. He remembered he didn’t have a spare shirt any longer and sighed, hoping the leather jacket would make him decent enough in public, not that he’d really be exiting his car except for when he reached the compound.

“So, we just aren’t going to talk about it?” Davina asked sounding irritated.

“Talk about what?” Dean asked coldly. When she didn’t respond, Dean turned back to face her, finding a look of disbelief on her face. Davina scoffed once more and shook her head before standing. She gripped the sheets tight to her body as she searched for her other clothes and Dean’s t-shirt. She then angerly walked over to the bathroom and changed back into her clothes. She brushed her fingers through her hair before exiting. She found Dean standing impatiently by the door waiting for her. She narrowed her eyes at him and pushed past him to open the door and exit the motel room. They had yet another quiet ride to their destination. Davina was angry mostly at herself for feeling the things she felt the night before. She loathed him more than she did before. Dean felt a little regretful for acting like nothing had happened between the two. She made it clear to him that his thinking of her regretting what they had done, was wrong. He felt foolish, but decided he wouldn’t speak of it. Especially considering once they made it to the compound and he could contact Victor he’d never have to associate with her again. The two reached the compound and pulled around in the front of Dean’s home. Davina immediately exited the car, slamming the door behind her without a care and headed to the front door of the building, not waiting for Dean. She huffed angerly and wanted nothing more than to be back at her apartment now. She wanted to sleep in her own bed, eat the food from her own fridge, and curl up on her own couch. At the sound of the front door slamming as well, Charlie rushed downstairs.

“There’s my Vina!” Charlie exclaimed, holding his arms out to her. Davina usually wouldn’t care much for Charlie and his unusual cheerfulness, but after being stuck in the car with the beast she now vowed to loathe for eternity, she decided she could use some of it. She slowly walked over into his arms, letting him wrap his arms around her back. He wasn’t entirely expecting the reaction and figured Dean did something to her. He knew his friend quite well and had for many centuries. There was a long line of people and supernatural entities that he pissed off on the daily and figured Davina had been one of the unfortunate souls today. Charlie felt the need to see the young woman smile. And so, he knelt down and wrapped an arm around her legs.

“Wait, what are you-” Davina managed to get out before Charlie lifted her into a bridal carry and spun her around.

“Whee!” Charlie squealed out as he spun her, making Davina break out into laughter.

“Alright, alright Charlie! Put me down!” Davina begged. Charlie didn’t. He wanted to see her smile a little more before he did.

“Put her down Charlie. Humans are sensitive to getting dizzy and motion sickness.” Jackson said as he entered the foyer, a hand stuffed into his pants pocket. Charlie sighed heavily.

“Fine, ruin our fun!” Charlie retorted as he set her down. Davina stumbled a bit and almost tipped over but Jackson quickly sped to her side, helping her steady herself. Jackson examined her, making sure she was okay to stand on her own when he noticed her choice of clothing, more so her lack of pants.

“Where’s the rest of your clothes, V?” Charlie asked as he tugged on the bottom of the t-shirt, quickly noticing it was Dean’s. She quickly turned despite still feeling dizzy and began pounding her fists onto him. He winced before grabbing ahold of her wrists gently to keep her from continuing. Dean then entered the home, finding the three standing there. Charlie frowned as he looked in between Dean and Davina, immediately sensing tension between the two. Jackson did too but wouldn’t speak of it. The scent of sex finally filled his nose, making him groan out.

“Ah, man!” Charlie finally exclaimed.

“What?” Dean asked.

“You can’t keep your damn, greedy hands to yourself, can you, Dean? Did you ever think that maybe one of your dear old brothers of the supernatural world would’ve liked to have ravished this beauty first?!” Charlie exclaimed half jokingly. He wouldn’t have minded spending an evening with the beautiful creature who entered his life unexpectedly. But, only a night. He could already sense after a few altercations together this would form into some sort of friendship. He didn’t have many and it was completely by choice.

“Charlie, you do know that means-” Jackson started but Charlie was quick to cut him off.

“No, no, that’s the old term! But, seriously Dean?” Charlie asked a little disappointedly.

“Whose to say I would’ve given you a chance, hmm?” Davina teased as she folded her arms over her chest. She felt deep down she didn’t think of any of these beasts in that way. Sure, she found all of them insanely and frustratingly attractive. But, she never thought for one second that she’d be sleeping with them, let alone being with them in another romantic sense. As she thought more about it, she realized last night wasn’t meant to happen ever. She sure as hell wanted it, but didn’t intend for it to happen and wouldn’t consider doing it again. Especially after he acted like nothing ever happened between the two of them.

“Oh, well of course I would’ve persuaded you with my charming good looks, my irresistible smile, and of course this.” Charlie said as he took Davina’s hand in his own, pressing a light kiss to her knuckles. Davina rolled her eyes playfully at him. Dean bit the inside of his cheek at the twos banter. Jealousy started to fill his body. Jackson noticed this. His eyes trailed down to his balled up fist. Jackson hummed in amusement. He could tell when Davina was beside him that the two had spent the night together. His scent was all over her. It irked him a little considering he wasn’t the only one of his co-leaders that admired the girl, but he wouldn’t express that to either of them, and especially not her.

"Enough. What have you found?” Dean asked. His eyes trailed down to Davina and nodded his head upwards. She narrowed her eyes at him, wondering why she couldn’t be around to hear this discussion. She crossed her arms and propped her hip out, planting her feet firmly on the ground. Charlie laughed at her challenging him without a concern for upsetting him.

“Davina, go.” Dean demanded, his voice becoming loud and clear.

“You were there with me. And you heard what he said.” Davina said, reminding him of the day before in Harrisburg.

“Vincent wanted me for something, and I need to know what that is.” Davina said with a serious tone. Dean sighed heavily and shook his head, deciding he wouldn’t fight her on it. He was already feeling tired and didn’t want to argue. His eyes then found Jackson and Charlie, awaiting to hear what they had found.

“Alright, we don’t have much to work with. But, it is something.” Charlie warned. Dean didn’t speak as a sign for them to continue.

“May 8th, 1954. Barbra Miller was brutally killed by a bobcat. At least that’s what the papers say.” Charlie said.

“Who the hell is Barbra Miller and why does she matter?” Dean asked impatiently.

“She was a former member of the organization and the mother of Vincent Archer. And I tore her head from her body.” Jackson explained in a monotone voice.

“Oh, lovely.” Davina said sarcastically.

“Okay, and?” Dean asked. Charlie sighed.

“And we think that was his motive. We were winning the war tremendously and wiped out over 65% of hunters from North America because of our clear advantage of being, faster, stronger, and immortal. He was met with the opportunity to become the leader of the organization at nine-teen, he decides to make an alliance with the King of the most dangerous supernatural entity in the world and is available to resources like your lab equipment to pump chemicals and whatever science-y shit you can think of to turn beasts against their kind so he had an advantage in the war this time.” Charlie explained. Dean narrowed his eyes as he slowly strode over to him.

“Youthink?” Dean asked. Charlie gulped as Dean stepped closer.

“Yep, we think.” Charlie said in a clear voice though he could feel his heart begin to pick up. He usually wasn’t afraid of Dean. But, they had several days to come up with some sort of explanation, and this was all they could find. They’d come to find that Vincent doesn’t often slip up.

“Hey, wait, Dean. It makes sense.” Davina spoke up, making Dean turn in her direction. Charlie sighed of relief and made a mental note to thank her later for saving him.

“How?” Dean immediately asked.

“The witches we met with in Lancaster said that my mother chose to split from Vincent because he was experimenting on supernatural’s.” Davina explained.

“He knows of there being multiple entities and not just our kind?” Jackson asked curiously.

“From what we’ve been told, yes. Although, I am curious. Why is he specifically using beasts if there are other supernatural entities out there to use?” Davina asked.

“If he really does know more about supernatural’s than we thought, he’d know that Angels and Demons are an entirely different type of war that nobody wants to get involved with. Ghouls have no personal interest in the living and they’re also really freaking mean. Banshee’s are pretty much useless in the sense that all they do is warn you of death. And witches-” Charlie explained but was cut off.

“You don’t want to mess with witches. Practically a death sentence no matter who or what you are.” Jackson responded.

“Even for the big, bad vampires? Oh, forgive me, beasts!” Davina teased. Charlie scoffed at her lack of knowledge of the supernatural world, although he couldn’t entirely blame her. To his understanding, she had just recently been introduced into this world of entities.

“Especially for us beasts. We’re everything they hate.” Charlie said.

“And why’s that exactly?” Davina asked.

“That’s a story for another time. We have something to work with. It’s time we contact Victor and tell him what we know.” Dean said.

“And then I get to return home?” Davina asked, quirking a brow at him, making Charlie a little upset at how quick she was to get away from all of them. He figured she’d probably want to stay away from Dean considering he did something to piss her off. But, he hasn’t seen Jackson and her interact enough to know if she’d want to get away from him as well. And he’s grown extremely found of her himself. Dean was about to respond when he remembered what he had learned about her. More specifically, the claw marks on her back. He wanted to run more tests on her. It confused him that she showed signs of transitioning, but the claw marks on her back had yet to heal. He needed to know why. Charlie eyes trailed over to Davina after reading Dean’s mind. He looked over to Jackson to see if he had discovered it to. His eyes were fixated on Davina, telling him that Jackson had as well. Charlie then turned to Davina with an upset look on his face.

“You can’t leave just yet! It’s unfair Dean got to spend an entire day with you! It’s my turn now!” Charlie exclaimed as he grabbed Davina by the wrist and led her out of the room. She groaned as she went. Jackson watched as they left, making sure Davina wouldn’t be close enough to hear what he had to discuss with Dean. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“There’s a possibility that if they haven’t healed yet, she won’t transition.” Jackson said flatly.

“I’m aware, Jackson. But, she possesses the abilities that we do. Significantly less, but they’re still there. Nobody here can read her mind as easily, she could take down beasts easier than any of the others within the organization, and need I remind you what we saw in my office the other day?” Dean asked, knowing that he didn’t have to. The three of them were certain of what they saw. They were certain her eyes flicked red for a moment.

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