Hesitantly, Davina followed Dean and the four witches up the paths to one of their homes. It was a little further down the street from her old home, but she couldn’t remember going this way very much. She wished she could get a better look of their faces and hopefully recognize them. Dean was quietly regretting this trip. He hadn’t thought he’d run into any witches on this trip despite knowing there was somehow magic coursing through Davina’s blood. Two witches stayed behind Dean and Davina as they entered the home. Warm lighting filled the room. Several candles placed all through out and essence burned on a table sat in the living room. Oh, great. A séance setting, Dean thought. Davina turned back, having known what he was thinking. She thought of reaching her hand out as a way to comfort him, but didn’t want to cross a line with him. He eyed her before they were led away from the room and further down the hallway into an actual living room setting.

“Please do sit.” One of the woman said as she lowered her cloak, placing it on the back of one of the yellow couches.

“How come you didn’t have us sit in the other room?” Davina asked curiously.

“That setting isn’t for everyone. We want to be respectful of our guests.” The woman said as she finally turned to face us. The woman had dark brown hair with creaseless, dark skin. Dean could tell from the way she spoke she was an old soul. He figured she used a spell or some sort of charm to make her appearance remain young.

“Guests?” Dean questioned her. He had met a lot of witches in his time. The only witches he ever found that weren’t completely against him and his kind were the coven leaders. One of the many things that he has learned is that coven leaders are utterly respectful leaders of any supernatural being upon first meet, as was he.

“Yes, guests.” The woman repeated herself as Dean and Davina made their ways over to the opposite couch. The three witches soon joining the older woman on the other couch.

“I am Claudia Timmons. This is my right-hand woman Talia Danvers.” Claudia said as she patted the knee of the woman to her left.

“And the first to my right is my adoptive daughter, Sabine. And further to my right is Tabitha. All are apart of my coven.” Claudia said.

“And you are undeniably Dean, the well known North American leader of the beasts. The art on your neck give away you identity.” Claudia said as she motioned her hand towards the tattoos. Davina turned to Dean with a frown upon her face.

“I thought you were the King globally?” Davina pondered, quirking a brow up at Dean.

“I am. But, I cannot be in every place at once. That’s why I have co-leaders like Jackson and Charlie.” Dean answered before turning to Claudia. “The witches communication doesn’t go as far as mine does, I believe.” Dean said.

“That is true. We hardly communicate with other witches outside of our communities. Witches aren’t very trusting of other witches because we are naturally untrustworthy beings.” Talia explained.

“Are you not a witch? I thought I could sense it in your aura when you walked through the door.” Tabitha questioned. Tabitha was significantly younger than the witches she was currently surrounded by and it hadn’t gone unnoticed by Dean and Davina. They both had wondered once they got a chance to see their faces. Despite the coven, and most all witches, no communicating much with outside witches, they had with Tabitha. Tabitha had been in a coven where she didn’t quite agree with her community. The conditions were poor and she needed a way out. Claudia provided her with that. Tabitha was still very young and had much to learn about being a witch.

“No, I am not.” Davina replied.

“But, there is strong magic within you, child. I can sense it.” Claudia said.

“If you don’t mind my asking, what is your name?” Sabine asked.

“Davina Archer.” Davina replied. At the name of ‘Archer’, Claudia immediately straightened up. A look of seriousness on her face.

“You’re Erin’s child, aren’t you?” Claudia asked as she looked Davina up and down, her eyes wide.

“You knew my mother?” Davina asked as she leaned forward in her seat.

“I knew you too, my child. Although, it has been some time. I believe last I saw you was when you entered grade school.” Claudia replied. Davina sat there, trying to remember the woman. She couldn’t even remember hearing the name growing up. Davina’s eyes drifted ever so slightly as she remembered what she had vowed to herself. To push back any good memories of her life before her mother’s death. She swallowed a lump in her throat as she remembered that. She blinked away tears forming in her eyes before turning back to Claudia.

“How did you know my mother?” Davina asked in a quiet voice. Claudia deeply sighed as she stood from the couch, approaching a small table sat in the room with tea sitting atop it.

“A long time ago, someone apart of the community decided they wanted to lead a different life, move somewhere further out. Your mother and you soon moved into their old home. We quickly learned the two of you were both human, and had no clue about who we were and who resided and owned this town.” Claudia said as she turned back. Davina quirked a brow at her before realizing that she had meant that neither her or her mother knew that this was the witches part of town. She wondered why her mother and her hadn’t been told to leave as Claudia poured both Dean and her a cup of tea.

“Your mother and I would visit each other. And soon she learned of who we are. She revealed to us that she had known witches existed previously. That the father of her child dealt closely with supernatural entities.” Claudia revealed. Dean and Davina eyed each other at the news. Neither had known that Vincent too knew more about supernatural’s in their world.

“Once she explained what kind of man he was and what he did for a living, she expressed that she didn’t feel safe knowing a man of his kind is out there.” Claudia spoke before lowering herself onto her seat.

“His kind? What do you mean?” Dean asked.

“A dangerous man? Someone who hunts the supernatural?” Davina prodded further. Claudia soon sighed before leaning forward, her hands clasping together.

“Your father experiments on the supernatural. He doesn’t just hunt. She explained to me, and I even got to see for myself through her memory, what went on when the other members of his organization weren’t looking.” Claudia explained. Dean’s thoughts began to run wild at this information. Victor was right. Quietly for some time, Vincent experimented on other supernatural’s. And just recently it had gotten out that he had been experimenting on his clan. Dean was furious. He stood up in anger, his hand going over his mouth to hide his curled lip as he stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him.

“I’m so sorry about him.” Davina immediately said.

“He’s a beast. He has a temper. Us witches do too.” Claudia replied as she took a sip of her own tea. Davina took a deep breath, knowing she’d have to go out there and face Dean. She had witnessed earlier that day Dean was someone not to mess with when he was angry. She was slightly terrified to go out there, but knew she’d have too.

“Did she say anything else?” Davina asked.

“She asked me to spell the house to protect you from him. And that if either of you ever went missing one day, he was the reason why. I was fond of both you and her. I wanted to look for you both, send my coven along the way. But, she told me to never look for Vincent to get to either of you. That I’d never make it home to see another day.” Claudia explained.

“So, that’s how she died. He killed her.” Davina said, nodding her head along with the information she received. She blew air out of her mouth as she tried to process the information. She then stood abruptly.

“I apologize that I couldn’t do anything to help her, Davina.” Claudia said, standing up after her. Davina quickly composed herself and turned to Claudia with a kind smile despite her heart aching at news she previously figured was true.

“I understand why you didn’t. If you’ll excuse me, I have an angry beast to tend to. Thank you for being so welcoming of him and I, as well as the information you’ve given us and the tea.” Davina said as she turned on her heel to leave, Claudia’s voice stopping her.

“Before you go, I must ask.” Claudia said. Davina turned, finding Claudia in front of her. Claudia slowly reached out, her hand inches away from Davina as she slowly moved it into a circle.

“This magic within you cannot be from that house. Where did it come from?” Claudia asked. Davina blinked at her, staring at her for a moment before shaking her head.

“I do not know what you are talking about. Enjoy your evening.” Davina said before turning away and exiting the home. She knew exactly what Claudia was referring to. What everybody was referring to with the magic. But, that would be kept to herself for the time being. Davina sighed as she approached a stressed out Dean who paced back and forth.

“Relax, so far only a dozen have been taken from your clan. That’s a dozen less to worry about.” Davina said, snickering afterwards. She had forgotten all about Dean and how angry he had been earlier. She had forgotten that she needed to care about that or else she’d be up against a wall again with his hands around her throat. Dean stopped in his tracks to glare at her before approaching her. The two stood with barely any space between them, their chests pressed up against each other as Dean’s chest heaved.

“I don’t think you understand what he’s doing. He is taking innocent beasts, my innocent beasts and he his experimenting on them to fulfill whatever delirious plan he has. He is torturing my beasts-” Dean said, his voice raising many octaves as he angerly spoke. Davina huffed before cutting him off.

“You do not know that he is torturing them.” Davina replied, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Do you think he is treating them courteously?!” Dean asked, his voice continuing to raise.

“He probably isn’t, Dean. But, come on, they’re beasts! They devour and prey on humans! How innocent do you think they are? Besides, they can’t be caused harm physically. They’re durable, you know.” Davina explained. Dean narrowed his eyes at her in disbelief.

“What is with this mentality of yours that you think beasts aren’t innocent? You’re not entirely wrong, some aren’t. Some are terrible. Some have completely abandoned humanity. But, most of us, especially my clan, have not. Some of us were made into something we didn’t want to be made into! Not all of us take pride in getting to rip someone’s throat out with our teeth and drink their blood!” Dean shouted, his face getting dangerously close to hers.

“That is bullshit! Since I have arrived, I have yet to meet these beasts with this humanity you speak of.” Davina countered.

“You mean to tell me you think I have detached from my humanity?! Or Jackson, or Charlie?! Have I not been a courteous host? Have I not been treating you well as you stay inmyhome?!” Dean’s voice boomed.

“I don’t think a courteous host would pin their guest to the wall and choke them to the point of suffocation!” Davina exclaimed. Dean’s breathing started to become heavy. The girl before him made his blood curl. Though, at this point, he couldn’t quite tell if it was in anger or in excitement. Never had he had anyone talk to him like this. Most men and woman never did out of fear, but Davina wasn’t fearful of him. She spoke her mind freely, not caring once about the consequences. Dean didn’t know if it angered at him that somebody in all of his time finally challenged him, or if it excited him. He couldn’t lie. He was insanely attracted to her physically. Her bust was rather large, she was curvy in all of the right places, and he swears it’s absolutely criminal of her to wear such tight jeans. His nose scrunched up as he fought back the need to curse at her. He took a deep breath, looking past her. She glared up at him, ready to continue to fight him. While he did scare her earlier on in the day, she knew she’d never let this man see that side of her again. She’d die before he ever saw her scared for her life.

“Get in the car.” Dean gritted through his teeth. Davina narrowed her eyes at him, uncrossing her arms and pushing him with her pointer finger. He didn’t move as she did so, he stood perfectly still like a brick wall.

“Make me.” Davina spoke. Dean bit his tongue, once again unsure if what she said angered him or excited him. He gave her one last glance before kneeling down, grabbing ahold of her legs, and flipping her over onto his shoulder.

“Hey, wait! Put me down!” Davina exclaimed as she began to beat her fists on his strong back. He didn’t speak once as he roughly placed her into the passenger side, being careful not to hit his or her head on the roof of the car. He then slammed the door as he made it into the driver side, locking the doors as he drove off onto the road. Davina sat in her seat with her arms crossed childishly. She wanted to speak. She wanted to know if they were now heading back to the compound. Her eyes drifted off to the backseat, remembering that the two had brought bags with them. She frowned before turning back to look out the window. Curiosity itched her mind before she finally decided to speak.

“Where are we going?” Davina finally asked.

“I didn’t get enough answers.” Dean simply said. Davina groaned in her seat, stomping one feet on the floor of the car. The ride was shorter than before. Davina didn’t notice her surrounding much until she saw the buildings around her and immediately knew where they were headed. She sat up in her seat, her hands going to brace herself on different parts of the car. Dean’s head turned at the sound of her hand slapping against the window.

“You’ll find nothing here.” Davina said urgently as she looked at the tall buildings of the city of Harrisburg. Dean ignored the crazed look in her eyes as he clicked his tongue.

“If this city can elicit that response, I’ll bet I can.” Dean said. Davina’s eyes were out the window, never once looking away. Her breath hitched as they drove down a familiar street. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I thought he burnt it down.” Davina whispered to herself though Dean could perfectly hear. Dean lowered his head to look out the front window, finding the building Davina was eyeing. Her hand gripped onto the arm rest. They turned a white shade as she held on as if someone was going to tear her from her seat. Which is exactly what he was planning to do if she refused to enter the building. He wanted answers. He needed answers. The building was stone grey and much smaller than the surrounding buildings. It looked abandoned with seemingly nothing inside of it.

“Wonder what business you had in this place.” Dean said as he parked the car on the side of the road. Davina’s breath hitched when she turned her head to the building. Her head almost immediately snapped away from the buildings direction and finally found Dean’s eyes. He hadn’t seen such fear swirling around in her beautiful chocolate brown eyes before. He didn’t know what this place meant to her, but he now knew it was anything but good. Still, he needed to know. And again, he needed to treat this situation carefully. Dean exited the car, foolishly expecting her to follow. When she didn’t, Dean made his way around to the other side of the car. Opening it. Davina sat in her seat, taking deep breaths. Dean sighed before kneeling down to her height. She turned, continuing the calming breathing pattern. Dean gave her a serious look, his hand going up to rest on the leather seat beside her.

“Nothing will happen to you in there. I promise.” Dean swore. Davina looked at him unsure, her breathing soon slowing down. She sighed before nodding her head and putting on a brave face. Just like that, the scared look in her eyes disappeared. Dean wondered how with the snap of a finger, she could turn it off. He wondered if she had to do that every time before she had to see him. The thought bothered him. He’s never wanted anybody to fear him. But, he understands it comes with the job. And to get them to obey him, they have to fear him. Dean moved out of the way as Davina exited her seat, shutting the door behind her. Dean watched as Davina made her way on the other side of the car, seemingly without a care in the world. He frowned and wondered once again what made her this way. Why she was the way she was. Why she felt she had to turn her vulnerable side off in an instant. Davina turned back, quirking a brow at him.

“You coming?” Davina asked with that same, careless tone she’s always had. Dean didn’t respond. He just began walking, heading towards the building. Davina wondered why he did that. He was a man of few words when he wasn’t angry. It was unusual to her. She had met many men in her time who meant business and were serious like Dean, but none were as much as he was. And none limited their words. She’d never admit it, but she admired him for it. She admired how dedicated he seemed. Only a small part of her wished he’d talk just a little bit more and get to learn more about him. To her, he was mysterious and captivating. It was hard not to wonder about him. The two soon made it to the barred front door. Neither could see a thing inside due to the windows being blacked out.

“This isn’t the way in.” Davina said. As she made his way around him, heading to the back of the building. They walked through a small alley way filled with garbage and such until they finally reached a back door. Davina took a deep breath before reaching her hand out and knocking a pattern onto the door. After a moment, the door creaked open and a tall man with glasses appeared in front of her. He was strong and dressed in black with black shades. He had his arms folded over his chest. He glanced down at Davina with a smirk before clasping his hands in front of him and staring straight ahead.

“Name.” The man simply said. Davina sighed and turned to Dean, glaring at him before turning back.

“Darling.” Davina said in a loud and clear voice. The man snickered.

“Welcome back, Darling.” The man said as he moved to the side. Davina turned to Dean, nodding her head in the direction of the door.

“Let’s go.” Davina said as she walked in. Dean was about to follow when the man held his arm out, letting him know he wasn’t allowed in.

“I suggest you don’t. Boss won’t like it, D.” The man said. Dean looked down at the arm in front of him. Davina sighed, knowing what was happening next. Dean wasted no time gripping the jaw of the man, making him look him straight in the eyes.

“I suggest you don’t.” Dean said, his eyes turning red. The mans eyes turned the same color as he turned to make eye contact. With the simple eye contact between the two, Dean could now control him entirely.

“You’ll stand here and do nothing.” Dean commanded before shoving the mans arm out of the way to walk inside. As his eyes met Davina they turned back to their icy blue color.

“Darling and D?” Dean finally questioned, meaning to tease her. Davina looked ashamed as she stood before him but never spoke on why. Dean then realized it was a poor choice. She only shook his head at him and sighed.

“Come on.” Davina said as the two began to exit the room and down a long, empty hallway. As they got closer, laughter and yelling from various men could be heard. Davina mentally prepared herself for the scene she was about to walk in on. She then entered the room with Dean following closely. After a few moments, once of the men recognized the presence of two others and stopped laughing. After a few moments, the other men followed suit and the laughter completely stopped and all eyes were now on them. Dean looked around the room. The walls were a grey brick colors and there were black tables with red couches all around the room. Various colored lights filled the room and moved sporadically. The men sat in front of a stage with a pole attached to the middle and a bar sat in the far corner where various, barely clothed woman sat at. Davina’s heart ached as she recognized all women there, realizing they hadn’t gotten out when Victor set the fire to the building. She wasn’t even sure he actually followed through with the promise considering the building was still standing. The women all looked displeased with being there until they spotted their old friend, Davina. Dean soon realized what this place was and why Davina would have such a negative reaction towards it. He mentally sighed and cursed himself for coming here. A man stood up. He wore a nice white suit with a black shirt underneath and a black tie. He looked a little rough, but very obviously rich with the suit he had on. He grinned at the sight of Davina, showing he had some gold teeth in his mouth. Dean thought of him to look silly and harmless, but Davina however didn’t. He couldn’t imagine why until he saw some larger men dressed in the same clothing the guard at the door wore.

“Darling, where’ve you been?!” The man exclaimed as he made his way over to her. She didn’t speak. She stood perfectly still and stayed perfectly quiet as the man took the cigar from in his mouth out. He hummed, awaiting her response. When it didn’t come, he gave her a look Dean didn’t quite understand. Davina however, understood perfectly. Before, if she didn’t speak when spoken to it’d result in some sort of punishment. And they were always physical.

“None of your goddamn business.” Davina spoke, making all the men around her whistle and laugh. The man grinned once more.

“Look at you. Not a shy little thing anymore, are you? No, you aren’t.” The man examined. He stepped forward to wrap an arm around her when she gripped ahold of it, twisting it to the side and holding it behind his back. He yelped out in pain as the men began to pull various different guns out, pointing them at her. Dean became very aware of what kind of men they were and what kind of establishment they ran. He chose not to involve himself in their kind of business. He thought of men like them to be disgusting and wasn’t quite sure about what to do in this situation with this many guns pointed at them. He could survive it. It’d hurt like hell, but he’d survive. Davina however wouldn’t and she was his main concern here. He immediately regretted bringing her here. He wished Victor had known, that he had known what kind of place this was and what it meant to Davina. The man laughed.

“Uh-uh-uh.” The man remarked, continuing to laugh. Davina huffed before letting him go and shoving him away from her.

“You come all the way back here just to pin my arm behind my back, Darling?” The man said as he turned to face her. He reached his hand up, cupping one side of her cheek. Dean immediately acted and stepped forward, shoving the man away from her with his strength and knocking him into the table. Now the guns were pointed at him. And he preferred that over it being Davina. Davina immediately turned back, her hands placed against his chest. Her eyes were wide and serious, telling him to ‘back down’. The man eventually stood and stumbled as he continued to laugh, clearly intoxicated and buzzed.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” The man managed to get out. Dean mentally sighed as he realized he’d have to play nice and that there was nothing he could do to get him and Davina out of this situation now.

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